Between Two Hearts in Bloom

Chapter 1

The summer rain in Northvale has a way of sneaking up on you; one moment the skies are clear, and the next, you’re caught in a downpour.

Clara Gentry found herself fighting off sleep as the rain tapped relentlessly against her window.

It had to do with the fact that she lived on the top floor—when she looked up, all she saw was a gray blanket of clouds; when she looked down, a wall of white mist. It felt as though she was suspended in the clouds, floating in a dreamscape—who could possibly stay awake in such a cozy setting?

She was deep into slumber when her phone rang, the sound slicing through her peaceful dreams. Burrying herself deeper into her blanket, she barely cracked an eye open to grab her phone. “Hello?”


The low, soothing voice on the other end felt as familiar as a warm embrace, like rain tapping at the window. Startled, Clara bolted upright, still half-asleep but quickly backtracking in her mind as Liam Hawthorne continued, “Congratulations, you’re trending again.”

Now more awake, Clara’s mind kicked into gear. “No way! I have to be doing something wrong again. What’s up this time?”

“You said you weren’t close with Evelyn Silver.”

“Yeah. That’s true," she responded, a frown forming on her face. She couldn’t see the issue; she’d only shared an afternoon with Evelyn on a body wash commercial shoot—hardly enough time to call someone a friend.

“Only she posted on Twitter claiming you’re good friends,” Liam replied, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Clara felt the heat creep into her cheeks. “Oh, come on! I haven’t been active on social media for so long.”

“Just as I figured,” Liam sighed, his usually cool demeanor now deflated. “But don't worry, the post has been taken down. Luckily, you’re not as famous as you were two years ago, or else we’d really be in trouble. Just be careful with what you say, okay?”

“Got it,” Clara replied, her tone now serious as the reality of her situation set in.

She accepted her lesser fame with some dignity—after all, this was hardly the first time she had to deal with such ridiculousness.

“Just remember, you’ve got a meeting at the broadcasting house at 1 PM. I can’t make it, so I’ll send Nate Bright with you.”

“I can handle it; I’ll just go solo if it’s easier for you!”

“Come on! You're a celebrity now; no one goes anywhere without an assistant! You can't show up without someone to carry your bags.”

“But I’m not that famous,” she protested, with a wry smile teasing her lips.

“Seriously?” He paused, clearly pondering how to respond.

Clara laughed quietly, sensing the absurdity of the situation. “Don’t worry! I’ll make sure to be on my best behavior. I’ll bring my charm to the meeting.”

Liam scoffed, his voice returning to its usual teasing tone.

She had seen this all unfold—the situations where she would be coached by a team of public relations experts, yet somehow still finding herself getting into trouble with every step she took. Clara had always thought her beauty would make life much easier, but she was realizing that wasn’t the case at all.

She had burst onto the scene and made waves, instantly gaining popularity for her looks. Even her harshest critics could only find the words, “She’s stunning, but—” and that “but” was something she simply chose to ignore.

Yet not two years into the spotlight, the tide turned.

It all started with an online poll declaring the “Girl Next Door.” Clara’s charming school uniform picture had won, and when a gossip columnist asked her if she considered herself to be that girl next door, she’d confidently denied it. The follow-up questions spiraled out of control, and her simple refusal became a meme. Liam still winced at her blunt reply when she had said, “I live alone; we have no neighbors.”

As she pulled her blanket tighter around herself, Clara let out a sigh, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and resolve. She’d face whatever came next—and do it on her own terms.

Chapter 2

Clara Gentry was already the subject of whispers, with people suspecting she was a trust fund kid. But until now, those murmurs hadn't gained much traction. In the early days of her rise to fame, the online space was less forgiving, and audiences gravitated toward hard-working stars, the ones who struggled through adversity to pay off family debts. Those who were well-off kept a low profile—something to be embraced, not flaunted.

Now, with the revelation about her background, negative comments flared up like wildfire, and it felt impossible to erase them.

Liam Hawthorne understood that Clara spoke the truth; she genuinely had no neighbors. In Northvale, where real estate was skyrocketing, the Gentry Family Estate had a sprawling garden that even sported a private tennis court. Clara had only returned to the U.S. for high school after living abroad; her Chinese wasn't nearly as fluent back then. She even mentioned later that she hadn’t quite grasped what the girl next door meant when she called her a "neighbor."

Once a star ventured down a dark path, it was nearly impossible to backtrack. Their statements, explanations, and apologies felt like pin drops drowned out by a cacophony of public judgment.

With the recent surge in popularity of those playing the "poor little rich kid" angle, Liam found himself confronting an undeniable truth—some stars seemed destined for greatness.


Once the call ended, Clara Gentry hopped out of bed to change, eager to head out early.

Northvale Broadcasting Company was known for its quality programming, so when Edwin Worth, who played Sebastian Rivers, reached out for a collaboration, Clara was taken aback, wondering if Worth's memory of her lingered on from when she sought darker roles in the past.

Then, she learned the name of the new show, and it clicked for her.

Film: 'Even So, Love Will Prevail.'

It wasn't just about "falling in love, even if it's with a faded star," but also navigating the darkyard of being in the spotlight regardless of the backlash.

The other female guest, Margaret Sterling, was a fresh 21-year-old right out of film school.

Well, that added another layer—"even if you're 28, you still deserve love."

Edwin Worth had sharp instincts; he knew Margaret would bring in multiple voices, making it a smart choice.

Though Clara didn't feel that 28 was "too old," for a woman in showbiz, it certainly was a milestone worth considering, especially for someone like her who was somewhere in between stardom and obscurity.

After dressing and grabbing a quick snack, her phone pinged with a message from Nate Bright: "Hey sis, I’m waiting outside."

Knowing Nate’s youthful exuberance, she grabbed her bag and rushed out, replying, "Be right down!"

Nathaniel Bright was just about to text her, "No rush," when he spotted her tall silhouette and quickly put his phone away. He strode over with an umbrella.

Clara wore light makeup, paired a simple T-shirt with jeans, and styled her hair in a low ponytail. With her striking features, she was hard to miss in any crowd. What stood out even more than her highlighted cheekbones were her full lips—plump and perfectly shaped.

“Nate, just stay in the car and don't worry about me,” she said, spotting her brother.

“Guess it started to rain just for you,” he replied, holding the umbrella over her.

“Agreed. No more special trips to greet me at the door,” she teased as he climbed in.

“Any luck finding that new assistant?” she asked casually.

Nate wasn’t just her assistant; Liam wanted him to learn the ropes of the production side. It turned out to be a learning curve, and Clara felt a bit guilty about it, especially with Liam clearly aiming to groom Nate for bigger opportunities, often "borrowing" him during project discussions.

“Need to find someone reliable; it takes time,” Nate replied.

They exchanged casual chatter; it wasn’t overly enthusiastic, but when they hit a red light, Nate glanced at Clara and couldn't resist a grin, “You seem pretty happy today.”

“Yeah, it's all about Edwin Worth's show,” she admitted.

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow, intrigued; it was rare for his sister to show such ambition.

The truth was, another reason for her excitement was that one of the male guests, Gabriel West, was her high school crush—working alongside him was definitely a thrill.

As for the second guest, Thomas Blackwood, a rising star at only 23, she had heard of him but never met him. Last night, Clara did some online searching to avoid any awkward moments today.

Chapter 3

Clara Gentry arrived at the Broadcast Tower a full forty minutes early, but someone else was already there before her.

In the Council Chamber, Gabriel West stood up to welcome her. "Hello, Clara Gentry. I'm Gabriel West. It's a pleasure to work together."

He was from Hong Kong and spoke Mandarin with a slightly stiff accent, his smile warm and his eyes sincere. When they shook hands, there was just the right amount of pressure, and he released her grip with gentlemanly finesse.

If Clara remembered correctly, Gabriel West was nearly forty. A few subtle lines added to his mature charm; he was even more attractive than he had been a decade ago. He maintained a fit physique, standing tall as if propelled upward by an unseen force.

The Council Chamber was empty aside from the two of them and their assistants, allowing Clara to relax. She smiled and said, “Gabriel, why are you here so early?”

Gabriel chuckled. “Times have changed. It’s essential to have the spirit of a newcomer.”

His casual tone surprised Clara.

Everyone knew that Gabriel West had been sidelined for nearly a decade, and the challenges of his industry comeback were well-known. Nevertheless, she hadn't expected him to bring it up so openly.

Her silence briefly made the atmosphere awkward. Just as Nathaniel Bright was about to speak, Gabriel West slid the chair beside him out for Clara. “Please, Little Gentry, have a seat. No need to be nervous; it's all part of reality, after all. And please, just call me West or Vincent. No need for formalities."

Clara blinked, smiling back at him. “Alright, Vincent.” She chose to use his English name, considering it more comfortable, “You can call me Little Gentry." This time, she dropped even the honorific.

Nathaniel Bright silently worried; having seen plenty of disingenuousness, he wasn’t sure if Gabriel West was genuinely easygoing or just pretending to be accommodating.

Gabriel West didn't shy away, his expression brightening as he directly addressed her. “Little Gentry.”

As the conversation flowed, Clara felt increasingly delighted. She appreciated the old-school charm that Gabriel West exuded—a rarity in today’s world.

Margaret Sterling and Edwin Worth soon joined the gathering. Margaret, with a face reminiscent of the popular first-love archetype, had captivating dimples that sparkled when she smiled.

For some reason, Clara thought of her Shiba Inu and felt the urge to pet it.

With not everyone present yet, Edwin didn't rush to get down to business, allowing them to exchange light banter. After about ten minutes, the last person finally arrived.

With his hand still on the doorknob, the manager began apologizing hurriedly. “I'm so sorry, truly sorry! We got here late. I didn’t expect the last appointment to take so long. We didn’t even have time to change; we hopped in the car straight after finishing and rushed over, and still ended up late—”

Thomas Blackwood listened quietly, waiting for the manager to finish recounting their stressful journey through traffic before he spoke. “I genuinely apologize for making everyone wait.”

His tone was calm yet warm, with a slight magnetic quality. In contrast to the manager's theatricality, Thomas's restraint made his apology feel more sincere.

Everyone understood, nodding and assuring him it was alright. Clara took the opportunity to study the newcomers closely.

Chapter 4

In a bustling café, Clara Gentry spotted him amidst a crowd of talented young actors. He stood out not only for his striking looks—sharp features and an aura that blurred the line between charismatic and aloof—but also for a subtle charm that captivated more than just her attention. He was the perfect embodiment of an Eastern aesthetic, more alluring in person than any promotional photo from online searches.

This was the only man Clara Gentry had ever seen who could overshadow perfectly polished masculinity.

Suddenly, his gaze shifted, locking onto hers with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

Clara was caught off guard by his elongated, enchanting eyes, which held a mischievous glint that hinted at something more profound. Despite the playful allure they exuded, his demeanor maintained a respectful distance that kept her intrigue at bay.

Before she could mask her surprise, he flashed her a slight smile—a soft, warm expression that felt as illuminating as moonlight.

Clara noticed her colleague, Margaret Sterling, blushing at the exchange.

“Now that everyone is here, let’s get started. I’d like us to review the script,” Edwin Worth announced, shifting the focus back to business. While reality TV typically allowed for improvisation, a structured outline did exist for overall guidance.

A lean, perfectly manicured hand reached out to Clara. It was Thomas Blackwood, presenting her with the script.

“Thanks,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Anytime,” he said with an easygoing smile that made her heart flutter for an inexplicable reason.

As Clara absorbed the words on the first page, her heart sank. Boldly inscribed, next to her name, was his—“Thomas Blackwood.”

Edwin had meticulously kept their partner assignments a secret, leaving everyone in the dark about whom they’d be working with until this very moment.

Thomas seemed unfazed by her shocked expression, continuing to smile serenely.

After presenting the basic plot, Edwin abruptly declared, “Now, let’s take a moment to get to know each other. In a bit, we’ll head to the studio for a little VCR shoot where everyone talks for a couple of minutes about their excitement and what they hope to bring to the show. Just be yourselves.”

As Clara stood up, Thomas was already beside her, extending his hand with a genuine smile. “Sister, I look forward to working with you.”

The term "sister" had a nice touch, offering a sense of both camaraderie and respect.

Clara took his hand, feeling the warmth of his long fingers gently closing around hers. “It's a pleasure to meet you, too.”


Later, in the Hall of Restoration, Clara sat alone, lost in thought when her phone buzzed. It was Liam Hawthorne on the line.

“How’s it going? All smooth sailing so far?”

Clara hesitated, her thoughts racing. “Hawthorne, my partner is Thomas Blackwood.”

“Really?” he replied, a tone that suggested both curiosity and surprise.

“I kind of expected Gabriel West,” she continued, her apprehension creeping into her voice.

Liam chuckled. “Come on, girl, what’s wrong with Thomas Blackwood? He’s got the looks, he’s hot right now—do you know how many people are dying to work with him? You can’t be picky.”

While he made a valid point, Clara couldn’t help but voice her concerns. “He’s a bit too…young. I’m not sure how to approach that.”

“What do you mean how to approach it?” Liam responded, a teasing edge in his voice. “You’re there to act out a romance, not to get caught up in real feelings.”

Understanding his implication, Clara played along, “Don’t worry, I’ll only be eyeing his young physique.”

“Remember to practice safe habits,” Liam quipped back, “You can’t rely on the guy to be responsible; that’s just being a savvy adult.”

“Fine, fine,” she laughed, her earlier anxiety easing.

After a grueling day, Liam chose to unwind as he continued the conversation. “So, your thoughts on him in person compared to the photos?”

“He’s definitely more polished in real life,” Clara admitted, images of Thomas’s captivating demeanor flashing in her mind, silencing her thereafter.

Liam, knowing her well, filled the silence. “But…”

“I just feel something’s off,” Clara said after a pause, searching for the right words. “It’s like—” she considered carefully, “like a man wearing a suit while hosting a corporate event, but then transforming into something else entirely at night.”

“A night demon?” Liam couldn’t suppress his laughter, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah—a kind of suppressive vibe,” Clara responded, her seriousness returning.

“That's called professionalism. I hope you remember to stay a little restrained yourself,” Liam teased, knowing how easily Clara could get swept away.

Chapter 5

As Clara Gentry recorded her thoughts, she kept Edwin Worth's request for "truth and authenticity" in mind, not allowing the fact that her partner was Thomas Blackwood to sway her words.

“What's your idea of the perfect boyfriend?” Edwin's voice came through from somewhere off-screen.

Clara paused, contemplating her answer. “Well, I’d like him to be a bit older than me, mature, and chivalrous. I hope he can accept his past with grace, having faced challenges, and maintain a positive attitude toward the future.”

Only after she finished did Clara realize that her description echoed qualities of Gabriel West. Though she had a fleeting fondness for him, it remained just that—nothing serious.

It was simply that Gabriel matched her type perfectly.

After recording, she didn’t leave right away but returned to The Hall of Restoration to wait. Such a gathering would likely lead to a dinner later that night.

As expected, around six-thirty, Edwin Worth knocked on her door, inquiring if she had plans for the evening.

And so, the group moved to a private club on the outskirts of town that didn’t even have a name outside its doors.

Dinner was subdued, perhaps due to the presence of many staff members who kept the atmosphere a bit formal. Once the meal ended and families began to clear out, about ten of them migrated upstairs for karaoke and drinks, the mood livening up significantly.

To her surprise, Thomas Blackwood remained until the end of the night.

In their private room, the lighting was dim, and alcohol had diminished everyone's reservations. After a few songs, the place was alive with laughter and noisy cheers.

Margaret Sterling was chatting with Thomas, her charming dimples hinted at mischief under the soft glow of the lights.

“Little Gentry, why are you hiding back here?” Gabriel West approached her, his drink in hand. Clara leaned aside to let him in, and without hesitation, he took a seat next to her.

Clara chuckled, “At my young age, I’d like to quietly enjoy my drink.”

Gabriel raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “You dare bring up youth in front of me?”

“Oh, don’t take it to heart, Vincent. You’re aging gracefully, charm intact. Let’s not overthink it,” Clara replied, her smile brightening the room more than the spring waters of Jiangnan, leaving Gabriel momentarily dazed.

When he snapped back to reality, he shook his head with a chuckle. “Aging gracefully, huh? Thank you for not calling me ‘sprightly’.”

Clara could tell he was not genuinely upset. She laughed to herself for a moment, then suddenly tilted her head, watching him silently.

She had probably had more to drink than she realized; her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, reflecting the blues and greens of the screen, exuding a captivating allure. Before Gabriel could register the shift, she teased, “Vincent, what’s it like to be an old bull chasing young grass?”

Looking into her eyes, he saw not allure but a playful spark.

He swirled his drink, tossing the question back. “And you? Aren’t you guilty of the same?”

Clara burst into laughter, her cheeks flushed. She leaned closer, holding her glass up. “Here’s to our old bulls chasing the young grass!”

With a cheerful clink of their glasses, Clara tilted her head back to drink. Suddenly, she felt a nudge at her elbow, causing ice-cold liquid to cascade down her neckline.

“I'm so sorry!” a clear male voice apologized from above her. The sofa behind her sank as someone settled down, pulling her off balance awkwardly.

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