Between Heartbeats and Unspoken Words

Chapter 1

Julian Fairchild hopped over the school's back wall, landing a bit harder than expected. She stumbled forward a couple of steps before finding her balance, her right earbud dislodging and dangling in front of her chest, still connected to her phone.

As she emerged from the alley, the barista from the nearby bubble tea shop spotted her and waved a green medium-sized cup in greeting. Julian nodded and approached the entrance, waiting patiently. She often skimped out during the second period break to grab a cup of oat milk; the staff had come to recognize her.

After a dull forty-minute literature class of “this and that” that nearly lulled her to sleep, Julian leaned against the cool glass door, letting the breeze wash over her. Her lazy gaze scanned the street, catching sight of a familiar silver sedan cruising by. Her heart jumped; the sleepiness vanished instantly.

Not entirely sure, she sidestepped away from the bubble tea shop without a word and rushed to the curb, finally spotting the sedan stopping at a red light.

"The Silver Bullet,” she had affectionately named it long ago in secret.

Without hesitation, she flagged down a cab. “Could you please follow that silver car?” she asked the driver.

With months of practice in the art of carefully crafted conversation, Julian's usual front had become her nature, even if her behavior didn't always align perfectly, leading to a contradiction she couldn’t quite shake. But that was fine; as long as she was charming in front of that man, nothing else mattered.

The driver glanced back at her through the rearview mirror. “You skipping school today, kid?”

Julian nodded but didn’t feel like sharing more. Her eyes remained fixed on the once-again disappearing car, quietly wondering if the occupant had seen her.

She realized it was reckless to follow like this, and he might spot her, but she couldn't help herself — heat surged in her veins. She just wanted to be closer, to have one more glimpse.

The silver sedan glided through two long streets and entered the Intercontinental Inn.

The taxi was held up at the hotel's entrance. “Sorry, kid. I can't drive in there.”

Julian nodded, tapping her phone to pay, thanking the driver before dashing to the iron fence beside the hotel's side entrance.

Hiding behind foliage that concealed her shape, she peered between the green leaves, catching a glimpse of the man who had just exited the car.

He wore a fitted black suit, white shirt cuffs peeking out, and had the top button done up firmly. No tie today.

His facial features were strikingly cold, the black and white attire enhancing his sharp demeanor. Julian watched him as he shut the car door with his left hand, adjusting a button on his waistcoat with the fingertips of his right, his slim figure sharply outlined.

He walked away deliberately, disappearing through the grand revolving doors of the hotel.

Julian stared at those lavish doors, pouting slightly to herself.

I can’t go in. I really would be caught.

Boredom settled in as she squatted under the shade of a tree for over half an hour. Her calves grew sore as she waited but saw no sign of him coming back out. She shifted her chin to rest in her palm, gazing up at the towering hotel building, letting her mind wander: Surely, the esteemed Nathaniel Bramble lived a bustling life behind the scenes, mingling in nightlife and lavish entertainment.


The thought of him doing such things frustrated her.

In her mind, he was a composed scholar, radically different from those wealthy playboys surrounding him who indulged in worldly pleasures without a second thought. Julian reminded herself of that as she waited.

Chapter 2

Julian Fairchild felt a pang of disappointment. It was frustrating that her conclusions lacked solid proof.

She cursed herself for not knowing him better.

Rising from her seat to shake off her numb legs, she pulled out her phone from her pocket, furrowing her brow as she debated whether or not to call him.

Just then, her phone buzzed as a message came through from a classmate seated behind her.

“Heads up! The study class has been changed to a pop quiz!”

Julian knew she had to head back. If she ditched class and got caught, Professor Cartwright would definitely call her out. Reluctantly, she glanced back at the lonely sight of her beloved little car parked outside. She turned toward the hotel entrance for a brief moment, but he still hadn’t come out.

He clearly didn’t care about his prized car, leaving it to roast in the sun.

Julian raised her phone and aimed the camera through the gaps in the leaves, zooming in to snap a picture of her car. She caressed the image on her screen with her fingertip, letting out a sigh that betrayed her sense of loss. “At least I’m here.”


The study session transformed into a math pop quiz. Julian rushed in through the back of the classroom, barely managing to silence her phone before grabbing her seat. Just as she set down her iced tea, her friend in front passed her the test papers.

She pulled one sheet from the pile and passed the rest back to her classmate behind her. Once seated, she glanced at the exam. It was extensive. Digging into her bag, she pulled out a plastic wrapper holding her drink, noting a copy of the booklet ‘College Entrance Exam Guidelines’ still lying on the desk from earlier.

At that moment, Professor Cartwright walked in from outside and announced that the quiz was starting. Julian shoved the guidelines into her drawer, taking a deep breath of her iced milk tea to drown out her wandering thoughts, focusing intently on the quiz in front of her.

Math and science were her strong suits. She managed to complete the entire exam with seven or eight minutes to spare. As the rest of the students scribbled away, she stole a glance at Professor Cartwright and discreetly pulled out her phone.

A message, revised multiple times, finally flew off right before the bell rang.

“The school sent out the guidelines, and they need Benedict the Steward to sign. Can you meet him tonight?”

Julian was torn between “come back” and “meet Benedict the Steward,” but ultimately picked the latter.

He was her steward after all, and he had given her those instructions.

When the bell rang, Professor Cartwright instructed everyone to pass their exams forward. Sitting in the second to last row, Julian extended her test ahead but kept her eyes glued to her phone.

Still no response.

She barely tasted her lunch, her heart tangled in knots over the one person who had seen her message but hadn’t replied.

Resting her head on her desk, she felt weary.

As a commmuter student, she hadn’t reserved a bed in the dorms, so she often napped in the classroom during lunch. Initially, Nathaniel had suggested she keep a spot at school, claiming it would be better for her rest, but she had been resistant to the idea, sidestepping the topic of staying on campus altogether.

Every time she thought about it, she felt anger toward him. Why was he so insistent on finding her a new living arrangement? Was he testing her? Did he want to get rid of her?

No one could offer her clarity; he never brought the subject up again.

Julian let her thoughts drift outside with the birds, her heart growing heavier with each moment that passed.

The ringing bell jolted her, pulling her from her daydream. Disoriented, her mind still foggy with lingering thoughts, she glanced at her phone and was taken aback to see a new message.

Her fingers flew across the screen, anticipation buzzing within her.


The message came from Nathaniel Bramble.

In an instant, her face lit up, her eyes curving into crescent moons. The dreariness from the morning melted away, replaced by a newfound lightness in her spirit.

It had been sent thirty minutes ago—she realized she must’ve been asleep that whole time.

Nathaniel had just kicked off a new writing project. The message invited her to join a group of potential contributors, welcoming comments and interactions.

“Resonance” was meant to be a sweet chronicle of youthful love, sort of like a beginner’s diary on first romance.

Oh—and for those who had read “Kiss Her,” they’d recognize a familiar classmate who'd make a cameo at the back of the classroom.

Once more: encouragement for her friends to join in on the fun. Thanks to her supporters, she could pursue her passion for writing.

Chapter 3

Julian Fairchild lived a short bus ride away from school, just five stops.

Knowing that Nathaniel Bramble was coming back tonight, she dashed to the bus stop as soon as evening study hall ended, her heart racing with excitement. The late bus was mostly filled with students, and Julian positioned herself near the back door, ready to be the first one off when they arrived at her stop.

As she sprinted into her neighborhood, a stray dog dashed out from the shrubs, wagging its tail and chasing after her. When she paused, it flopped down at her feet, rolling over playfully.

"Hey there, little one, you sure know when to make an entrance," she chuckled, giving the dog a gentle pat on the head. She backtracked to the corner store at the entrance of her complex and picked up some hot dogs and buns. Julian guided the stray pup into the bushes, locating the small bowl she usually used for feeding. In a hurry, she tore apart the bun and placed the pieces in the bowl, then tossed the whole hot dog inside.

"Sorry I can't be more creative tonight, but chew on this for a while," she said, ruffling the dog's ears.

The dog looked up at her, sausage hanging from its mouth.

"I'm off now," Julian said, not wanting to linger any longer, and raced towards Bramble Hall.

Standing at the door, she took a couple of deep breaths to steady herself. The smile that had escaped her moments before faded as she opened the door to a dark room.

Nathaniel wasn’t back yet.

This realization doused Julian’s enthusiasm like a bucket of cold water. Silently, she shut the door and slipped off her shoes as she walked to her bedroom. Five minutes ticked by, and she couldn’t resist pulling out her phone to text Nathaniel.

"Are you back yet?"

A pointless question, she thought.

Julian didn’t turn on the lights; the dim glow from the balcony was all she had. Standing in the shadows, she clutched her phone while her backpack still hung on her shoulder.

This time, his response came quickly.

"Arriving in an hour."

"Okay, great."

With that, her earlier disappointment subsided, and she felt a flicker of anticipation again. She stared at her phone, contemplating, then sent another message.

"I forgot my keys in the classroom and wanted to check if you were back. I might need to go get them. I’ll head back to Bramble Hall to wait for you, just be careful on the way."

Having devised an excuse, she hoped that Nathaniel wouldn’t mind her sudden inquiry and that it would help shove her previous melancholy aside.

Once she hit send, she studied the message, wondering if it sounded too wordy. Julian sighed, feeling a bit annoyed with herself, but let it go. She finally set her backpack on the desk and noticed the lingering scent of hot dog and buns on her hands. Turning on the desk lamp, she prepared to wash her hands in the bathroom when her gaze settled on a delicate nightgown draped across her bed. A spark of inspiration lit her up, and she grabbed it before stepping out.

After a thorough shower, Julian stood in front of the bathroom mirror, examining her bare self. She had washed her hair that morning, and now she lightly gathered it back into a messy bun, exposing her delicate neck and slender shoulders. Droplets of water still clung to her skin, and the mist from the shower cast a soft glow over her fair complexion, giving it a subtle pink hue. As she raised her hand to lightly touch her chest, a rush of unfamiliar sensations swept over her, making her blush with embarrassment.

Thoughts of Nathaniel flooded her mind.

The feeling was both unsettling and exhilarating, and she felt her cheeks heat up in response.

At the sink, she stared at her pristine bra, considering for a moment before sidestepping it and slipping the silky nightgown over her head. The soft fabric hugged her waist, giving a glimpse of what lay beneath as it fell modestly to her knees.

Chapter 4

After finishing her shower, Julian Fairchild curled up in bed, wrapped in her quilt while intently listening to the sounds outside her room. When she finally heard the sound of the door opening, she instinctively held her breath, straining her ears to catch any noise from the hallway. She could hear Nathaniel Bramble, her guardian, rummaging through the low cabinet by the entrance to find his slippers, and soon enough, his footsteps echoed in the living room as he approached her door, finally stopping right outside.

Knock, knock.

Two measured knocks reverberated through the air, hitting Julian's heart with a thud.

“Are you asleep?” Nathaniel called out.

“Not yet,” Julian quickly sat up, scrambling out of bed. In her haste, she kicked one of her slippers off; she groped the floor in the dark, but couldn’t find it, so she decided to go barefoot to open the door.

As the hallway light spilled a warm glow over Nathaniel, Julian caught a brief glimpse of him before hurriedly averting her gaze. She had realized she hadn't seen him in a while, and her heart ached for him.

Her eyelids dropped, and the straps of her pajama top hugged her shoulders, the soft fabric barely covering her. The subtle outline of her figure was barely discernible through the dim light.

Turning to the desk, she felt the heat flush her cheeks. “I was just about to sleep; I’ll grab the handbook,” she said, trying to keep her composure.

Just as she reached the foot of her bed, the room burst into light as Nathaniel switched on the lamp.

“Put on your slippers first,” Nathaniel's voice rang out from the doorway.

Julian glanced back to see him still standing in place, not wanting to interrupt her.

“Oh right,” she murmured.

Now that the room was lit, locating her discarded slipper was a piece of cake. Julian slipped it on and then walked over to her desk, retrieving a pen and the handbook before returning to where Nathaniel stood.

As she lifted her hand to give him the items, she noticed him pivoting towards the living room. Julian followed closely behind him.

“Hand it to me,” Nathaniel instructed, settling himself on the sofa, extending his palm towards her.

Julian took her place beside him, quickly placing the handbook in his hand, along with the pen she pressed down on top of it.

This was the second time Nathaniel had had to sign such a document, yet he still read every word before signing his name with utmost seriousness.

He returned the pen along with the handbook to Julian, asking, “How’s studying going?”

He didn’t look at her, his tone relaxed but his expression remained comparatively cool.

Julian nodded, her spirits lifting slightly. “I took a math test today and scored 147.”

She knew how to play to her strengths; math and science were her best subjects.

Nathaniel didn’t congratulate her or inquire further, merely responding with a nonchalant “mm.”

He never asked too many questions about her life; any concern he had would mostly be relayed through Aunt Myrtle. Julian understood that to Nathaniel, she was just a troubled kid he had taken in, providing a safe haven from the bullies like Lady Elara while ensuring she was warm and fed. That was sufficient for him.

As she gazed at the profile of Nathaniel, the pen felt heavy in her grasp. With every passing day, Julian found herself longing for more, her desires for Nathaniel evolving into something beyond her control.

But she dared not voice those thoughts.

“I’ll prepare well for the college entrance exam. I really appreciate you coming all the way here this late. Thank you,” she said, offering him a sweet smile. “I’m heading to bed now.”

Nathaniel lifted his gaze to meet hers for a brief moment, remaining silent. His eyes, calm yet intense, sent her heart racing again.

Chapter 5

The two of them sat in silence, the room heavy with quiet. Julian Fairchild could almost hear the thunderous beating of her own heart.

Lady Elara was clearly uncomfortable in such a tense atmosphere; she felt the urge to rush over and hug Nathaniel Bramble.

Just as she was about to turn and leave, Nathaniel spoke up.

"Your stomach isn’t the best. Remember to have Aunt Myrtle bring you food from school before exams, take care of yourself, and please, no more accidents before the big test."

The accident he referred to was the day before the Master’s exams when she had eaten spicy street food outside the school and ended up in the hospital for three days with stomach flu—missing the exam entirely.

He still remembered.

Julian pressed her lips together, managing a shy smile, “Okay.”

Nathaniel nodded, leaning back against the couch with his eyes closed, trying to relax.

Julian caught a rare glimpse of fatigue etched into his features. She glanced at the clock on the wall; it was nearly midnight. She wondered if Nathaniel had an early class in the morning.

Turning her gaze back to him, she allowed herself a lingering look. “Well, I should head back to bed. You should get some rest too.”

Nathaniel didn’t respond.

As she turned to leave the living room, the hallway to her bedroom seemed to stretch endlessly, until she suddenly heard Nathaniel's voice again, "Make sure to wear more layers when you sleep from now on."

“Will do.” Julian replied, stepping around the corner and out of his line of sight. Once out of view, she raised a hand to gently caress the skin exposed by her spaghetti strap nightgown, realizing how cold it felt from collarbone to chest.

She continued onward until she pushed open her bedroom door. The light was still on, illuminating her sanctuary. She turned back, gently closing the door behind her, and turned off the light, plunging the room into darkness.

Nathaniel remained in the living room; he would be staying here tonight.

Julian pressed a warm palm against her chest, her heart racing in a dizzying rhythm that was becoming hard to control. She slowly crouched down, burying her face in her knees, the darkness concealing her sparkling eyes. In that moment, she felt just like a cat that had gotten caught stealing fish from the table.

Julian sat, pondering the best approach—should she entice him with her school uniform, or tease him with her nightgown?

Nathaniel’s father once told her that kids make choices, but she felt ready to go all in.

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