Between Rivalry and Desire

Chapter 1

“Severe weather alert: A yellow rain warning has been issued. Heavy rainfall is expected to start around 8 PM this evening. Residents are advised to take precautions...”

Evelyn Hart glanced out the window at the dreary, gray sky. The rain fell in a relentless downpour, weaving a thick tapestry that enveloped the earth in despair.

“Why are you just standing there, dreaming? The guests will be here any minute, hurry!”

A frantic voice came from behind her. Evelyn turned to see a swift-moving woman in a tailored business suit, her short hair neatly styled and a headset clipped to her ear. A staff badge hung prominently around her neck, indicating her as an event coordinator bustling about the convention center.

Evelyn spun around, her brow furrowed. “Are you talking to me?”

The woman, realizing who stood before her, froze for a brief moment in surprise. She clearly hadn’t anticipated that a volunteer might look so striking. But then her face brightened. “Yes, you! Come with me!”

It struck Evelyn that something was amiss.

Today marked the second day of the Eldridge Economic Forum, featuring industry leaders gathered at the convention hall for various events. Her roommate, Isabelle Green, had eagerly signed up as a volunteer and was one of the fortunate few selected for this prestigious opportunity. While Evelyn had no interest in attending, her brother Jonathan Hart had insisted she come along using an invitation he handed her, arguing that it would be a good learning experience. So, with a reluctant sigh, she had shown up as an unwilling guest. It was only by chance that she encountered Isabelle outside the restroom, feeling unwell.

Isabelle had handed Evelyn her volunteer vest and ID, darting into the bathroom while Evelyn waited outside.

Now, that woman had mistaken her for a volunteer slacking off in a corner.

Evelyn frowned slightly. “Actually—”

“Isabelle Green,” the woman interrupted, stepping closer and reading the name on her badge. “We’re short on help right now. You can rest later; just put on the vest and follow me!”

With that, the woman turned and walked away, her heels clicking urgently against the floor. Completely bewildered, Evelyn pulled out her phone to text Isabelle.

“Evelyn! That woman must be in charge of the volunteers. She now knows my name, and I can’t leave a bad impression. Please cover for me, I’ll make it up to you with dinner, I promise!” Isabelle replied, her tone filled with anxiety.

“What if she catches on that we’re not the same person?” Evelyn replied.

“Not a chance! She oversees a ton of volunteers and mainly deals with specific coordinators. I just happened to get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s so unfair!”

Reluctant to let her roommate down, Evelyn agreed to help and hurried after the determined woman.

“Are you with Hartshire Academy’s School of Management?” the woman asked as they walked.

“Yeah,” Evelyn replied, trying to keep pace.

The woman scanned her from head to toe. “Did your coordinator not mention you need to wear light-colored tops and dark pants? You’re a volunteer, not a socialite—who are you trying to impress in that dress?”

Evelyn remained silent, her cheeks slightly flushed.

“Fine, every team has a few who don’t follow the rules,” the woman said, giving up. “At least you look presentable. You’ll be in charge of greeting the delegation from Anderson & Summer Capital, led by Mr. Chesterfield. I’ll take you to the front.”

Chapter 2

“Just serve the water when the guests arrive. You remember the key points from the training, right? Stay sharp.”

Evelyn Hart felt a flicker of annoyance. “...Anderson Capital. Can’t I get a different assignment?”

“You think this is a marketplace where you can pick and choose?” The woman raised an eyebrow, her tone dripping with condescension. “Do you want me to just put you in the VIP seating instead?”

It was clear that she was used to bossing around others. Most ordinary students would probably have kept quiet, but Evelyn couldn't stand passive-aggressive remarks.

She halted, scoffing lightly, her hand reaching to shrug off the volunteer vest, only to remember that she was wearing the identity of Isabelle Green. Evelyn herself had always been spontaneous and headstrong—she would do whatever she pleased, knowing her brother, Jonathan Hart, would always have her back. But she couldn’t risk getting Isabelle into trouble by antagonizing this woman, especially since this volunteer opportunity was so rare.

Fingers slipping into her pocket, she fished out her phone but hesitated. After a moment of internal debate, she sighed, resigning herself to her fate and fell into step behind the woman.

As they entered the inner venue, a bustling scene unfolded with volunteers adjusting the sound equipment on stage. The woman led her to a seat in the front row, giving her instructions: “Your name is on the seat. When the guests arrive, volunteers will escort them in. Once they’re seated, make sure to pour the tea promptly. If it cools, refill it—never let a guest drink cold tea.”

If Evelyn had held onto any hope that there might be more than one 'Henry' associated with Anderson Capital, that fantasy was shattered the moment she spotted the name tag. “Henry Chesterfield” felt like a punch to the gut.

How could this be happening?

Not only was Evelyn unable to rest at the Fielding family’s place, but she also faced the stormy downpour to attend this forum only to be assigned the humiliating task of serving Henry Chesterfield—the very rival she detested.

Pouring tea for Henry Chesterfield? What a joke. She had never even served tea to her own brother, Jonathan.

Once the woman finished giving orders, she passed Evelyn off to another volunteer and departed, emphasizing again that the guests today were high-profile individuals, warning her not to make mistakes.

The new volunteer, a bespectacled guy who also seemed to be a student, sized Evelyn up. “So, you’re from Hartshire Academy too? Undergrad or grad?”

“I’m finishing up my undergrad,” Evelyn replied, her frustration bubbling over. “Is it possible to switch duties?”

“Switch duties?” he blinked in surprise, then shook his head. “That’s all been arranged. There’s no way to change it.”

Seeing Evelyn scowl, he chuckled mildly, “I thought you’d be happy. Henry Chesterfield is quite the catch; a lot of volunteers are vying for this role just to get close to him. They even bid for it behind the scenes, but Tina Graves—she’s the one who handed you over—caught them and was furious, hence the switch you have now. Consider yourself lucky.”

Evelyn mustered a weak smile.

Lucky? Today was anything but fortunate.

Twenty minutes later, guests began to trickle in. Before the event started, acquaintances exchanged dialogues, while a cluster of sharply dressed men engaged in light banter, setting a formal yet tense atmosphere.

Chapter 3

Evelyn Hart kept her head down, absorbed in her phone, when a girl beside her gently nudged her. “The guests have arrived. It’s time for us to get to work.”

Reluctantly, she stood up, grabbing a pitcher of water as she made her way towards the front row. The room buzzed with activity, bathed in dim light, but Evelyn spotted a familiar figure immediately.

Henry Chesterfield lounged in a well-fitted black suit that accentuated his tall, athletic frame. He leaned elegantly against a sofa, engrossed in documents he had prepared in advance. A beam of light from the stage highlighted the sharp angles of his chiseled jawline. His dark eyes and high nose gave him a cold, aloof demeanor when he wasn’t smiling, creating an impression that he was miles away, emotionally distant.

The young women in the vicinity couldn’t help but steal glances at him, but he remained oblivious, solely focused on his paperwork as if the commotion around him didn’t exist.

Evelyn’s opinion of Henry had always been harsh: he was a polished exterior with a shabby interior. He had been best friends with her brother, Jonathan Hart, since high school. The two of them had studied overseas together before Jonathan returned to inherit the Fielding family business while Henry opted to start his own venture, founding Chesterfield Holdings. A few months ago, a famous pharmaceutical company had completed its IPO, and Chesterfield Holdings capitalized on the opportunity to cash in, significantly boosting Henry’s wealth and earning him a spot on the Kingston Young Wealthy list, becoming the focus of admiration in their industry.

But to Evelyn, beyond his looks and questionable business acumen, he had no redeeming qualities. In private, he was insufferable—pretentious and cunning. Unfortunately, he excelled at masquerading as a refined gentleman, leading everyone, but her, to praise him as a talented young entrepreneur with exemplary character.

The thought irked her.

She approached Henry’s side, expressionless as she poured water into his glass.

She felt his gaze on her, momentarily halting as it shifted from her hands pouring water to her face.

Evelyn tightened her grip on the pitcher, tension simmering within her.

Amid the bustling activity, Henry's low, calm voice suddenly cut through. “Jonathan Hart has cut off your allowance.”

Evelyn's eyes widened in surprise.

His assumption wasn’t entirely baseless. Evelyn had always been from the privileged Hart family, accustomed to having others serve her every need. Yet here she was, dressed in volunteer attire, pouring drinks. Unless there was some severe financial issue with Jonathan, she couldn’t find a reasonable excuse for her current predicament.

The implication of his remark felt like a jab. “I’m allowed to volunteer if I choose.”

“Sure, you can,” he shrugged.

Evelyn felt her irritation spike. “So what if I was cut off? Are you planning to bail me out?”

“Not out of the question,” Henry replied slowly, his tone casual. “After all, I’ve always been inclined to offer assistance—to you, my dear Evelyn—at a price, of course.”

“Compensation?” She glared at him, abhorred by his capitalist mindset. “Don’t worry; I’d rather starve than accept charity from you.”

“Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow, his expression unyielding as he gestured to the spilled water. “Looks like you’ve got a bit of a spill…”

Chapter 4

Evelyn Hart suddenly realized that while she had been caught up in her competitive banter with Henry Chesterfield, she had accidentally overflowed the teapot she was filling. The spilled tea had made a complete mess of the table. In her flustered haste, she grabbed a napkin to clean it up just as a stern voice called out behind her, “How can you not even handle serving tea properly?”

The sharp sound of high heels approached with urgency. Tina Graves, with her trademark furrowed brow, added, “You need to stop messing around here and call Young Zeke over.”

Young Zeke was the glasses-wearing intern responsible for managing the backroom chaos.

Turning back to Henry Chesterfield, Evelyn forced a smile. “My apologies, Mr. Chesterfield. This volunteer seems a bit clumsy and has accidentally soaked your documents. I’ll get you a fresh copy right away.”

Truthfully, Evelyn was ready to throw in the towel right then. After tossing the damp napkin into the trash, she started to walk away.

“Wait a moment.” Henry's voice stopped her in her tracks.

She hesitated, glancing back.

“It’s not a big deal, really. No need to be so hard on yourself,” he said, his tone surprisingly calm. “Volunteers are just students; it’s only natural to feel a little nervous in a situation like this.”

Tina instantly caught on that he was defending Evelyn, and she seized the moment to glare at Evelyn, her eyes commanding. “You have one more chance. Go get a new set of documents, and please, don’t mess this one up.”

Evelyn grabbed a fresh file and headed back across the room. By the time she returned, Tina was already gone. She tossed the documents into Henry's arms and let out an irritated huff. “What a hypocrite. Don’t expect me to thank you.”

“No need for that,” he replied, his focus still on the paperwork. “I’m just trying to save you from causing more trouble for someone else.”

For a split second, Evelyn really did want to pour the remaining water right into the back of his collar. She had learned not to have too many expectations where he was concerned.

Just then, a colleague passed by, so she had to stifle her frustration. Instead, she flashed a tight smile and edged her threat, “Oh really? Just be prepared because I’m not going to let this slide.”

She placed extra emphasis on her words, her pale cheeks flushing subtly. Despite her irritation, her bright, expressive eyes gave her away, making her seem more petulant than furious.

Henry looked up at her, a hint of an amused smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I’m always ready for whatever you throw at me.”


A new story begins,

Hoping the Fielding Family enjoys it.

Chapter 5

Evelyn Hart returned to the Volunteer’s Haven, where a group of girls were huddled together, animatedly chatting. As they noticed her approaching, they exchanged glances and nudged each other, but none dared to step forward. Finally, a vivacious girl broke away from the group and confidently approached her.

“Hey, are you Evelyn Hart?” she asked brightly.

Evelyn was about to take a sip of water when she looked up, her beautiful eyes revealing a hint of confusion. “You are?”

“We're from Hartshire Academy! You’re quite the celebrity there,” the girl smiled. “I can't believe I get to see you here.”

When Evelyn started at the school, a stunning photograph she had taken went viral, and it didn’t take long for students to flood online forums asking who she was. Soon after, it leaked that she was the youngest daughter of the prestigious Hart Enterprises, which only intensified her notoriety. Even going to the Common Hall for a meal turned into an event, with fellow students casting surreptitious glances in her direction. It was no surprise the younger girls had heard of her.

Subtly, she covered her volunteer badge with her hand and nodded slightly. “Hi.”

Evelyn was cautious not to reveal that she was merely substituting for Isabelle Green, so she kept her responses brief. The girl assumed she was simply reserved, exchanged a few more pleasantries, and returned to the group, which soon erupted into lively chatter again.

Sitting on a nearby chair, Evelyn texted Isabelle to check if she was feeling any better. No response came.

Just as she was contemplating calling her, familiar words drifted into her ears.

“...Henry Chesterfield is even more charming in person! I brought Lydia to introduce him, and before he left, he said to me, ‘Thanks for your hard work.’ I was completely smitten. I've met many executives before, and most barely acknowledge us volunteers.”

…Pretentious, trying to win over the girls.

“I have a sister working at Anderson & Summer, and she’s told me that Henry Chesterfield is simply amazing; at Graveshe Company, he greets everyone, regardless of rank. He may seem aloof, but his manners are impeccable.”

He’s charming and polished. Did I really just hear that?

“Working at Anderson & Summer sounds like a dream! The boss is so handsome, the company has great prospects, and the pay is high. I’m really hoping to land a spot there next fall; I wonder if I’ll get a chance.”

“It’s not that easy. The competition at Anderson & Summer is fierce, and Henry Chesterfield sets high expectations. My sister warned me that those unprepared shouldn’t even think about applying.”

“That makes sense... the Fielding family started their business years ago and have accomplished so much already. Plus, I heard he’s still single.”

“Probably too focused on work to even consider dating.”

“He probably just has high standards and hasn’t found the right person.”

Evelyn could no longer stay silent and interjected, “Have you ever considered that maybe his perpetual singleness might actually be—”

All eyes turned toward her instantly.

“—because he isn’t very likable?”

Just then, Isabelle Green stumbled into the forum space, her face drawn with distress. Spotting Evelyn, she rushed over, breathless and apologetic. “I’m so sorry! I had no idea this was going to happen. I shouldn’t have gone for that barbecue with them last night. I really put you in a bind today.”

Evelyn observed her friend’s pale complexion. “Are you feeling any better?”

Isabelle’s brow furrowed as she replied, “Much better.”

Evelyn nodded, taking off her vest and replacing it with her volunteer badge around Isabelle’s neck. “Make sure to get some rest.”

Isabelle hesitated, then tentatively asked, “Do you want to come with us?”

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