Behind the Veil of Desire

Chapter 1

After serving in the Royal Guard, Sir Cedric returned to Cedric Manor, a shadow of his former self.

At thirty, with a limp and no job, he relied on government assistance, living off his family.

Truth be told, the women who once adored Sir Cedric had never envisioned him at this low point. With his striking looks and athletic build, he had always been the object of affection in high school, and even after joining the military, the attention from women didn’t wane.

But now, no woman sought his company.

Cedric Manor had become a sanctuary for him, situated near Seaside Cliff. With his parents busy with their work, they had left him in the care of a housekeeper and a nurse to manage his daily life. Though his leg hadn’t been broken, for some reason, he couldn’t manage to walk.

Today, Lady Elara was coming to keep him company.

As soon as she graduated high school, she rushed over, and to spare her feelings, no one had informed her of Sir Cedric’s return to Cedric Manor.

In a state of near-constant sleep, Sir Cedric struggled to stay awake and using a cane, he made his way to the restroom. He pushed the door open without hesitation.

The warm mist and gentle calls brought him back to reality.

As he realized he had barged into a bathroom, he was met with the sight of Lady Elara huddled in the corner, timidly calling out, “Brother.”

Fully awake now, Sir Cedric slammed the door shut and stumbled towards the staircase.

“Sir, you’re heading upstairs,” Mistress Beatrice said, watching him nervously. Her fear confused him. He had clawed his way back from the depths of despair; surely he seemed like a normal person now. Why did everyone react to him with such trepidation?

With a dim look in his eyes, Sir Cedric ignored her and insisted on going upstairs, but without the nurse present, Mistress Beatrice was hesitant and kept trying to stop him.

He was about to lose his patience.

After a day of sleep, if he didn’t get to the restroom soon, he might face the humiliation of losing control in front of the newly arrived Alice.

“Aunt Beatrice, I’ll handle it,” Lady Elara gently offered, supporting Sir Cedric’s arm, wrapping another arm around his thin waist as if to keep him steady.

Percy couldn’t help but notice the lingering mist of steam around Lady Elara, whose petite figure barely clad in a sundress accentuated her curves.

Since she turned sixteen, Lady Elara had blossomed stunningly—her fair skin and pretty features were more pronounced now, but she was still incredibly slender. Now an adult, she had filled out in all the right places, looking delicate and beautiful.

Her voice was the same as always, sweet and gentle as she said, “Brother, I’ll head back to my room and come find you in a bit.”

Sir Cedric didn’t respond, instead leaning against the doorframe as he entered the restroom, feeling an unexpected reaction as he unfastened his pants.

After years of living on the fringes of life, seldom thinking about women, he found himself aroused by thoughts of Alice.

How ironic—he was nothing but a scoundrel in every sense.

Grasping himself, Sir Cedric felt tears welling up.

Meanwhile, Lady Elara sank onto the floor of her room, overwhelmed with emotion and wept quietly.

She adored Sir Cedric, loved talking with him, and even though he had a busy schedule, he always made time to chat. Often, she was alone in Cedric Manor, and he represented her only source of happiness. Now, seeing him so gaunt and sad tore at her heart.

Wiping her tears, Lady Elara gathered herself and approached Sir Cedric’s room, softly knocking at the door.

Hearing he had become mute, she took a breath and pushed the door open to find Sir Cedric standing on the balcony, leaning against the door frame, lost in thought.

With a nostalgic smile, she tugged at his sleeve as she used to in childhood. Sir Cedric turned around, his expression softening a bit.

“Brother Edmund, I brought some hawthorn berries and other treats. We should enjoy them together! Also, the exam questions this year were so easy; I did really well,” Lady Elara chattered on enthusiastically.

Sir Cedric wanted to encourage her, to praise her as he always would, but he couldn’t find his voice, so he simply lifted his hand to gently stroke her cheek.

Her eyes filled with tears again, Lady Elara leaned into his embrace and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

The faint scent of smoke mingled with the earthy fragrance of Cedric wood filled the air, evoking a melancholic serenity. Standing on her tiptoes, she nuzzled against his chest with a hint of a sob, “Brother Edmund, Noble Ysabel misses you so much.”

Sir Cedric’s hand found its way to her back, feeling her warm softness against him, a reminder that he was still alive. He bent down, holding her tight in response to her longing. But the moment of warmth quickly turned to discomfort as her body pressed against him, and his arousal intensified.

He swiftly turned away, covering his reddening face.

“Brother,” Lady Elara said, worry coloring her voice. Understanding his mental struggles as a knight made her cautious and concerned.

Sir Cedric gestured for her to leave, and after a moment’s hesitation, she obediently stepped outside.

When Mistress Beatrice saw Lady Elara emerge, tears in her eyes, she understood that Sir Cedric's unpredictable emotions had frightened her. Quickly, she took Lady Elara’s hand and guided her to sit down, “Aunt Beatrice made dinner for you. Eat first; Sir Cedric has been sleeping all day. He can reheat his meal later.”

Lady Elara nibbled on her food, but her mind was elsewhere.

As the night deepened, and Mistress Beatrice clocked off, she ventured to Sir Cedric’s door, hesitating for a moment before gently pushing it open.

Sir Cedric's room was expansive; a balcony loomed beside the bed, casting a silver glow from the moonlight as it streamed in, illuminating his motions.

Lady Elara froze, her heart racing. Although she was not naive, witnessing her dear Brother Edmund in such a vulnerable state for the first time caught her completely off guard.

Chapter 2

He was undeniably impressive, and it was only in the darkness that Lady Elara could see the stark outline of him. She swallowed hard, feeling at a loss, with Sir Cedric's soft breaths in her ears making it difficult for her to move.

She knew precisely where Sir Cedric was most enticing. His voice, low and magnetic, would cause any woman around him to melt with just a whisper of "Mistress." She was no different; when she held him close, she would lean in to kiss his Adam's apple, savoring the way it moved when he spoke.

Even at sixteen, when he called her to sing her to sleep, she secretly dampened her panties, discreetly indulging herself as she listened. Loving him was her deepest secret; the intertwining of desire, noble affection, and familial love accompanied her through her entire adolescence.

Gently, Lady Elara placed her dinner plate down, her heart racing. She knew how hard Sir Cedric worked and thought he might not have been with a woman in years.

Gathering her courage, she called out to him.


Sir Cedric opened his eyes abruptly. In the shadows, he felt someone softly crawl next to him, taking him into her warm mouth. Perhaps it was the image of her body glistening with beads of water and utterly bare that led him to fantasize about Alice performing the act. He had fallen so far, depravity becoming his only companion.

Lady Elara had never done anything like this before—only observed. Her mouth, naturally small, made it a challenge just to take him in, and going any deeper felt uncomfortable. She settled into a rhythm, using both her mouth and hands, but the motions were clumsy, her tongue flicking hesitantly like a kitten drinking water.

"Such awful technique," Sir Cedric thought, his mind blurred, day and night merging until he could hardly tell if he was awake or asleep; it had been so long since he'd experienced pleasure.

He grumbled, wishing he could just turn over to sleep, but then he heard a muffled whimper.

Lady Elara hadn’t anticipated his sudden shift; her nose bumped against his thigh, causing her to lose her grip, and a tiny "plop" sounded as she pulled back.

Though the sound was faint, it brought Sir Cedric partially back to reality.

His hand reached out, confirming her presence. Lady Elara climbed his arm, her lips brushing against his chin.

"Brother Edmund," she whispered as her mouth traveled lower, wrapping around the Adam's apple she had long desired, her lips and tongue exploring, "Please call my name. Just once."

The truth struck him hard: his beloved Alice was in his bed, kissing him in the most intimate way possible.

"Get out, Lady Elara," he uttered, the words escaping in a mix of shock and anger.

Lady Elara flinched at his harsh command, tears pooling in her large eyes as she curled up, choking out, "I really missed you. You haven't called me in two years. I’ve missed you so much."

She felt utterly wronged, and Sir Cedric's heart ached at the sight of her distress. However, he couldn't allow her innocence to be ruined because of his darkness. Hoarsely, he managed, "Go back to The Family Homestead tomorrow." After that, silence hung between them.

Lady Elara was taken aback, panic rising within her. She clutched his fingers tightly, pleading, "Brother, no one’s at The Family Homestead. I don’t want to leave you. I'm right here, please don’t push me away." With that, she leaned in closer, biting at his lips. Sir Cedric wanted to shove her away, but fear of hurting her overtook him. Instead, he cupped her delicate face, pulling back as he gritted his teeth, "You know I’m still your brother."

Color drained from Lady Elara's face as she finally stilled, her resolve crumbling in the face of his anger.

Chapter 3

The next morning, Lady Elara’s suitcase was already packed by Mistress Beatrice and set at the front door. Sir Cedric had bought her train ticket and called for a driver, standing at the entrance with a serious expression as he watched her prepare to leave.

Mistress Beatrice was also near the doorway, noticing Lady Elara's exhaustion from a sleepless night. “Elara, please, I think you should get on the train now. Just a moment with your brother, okay?”

“Don’t argue with him,” Mistress Beatrice said, her voice tinged with concern as she glanced at the two of them, before reluctantly stepping out.

Setting down her handbag, Lady Elara removed her coat and locked the door behind her.

Sir Cedric crossed his arms, watching her with a furrowed brow. He wasn’t used to speaking much, and his voice came out raspy, “Don’t be stubborn.”

Drawing something out from her pocket, she leaned against the door. Sir Cedric’s heart raced when he realized what it was.

“Noble Ysabel.”

Lady Elara held up a replacement razor blade, her eyes glistening, “Dad and Beatrice don’t talk to me; they only care about my grades. You won’t say anything either and want to rush me away. Isn’t this the way you hurt yourself?” She pressed it lightly against her wrist, causing Sir Cedric to spring forward, grabbing her hand just in time to prevent deeper harm. The blade barely grazed her skin, drawing a small trail of blood.

For eighteen years, Lady Elara had played the part of the good daughter, the ideal Alice. She believed that once high school was over, she could reconnect with Sir Cedric, but he had changed; now he didn’t want her either. Struggling, tears streamed down her face, “I truly love you! You need to call me, please don’t push me away.” She dropped the blade and clung to him, rising on her toes to kiss him, her mind clouded, driven by a raw, instinctual need.

Sir Cedric bent closer, his lips capturing hers as he enveloped her against the door. Lady Elara lost herself in the moment, caught in the passion of his kiss, which sunken deeply into her. When he finally let her go, a delicate silver strand was left linking them, making her heart ache with longing.

Her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen, Lady Elara caught her breath. Sir Cedric then held her arms, licking the blood from her wrist and swallowing it down.

“Noble Ysabel,” he murmured against her earlobe, “Brother was wrong. Don’t be angry with Harold. Please don’t hurt yourself, okay?”

“Okay.” Leaning into him, she swooned like a delicate flower, calling out, “Brother Edmund,” prompting Sir Cedric to embrace her gently, running his fingers soothingly through her hair.

Days passed; not only did Lady Elara stay, but Sir Cedric’s mood seemed to lift as well. Mistress Beatrice was shocked by their change in demeanor, but unfortunately for her, Sir Cedric sent her packing back to the Family Homestead along with Nurse Livia.

By allowing Lady Elara to remain, he unwittingly permitted her unspoken affection for him. The growing intimacy disappointed Mistress Beatrice; she feared her in-laws would be furious if they found out.

The new Aunt Matilda spoke little, focusing solely on meals and cleaning. Nurse Livia came and went infrequently, and in their eyes, Sir Cedric and Lady Elara resembled a couple enjoying a serene retreat together.

After dinner, Lady Elara would help him up to her room on the second floor. They would settle on the spacious balcony overlooking the ebbs and flows of the ocean, where she would sit in his lap, resting against him.

“Brother Edmund.”


Lady Elara gazed up at him, her eyes sparkling. Her small hands tenderly traced his pulse, sliding gently into his palm to hold two of his fingers with a playful shake.

She pouted slightly, and he sighed, lowering his lips to hers. Lady Elara sank into the tenderness of his kisses, relishing the sweet connection.

“Edmund will go shower; you be good while I’m away.”

“I’ll come down with you,” she insisted, jumping up to let him lean on her. Sir Cedric felt lighter on his feet, as if Lady Elara’s presence eased his steps.

Chapter 4

Sir Cedric turned on the shower, letting the water cascade down, and for a moment, he lost himself in thought. This was wrong; he knew it all too well. Noble Ysabel had just come of age, still unaware of many things. As an adult, he shouldn't indulge her.

He had to admit, her lips were enticing, but he shouldn't let it lead him astray.

The moral struggle was making his head throb again.

Sir Cedric hastily washed himself, wanting to lean against the wall to exit. His legs were uncooperative and he took a few shaky steps before losing his balance and falling.

Hearing the commotion, Lady Elara rushed over, flinging open the door without a thought for his state of undress, and slipped her arm under his, trying to help him up.

Fearing he might inadvertently hurt her, Sir Cedric leaned against the wall, gathering himself, and staggered back into the room. Lady Elara brought him a towel, her ears flushed red. Though he was injured and had lost weight from a recent illness, his physique remained remarkably strong.

“Brother Edmund, did you hurt yourself?” she asked softly, running her fingers lightly over his bruised knee.

“I’m fine,” he replied, brushing a hand through her hair. At that angle, he couldn't help but notice the outline of her curves. Her small hand wandered across his skin, sending jolts of electricity through him, and despite the shame, he could feel himself becoming aroused.

Lady Elara, kneeling beside him, quickly noticed the swelling beneath the towel, her throat tightening.

“Noble Ysabel,” he rasped, “stand up.”

She looked down, saying softly, “What is it?”

“Let’s go outside for a moment.”

Lady Elara understood, yet she didn’t move away, whispering instead, “I can help you.”

Her hand slipped beneath the towel, wrapping around his desire, moving rhythmically.

Unable to restrain himself, he asked, “Who taught you this?”

Her face flushed a deep red as she stammered, “No one, I just picked it up on my own.”

“Too light,” he murmured, as her gentle touch felt like cream on his sensitive skin. Sir Cedric hoisted her onto his lap, discarded the towel, took her hand, and moved it up and down while the other hand ventured to unclasp the buttons of her fitted knit top, wanting to see her better.

Lady Elara sensed his gaze hungrily taking in her form and, feeling emboldened, undid her straps, revealing more of herself.

He leaned against her chest, letting out a low groan as his arousal swelled further.

“Noble Ysabel,” he rasped, losing himself in the sensation as her hand connected with his desire, their bodies moving in tandem.

His hand was large, but it barely encompassed her breast.

“Little one,” he breathed, glancing at Lady Elara, who looked affronted—“where is it little?”

“Baby,” he addressed her, realizing that his words were like a catalyst, prompting her to increase her pace. Sir Cedric pressed close, feeling the heat radiating off her as she gently nibbled his neck.

Lady Elara whimpered with a mix of pain and pleasure, each call of “Brother Edmund” igniting him further until he finally found his release in her hands.

Warm liquid coated her fingers as he enveloped her in his embrace, gently pulling her down onto him, then tenderly handed her a tissue to clean up.

“Brother Edmund, are you feeling better now?”


Lady Elara nestled against him, murmuring, “Brother, let’s go play at Seaside Cliff tomorrow.”

At least it would give Sir Cedric a chance to get some fresh air.

Chapter 5

Lady Elara had spoken with Dr. Harold, who suggested that the more Sir Cedric could get outside, the quicker he'd heal.

Despite residing in Seaside Cliff, Sir Cedric had never ventured beyond his home. Yet for her, he was willing to try.

“Alright,” he agreed.

Even though he no longer smiled as often as before, Lady Elara knew he truly cared for her, showering her with affection just as he always had. Ever since Lady Elara had started sharing a bed with him, Sir Cedric had experienced fewer nightmares. Memories of the countless brothers he had lost during the Knight Wars haunted him still. After two years of grueling conflict, their ranks were decimated, and now, even though the battles had ended, he found himself submerged in blood each night, struggling to find peace.

So much so that when sunlight hit his face, it felt surreal.

Lady Elara helped him settle into a beach chair, placing a coconut thoughtfully beside him. “Brother Edmund, I can swim now! The last time we talked, you said you wanted to take me out to Seaside Cliff to play,” she chirped.

“It’s my fault,” he replied gently, ruffling her hair. Lady Elara had styled her hair into a bun today, and he appreciated the way her delicate features were on full display, her soft, fair skin inviting his gentle touch.

Giggling, Lady Elara dashed toward the ocean, and in her bright red bikini, she glowed against the blue waters. Sir Cedric lost his train of thought for a moment, then reminded her, “Noble Ysabel, don’t swim too far!”

“Okay!” she replied, quickly diving into the waves. Concerned, he stood up, keeping his eyes fixed on her. The waters here held hidden currents, and after several moments, the worry began to gnaw at him as Lady Elara had yet to surface.

When he finally witnessed her waving an arm wildly, his heart skipped a beat. He stumbled into the water, propelling himself toward her.

As it turned out, Lady Elara was simply exploring beneath the surface, with the water only reaching her neck. She waved because she had caught a little crab and wanted to show him. Just as she broke the surface, he wrapped his arms around her in a panic. “What’s wrong? Did you swallow water? Are you cramping?”

Perplexed, Lady Elara shook her head, beaming as she displayed the tiny crab that fit in her palm. “Brother Edmund, look! A little crab!”

Sir Cedric let out a relieved breath, though his expression still held worry.

“How did you get over here?” she asked. When he didn’t respond, she pressed, “Brother Edmund, are you upset?”

He took her hand in his, beginning the trek back to shore. “We’re going home.”

“But I’m not done playing!”

“All you think about is having fun.”

She stuck out her tongue and poked him with the little crab in feigned frustration.

As they made their way back, he noticed how much lighter his legs felt. Dr. Harold had spoken truthfully; he had improved. Sir Cedric guided her to the bathroom first for a shower.

“But Brother Edmund, you’re in the water too!” she playfully countered. “Let’s shower together!”

His shirt was soaked, his shorts clinging uncomfortably, especially compared to her swimsuit.

“Stop being silly,” he replied, unable to hide his amusement.

“Brother Edmund,” she insisted, pulling him along and clicking the bathroom door shut behind them. “We’re saving water!”

Sir Cedric chuckled softly; Lady Elara loved it when he smiled, and her delight was infectious. Attempting to wrap her arms around him in excitement, she accidentally turned on the shower, and icy water cascaded down.

Rather than shutting it off, the first thing she did was snuggle closer to him, seeking his warmth.

He adjusted the temperature before casually peeling off his wet clothes, exposing the scars and even bullet holes that marked his skin.

She lightly licked the droplets from his throat, pressing herself against him. With an instinctive move, he reached for her ties, and in an instant, she was bare and clinging to him.

Every time they met, her desire to touch and kiss him swelled within her, longing for his touch even more.

With his hand on her back, she wished he would explore further down.

She clenched her legs tightly, the sweet ache reminding her of his caress, eliciting soft moans from her lips.

Seeing her in this state stirred something primal in Sir Cedric, who was already on edge from his own frustration. He playfully slapped her rear, and before she could react, he slipped his fingers between her lips, teasing her.

“Tell Brother Edmund, is this your water?” he whispered.

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