Bound by Desire and Secrets

Chapter 1

Edgar Whitfield stood and adjusted his deep blue robe, carefully placing the various vials and instruments of Nurse Eliza back into his medical kit before turning to the two individuals in the room. “Gideon Blackwood has suffered deep wounds, compounded by the resurgence of an old ailment. I’ve prepared two prescriptions. Lady Isabella, please follow the instructions on them to administer the remedies to Gideon.”

With the kit slung over his shoulder, Edgar added, “I need to attend to other patients. I’ll be on my way.” As he reached the doorway, he glanced back at Lady Isabella, then cast a teasing look at Gideon, who lay on the bed, his chest bound in thick gauze.

Gideon Blackwood was propped up on the bed, showcasing his robust physique with his strikingly handsome face framed by dark, intense eyes. Catching the mischievous glance from his friend, he suppressed the urge to rub his head in irritation, pondering what scheme Edgar was concocting this time—if only moving his hand wouldn’t cause him pain in his chest.

Lady Isabella focused intently on the prescriptions in her hands. With delicate features and a gentle beauty, her hair was styled in an elegant updo that gave her a graceful yet lively appearance. At that moment, a faint blush crept onto her cheeks, and her breath quickened as if she were tossing away a hot potato. She flicked the two prescriptions onto the table with haste.

“Is something wrong? Did you find anything unusual on the prescriptions?” Gideon asked, confusion etched on his face. His gaze fell on the warm hue on Isabella's cheeks, and he noticed the way her breath quickened, revealing the curves concealed beneath her clothing. He swallowed hard and turned his gaze away, aware of her innocence, yet drawn to her allure.

“It’s nothing.” Lady Isabella replied, her tone unnatural as she spoke, visibly flustered. The prescription from Physician Barnaby was somewhat embarrassing, not for the first part, but for the second: take fresh milk from a goat twice daily, once at dawn before light breaks and again at dusk when dark settles in.

At dawn before the sun rises, and at dusk when the world fades into darkness—these weren’t the hours for a man and woman to be alone together.

“I... I should go home to prepare dinner. You are injured because of me. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of,” Lady Isabella stammered, barely waiting for Gideon’s response as she hurriedly exited the room.

Lady Isabella was a widow, having lost her husband shortly after they moved to the city. Her husband had set off to take an important examination but tragically fell victim to bandits along the way. With no family from his side, she returned to her own home in Moonlight Vale with her baby, who was just half a year old. Her elder brother and his family had settled in a newly built house, but Lady Isabella, feeling unwelcome, had taken to living alone with her child in their old house.

As a widow, gossip surrounded her, but fortunately, Lady Isabella had inherited some money from Lord Vincent, allowing her to renovate the house. She fortified it with thick mud walls and sharp wooden stakes to ward off prying eyes from the village. That day, she had heard from Mrs. Zhang next door that there were fresh wild quail eggs up the mountain. Knowing the eggs were a nutritious option for her child’s diet, she arranged for Mrs. Zhang to watch her baby while she ventured out for a stroke of luck.

Unfortunately, she found no wild quail eggs, but instead encountered a menacing wolf with sharp yellow teeth and glistening drool, staring her down. Panic-stricken, she felt her teeth rattle and her legs turn to jelly. As the snarling creature lunged toward her, Lady Isabella truly believed she would meet her end in its jaws.

Chapter 2

In a moment of peril, Gideon Blackwood, returning from a hunting trip, stepped in front of Lady Isabella, engaging in a fierce struggle with a wild wolf. Although the beast was eventually slain, during the confrontation, Gideon took a blow, a deep scratch across his chest, while defending her.

As Gideon watched Lady Isabella’s panicked retreat, an unusual smile flickered in his usually calm eyes. Struggling to move, he reached for two prescriptions resting on the table. Upon reading the orders, his face flushed slightly with embarrassment.

"Agnes Grey—take orally twice a day," he muttered, a shadow passing over his dark eyes. His thoughts spiraled into an unexpected place, one he couldn’t quite shake—that this would eventually lead him to suckle a woman's breast, desperate to draw out the warm, nourishing milk. A vision of a woman’s chest rising and falling with breath flashed in his mind, leaving him breathless and parched.

When the wolf struck him, he had indeed had a chance to evade its claws. But for a fleeting moment, an inexplicable thought crossed his mind, compelling him to stand his ground and take the hit.

Lady Isabella, blushing fiercely, dashed away. Gideon was just a man, a hunter by trade, and when he had settled in the area, he hadn't managed to make amends with the villagers, distancing him enough from her home. She hurried first to pick up little Prince Edmund from the home of Mrs. Zhang, where she had left the child for the day—unreasonable to keep him there any longer. She pressed a gentle kiss to the baby’s face, his cheeks softly scented with milk, eliciting giggles of delight from him before reluctantly strapping him to her back and preparing dinner.

As Gideon's injury was severe and being a bachelor meant there was no one else to care for him, Lady Isabella naturally took it upon herself to look after him. She packed food into a box, her face turning crimson as her mind wandered back to the prescriptions, then she fetched a delicate blue porcelain bowl and slipped quietly into the kitchen, securing the wooden door behind her.

With nimble fingers, she loosened her dress, the fabric sliding down to her waist, exposing her pale shoulders and bare back to the cool air, which glowed softly in the dim kitchen light. Lady Isabella felt a warm trickle against her stomach. Was it the onset of engorgement? Mortified, she removed her bodice, one hand grasping a high, tender peak while the other held the porcelain bowl.

“Hmm…” a soft moan slipped from her lips, her delicate hand pressed gently against her breast, squeezing. Despite her petite frame, she had been quite endowed before marriage, often teased by her husband for her ample bosom. After giving birth to Edmund, the weight of the milk continued to fill her, now nearly bursting like a heavy gourd.

The bowl filled with milk while droplets trickled down from the rosy tips of her breasts. With one breast now emptied, Lady Isabella sensed a gnawing emptiness below, the wetness seeping through her undergarments. With one breast exposed against the cold countertop, she slid her other hand beneath her clothing, gentle fingers exploring herself, parting the delicate folds as she succumbed to an overwhelming wave of pleasure.

“Hmm… my body… feels so good…” she gasped, savoring the intimate moment.

Chapter 3

The dimly lit room flickered with the soft glow of a single lamp, casting shadows that danced and fought against the dark corners by the bedside.

“Gideon, you need to take your medicine…”

Standing at the edge of the bed, Lady Isabella leaned in slightly. With delicate hands, she held a blue and white porcelain bowl filled with a pale, milky liquid. Her fingers, slender and soft, trembled slightly as the contents sloshed gently, and some liquid inevitably brushed against her fingertips.

Gideon Blackwood gazed into the flickering light, the flames reflecting in his eyes, as if a fire blazed deep within him. From his vantage point, Lady Isabella's form bent over him, her curves subtly accentuated, creating a soft silhouette that ignited desires, even hidden just beneath her clothes. His gaze trailed down to her narrow waist, delicate as a willow's branch, and he could not help but feel a surge of longing.

In this close, dim space, the tension thickened between a solitary man and woman.

At thirty, Gideon was of an age filled with vigor and passion. Lady Isabella was the woman he had secretly harbored feelings for, yet his affections had remained unspoken for far too long. A heat surged within him, making it hard to concentrate on anything but the throbbing desire coursing through his body. He discreetly crossed his legs under the thin sheets, trying to hide the telltale sign of his arousal.

Every thought of Lady Isabella felt raw and overwhelming. He yearned to claim her entirely, to feel her beneath him, to leave all traces of his possession on her. He imagined taking her from behind, hands gripping her curves, made love to her until she cried out with pleasure, until they were lost to the world. He fantasized about her pleasuring him, licking from root to tip, ensuring not a drop of his essence would escape her.

Yet, he feared this boldness—his thoughts spiraled out of control, filled with lust, and shame bloomed like a wildflower in his heart. He chastised himself internally while simultaneously indulging in the sweet fantasy that ensnared him.

“What is this?” Gideon asked, feigning confusion.

“It’s… it’s what Physician Barnaby prescribed…” Lady Isabella felt a rush of heat wash over her, mortified at the idea of a widow bringing her milk to a man.

Gideon dipped his fingers into the bowl, tasting the liquid and his lips curled into a teasing smile as he licked his fingers clean.

“Delicious. Is this really from you, Lady Isabella?” His voice dropped to a gravelly whisper, laden with implications.

The man’s voice rang in her ears like an explosion. Lady Isabella felt herself weaken, her gaze drawn to Gideon's striking black eyes, now gleaming with a mixture of desire and something so raw that it unsettled her. The familiar, stoic Gideon was gone, replaced by a man hungry for her—a predator ready to feast.

A flutter of fear gripped her heart, and she fleetingly considered escaping this charged moment. Yet the bowl in her hands tethered her, forcing her to stay.

“Gideon… maybe you should… drink your medicine first,” she stammered, turning her face away to avoid his intense gaze.

Suddenly, she felt a lightness as the bowl was taken from her hands. The sound of Gideon swallowing echoed in the quiet room, primal and intimate.

“Isabella…” Gideon set down the bowl, his eyes now fixated on her delicate, flushed cheeks, and he murmured her name, almost reverently.

Chapter 4

“I... I’ll head back first…” Lady Isabella mumbled, her thoughts a jumbled mess after hearing that loud swallow. She didn’t quite catch how intimately Gideon called her, but as he set his bowl down, she quickly gathered her things and slipped out the door.

The moment Lady Isabella stepped outside, Gideon threw off the thin blanket with a swift motion. The sharp sound echoed as his impressive physique was revealed, the strong curve of his body contrasting against the starkness of his surroundings.

Gideon’s hands moved rhythmically, his muscular form highlighted under the dim light, veins cresting along his legs. His gaze burned intensely as it met hers, eyes smoldering with an overwhelming need, igniting a flush across Lady Isabella’s cheeks.

As morning mist settled over Sunny Hollow, the ground glistened with moisture, wild grass swaying gently in the breezy, refreshing air. Lady Isabella entered Gideon’s home, breakfast in hand, and spotted Edgar Whitfield, clad in green, tending to Gideon, changing his bandages and washing him.

“Lady Isabella, did you prepare the remedies based on the prescription I handed you yesterday?” Edgar asked, securing the cloth around Gideon once more before turning to her.

“Yes, according to Physician Barnaby’s instructions.” Lady Isabella replied nervously, standing at the door, aware of Edgar’s penetrating gaze which suggested displeasure.

“Curiously, it seems Gideon’s condition has worsened since yesterday,” Edgar mused, scratching his chin as he paced inside the room.

As Edgar moved, Gideon fell into Lady Isabella’s line of sight. Leaning against the wall, his long dark hair cascaded down his shoulders, muscled arms tensed under his skin as he fixed his fiery gaze on her, causing her heart to race.

“Right,” Edgar suddenly clapped his forehead, realization striking him. “Did you ensure that the milk from Cecilia Grey was fresh?”

Lady Isabella felt a rush of embarrassment as she grappled with the personal nature of the question, but steeled herself to respond, “Yes, it was fresh.”

“Did you serve it in a bowl for him to drink, or did you offer it directly?” Edgar pressed, his serious demeanor giving the impression of a clinical discussion rather than casual conversation.

Caught off guard, Lady Isabella faltered, glancing at Gideon for help.

“It was in a bowl,” he answered firmly, his voice a low rumble that stirred something within her.

“That won’t suffice,” Edgar frowned. “Gideon’s injuries require warm, fresh milk—serving it in a bowl makes it stale, so…”

His unspoken words hung heavily in the air, but the two of them instinctively understood the implication.

Edgar carefully closed the door as he left, a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Isabella,” Gideon’s voice was hoarse yet insistently drawn in a way that made her breath catch. His intense focus was unwavering, his handsome features sharp in the soft morning light. There was need beneath his determined gaze that made her heart skip.

“Isabella,” he repeated, his tone low and commanding. “I want to take the medicine.”

In that moment, she remembered fiercely how he protected her against those wolves, placing himself in harm's way. Her resolve began to waver.

“I crave your milk,” he said candidly, breaking through the lingering silence with a raw, demanding need.

Chapter 5

Lady Isabella slowly turned, securing the bolt on the door behind her. She glanced at the tightly closed door, letting out a soft breath.

Settling down next to Gideon Blackwood, her ample bosom nearly brushed against his nose. She placed her hands on her waist, contemplating unfastening her belt. A pair of strong, sun-kissed hands enveloped hers, their warmth radiating through her delicate fingers, sending a shiver of heat through her body, igniting an unmistakable flutter in her heart.

The scent of masculinity enveloped Lady Isabella. Her body pressed against his strong chest, the fabric of her dress molding to her curves, her nipples gently pushing against the material. A tingling sensation spread throughout her body. She bit her lip, softly gasping, "Ah... mmm, it tickles... oh, it's overwhelming..."

"Giddy woman…" Gideon murmured, his head dipping down as his hot breath caressed the peaks of her breasts. He suckled eagerly beneath the damp fabric, tasting the sweet, slightly salty essence hidden there.

As Lady Isabella felt her belt loosen, she stared wide-eyed, her hazel eyes filled with desire, leaning forward to beckon his lips closer. Gideon’s hands slipped inside her garment, guiding the neckline aside, and she felt the cool air hit her exposed skin. It didn't take long for the fabric of her dress to give way, revealing her full, warm breasts, round and beckoning, topped with rosy nipples like cherry blossoms in spring.

Gideon feasted on her softness, delighting in the taste, drawing both nipples into his mouth greedily as Lady Isabella gasped in response, soft moans escaping her lips. His tongue traced the luscious valley between her breasts, where the soft flesh pressed against his appealing face. He struggled to pull away, the heavy swells surrounding him constricting his breath.

So fragrant and enticing, he would willingly drown in this pleasure.

Lady Isabella leaned languidly against him, every kiss and touch leaving her feeling weaker, her strength sapped away by his warm caresses. She could hardly muster the energy to resist.

"Come, sit on my lap," Gideon commanded, kneading her breasts in his capable hands, his fingers tracing the delicate contours. A tantalizing bead of moisture peeked from the creases of her soft curves, begging for attention. He gazed into her eyes, hazy with desire, hair slick with sweat, and a pink tongue dancing shyly from her lips, highlighted by the attention her aching breasts demanded.

Gideon lifted the linen, revealing the prominent outline of his arousal through fabric, each shudder brushing against her. He felt her gaze linger as his desire throbbed under her watchful eyes.

Obediently, Lady Isabella climbed onto the bed, her core already damp with anticipation, the fabric of her lingerie soaked through. Her legs felt slick and sticky as she parted them slightly, the edges of her femininity trembling with eagerness, almost pleading for the firm length of a man inside her.

Positioned atop him, she felt every thrust against her soft center—a delightful blend of firmness and heat. She gasped as he pressed into her, every sensation amplified. Overwhelmed, her legs squeezed him as she succumbed to the sensations, barely able to contain herself, and her moans filled the air.

Once again! She craved the union, and the fluid desire slipped from her, eagerly inviting him closer.

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