Between Frost and Desire

Chapter 1

The winter in Yarnwick was colder than usual this year, with winds that bit harder than in Northvale. The icy gusts slapped against Evelyn Blackwood's face while snowflakes fell incessantly, blanketing the roads, the roofs, and her own shoulder-length black waves. Clad in a simple little black dress, she shivered against the relentless chill.

"Damn it, Helen Fairchild just had to pass this lousy assignment off to me. Why couldn’t I have learned her knack for charming Master Wang? I wouldn’t be freezing my butt off right now." Evelyn fumed silently, forcing a perfect smile as she reported her name to the waiter and followed him into the Grand Hall.

The top-tier club didn’t differ much from a typical lobby, aside from the oversized, unique art piece that stood prominently in the center. Sparse guests lounged in the seating area, engrossed in their phones, making the atmosphere feel a bit dull. As they descended to the third underground level, the corridor led to the door decorated with black totems against a deep The-color backdrop. When it opened, it felt like entering an entirely different world, starkly contrasting with the lobby's ambiance.

The sultry sounds of a woman's low, raspy voice floated through the air, smoothly reaching Evelyn's ears. On stage, a woman with long hair donned a plunging black cocktail dress that barely concealed her curves, singing with a passion that was both tender and provocative. The well-dressed men and women below listened intently, their darkened surroundings providing an intimate setting for flirty exchanges.

Rich folks always tried to elevate the mundane, but how much elegance could one truly impart? It was all the same stuff at the end of the day.

Evelyn kept her gaze steady, determined not to get distracted as she navigated through the crowd. Her years of experience in such venues taught her that harassment was inevitable, but a fleeting glance or a playful smirk could easily lead to endless hassle. After all, any man who stepped foot in this place was likely wealthy and influential, and not someone she could afford to anger.

"Master Wang," Evelyn quickly scanned the room before greeting him, nodding at a few other men in his company. Master Wang was a major Asian food mogul, a distinctly middle-aged man with a standard frame, and just enough baldness to be notable. He had a reputation in the business world as an old lech, and her previous encounters had already shown her just how aggressive he could be with female colleagues. This time, she’d been dispatched alone to secure a contract that would elevate her company to the forefront of the market.

Upon spotting her, Master Wang immediately dismissed the woman who had been flirting with him. She shot him a displeased glance before flitting off in search of new prey.

"Evelyn, you look stunning today!" Master Wang leered, his eyes roving over her. He extended his hand for a handshake. "If you dressed like this regularly, your company’s success would be guaranteed."

"Thank you for the compliment, Master Wang," Evelyn replied, stifling a smirk at his faux politeness. With a light grip, she barely allowed their hands to meet before pulling away and noticing that the woman from just moments before had already settled in another man's lap, the man's hands roaming over her exposed skin.

Master Wang seemed to completely forget about the earlier distraction, leaning closer to Evelyn and pretending to be a gentleman. He placed his hand on her back, guiding her toward the nearby sofa. "Come, let’s sit here."

Evelyn concealed her disgust as she pondered how to navigate this conversation about the contract. Master Wang settled next to her, his presence too close for comfort. As he poured himself a drink, she subtly shifted away, trying to create some distance.

"Here, have a drink. It’s not too strong," he said, thrusting a full glass of an unknown liquor toward her, his plump fingers nearly spilling it. Smiling politely, she offered a tired excuse. "I’m actually allergic to alcohol."

"That excuse is still in play, huh?" chimed in a stranger close by, a smirk on his face. "Seems like you're not giving Master Wang much respect."

Evelyn shot a glance at Master Wang, who appeared unperturbed, his attention already drifting toward another attractive woman.

"That's alright, water works too," he shrugged, his enthusiasm noticeably dampened as he looked away from her.

Great. She hadn’t even opened her mouth before getting sidelined. Evelyn lamented internally, though she harbored no regrets about rejecting the drink; if she'd sampled that concoction, her regrets would have come a bit too late. She began calculating how to steer the conversation back to the contract when the sight of Master Wang's lascivious demeanor turned her stomach. With a mocking laugh in her mind, she grabbed her bag, ready to make her exit without a word.

Just as she stood and lifted her gaze, a stunning clarity struck her, freezing her in place. A shock ran through her, incapacitating her limbs as a chilling wave washed over her. The music faded, the chatter ceased, and the chaotic world around her dissolved, leaving only a figure familiar to her, standing just a few yards away.

Daniel Hawthorne. The love of her life.

Chapter 2

The world was surprisingly small. She thought she would never see him again, and certainly never expected him to see her like this. What a disgrace.

Daniel's gaze was fixed on her like a hawk watching its prey, unrelenting.

It might have been minutes or just seconds, but the chill in her heart turned into a sharp pain, snapping Evelyn Blackwood back to reality. She turned her head, avoiding his piercing stare, and slowly walked out the door, retracing her steps.

Evelyn Blackwood was keenly aware that he was still watching her; she could feel it. Her hollow legs, the goosebumps on her skin, all screamed that he was there.

"Evelyn Blackwood," a cold voice called out from behind her. Just as her foot was about to step into the elevator, she hesitated, then turned her back and entered without looking back. Daniel stepped into the elevator right after her and pressed the close button.

Inside, there were only the two of them, standing face to face. Evelyn glanced up into his deep green eyes and paused, as if all the past was flooding back—both the good and the bad memories resurfacing as swiftly as yesterday in her mind.

Evelyn forced herself to dismiss those memories and rein in her emotions. She asked quietly, "Is there something you need?"

"Stay away from that guy," Daniel's tone was as emotionless as hers.

"My life is none of your business," she shot back, noticing the elevator had reached the lobby, but before the doors could open, Daniel pressed the button again to keep them closed.

Evelyn was on the verge of exploding when he laughed—a grin that was both charming and sinister. She was only too familiar with that smile.

That smile wasn't good news.

As expected, he leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "If he gets any closer to you, I'll cut off his hand." He stepped back, still wearing that wicked grin. "Do you understand, Evelyn Blackwood?"

Evelyn. Among all the foreigners she knew, only he called her by that name, and not in English, just Chinese. It felt like a name that belonged solely to her, yet also to him.

But only in certain moments. His favorite was still to call her "dear." At the time, she didn't think much of it, but later, she wondered if he had used those three words with that other woman too.

The elevator continued its ascent, stopping intermittently to let people in and out. They'd have to wait a few minutes more before reaching the lobby. Both were silent. Inside, Evelyn was agitated, not just by his threat but by his very presence. She watched the floors flicker by, wishing desperately to escape this cursed place. Daniel, on the other hand, seemed as relaxed as ever, as if that threat had never left his lips, as if nobody had ever uttered those words.

After Evelyn exited the elevator, Daniel signaled to his hidden subordinate, his tone dark and commanding. "Keep a close eye on that Master guy."


Evelyn Blackwood had a sleepless night, finally dozing off just as the winter sun was high in the sky. After a quick wash-up, she was thinking about how to explain to Master Wang why she had returned empty-handed last night. Just then, her phone rang—it was Master Wang.

Evelyn frowned and answered the call.

"Evelyn, it's Master Wang," he boomed through the receiver, clearly irked. "Why did you leave so abruptly last night without saying a word?"

Internally, Evelyn scoffed, but replied respectfully, "I saw you were busy last night, so I didn't want to bother you."

"True, last night wasn’t the best time for business discussions. Seeing as it’s already noon, why don't we grab lunch together and go over the details of the contract?"

In a private dining room. She thought it was quite the slick move. Remembering Daniel's threat from last night, she was about to refuse when Master Wang continued, saying he was already waiting for her downstairs.

Evelyn sighed. Master Wang was practically asking for trouble. She had some understanding of Daniel's methods and capabilities; he was a man of his word, one she could not afford to take lightly—unless she remembered that one time three years ago.

Entering the private room, she found the table laden with food and bottles of alcohol. Master Wang was already drinking, while Evelyn only had a glass of orange juice in front of her, clearly prepared. As she complimented the room’s design, she scanned the area for any hidden cameras.

None. At least none in sight. Evelyn wasn't sure if she should feel relieved or anxious. If there were cameras, it could either be Master Wang’s cunning plan or Daniel’s. The former was likely no good, but Evelyn was no easy target. The latter, however, might be the one who was about to lose a hand if things went poorly.

Evelyn raised the glass of orange juice, suspecting it might have been laced with something, and decided just to take a tiny sip. As she brought her glass to clink against Master Wang’s, the door slammed open. Someone in black entered, and without a word, they quickly dragged Master Wang out of his seat.

Caught off guard, Evelyn barely had a moment to react before realizing what was happening. Moments later, their mastermind strode in, closing the door behind him, and took Master Wang's place with a feigned look of regret, though his lips curled into a smirk. “Darling, you really never learn to listen to me, do you?”

Chapter 3

Evelyn Blackwood had never been one to follow the rules. From a young age, she carried an air of rebellion, fused with an intelligence that helped her navigate the turbulent waters of life, ensuring she rarely got hurt. Daniel Hawthorne represented a particular challenge for her; he loved to test her boundaries, pushing her buttons just to see how she would react. And while Evelyn often had ways of calming him down, in the end, she always ended up getting hurt.

The truly adaptable are the masters of their fate.

With a snort of derision, Evelyn announced, “Could you please keep your hands to yourself? I haven’t even signed the contract yet.”

Daniel chuckled at her remark, seemingly unconcerned. “Too late for that,” he replied casually.


At a loss for words, Evelyn stood up to leave. But just then, Daniel grasped her wrist, the other arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her flush against him. Startled, she pushed against his chest with her free hand, struggling to break free. She quickly realized her efforts were futile, and with a resigned sigh, she stopped resisting.

Looking up at him from so close, she noticed faint crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, a shocking realization.

Time was relentless; it swept by far too quickly.

In just three short years, his youthful features had begun to show the signs of maturity—crow’s feet emerging as he approached the pinnacle of his masculine allure, his good looks only becoming more pronounced. Yet for a woman, a single gray hair or a wrinkle was an agonizing reminder of aging, a hit to her self-worth that felt worse than seeing her investments crash.

Life was painfully unfair, and society endlessly ironic. Evelyn felt a pang of sorrow for him while simultaneously grappling with her own sadness. She didn’t want to see him grow old, nor did she long for her own aging. If she could only revisit the past, the most beautiful moments...

But alas, no one had a magical way to turn back time. Reality was often brutal.

“What exactly do you want?” Evelyn questioned, her voice tightening as her heart raced faster.

Rather than answering verbally, Daniel moved closer, releasing her wrist only to lean his weight against her shoulder.

Evelyn could feel his breath against her skin—it sent shivers down her spine. “Don’t move. Just let me hold you for a moment,” he murmured softly. But then added, playfully threatening, “If you squirm, I’ll kiss you.”

……Evelyn didn’t dare to move, nor did she want to. She became lost in the warmth of his long-missed embrace, every bit familiar and comforting. His scent surrounded her—not the smell of smoke or cologne, just his essence, clean and faint, bringing back memories that felt like home.

Time passed, and finally, Daniel let her go, stretching his neck with a look of regret as though he wanted to linger just a little longer.

At six-foot-three, he was trying to rest his head against her shoulder, which was no easy feat.

He gazed down at her porcelain skin, blush creeping up her cheeks from the sudden loss of his embrace. She stared back at him, dazed and speechless, and Daniel felt an overwhelming impulse to pull her in again and kiss her deeply.

Suppressing that urge with a cough, he caught her off guard before saying, “I’ll be going now.”

“Oh,” Evelyn replied almost automatically, lost in her thoughts until the moment he stepped away, finally snapping back to reality.


In the misty bathroom, steam enveloped the air, cloaking everything in a hazy white. A blurred silhouette could be seen soaking in the tub, a hand sensuously roaming over her full, smooth breasts, the wine-red nails sliding over hardened nipples. Her long legs spread wide in the warm water, fingers teasing little pleasures below, varying between soft caresses and firmer strokes.

Evelyn Blackwood closed her eyes, lips slightly parted, soft moans escaping as the silence of the empty bathroom amplified her pleasure.

Since the long-awaited embrace at noon, her pent-up desires felt like a wild beast leaping from its confines, rampaging through her body, screaming to be unleashed.

As her movements quickened, rose petals drifting atop the water danced in rhythm. When she finally reached her peak, a long sigh escaped her lips, immediately followed by waves of emptiness—physically and emotionally.

Evelyn craved more. She wanted him inside her, basking in the sweetness that followed their union, holding her tight and whispering those three little words: “I love you.” She wished for soft kisses after the bliss, yearning for just one more round.

Such longings felt shameful, and the abyss of solitude tugged at her heart, urging tears to fall. Perhaps she hadn’t had a man in her life for too long. Despite years spent under his spell, she had grown unaccustomed to others.

It was said that to truly win a woman’s heart, one must first penetrate her body. Yet for Evelyn, it had always been just Daniel who occupied her heart and soul. But how ironic—he wasn’t the only one with access to her realm.

Chapter 4

Five years ago, on a chilly December night in Northvale...

This was the day Evelyn Blackwood first met Daniel Hawthorne.

As dusk settled in, storefronts already glimmered with festive lights, and a cheerful atmosphere filled the air. People bustled in and out, wearing smiles that were as bright as the holiday decorations. The streets were infused with a warm Christmas spirit.

Just down the road, a line of cars extended like a parking lot, horns blaring in a cacophony of frustration. Behind the wheel of a pink sports car, Daisy Whitaker sat impatiently honking the horn and grumbling about the traffic in Northvale.

In the passenger seat, Evelyn Blackwood watched the seemingly endless line of vehicles stretch before them. She nodded along at appropriate moments to Daisy’s animated monologue, trying to show that she was engaged, even as her mind wandered.

Daisy, her college friend, was a lively and petite girl with long, curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. Her face, dotted with cute freckles, gave her the appearance of a porcelain doll. But as Evelyn got to know her better, she quickly discovered that Daisy was far more than just a pretty face. Full of energy and enthusiasm, Daisy's personality contrasted sharply with Evelyn's more reserved nature. It was this difference, perhaps, that drew them together, forging a strong friendship.

The previous two Christmases had been lonely for Evelyn, as she found herself far from home with no one to celebrate with. Noticing her solitude, Daisy had kindly invited Evelyn to join her family during the holidays. However, feeling awkward about intruding on someone else's family time, Evelyn hesitated and politely declined each time.

This year, Daisy was back with yet another invitation—and she came prepared. “My parents are out of town, off to travel the world! It’s just me and my brother, with a couple of his friends. I promise it won't be awkward; it's going to be fun!” Daisy said, giving Evelyn a hopeful gaze and a playful wink.

Still uncertain, Evelyn found herself swayed by Daisy’s relentless persuasion and colorful arguments, eventually agreeing to join.

As they pulled out of the downtown area, Daisy let her hair down. The further they drove from the city, the faster Daisy seemed to go, disregarding speed limits as she raced ahead. Evelyn, who had been in Daisy's car a few times before, knew her friend was a capable driver, but this speed was pushing the limit. She clutched the seatbelt tightly, anxiety creeping in.

“Daisy, slow down! You’re going way too fast. This isn't a racetrack!” Evelyn managed to call out, attempting to temper the situation.

Daisy laughed, a sweet sound that filled the car. “I can't help it! I was stuck in traffic for so long!” She glanced at Evelyn with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Guess who taught me how to drive?”

“I don’t even want to guess...” Evelyn muttered, feeling a mix of concern and curiosity.

“An F1 racing champion!” Daisy answered herself, beaming with pride.

Evelyn's heart raced as the car swerved slightly. Great, she thought, just what I need—an F1 driver at the wheel.

Fortunately, as they moved farther into the countryside, the road opened up and traffic thinned out. The city skyline faded into stretches of greenery and woodland, gradually easing Evelyn’s tension. Still, she swore off riding with Daisy again after this trip.

An hour later, they arrived at a sprawling estate, the driveway lined with snow and leading to a stunning white mansion that seemed to shimmer against the backdrop of the winter landscape.

As they entered the main hall, a flamboyantly dressed figure approached them. Apart from lacking freckles and being male, he looked almost identical to Daisy.

“Good to meet you, beautiful,” he greeted with a charming bow. “I’m Colin Ashford, Daisy’s brother.”

Despite his striking features and flamboyant outfit, there was a lightheartedness about him that made it hard not to smile.

Evelyn stifled a laugh, introducing herself, “Evelyn Blackwood. You can call me Ann.”

“Is Daniel here yet?” Daisy interrupted, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“On his way,” Colin responded, leaning casually against the doorway.

“What about Alex Sutherland?” Daisy pressed, her enthusiasm unmistakable.

“Now that's the real question,” Colin teased, rolling his eyes. “He’s in the study, but try not to bother him for too long.”

Daisy grabbed Evelyn's arm, dragging her up the staircase toward the study. As they entered, Evelyn spotted a man hunched over a laptop at a desk, diligently typing away. Daisy's eyes lit up immediately.

“He’s still working,” she said, loosening her grip on Evelyn to bounce over to his side.

He barely acknowledged her with a distracted grunt.

“This is Alex Sutherland,” Daisy introduced, glancing back at Evelyn with a grin. “He’s the one who taught me how to drive.”

Evelyn extended a hand, saying, “Hi.” He glanced up briefly, nodded, and returned his focus to the screen.

“What a character,” Evelyn thought, slightly amused but mostly perplexed.

After a moment, Daisy continued to chat with Alex, who seemed indifferent to their presence. It wasn't until later that Daisy quietly confided in Evelyn that Alex was her crush. Despite her best efforts, he had yet to reciprocate her feelings.

Evelyn was taken aback. How could someone so charming and fun like Daisy not catch his attention? Yet, looking at Alex, with his unassuming Eurasian features and thick-rimmed glasses, she could see why he might elude the spotlight. Maybe there was more to him than meets the eye.

The evening promised to be full of surprises.

Chapter 5

The study fell silent as the man sat at the desk, staring intently at his laptop while Daisy Whitaker watched him, the atmosphere oddly tense. Evelyn Blackwood stood for a moment, feeling the discomfort, and quietly slipped out of the room.

The villa was a multi-level affair, and as she looked down from the upper floor, the massive Christmas tree in the living room immediately caught her eye. It was adorned with all sorts of decorations and colorful little lights that twinkled vibrantly. Outside the large windows, the sky had darkened completely, and softly falling snow created a picturesque scene under the night sky.

Walking down the stairs, Evelyn spotted Colin Ashford chatting with a tall man whose back was turned to her, hiding his features from view.

Colin noticed Evelyn and waved her over.

As she approached, the man turned around, and their eyes locked.

His deep green eyes seemed to possess a magnetic pull that drew her in. For a moment, she was completely mesmerized, unable to move or speak.

Colin kept talking beside her, but all she could hear was one name.

The name of the man with the green eyes: Daniel Hawthorne.

He wore a dark gray turtleneck sweater and well-fitted jeans, giving off a casual vibe. Yet, Evelyn couldn’t help but notice how the sweater accentuated his physique and how the jeans hugged his long legs. She felt an unwelcome rush of heat and embarrassment wash over her.

The rest of the evening dragged on for Evelyn. Her thoughts were consumed with Daniel, and she was constantly battling the urge to let her gaze drift in his direction. The entire night, she hardly spoke a word, while Daisy Whitaker chatted animatedly. She barely tasted the gourmet meal prepared by the chef, mechanically shoveling food into her mouth and wasting exquisite culinary talent.

Thanks to the Whitaker siblings, though, the small gathering was lively, dispelling the awkwardness Evelyn had dreaded. Even so, she found herself too distracted to care much about her discomfort.

As the night drew near to midnight, Alex Sutherland finished dinner and retreated to the study. Daniel was about to leave when Daisy, aware that Evelyn needed to get back to her dorm for work in the morning, pushed her toward him, suggesting he drop her off.

“You swore you wouldn’t take my car this afternoon, and honestly, at this hour and from this place, calling a ride will be impossible,” Daisy sighed.

Evelyn remained silent, but the thought of sharing a car with Daniel sent shivers down her spine. Without further deliberation, she decided to spend the night at the villa and call a ride in the morning.

Daniel noticed Evelyn’s lips moving, indicating her intent to refuse his offer. With a slight grin, he gestured politely, “Evelyn, please allow me to drive you back.”

His tone was requesting, yet his body language made it hard to say no.

Feeling cornered, Evelyn climbed into the car, reluctantly giving him her dorm address. Through the rearview mirror, she caught Daisy waving cheerfully goodbye.

Evelyn sighed internally, realizing she would have to keep her guard up a little longer.

The ride was filled with silence. Daniel didn't say a word, and Evelyn found herself quietly fixating on the road ahead. The car seemed to hum softly, amplifying the sound of her heartbeat more than anything else.

When they arrived at her dorm, she muttered her thanks, but before she could even open the door, Daniel’s deep voice cut through the air. “Are you afraid of me?” he asked, his Chinese flawless.

Evelyn jumped, surprised that he spoke Chinese so well and even more so by the question he had just asked.

Turning to face him, she was acutely aware of not looking him in the eyes, instead staring at his neck. But her imagination began to run wild, picturing what lay beneath that fitted gray sweater. As her thoughts spiraled, she felt a blush creep up her face.

Daniel noticed her fluster and called her name.

Evelyn instinctively looked up. She met his gaze and suddenly realized her tightly wound nerves were teetering on the verge of breaking.

Regaining her composure, she remembered his question, mustering the courage to reply, “No.” She aimed for her voice to be steady and calm.

He raised an eyebrow, an enigmatic yet captivating smile gracing his lips. Evelyn felt herself getting lost in that smile, a mix of charm and danger. Compulsively, she feigned calmness and, before her head spun out of control, thanked him once again, then opened the door and fled.

As she hurried away, she thought, Spring isn’t even here yet, and I’ve already started to develop a crush. And then she considered Colin Ashford and his revolving door of women; it wasn’t surprising at all, knowing Daniel's allure was bound to attract many.

From that point on, Daniel Hawthorne was branded a high-stakes individual in Evelyn’s mind.

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