Between Dreams and Midnight Secrets

Chapter 1

The rain drizzled down the city streets, chilling the air and making it feel several degrees colder. This city’s damp, cold weather was the most unbearable part of the year, though thankfully, it didn’t last long.

As the coffee machine chimed, Alaric Stone cautiously placed a shot of espresso in front of the shop’s only customer. The man, caught off guard by the interruption during his phone call, muttered a quick “Thanks” before refocusing on his conversation. Alaric noticed he carried an air of sophistication, his demeanor clean and professional, as he navigated the discussion in fluent Cantonese.

After exchanging a smile with him, Alaric returned to her workbench, grinding coffee beans. Her phone buzzed with a message from Evelyn Fairchild, inviting her to join a business networking event that night. As she ground the beans, she glanced at the street outside. It was a typical weekday morning; pedestrians hurried towards nearby office buildings, some weighed down by thick files, while others ambled by, sipping coffee and enjoying their breakfast at a leisurely pace.

To Alaric, it all seemed rather dull.

Lady Fairchild: “You really don’t need to be so aloof.”

Alaric Stone: “I’m not aloof; I just don’t feel like socializing.”

Lady Fairchild: “Just act like a decoration; you really don’t need to socialize. I can’t face my boss alone; it’s too awkward.”

Alaric Stone: “I can guarantee I’d feel just as awkward.”

Lady Fairchild: “Ugh.”

Alaric Stone: “Fine, I’ll go. It must be this dreary rain that’s got me all down.”

Lady Fairchild: “Oh boy.”

Uncharacteristically, Alaric only opened her shop for three hours today. After closing, she treated herself to a bowl of noodles at a nearby eatery before heading home, collapsing onto her bed until the late afternoon. She only stirred when Evelyn called, snapping her out of a dream. After a teasing comment about being a lazy fish, Alaric reluctantly rolled out of bed to change.

By the time Alaric got into Evelyn’s car, it was nearly seven. Evelyn shot her an assessing glance. “As a decoration, you could’ve at least dressed up a little more.”

Alaric turned her head to look out the window, indifferent. “A decoration needs to know its place.” With a sly glance, she pointed at Evelyn’s revealing top, “Aren’t you cold?”

Evelyn smirked back. “Oh, right. Cedric White texted me out of the blue. Can you believe he suddenly returned and started his own game company?”

Alaric blinked in shock. Evelyn had gone overseas to study with Cedric two years prior, and while they kept in touch, she hadn’t expected him to come back and launch a venture of his own.

Back in college, Cedric had been enamored with Evelyn from the start and had pursued her passionately. Even after they became friends, and even went abroad together to the same school, Evelyn had still never reciprocated his feelings. Who wouldn’t say Cedric was the unluckiest guy?

“He said he’s attending the same event tonight, looking to meet a sponsor,” Evelyn continued casually. “You two haven’t spoken in a while, huh? I remember you both played that game together for ages.”

The mention of Cedric made Alaric instantly regret agreeing to be a decoration tonight; she instinctively shrank into her seat.

“We haven’t spoken since then; we just played that game together for a bit,” Alaric replied, forcing a smile as she fixed her gaze on Evelyn’s face. She hesitated before asking, “He came back for love?”

Chapter 2

Cedric White came from wealth and had a face that seemed to invite disaster. Despite showing some signs of the typical rich kid vibe, by the time he reached his senior year, after being rejected by Evelyn Fairchild for the umpteenth time, he engaged in a deep conversation that made him reconsider his future and path. Thus, he shed his usual carefree demeanor and decided to follow Evelyn abroad for further studies.

Such was the power of love.

“Ah, love, who needs it?”

Alaric Stone silently stared at her.

“Honestly, he’s just tired of Evelyn and missing his cozy home back in Eldermere. Not to mention, when he was pursuing me, it was simply out of boredom.” Evelyn Fairchild parked the car tightly, her expression as dark as a midnight sky. “And when he claims he likes someone, it’s just a passing fancy.”

Alaric Stone lowered his gaze, recalling that awkward kiss they’d shared and thought, “That seems true.”

The venue for the party was unexpectedly changed from an indoor gathering to a rooftop terrace at the club, throwing Evelyn into a fit because she hadn’t received the update.

“Seriously, if I sneeze or even get a single drip from my nose, I’m reporting it as an injury,” she fumed, her eyes fixated on her boss chatting with some partners in the distance.

“Here, wear my jacket,” Alaric Stone suggested. He figured he could endure the cooler temperature with just a thin cashmere base layer. As he took off his blazer to hand it to Evelyn, another hand caught his wrist.

Startled, Alaric looked over to find Cedric White standing there.

“Reginald, you think you can play the knight in shining armor?” Cedric stared unwaveringly at Alaric with a tight smile before draping his own suit jacket over Evelyn’s shoulders.

Evelyn let out a playful sigh, teasingly remarking, “Well, well, if it isn’t Mr. White. Fancy running into you. I didn’t bring enough business cards today, so you won’t be getting one from me.”

Cedric’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “How special.”

Alaric Stone stiffly re-put on his jacket, avoiding Cedric’s gaze, and abruptly turned to grab a slice of cheesecake, forcing himself to calm his racing heartbeat.

“How long have you been here? You must’ve known this place was open-air and just didn’t tell me, right?” Evelyn poked at Cedric’s arm playfully.

Cedric chuckled lightly, “Not by much. I’m sure you’re aware that the organizers are often hit or miss with their notifications." His eyes flicked to Alaric for a brief moment before returning to her. “If you can’t handle it, just head home early.”

Just as Evelyn was about to retort, her boss called for her, and Cedric waved her off casually, stepping closer to Alaric to stand beside him.

“It’s been a while,” he said, grabbing a sparkling water. Evelyn turned her head away, not allowing him to see her face clearly, just revealing her petite nose and cheeks full of half-eaten hors d'oeuvres.

Alaric blinked, caught off guard. “Yeah, it has."

He watched her multitask, devouring her dessert while balancing appetizers, champagne in one hand and food in the other. Unable to contain his curiosity, he asked, “You must be starving.”

Evelyn turned her suspicious gaze back to him, “You have no real business here, do you?”

“Well, my partner is here to handle the main discussions.”

“Oh, it's just to reunite with An-An then.”

At her insinuation, Cedric’s eyebrow raised in surprise. “Not quite.” When Alaric remained silent, Cedric couldn't help but add, “Let’s not dwell on things from before the tumultuous times.”

His voice was low and calm, his expression neutral.

“Oh.” It was plain to see that love had been unrequited, and the resulting feelings lingered in the air like a heavy fog.

Chapter 3

Silence hung heavily between them as Cedric White clenched his hands tightly in his pockets, his gaze fixed on her feigned indifference.

She had grown her bangs out, and the softly curved strands fell casually over her palm-sized face, her skin still as radiant as Sebastian's, though she appeared slightly slimmer than during their college days. Her eyes, tranquil yet languid, had an inviting serenity. In a crowd, her features didn't particularly stand out, but the longer one looked, the more comforting they became.

Cedric recalled the first time he was drawn to her, captivated by her unique fragrance. As he leaned in, the familiar scent enveloped him—not that of soap, shampoo, or even cosmetics, but a faint and alluring body scent. The memory brought a smirk to his lips as he remembered how she had dismissed him as a flirt back then.

He hadn’t lingered by her side for long when his partner arrived to pull him into a serious discussion.

Alaric Stone, tense and uneasy, glanced over toward Lady Fairchild, who sat in a booth with her boss, engaged in conversation with two other people. Alaric quickly downed her glass of bubbly and maneuvered away from the crowded area, finding a quieter spot on the periphery to play with her phone.

The temperature dropped as the icy breeze swept over her. Having just sipped a cold drink, she could feel her body heat waning. She texted Lady Fairchild to ask how much longer they would be staying.

Wrapped tightly in her coat, Lady Fairchild replied, "Another fifteen minutes, we’re almost done here. We’re just finalizing the details tonight."

Locking her phone, Alaric walked back to the bar to grab a glass of whiskey. Wrinkling her nose disdainfully at the smell, she took a sip, and the alcohol ignited a fiery burn in her throat, spreading warmth through her stomach. After a couple more sips, she felt less cold, though her eyelids were starting to weigh down. She settled back into the couch, nestling into the corner while mindlessly scrolling through social media.

A short while later, Lady Fairchild, freed from her discussions, hurried over, noticing Alaric's flushed face and the half-full glass in front of her. "What were you thinking, drinking whiskey alone in a place where you barely know anyone? If something happened, how would I find you?"

Alaric, slightly delayed in her response, smiled and replied, "No worries. I’m not going anywhere but with you."

Just as Lady Fairchild was about to help Alaric up and leave, the sky unexpectedly opened up, and light rain began to fall. The event was outdoors, and guests scattered in search of cover. The drizzle mingled with the chilly air, slowly dampening Alaric's hair and bringing her back to her senses.

Isabella Green approached them hurriedly, her assistant slipping her coat into her hands. With a frown, she instructed Lady Fairchild, "Give her your coat. She’s had enough to drink. It may feel warm now, but that wind will chill her to the bone. You wear mine." She turned back to signal her assistant to bring the car around.

Lady Fairchild nodded and draped her coat over Alaric’s shoulders, but just then, she paused, scanning the area for Cedric White. He had already made his way to them.

“She’s had too much to drink,” Cedric White remarked, frowning at Miriam, who appeared sluggish.

Noting the rain intensifying, Isabella Green broke in, “Let’s head inside.”

As they entered the elevator, Alaric clutched Lady Fairchild’s arm, her warm face leaning against her shoulder. Lady Fairchild chuckled as she affectionately tussled Alaric's hair, amused by her poor tolerance for alcohol.

Cedric White asked, "How are you getting home?"

"My assistant is driving. I can drop them off," Isabella Green offered, pausing to extend her hand, "By the way, I’m Isabella Green."

Cedric smiled, shaking her hand, "Nice to meet you, I’m Cedric White. We went to college together." He gestured to the two girls.

Once outside, they spotted Isabella's assistant pulling up with the car. The brisk air hit Cedric again, and he glanced at Alaric, still leaning against Lady Fairchild. "Need me to help out?"

“No, I can manage. Since they live on opposite sides, it’s easier for her to come with me tonight. I’ll reach out later.” Lady Fairchild tightened the collar of her coat around Alaric before heading for Isabella's vehicle.

Once the car disappeared from view, Cedric finally moved, braving the rain as he headed to the parking lot.

Chapter 4

The car's heater was cranked up high as Alaric Stone gazed out at the passing buildings, his mind wandering.

“Are you okay?” Evelyn Fairchild poked him playfully on the cheek.

“Yeah,” Alaric replied absently. “Guess I’ll have to treat you right tonight, my lady.”

Their driver couldn't help but chuckle, and Isabella Green, sitting in the front seat, glanced at the playful banter through the rearview mirror, her expression serious. “Could you be a little more serious?”

Evelyn rolled her eyes. “What? I’m not being inappropriate.”


Once they arrived home, they warmed up with Evelyn's homemade soup and took a shower. They settled on the bed, chatting about everything under the sun for half an hour before sleepiness overtook them. When morning came, Alaric noticed the coat belonging to Cedric White draped across the armchair and fell into thought. Evelyn rushed around the room, dressed and ready, and asked in a hurry, “What’s got you so lost in thought, babe? We need to go; I’m going to be late!”

Snapping out of it, Alaric picked up the coat.

Evelyn had overslept and barely managed to drop her off at the subway station before heading on his way. He intended to return the coat to Cedric, but in the rush to get out of the car, he forgot it.

Standing at the subway entrance, she gave a wry smile at the coat.

Alaric, on the other hand, returned home to change before arriving at his coffee shop, which was already past ten. The café was small, just 30 square feet, accommodating four small tables inside. There was a smoking area on the platform outside, and though it wasn’t located in a prime area, it faced several office buildings 200 meters across the street, ensuring a steady stream of customers. Many workers would come by for a caffeinated boost before or during their shifts.

As soon as Alaric stepped inside, his phone buzzed. He opened a WeChat group consisting of some regular customers who preferred ordering directly rather than through delivery apps.

After replying to their messages, he finally dove into his work for the day.

With the grinder whirring to life, the sound of coffee beans crackling brought his thoughts back to last night’s events.

When he met Cedric again, his demeanor had shifted; he exuded a calm competence that was different from before. The casual vibe had been polished away, and he looked well put together, as if he had stepped out of a magazine. Time hadn’t left any signs of wear on his handsome face. His hair was neatly styled, and he wore a mechanical watch worth a small fortune—something he used to avoid. Dressed in a smart suit, he radiated professionalism and success.

So much for the years apart; Cedric had certainly stepped up his game.

Alaric let out a small sigh and poured himself a cup of Americano. The delightful zing of acidity danced on his tongue, reminiscent of his youthful crush.

* * *

Later in the evening, Alaric finished his shift with Thomas Everhart and didn't rush home. Instead, he decided to whip up a sandwich in the café. Thomas, a newcomer he had hired just days before, was fresh out of college and brightly enthusiastic. During the interview, he said his true love was coffee beans, and Alaric found him endearing enough to hire on the spot.

While munching on a sandwich by the window, a message from Evelyn popped up.

Evelyn: “Hey Stone, done with work yet?”

Alaric: “Still here. What’s up?”

Evelyn: “Wanna grab drinks tonight?”

Alaric: “What good news do you have?”

Evelyn: “We finalized that contract we talked about last night! I’m free from the office grind... for now.”

Alaric: “Isn’t that something for your team at The Guild to celebrate?”

Evelyn: “What do you think? After two weeks of overwork, who’s in the mood to celebrate with their coworkers?”

…She had a point.

Alaric agreed and finished his last bite of sandwich before heading home.

Chapter 5

As she arrived at the bar, she spotted Lady Fairchild next to a man who was trying to chat her up. With a casual stride, she approached, already anticipating the annoyed look on her friend’s face. Alaric Stone adjusted her outfit and wrapped an arm around Lady Fairchild’s slender waist, the cropped sweater revealing a sliver of bare skin. Leaning in close, she teased softly, “Babe, I’m just a few minutes late, and look who’s hovering over you.”

Lady Fairchild, embarrassed and slightly flustered, hooked her arm around Alaric’s neck and replied with a playful smile, “Well, that’s what happens when you keep me waiting.” With that, she planted a quick kiss on Alaric's cheek.

The man, clearly taken aback by the affectionate display, glanced at Alaric’s lips, still marked by the kiss, before awkwardly muttering an apology and retreating.

After watching him leave, the two friends shared a satisfied smirk, releasing their hold on each other.

“You know, with looks like yours, I’m surprised you’re hanging around with me in a bar. What’s the deal?” Alaric asked as she signaled for a mojito from the bartender.

“To be fair, you’re the one who can barely handle a drink without turning beet red while waiting for everything to hit you. So what’s your angle for being here?” Lady Fairchild shot back, unbothered.

It was a fun back-and-forth, but Alaric decided it was time to change the subject. She scanned the room; it was still early in the evening, and the bar was relatively empty. The live band was just tuning up, leaving the atmosphere a touch dull.

After a night of heavy drinking yesterday, Alaric opted for a lighter drink. Lady Fairchild had her head down, busy tapping away on her phone, occasionally smiling to herself. Leaning in, Alaric asked, “What’s going on?”

Lady Fairchild looked shocked, then held her phone up like a trophy, “Just checking in on Cedric White. I’m asking if he’s joining us.”

Alaric froze, “Oh... is he coming?”

“Still waiting on a reply, but you know him. He’s probably sitting at home doing nothing,” Lady Fairchild replied nonchalantly.

If she were more of a drinker, Alaric would seriously consider downing her drink and leaving right away.

Setting her phone aside, Lady Fairchild began to vent about the recent pressures from Isabella Green at work. Alaric played the supportive listener, nodding and interjecting with witty remarks while continuously sipping her mojito.

The band leader kicked off the evening with an upbeat song, a popular tune from Sebastian Gray that everyone loved to hum along to.

“Draped in a midnight sweater,

Moments shared linger like the storm,

Difficult to forget you,

Though you don’t have to worry,

Tears are just an added touch,

I’ve already sunk to the depths.”

The lead singer was a girl clad head-to-toe in midnight blue, with a high-neck sweater tucked into shorts and knee-high boots, her hair were in soft waves cascading just past her shoulders. Her voice was cool and haunting.

Alaric listened intently, losing herself in the music, unaware of the man who quietly approached them until she felt his presence.

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?” He wore glasses and had a scholarly appearance.

Ignoring Lady Fairchild’s obvious curiosity, Alaric smiled, “No, go ahead.”

The man relaxed visibly, adjusting his glasses with a smile, “I noticed you as I walked in. You caught my eye.”

“Really?” Alaric replied, her interest waning as his predictable flattery began to bore her.

As she took another sip of her drink, she felt a light touch on her back, the kind that sent a shiver down her spine.

Cedric White had arrived.

He brushed past her, sitting beside Lady Fairchild. “What are you two talking about?” he asked, glancing at Alaric.

Alaric’s heart jumped in her chest, and she felt a familiar rhythm pounding within her.

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