Bound by Fate and Secrets

Chapter 1

Title: **A Flawed Prince and the Perfect Illusion**

*Author: Qianque Ci*

**Chapter 1**

It was the height of summer at Wainwright Manor. The cicadas buzzed incessantly outside on the second floor, yet Elliot Wainwright could still hear Aunt Agnes's persistent voice rising above the noise.

"Mrs. Wainwright, you must talk some sense into him! Young Mr. Ruan just had that terrible car accident, and the doctors say he needs proper care here at the estate. How can he even think about marriage right now?"

"As if Young Mr. Ruan isn't paralyzed! How could he possibly attend a celebration like this?"

*Finally, we’re getting to the good part.* Elliot jolted upright, quickly draping the blankets over his legs. His phone lay forgotten under his pillow, still lit up with the remnants of his game. After concealing his evidence of laziness, he transformed back into the picture of a hardworking, sickly young man.

Elliot had somehow found himself in the world of a book, becoming a mere pawn in a revenge plot led by the so-called hero, Henry Blackwood. A figure of relentless ambition and bitterness, Henry was no ordinary protagonist, and Elliot had become merely a frail counterweight—a scapegoat bound to lose in the game of fate.

Elliot couldn't help but admire Alaric Wainwright, his counterpart: a figure loved by all, a beacon of compassion in a dreary world. But that kind of goodness wasn’t in him. So, rather than fight against the tide of misfortune, he figured it would be best to just relax and ride it out. Thankfully, Henry often played the part of knight in shining armor, bringing him bittersweet news wrapped in the guise of compassion.

“Your father’s Blackwood Enterprises will go bankrupt. Your ex-boyfriend will get expelled from school… I want you to truly feel the pain I once endured,” Henry announced coldly.

Elliot stifled a thrill of satisfaction. For now, he simply needed to feign illness, throwing in a melodramatic tear or two. “It’s not fair to drag Household into this... You can’t treat them like that, it’s too cruel.”

*He means those insufferable relatives,* Elliot thought, barely able to contain his glee. *Bring it on.*

In another life, Henry had cherished a pure-hearted companion, someone who betrayed him nevertheless. Now, armed with the knowledge of his past life, he planned to humiliate Elliot, the precious flower, by watching everyone he cares about face the consequences of their actions. However, something felt off.

Their forced marriage began with a series of arguments, culminating in one heated night when Henry stormed out after they fought.

But while he paced angrily outside, the surveillance footage showed Elliot Wainwright elegantly hopping into a car with his party friends, laughing without a care in the world.

Later that night, Elliot returned from his escapades, only to find Henry standing at the foot of their bed, restrained yet composed, slowly rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “You’re right; it’s about time I come for you.”

*This is a major character breakdown!*

Pulling Elliot into the bedroom, Henry calmly stated, “I can take care of all your troubles.”

With the door locked behind them, Elliot found no escape. Struggling to articulate his thoughts, he stammered, “I didn’t mean to act sick, it was just supposed to be a fake marriage, you… you can’t…”

“Your troubles are mine now,” Henry replied, his chilly fingers gripping Elliot’s chin as their eyes locked. “But you—you're only mine.”

He had been a celestial body in another time, untouchable and exalted, only to fall into chains of his own making.

Now, he was just a small, fluttering bird caught in the palm of someone’s hand, beaten yet unable to escape.

Keywords: High Society, Love-hate Romance, Rebirth, Transmigration.

Chapter 2

Aunt Agnes followed behind Lady Beatrice Wainwright, her face etched with concern. She hesitated, glancing at the frail figure of the sickly young man on the bed, her heart aching at the sight.

The car accident had stolen Elliot Wainwright's ability to feel his legs and had dramatically changed his temperament, leaving him vulnerable and fragile. Outside, a gentle breeze ruffled his hair, making him look like a delicate willow swaying in the wind, almost as if he might snap at any moment.

Lady Beatrice shot a quick glance at Aunt Agnes, signaling her to halt any further remarks. She ended her call and entered the room, a bouquet of flowers in her hands, her smile warm and soothing. “Elliot, how are you feeling today? You know your father’s thoughts on this— your current condition means Blackwood Enterprises is off the table for you, and the marriage arrangement is all about easing our family's burden…”

Of course, while she spoke of a marriage arrangement, it was really just a desperate attempt to ingratiate themselves with high society in light of their recent misfortunes.

“Cough, cough…” Elliot covered his mouth and nose with a slender hand, his frail body bearing the weight of his predicament. “I think you may have forgotten—I’m allergic to lilies.”

With a sheepish chuckle, Lady Beatrice tossed the flowers to Aunt Agnes, prompting her to take them outside. “What a mess my memory is! I’ve been focused on you so much. I’ve spent the last few days helping Catherine Steele get accustomed to Blackwood Enterprises.”

Elliot smiled, more dignified than she was: “Well, I truly appreciate it.”

Although the running of Blackwood Enterprises had never been Lady Beatrice's concern, she had handed it over to her husband, Lord Geoffrey Wainwright, who had taken it seriously. Now that he was in a precarious situation, she and her husband immediately took charge themselves.

With a resigned sigh, Lady Beatrice regarded Elliot as if he were a rebellious child. “You need to understand, this is your father's decision. He says your current state isn’t suitable for Blackwood Enterprises. It will reflect poorly on our family. Catherine Steele's presence will help smooth things over.”

Catherine Steele was the son of Lady Beatrice’s sister. The two women were in cahoots, and Lady Beatrice had always treated Catherine with a particular tenderness.

In fact, at this point, Catherine Steele—healthy and capable of inheriting Blackwood Enterprises—held far greater importance to Lady Beatrice than her own paralyzed son, Elliot Wainwright.

With those thoughts clouding his mind, Elliot couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Alaric Wainwright.

Earlier, he had found himself bored in class, so he picked up a romance novel titled *Rebirth*, in which he subsequently found himself living the life of a character sharing his exact name—Elliot Wainwright, someone meant to be a foil for the protagonist, Henry Blackwood. The character was nothing more than a pretty face intended to humiliate the arrogant hero, who was known for his saintly aura.

Henry Blackwood was a character reborn who had previously been engaged to Alaric Wainwright. After losing his family in a tragic incident, Henry fell gravely ill and was unjustly imprisoned, always with Alaric by his side, which left a lasting impression on him. Later, he discovered that his enemies—the ones behind the attacks on his loved ones—were actually Alaric Wainwright and his despicable relatives.

Armed with his past life’s knowledge and a ‘chosen one’ narrative, Henry Blackwood embarked on a meteoric rise in the business world, quickly gaining prominence in high society.

Then he ensnared Alaric Wainwright through marriage, launching a brutal campaign of revenge against the Wainwright family. Poor Alaric was forced to endure indignities to help his family, unaware of Henry’s ruthless plans. Months later, overwhelmed by his misfortunes, Alaric succumbed to depression and took his own life.

But this was merely a segment of Henry Blackwood’s narrative—the journey of a protagonist driven by vengeance meant to conquer everything and everyone in his way until he ultimately reached his pinnacle of success.

Chapter 3

Elliot Wainwright had nearly given up on this story.

Alaric Wainwright was just too indecisive to bear. While Alaric treated Henry Blackwood harshly, he also displayed an overwhelming sense of duty to his family—a tragic contradiction. He tried to manage those demanding relatives who exploited him mercilessly, only to stab him in the back later. Ultimately, Alaric was the most pitiable villain of all.

Elliot found himself saying to his roommate, "If I were in his shoes, I’d just throw in the towel. Why play the martyr with those insufferable relatives or pretend to be agreeable with Henry? I’d take the money and vanish a few months later—freedom awaits beyond those clutches!"

Be as wicked as you want, Elliot thought. If he could be cruel to outsiders and to Henry, why couldn’t he show the same ruthlessness to the relatives?

To Elliot, being with Henry Blackwood sounded splendid—at least it meant breaking free from those relatives and taking the first step toward liberation.

Compared to those relatives, the torment inflicted by Henry didn’t seem like true torment.

After all, with only a few months left in the narrative, Elliot could always disappear if things turned sour. As a passive participant, he had no interest in dealing with those unbearable relatives for any longer than necessary.

At that moment, Lady Beatrice Wainwright finally said what Elliot had been waiting to hear. She stood up, preparing to invite the guest standing outside the door. “It’s Lord Blackwood. Your father really likes him and is already discussing the engagement.”

A dark suit peeked from just outside the door, hinting at the imposing figure of a man dressed in tailored attire.

Aunt Agnes whispered in concern, “Madam, maybe today isn’t the best time. Young Mr. Ruan just got out of the hospital.”

The meek Young Mr. Ruan, however, wouldn't dare counter his mother's wishes. With a soft, almost timid voice, he replied, “I’m fine with it, Aunt. Please don’t worry.”

Elliot Wainwright was nothing if not emotional; he had a knack for drawing sympathy. Even at two years old, he would cry just to elicit a reaction from his mother, a trait that had formed his character into adulthood.

He sniffed, the corners of his eyes glistening with tears, much like a frightened kitten, a stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor.

Aunt Agnes felt her own eyes mist over, reflecting on how proud he once was. Now, in order to maintain peace, he was willing to agree to an engagement with a man he had never met—solely for the sake of the Wainwright family.

“Don’t worry, sugar, it’s all good. Even Henry will take excellent care of you,” Lady Beatrice Wainwright said kindly.

And with that, Henry Blackwood was welcomed in.

At long last, the male lead Elliot had been eagerly anticipating appeared. Although it felt a bit premature for the storyline, it didn’t really matter. Elliot maintained a mask of indifference, but he strained to listen for any sign of the man’s entrance.

At last, he would meet the famed Lord Blackwood! Back when Elliot was practically glued to his screen, following chapter after chapter, all the coins he prized were directed towards the exploits of Lord Blackwood.

Setting aside his grudges with Alaric Wainwright, Elliot admired the character of Henry Blackwood. His portrayal was brilliant—sharp, decisive, and ruthless in all the right ways. He was the kind of person Elliot both respected and secretly envied.

Elliot scanned the entrance.

The man stepped in behind Lady Beatrice Wainwright, tall and well-built, clad in a fitted gray suit that spoke of affluence. The top buttons of his dress shirt were undone, exposing a hint of his sharply defined collarbone—a detail that added an intriguing edge to his otherwise gentlemanly facade.

“Hello, I’m Henry Blackwood,” the man introduced himself.

Chapter 4

Henry Blackwood strode into the room, his long legs taking just a few steps before he stood imposingly next to Elliot Wainwright's bed, blocking out a large slice of light.

Elliot Wainwright first cast a shy, bewildered glance in his direction, then paused in disbelief before stealing another look at him.

What a massive presence this Lord Blackwood had.

Elliot was momentarily taken aback, stammering, “...Hi.”

The original narrative hadn’t emphasized Henry Blackwood’s height, but now Elliot could tell he stood at least six foot three.

At that towering height, Henry Blackwood exuded a commanding aura, especially with those intense eyes that felt like the sun shining down.

Elliot felt a thrill of fear and an odd flutter in his chest; if he were a mere wisp of cloud, he would surely tremble and dissolve into droplets under such a formidable gaze.

However, Elliot’s somewhat slow reaction could easily mislead anyone to think he was unhappy about this arrangement.

Henry Blackwood noticed, yet he chose not to comment.

If Elliot displayed any joy, that would be truly surprising.

Henry was well aware that Elliot always held a sense of disdain towards him. In this new life, without their initial encounters, Elliot would no doubt show his true feelings.

He returned Elliot's scrutinizing gaze with an air of indifference, casually pulling out his phone to check the schedule sent by his assistant.

Then, without further ado, Henry declared, “I have matters to attend to; when can you leave?”

Elliot blinked in shock, clearly not following what Henry meant, when Lady Beatrice Wainwright gently interjected, “Sweetheart, I forgot to mention, the arrangement is for you to move into Blackwood Hall right away.”


Moving to Blackwood Hall meant he would have to live alongside Henry Blackwood every day.

Elliot felt his lips tremble, recalling Henry Blackwood’s extreme descriptions; his excitement quickly faded into dread. He looked nervously at Henry, “Wait, isn’t this a bit too fast…?”

Nonetheless... to have him taken away seemed a tad hasty, didn't it? According to the plot, he had expected a few more weeks at least.

The young man lying on the bed shot Lady Beatrice a scornful glance, but when addressing the towering man beside him, he intentionally softened his tone, as if recognizing that Henry’s status meant he wasn’t someone to be trifled with.

Knowing how to read the room, he played the weak against the strong.

In simpler terms, he was only brave in familiar territory.

Had it not been for his striking looks, such a personality would have earned him resentment long ago.

In his previous life, Henry Blackwood had been deceived by this cunning beauty for far too long, only to experience a painful betrayal that led him to finally let go.

Yet… compared to Elliot Wainwright, Lady Beatrice was even more distasteful to him.

Scanning Elliot's dazed face, Henry smirked, “Lady Wainwright seems to have had time to choose flowers that trigger his allergies, but not enough time to inform him of these arrangements ahead of time.”

His words dripped with sarcasm. Yet, since he was the esteemed guest and a promising son-in-law, Lady Beatrice had no choice but to endure his mockery.

Chapter 5

Looking at Lady Beatrice Wainwright's displeased expression, Elliot Wainwright felt an unexpected thrill. There was something liberating about Lord Henry Blackwood’s fearless demeanor.

"Well then, I won't take up any more of your time, young ones. You two can chat; Tatum's things are all packed and waiting downstairs. You can leave whenever you're ready," Lady Beatrice said, her face unwavering, sweetly masking her irritation.

With that, she floated away with Aunt Agnes, as if afraid Henry might change his mind. Left to their own devices, Elliot and Henry exchanged uncertain glances.

Elliot felt a lump form in his throat.

So, is this really how the upper crust treats their own?

He couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness that filled the room. Lady Beatrice had packed up everything without telling him.

When he looked up, he was met with Henry's cold gaze, which sent an involuntary shiver down his spine.

His lips turned into a thin line as he stammered, "Lord Henry, is this really what you want?"

The way Henry was looking at him, he half-expected him to change his mind.

"Sort of," Henry replied.

Although he hadn’t anticipated it happening so soon, he had no hesitations about encountering Elliot again.

In the dim lighting, Henry's deep eyes seemed to shimmer, his expression unfathomable as they locked onto Elliot's.

“What? You don’t want to?” he asked, his tone flat yet probing.


“Lord Henry, I just found out I’d be coming to your household today…it really caught me off guard. I think I need to think this through a bit more," Elliot said, his voice shaking slightly.

Of course, he couldn't admit he was unwilling. To avoid appearing cowardly, he took a sip of water.

In his haste, he choked and spluttered, covering his mouth in irritation. It took a full thirty seconds for him to regain composure, his neck flushed with embarrassment.

He coughed and entertained a thought: if he didn’t want to play the martyr, why not embrace the role of a socially anxious person made weak by a car accident? It could work smoothly, but would Henry see through him?

From Henry's perspective, all he saw was the disheveled tuft of Elliot's dark hair, an adorable cowlick bobbing with every subtle movement—he looked endearingly vulnerable, with large, round eyes resembling a kitten's.

“Yeah, just give me a minute.” Henry pressed his lips together, attempting to mask his growing impatience.

“Okay,” Elliot replied.

The way Henry had naturally commanded the room made Elliot instinctively hold his cup, answering obediently.

Even though Elliot was usually a bit spoiled at home, he knew better than to act that way in front of someone he didn’t know well. Even if he felt like rebelling, he couldn’t ignore his nature.

With a delicately concealed look, Elliot glanced around the room at his belongings, gradually coming to terms with the fact he was about to leave with Henry. Finally, he turned to face Henry fully.

Though Henry appeared stoic and unbothered, his silence spoke volumes. He sat on the sofa by the window, looking effortlessly handsome with his long legs crossed.

Yeah, he was undeniably attractive.

In truth… going with Henry Blackwood might not be so bad; the sooner he could leave the Wainwright Estate, the better, freeing himself from the whims of his unbearable relatives.

He would manage after all; it was only a few months with Henry he had to endure.

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