Between Promises and Secrets

Chapter 1

Isabella knew her life would never be the same after that impulsive night with Cedric Quinn. The moment she gave herself to him, she realized she had crossed a line—one that she couldn't uncross, no matter how much she wished for a bottle of regret.

She chuckled bitterly to herself, thinking that as ridiculous as it sounded, she probably should've just gone to get some birth control instead. The pharmacist had given her a knowing look when she walked in. "It’s not often you see a girl buying these kinds of things on her own," she had said. Isabella thought, well, if I’m not buying it, who’s supposed to? Her parents? The guy who had just slept with her? Apparently, in this world, the only person she could count on was herself.

On her way home, she stopped to buy a pack of cigarettes. After taking one puff, she decided to quit. She stayed on the rooftop of the old Coliseum until four in the afternoon, contemplating her life choices before finally deciding to go back to “home,” if that’s what she could still call it.

When she arrived, the house was empty, just as she had anticipated. There was a bundle of dried noodles in the fridge, but no eggs or vegetables, which meant a trip to the grocery store was necessary. Pulling on her hoodie, she grabbed a flashlight and headed out. It had rained for days, and although the sky was clear now, the puddles on the ground were just waiting for someone to step in them.

Despite trying her best to avoid the waterlogged spots, it was inevitable. A car sped past her, splashing her with water before she could even curse at the driver, who had already zoomed off down the road. She was wearing the only pair of loose joggers she had at home; most of her clothes were still at school. Gritting her teeth at the discomfort, she thought about the consequences of her actions. What if she caught something?

Her gloomy thoughts were interrupted when she walked into the grocery store and forgot what she came for, not unlike Rowan, the cashier, who nervously handed her change as she blanked out.

“Isabella!” a familiar voice called out from behind her.

She turned to see Cedric standing at the entrance, clutching a bright yellow plastic bag.

“What happened to your pants?” he asked, noticing her wet joggers.

“It’s the driver’s fault—couldn’t they see me? I thought you were catching the train tonight,” she replied.

“Some punk stole my wallet. I lost my ID and couldn't get on the train,” he shrugged.

“Oh,” she said, contemplating what she should do next.

As they walked past the store’s lot and into the darkness of the street, she turned on her flashlight. Cedric stepped ahead, taking the plastic bag from her hold.

They passed his house; he escorted her all the way to her door. “Have you eaten yet?” she asked. “I’m about to make some noodles.”

He hadn’t eaten.

“Didn’t eat and probably won’t unless you make me some,” he countered with a cheeky grin.

“Alright, fine. My mom isn’t home either.”

Once she mentioned her mom's absence, it felt like the restraints between them were gone. As she fumbled for her keys, Cedric wrapped his arm around her waist. The smell of smoke lingered from him, and she felt a little uneasy.

Isabella searched for her dad's slippers, handed them to Cedric, and watched him slide his feet into them. “Is your dad coming back soon?” he asked, noticing where she took them from.

“He moved out, took all his things to a place not far from here. That Lydia girl—”

“Still with that waitress?”

“I heard she opened a flower shop. Now she’s running the show.”

Her tone was devoid of resentment, merely stating the facts like they were a part of everyday life.

Chapter 2

Cedric Quinn admired Isabella's strength. If it had been his father having an affair and then giving money to the mistress to open a shop, he wouldn't have let that couple off the hook.

Unfortunately, he would never know what it felt like to be in Rowan's position, because he didn’t have a father.

As the electric kettle boiled, Isabella moved to prepare the noodles, using chopsticks to separate the strands. Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands grasp her breasts—these weren't gentle caresses; they were more like rough kneads.

Those male hands weren’t satisfied with just touching her through her clothes. After a couple of squeezes, they slipped under her shirt.

Warm fingers plunged into her bra, covering her completely; now there was nothing between his hands and her skin, and he took liberty to squeeze her breasts into various shapes.

Isabella felt as if her breasts were nothing but a mass of dough.

“The noodles are ready,” she murmured, trying to pull away slightly.

Cedric Quinn released her grip but not without tugging her bra down as he did.

He tossed the plain sports bra into the trash can casually.

Isabella frowned, “What are you doing?”

“It’s hideous. I’ll buy you a new one.”

“I just got it at Chalmers; it’s a waste.”

That was as far as her protest went; she didn’t truly resent him for disposing of her underwear. Cedric liked her attitude—she wasn’t overly attached to material things. If it had been one of his ex-girlfriends, she would have made a bigger fuss.

After serving them each a bowl of noodles, Isabella added a fried egg to Cedric’s meal.

The taste was mediocre, but Cedric ate with satisfaction. After lunch, he washed the dishes as Isabella went to take a shower. Once Cedric finished tidying up the kitchen, he lounged on Isabella’s couch, smoking. He had smoked a couple of cigarettes when Isabella came out, her top changed but still wearing those stained pants.

“Don’t you have any other pants?” he asked.

Isabella chose not to explain; to her, they had only spent one night together, and body intimacy didn’t equate to emotional closeness.

Cedric, a man of experience, quickly deduced why she was still in baggy pants.

He walked over, lifting Isabella and setting her down on the couch while his hands moved to pull her pants off. Last night, under that dim light, even if things had gotten intense, it felt completely different than now under clearer circumstances.

Isabella tried to grab his hands to stop him, but her resistance was no match for Cedric's experience and strength. A couple of futile struggles later, he succeeded in pushing her pants and underwear down to her knees. “Spread your legs, let me see.”

Isabella held her legs together in silent defiance.

Cedric knelt in front of her, looking up with a seemingly kind expression. “It’ll be a hassle if it rips.”

“Just don’t look; there’s nothing to see.”

Cedric's patience wore thin. In a serious tone, he asked, “Or do you want to go to the hospital and let a bunch of doctors handle you?”

Isabella had never heard anything so explicit before—not counting last night, of course.

The thought of strangers in a hospital examining her made her uneasy, so she let go of her defenses, allowing Cedric to easily part her knees.

Thinking about him looking at places she had never shown anyone made her blush deep red.

In Cedric’s eyes, her petite lips were slightly parted, as if they beckoned him to move in closer for a kiss.

Chapter 3

Squatting between Isabella's legs and staring at her private parts was incredibly exhilarating. He took her in his mouth without any techniques, just pure sucking.

The sudden rush of sensation was driving Isabella mad.

"Please, don't, Cedric Quinn. It feels too intense."

Her words had little effect. Cedric Quinn ignored her and continued to suck, moistening her with his saliva. She felt a sharp pain on her scalp when she grabbed his hair.

As soon as her lower opening widened enough, Cedric Quinn suddenly thrust his tongue inside, expanding the gap. The intrusion made Isabella's body go numb.

She was experiencing something she'd never felt before—an ice-cold thrill running up her spine, more exciting than any roller coaster.

"Cedric... Quinn... oh..." Her voice was fractured, her sanity slipping away.

Suddenly, Cedric Quinn sucked hard, as if drawing all the air out of her. For a moment, she felt like she lost her physical form, existing only as a soul. No one could see her, and she couldn't see anyone.

Her body wept in numbness, while her soul trembled with joy.

A hot stream gushed out from underneath Isabella, and Cedric Quinn, as if anticipating it, backed away just in time. After the sudden gush, he moved back in, his thick tongue lapping her in one sweeping motion.

He was also incredibly aroused, his colleague's presence feeling like a distant memory. Quickly unbuckling his belt and shedding his pants, he guided his iron-hard, hot length into Isabella and began pounding her.

Isabella's senses were blurred by his thrusts. She half-opened her eyes, staring at the mold spots on the ceiling.

Her pubic bone was taking a beating, almost feeling like it might shatter, but Isabella didn't care.

She had taken a shower three times today.

Unable to fit into her underwear and pants, she kicked Cedric Quinn in the back of the knee through the blanket. "You should go now."

"No one's home but you. I can't leave you naked and alone in the house."

He turned to face Isabella, placing his hand on her back. "Don't worry. I won't leave you used and abandoned."

His words stung, but Isabella was used to getting hurt—it didn't seem like such a big deal anymore. Not being used and abandoned—that's what a prostitute would think, right?

She said nothing, turning away from Cedric Quinn and closing her eyes.

They'd known each other since long ago, merely acquaintances. They came from the same community, everyone knew everyone. Last night, Lydia Chalmers had a birthday party and invited friends to a bar. High schoolers in a bar were a rare sight, especially bookish girls like her.

Lydia Chalmers protected her, keeping her from getting drunk. When the driver came to pick Lydia up, he was supposed to take Isabella home too, but Isabella saw a familiar figure smoking outside the bar and told Lydia to go ahead without her.

"What’s a young girl doing in a place like this anyway?"

Cedric Quinn was drunk and wasn't sure if it really was Isabella in front of him.

"It's my friend's birthday. I saw you when I came out, so I let her go on without me. Hey, have you had a lot to drink?"

"Yeah." Cedric Quinn exhaled a smoke ring. The smoke created a hazy barrier between them, and Isabella's quiet eyes began to redden.

Chapter 4

Cedric Quinn had just been hitting the dance floor at a packed bar, grinding with a woman who was all too eager to get intimate. But in a twist of fate, she suddenly mentioned that it was that time of the month, and romantically offered him oral sex. Cedric, however, couldn’t shake the feeling that a woman so quick to please probably had her fair share of past encounters — a thought that left him feeling disgusted. He quickly rejected her proposition, now feeling a frustrating urge for release.

Isabella was dressed in a white t-shirt and skinny jeans, her eyes glazed with a hint of cool detachment.

Cedric flicked the remaining half of his cigarette down, crushing the glowing ember underfoot, before pulling Isabella close for a forceful kiss — one filled with necessity rather than romance.

Cedric was an average guy, charismatic in his own way. Living just a street over from him, Isabella knew a bit about his life. He once used to help his Grandma Elsie run a fish stall, and she would often stop by to buy fresh fish. Just recently, she noticed the stall had vanished. The owner of the neighboring stall informed her that Cedric had dropped out of college to pay for her medical bills.

Despite his academic potential, Cedric had never intended to take the college entrance exam. Initially, he had only decided to do it for the financial assistance available to the top scorers, yet he had had his doubts about starting college in the first place.

His performance on the entrance exam was outstanding, enough to guarantee him a spot at a top university, but he chose to forgo that path. Cedric believed that by working instead of studying, he could make more money in the long run.

Isabella didn’t have much depth in her views on guys; as long as they looked good, that was good enough for her, and Cedric’s intelligence didn’t hurt either.

So, when Cedric casually suggested intimate relations, she surprisingly agreed, almost on a whim.

Yet, she underestimated the gravity of that word. In films or novels, the lead characters shared passionate kisses, full of emotion — but what unfolded between them was starkly different: raw and unflinching.

Don’t expect a man driven only by urges to exhibit much tenderness.

As his hand slipped under her waistband, regret washed over her. Her strength was no match for his, and she found herself pinned down, as he forcefully broke through her virginity — a cruel reality overshadowing any impulsive fantasies she’d entertained.

In that dimly lit room, romance was replaced with cold reality, laughing derisively at her youthful impulse and naivety.

Chapter 5

Kiss <Isabella (Mong Er Ge)>

Isabella was starting her junior year of high school, and her classes were split between humanities and sciences. Her grades in history and politics were less than stellar, and while she wanted to pursue the sciences, she feared that math might hold her back. Her friend Lydia Chalmers had been complaining about how her parents insisted on her studying the humanities, only to send her off to law school overseas after graduation.

Isabella envied Lydia; at least she had someone to discuss her future with. After weighing her options, Isabella finally chose to focus on the sciences.

After finishing her sophomore year with mediocre grades, Isabella found herself placed in a regular class instead of an honors one. The difference in acceptance rates for the prestigious Forsyth Hall was stark, and she knew that her chances of getting into the directing program there would be slim unless she was in the honors track, especially given how competitive the sciences had become.

The pace of her junior year picked up quickly, with countless tutoring advertisements plastered everywhere. Even Lydia, who usually preferred having a good time, was forced to take extra language lessons.

Isabella had missed the start of all the tutoring sessions.

Money—or the lack of it—was the issue.

Cedric Quinn, her neighbor, was surprised to see the mistakes in her math workbook. After spitting his chewing gum into the trash can, he asked, “What on Earth is going on in your head?”

Isabella snapped her workbook shut. “Get lost.”

Cedric smirked, leaning closer to her irritated face and teasingly licking her cheek. “Let me have some fun, and I might just tutor you.”

She had only called him over to help fix the electrical issues, not to engage in anything else. In reality, the entire summer had been spent with Cedric working at Kingsvale and taking care of his Grandma Elsie. This was their first meeting after their encounter during the break.

Despite being personal matters, Isabella's home life had taken a turn for the complicated.

Her mother, Tobias Wright, had started dating a wealthy man whose car she had only seen, one of those flashy SUVs that seemed to be everywhere. Ironically, her father had been dragging his feet on their divorce just to avoid paying child support.

Isabella didn’t have many friends, and Lydia was the only one she shared her feelings with. However, she was worried that if she confided in Lydia about her family situation, her friend would try to help her financially.

Isabella didn’t need anyone’s money.

Cedric didn’t need her to spell anything out; the rumors about her family were already widespread among the neighbors. He’d overheard them yesterday while smoking at the street corner.

The weather had taken a sudden turn, the air thick and heavy with smoke.

A slim woman in a pink dress remarked to a neighbor’s husband, “I told you, the Old Julian's wife took off with a rich guy. I knew she wasn't the kind to stay settled; just wait until Old Julian finds himself a mistress!”

The man, in his forties and a banker with a slick smile, added, “He’s got a daughter at home, too. What’s going to happen to her?”

The woman flashed a knowing grin. “We’re neighbors; you guys should be keeping an eye out.”

“The girl’s home alone,” he replied. “She’s just a kid. Who knows if she can even keep up with school?”

Cedric Quinn found the gossip pointless. He extinguished his cigarette and tossed it at their feet.

Cedric had previously worked as a tutor, but he had quit because the students were too slow and the pay wasn’t worth it. Isabella knew he was smart; it was just that he had little interest in his studies. His offer to tutor her was, honestly, kind of appealing.

But that was conditional on the boundaries they’d set.

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