Between Dreams and Heartbeats

Chapter 1

As September marked the beginning of the school year, Hawthorne University buzzed with excitement as a sea of new faces filled the campus. Isabella Fairchild rolled her suitcase toward the registration office, trying to navigate through the crowd.

Independence was her forte, so when Sebastian Thornton offered to accompany her, she turned him down. The thought of facing him felt too embarrassing at the moment.

Lost in thought, Isabella realized she had a terrible sense of direction. The campus was packed with students, and the glaring sun made it hard for her to see. Just as she felt overwhelmed, a voice called out, “Hey there, freshman! Are you lost?”

Hearing Felix Peacekeeper’s friendly tone filled Isabella with relief. She managed a coy smile, “Hi! Yes, I am. Could you help me out?”

Registration always brought new opportunities; it was prime time for upperclassmen to mingle. Leonard Hawke, a sophomore from the business school, swiftly took her suitcase and began giving her a tour of the campus.

Isabella, already fatigued from dragging her luggage since her ride, struggled to keep up with Leonard’s enthusiastic chatter. She could only muster muted responses as he rambled on about school life.

Leonard was pleasant enough to look at, but he wasn’t really Isabella's type. She felt the envy and admiration of others directed at their duo and could only sigh in fatigue.

Once they completed the registration process and she received her campus card, Isabella quickly thanked him and suggested they grab milk tea together as a thank-you.

“No need, really! If you want to thank me, just add me on contact and you can invite me later; I bet this week will be super busy for you,” Leonard replied, flashing a warm smile.

Caught off guard, Isabella added him on social media, recalling Sebastian's advice to repay kindness with kindness. Leonard seemed surprised by her politeness, his cheeks reddening as he insisted it was unnecessary.

After a whirlwind of activity, Isabella finally settled into her dorm at Rivers West Hall. The dormitory housed four girls in a room, with bunk beds and desks. Most were dropped off by their parents.

Among her roommates were two girls from the South and two from the North. Isabella introduced herself to each of them.

“Why’d you come alone?” one girl asked with a sweet voice, her charm radiating from her. Introductions revealed her name to be Seraphina Eldridge.

Isabella wanted to reach out and touch Seraphina's face, but it felt too forward since they had just met. Instead, she smiled shyly, “I’m from around here.”

Being the only one from Meridian Vale, the other girls teased her, insisting she’d have to be their tour guide whenever they headed out.

To be honest, Isabella wasn’t very familiar with her own town. Most of the time, she wandered around with Sebastian Thornton, who guided her since she had a hopeless sense of direction.

“I might not be the best guide; I tend to get lost easily,” Isabella admitted, blushing.

Seraphina, inexplicably drawn to Isabella, decided to lean against her arm, playfully shaking it. “No worries! We’ll figure it out together!”

Isabella felt a twinge of embarrassment; Seraphina’s playful demeanor was truly endearing.

As night blanketed the dormitory, it fell into a peaceful quietude. The girls came from different parts of the country and hadn’t quite found their rhythm just yet. Once the lights went out, everyone delved into their own activities.

Isabella found herself restless, tempted to call Sebastian, but she hesitated, afraid of interrupting him. Last summer, she had made a fool of herself and felt too shy to reach out freely now. Even if she did, he might avoid her if he saw her name on his screen.

Lost in thought, she suddenly heard her phone ring. It was Sebastian calling, jolting her upright from the bed. Seraphina glanced over, curious and amused by the sudden movement.

“Sorry, I need to take this!” Isabella rushed to the balcony.

With Sebastian’s voice echoing in her ear, “Isabella Fairchild, I hope I’m not disturbing you,” her heart raced.

Even feeling a bit guilty for being disrupted, she smiled to herself. “Not at all; the dorm just went dark.”

It felt like ages since she had heard from him, and it was astonishing how one day apart could stretch into what felt like an eternity.

Chapter 2

The room fell into a comfortable silence, with Isabella Fairchild listening to the steady rhythm of Sebastian Thornton's breathing. There was something oddly satisfying about it.

Sebastian was swamped with work, overwhelmed by a mountain of responsibilities at Hawthorne University. He had a demanding new project that required him to participate in workshops, give lectures, and attend countless meetings for an entire week. With all this on his plate, he hadn’t had a moment to check in on Isabella.

After taking a sip of his coffee, he turned to her, “Did you get to hang out with any new students today?”

Isabella had never been the type to make friends easily. Back in high school, she kept mostly to herself, leading to her close friend Seraphina being her only real connection. Sebastian often encouraged her to socialize more, but Isabella was reluctant. He could see through her facade, but chose to pretend nothing was amiss.

Noticing the weariness in his voice, Isabella remarked casually, “You’ve been burning the midnight oil again.”

She recalled a particularly difficult night during their senior year when Sebastian had worked himself so hard he collapsed at the podium. It was the students who rushed him to the hospital, and she had sprinted over, skipping class, only to receive a scolding from their teacher.

From that moment on, every time she noticed Sebastian staying up late, her tone became serious. If he was right in front of her, she would insist on pulling a disapproving face, her eyes heavy with concern.

Sebastian, remembering her stern expression, couldn't help but chuckle, “Yeah, I’ve been at it for a few days. It should lighten up soon.”

Isabella’s gaze drifted to the view outside the balcony. She watched as some girls returned to the dorms, hand in hand with their boyfriends, sharing kisses and warm embraces under the trees. She blinked, the evening breeze tugging at her eyelids.

With a hint of envy, she turned back to Sebastian and declared, “I met a guy today.”

Sebastian instinctively reached into his pocket for a cigarette but came up empty. Sighing, he headed to the cabinet to retrieve a smokescreen, pulled one out, and lit it. “Oh? What’s his name? Which department?”

Isabella heard the familiar sound of his footsteps and felt a pang of heartache. He seemed so unfazed, as if he really did want her to experience a normal relationship.

Wanting to tease him—though an unexpected irritability bubbled beneath the surface—she answered, “He’s pretty nice, looks like my type, and he’s young and bright.”

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, shaking his head with a smile as he flicked the ash into the ashtray. “Still holding a grudge, I see. Always calling me old.”

“I’m serious! He’s really my kind of guy, and I think he’s into me too. I’ll keep an eye on this—don’t you want me to date in college?” Isabella masked her inner excitement with a calm demeanor, though inside, her heart raced.

Sebastian frowned slightly, finishing his cigarette. He turned serious, “Just make sure you find out more about Felix before jumping in. Don’t rush to express your feelings; understand what he wants out of this. I want you to date, but I don’t want impulsiveness.”

His message was clear: he didn’t want her to dive into romance too quickly.

Inside, Isabella felt a mix of joy and nervousness. On the surface, she nodded along with his warnings, but her smile betrayed her bubbling excitement. “I’ll remember your wise words, Professor Thornton. But it’s late, and I really should get some rest. Early class tomorrow.”

Sebastian sensed that his long-winded advice hadn’t landed as he hoped. Young people often had their own ideas about love and life, and he’d probably talk with her about this in person another time.

“Alright, goodnight.” He wrapped up the call, a sense of unease creeping in as he prepared for bed. He had been neglecting sleep lately, knowing that if Isabella were nearby, she would start her lecturing. Maybe she would even stay up beside him, just watching as he drifted off.

On nights like this, he usually turned in early to avoid any awkwardness and often found that he slept exceptionally well.

But that night, though he climbed into bed early, sleep eluded him. His mind raced with thoughts and images, all revolving around Isabella.

He had to admit, Isabella Fairchild meant something different to him.

Amid the chaos of his thoughts, he coughed softly, knowing that this feeling he had was truly concerning. It made him wonder if anyone else might be noticing the spark between them.

Chapter 3

Isabella Fairchild lay on her bed, restless. The balcony of the dormitory was ajar, allowing the moonlight to creep in and cast its gentle glow over her, enhancing her porcelain skin and fragile appearance.

Gradually, Isabella’s breathing deepened as she slipped into a dreamlike state, wandering through an endless wilderness, surrounded by damp trees. She pushed forward tirelessly, but the path never seemed to end. Then, a tall and statuesque figure emerged, turning to grasp her hand and lead her into a beautiful, pristine flower field.

She dreamt of Sebastian Thornton.

Isabella's first encounter with Sebastian Thornton had been at Thornton Manor. It was a daunting time; her mother had just passed away, and she had been taken in by an elderly couple. Sebastian was a close family friend, having been cared for by her mother during her life.

The old man preferred the tranquility of their small town over the bustling city life and chose to remain there in retirement. The Fairchild family had always been skilled artisans, and they were considered well-off in such a quaint town, particularly with tourism booming.

Had things gone differently, Isabella might have enjoyed a happy high school experience and aimed for a good college. But fate had other plans. In her third year of middle school, her mother died in a plane crash, leaving her utterly alone.

Sebastian treated her like a granddaughter. Unable to bear seeing the young girl alone in the town filled with memories, he asked her, "Would you like to come live with my son and me?”

Isabella had no other relatives, so there were no firm plans for her future. When he asked, she felt a flicker of hope. After all, Sebastian was the only person left in this world who connected to her.

In silence, Isabella attended her mother’s funeral, her heart heavy with grief. Surprisingly, she didn’t cry; she had always preferred to keep her emotions tucked away, knowing that tears solved nothing.

Just as she was wavering on this monumental decision, a couple arrived to pick Sebastian up. They appeared cultured and kind, and in her heart, Isabella felt a glimmer of luck; following such refined people would surely benefit her.

Later, she learned that this couple—Octavia Woods and Leonard Hawke—were Sebastian’s daughter-in-law and son. Octavia’s eyes reddened upon seeing her; she had once had a daughter who unfortunately passed away, and that loss had haunted her ever since.

With compassion flooding her heart, Octavia embraced Isabella tightly, her pure, innocent eyes pulling at her heartstrings. Isabella felt the instinct to withdraw but found herself enveloped in Octavia's warmth.

After finalizing the arrangements in Whispering Hollow, they headed back to Thornton Manor, and Sebastian decided he could no longer stay in the town of grief. The entire family returned to Meridian Vale together.

Isabella remained quiet throughout the long journey, feeling exhausted. Octavia asked her countless questions, but the exchanges were brief and awkward; Isabella could only manage one-word responses. Luckily, Sebastian was with her; without him, the trip would have felt much more suffocating.

She dozed off in the car, drained from the exhaustion of mourning and the stress of the funeral, having lost over ten pounds since her mother's death. Vaguely, she heard the Thornton couple discussing her transition to a new life, mentioning, “Soon, you’ll have a sister, although there will be quite an age gap.”

Finally, as they arrived at Thornton Manor, Isabella blinked awake. The car door swung open, and a tall, slender man leaned down to speak to her. "Isabella Fairchild, welcome to Thornton Manor. This will be your home from now on. Please, wake up."

Chapter 4

Isabella Fairchild felt groggy, still drifting in a dreamlike state as she inhaled the pleasant scent lingering in the air. It was intoxicating, making her feel as though she were walking on clouds.

"Still not awake, huh?" Octavia Woods approached with a teasing smile. "You should get her to her room, darling. Your grandfather mentioned she’s lost quite a bit of weight—over ten pounds," she added with a hint of concern.

At Octavia's words, Isabella's eyes flew open, like a startled doe that had wandered too far from home. She shook her head vehemently. "Auntie, I’m awake!" she insisted.

"Good to hear," Octavia replied cheerfully. "Come on down, let's check out your room."

As Isabella prepared to step out of the car, the lingering grogginess caught her off guard, causing her to stumble forward. Luckily, a strong arm caught her, wrapping around her waist to steady her.

“Wow, you must really have been sleeping like a log to be this wobbly,” said the handsome young man, unable to hide a chuckle.

Held closely, Isabella caught a light woody scent emanating from him, making her feel inexplicably shy. Typically wild and carefree, she suddenly felt compelled to remain still, her ears burning from the warmth of his gaze.

She wondered why he was so at ease with her on their first meeting.

Sebastian Thornton had never mentioned to Isabella that this was not their first encounter. For him, there was nothing awkward about their connection; he had already crossed that line before her.

Isabella drifted back into an abstract dreamscape where someone was calling her name: "Isabella Fairchild, Isabella Fairchild…"

She tried to follow the voice, searching for its source, but was jolted awake instead. The dream now belonged to Seraphina.

As her eyes fluttered open, she found Seraphina Eldridge looking down at her, concern etched on her face. "What's wrong?" Isabella mumbled, still catching up to reality.

Seraphina looked a bit embarrassed. "It's time to get up. We have the freshman orientation today."

Isabella squinted, realizing her eyes felt wet—had she been crying?

Seraphina's voice broke through her thoughts. "Isabella, you’ve been talking in your sleep. You kept saying a name I couldn’t make out... sounded like Sebastian. Were you dreaming about your boyfriend?"

Heat rose to Isabella’s cheeks as she pulled the blankets up to her face, mumbling defensively, "I don’t have a boyfriend, he’s not my boyfriend."

It was a dream too distant to reach.

Isabella’s situation didn’t fit the mold of traditional adoption, hence there was no need to change her name. For Sebastian Thornton, Isabella was someone special, a unique presence in his life. This story, in my view, diverges from typical narratives. After all, Isabella was already sixteen; she was merely staying at Thornton Manor, which was a warm and inviting home thanks to Sebastian's caring mother and loving grandfather.

Chapter 5

The start of the semester at Hawthorne University was typically drawn-out and dull.

Isabella Fairchild sat in the audience, listening to the excited chatter around her. She couldn't quite grasp why everyone was so thrilled about an orientation ceremony.

Seraphina Eldridge noticed Isabella's aloofness and assumed she might be troubled. She tried to lighten the mood, "Isabella, did you hear? There’s a super cute professor speaking today!"

Isabella thought to herself, how could anyone be cuter than Sebastian Thornton?

She shrugged nonchalantly, "You must have seen a picture. Professors are usually older, right?”

“Nope! I heard this one is pretty young, just 28. That’s not old at all,” Sera insisted.

Being a professor at 28 was impressive, and Isabella nodded, leaning toward Seraphina to whisper, “I’ve seen an incredibly handsome professor who's also 28, but he doesn't teach here.”

Seraphina's eyes widened in surprise. “No way! Is it the guy you were talking to on the phone yesterday? You like him!”

Isabella was caught off guard but didn’t feel embarrassed. She replied confidently, “How did you guess?”

“Well, when I saw you on the phone, you seemed a bit smitten, and then you were all dreamy last night, even mumbling his name in your sleep. It sounds like it’s more than just a crush,” Seraphina analyzed, her logical deduction revealing her love for romance novels.

Hearing the term "crush" sent a flutter through Isabella, like a gentle tickle that made her heart race a little.

“Maybe it’s more of a secret admiration than a crush,” she admitted softly.

With her voice barely above a whisper, Seraphina noticed her friend’s dazed expression and decided to let it go. Digging too deep could hurt, after all.

The student representative stepping up to speak was actually a senior Isabella had seen yesterday. She hadn’t paid much attention to him then, but now, a glance revealed a handsome young man. As long as a guy had a clean face and dressed well, he could catch someone's eye.

Seraphina nudged Isabella's arm, her excitement palpable. “Two minutes! I need to get the scoop on this guy!”

“Senior, sophomore in Business. His name’s Leonard Hawke,” Isabella provided.

Seraphina’s jaw dropped, shocked. “How do you know that?”

“The senior who helped with orientation yesterday? That's him. I thought you liked this type.”

Seraphina's cheeks flushed as she processed the information, her pale complexion turning rosy. The other girls in their dorm noticed their enthusiasm and turned to watch, instantly understanding Seraphina's shyness and secret crush.

Feeling a bit embarrassed about her reaction, Seraphina cleared her throat. “Isabella, I’m definitely sticking with you from now on.”

There was more to her proclamation than just companionship, and Isabella smiled, feeling genuinely happy.

With Seraphina's boldness, Isabella couldn’t help but think that maybe she could help her win Leonard's attention too. After all, Isabella believed that Leonard probably didn’t view her as anything special.

Meanwhile, Sebastian Thornton was gearing up to take the stage. He felt a bit nervous but took a deep breath and sipped some water, chuckling to himself. After all the crazy experiences he’d had, why was he feeling jittery now?

Sebastian had received a special appointment from Hawthorne University a month earlier. Currently, he was in Ravenswood teaching at B University, a change he could easily have shared with Isabella to brighten her day. However, he felt compelled to surprise her instead.

Isabella was unaware that he would be joining Hawthorne, and Sebastian hadn’t seen her in quite some time. He wondered how she would react when she saw him.

As he stepped onto the stage, the moment his eyes fell on her, it was as if the world faded away. Everything around him blurred, leaving only Isabella in his line of sight. The phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder" rang true in that instant—seeing her again ignited something deep within him that he couldn’t shake off.

Isabella’s stunned expression was cute, her big brown eyes standing out even more as they widened in shock at the sight of him.

Sebastian couldn't help but smirk, the corners of his lips twitching upward as he greeted the crowd: “Hello everyone, I’m excited to be here today as your faculty representative.”

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