Bound by Algorithms and Fate

Chapter 1

A story about two bitter enemies forced into marriage but lacking the funds to divorce.
**Superb Combat Skill x Supreme Throne**
In an era where Artificial Intelligence determines the course of life.
In the heart of the Federation, two enmities stand out—Commander Adrian Artus of Naven Barracks Main HQ and John Smith, the youngest Councilor of the Grand Senate. Each regarded as the greatest rivals, they are deemed by AI to be the optimal match for one another.
Rejecting the AI's recommendation incurs a hefty fine.
**Commander Adrian Artus**: "Why should I pay? There’s no way I’m getting married! Not a chance!"
**Councilor John Smith**: "I can’t pay either!"
**AI 'Ada'**: "Failure to settle your fines within the stipulated time frame—congratulations, you are now partners."
The news hit Adrian hard. He glanced over at John, who was just as incredulous, a mix of disbelief and irritation dancing across his features. They had spent years battling each other in political arenas, in the halls of power, where words were more lethal than weapons. The mere suggestion that they should be married felt absurd.
“Do they expect us to just roll over and accept this rubbish?” Adrian muttered, pacing the confines of his office in Naven Barracks.
John leaned against the door frame, arms crossed. “Honestly, if we don't find a way out of this nonsense soon, we're going to be in a whole lot of trouble. Both of us.”
Adrian stopped pacing, his mind racing. They were trapped—not just by the AI's meddling, but by a system that dictated their lives without considering their feelings. The Federation was a technological marvel, but it did little for the hearts of its citizens.
“What if we just go public?” John suggested, raising an eyebrow. “Let everyone know this is all a farce? Get enough people on our side, we might persuade the AI to back off.”
“Good luck with that,” Adrian scoffed. “You think the public cares about what we want? We are two political pawns in their eyes. They’ll rally behind their drama, not our plight—losing their favorite fighters in the ring.”
“I can’t believe we’re stuck in this. Our marriage would be a political disaster, and neither of us can afford to let that happen,” John replied, disheartened.
Then, as his frustration gave way to a flash of inspiration, Adrian’s eyes sparkled with determination. “What if we played the part? I mean, pretend we’re a couple to pacify the public and the authorities.”
John looked skeptical. “You’re suggesting we deceive everyone?”
“Deceive? No, I’m proposing a strategy. We can take control of the narrative, then we break free when the time is right,” Adrian explained, walking closer to John. “Are you in?”
John considered it for a moment before nodding reluctantly. “I suppose it beats the alternatives. But if we’re doing this, we need a rock-solid cover story—and we need to keep our real feelings out of sight.”
Adrian smirked, a spark of camaraderie lighting a fire within. “Welcome to the battlefield. Let’s show them how to play the game. Together, we might just turn this calamity to our advantage.”
As the two men stood united, a flicker of something uneasy lingered in the air, a sense of irony woven into their alliance. They were supposed to be enemies, bound by a coerced union they had no wish to partake in, yet here they were—plotting their escape from a nightmare. Perhaps they would come to discover that this forced partnership could lead to unforeseen challenges, the likes of which neither had anticipated.
But for now, their fate was entwined in an unexpected, reluctant bond. They would need to navigate the maze of politics, emotions, and ultimately redefine what it meant to be 'together' in a world dominated by AI's cold calculations.
The question now loomed overhead: could these two rivals transform their enmity into something more—a truce or perhaps even friendship? Only time would reveal the true cost of this union.

Chapter 2

Late spring had arrived, and the flowers at the school were beginning to wilt.
Adrian Artus leaned casually against the archway at the corridor's exit, one hand tucked in the pocket of his school uniform while the other scrolled through the floating display of his personal terminal, scanning the news for the day.
"Expansion continues. AI 'Ada's' influence is about to encompass the Naven Star Region. For ninety years, citizens from fifty-two star systems, including Capital Star, have been enjoying convenient and efficient lives under the guidance of the second generation AI 'Ada.' The Supreme Council announced today that even the most remote corner of the Federation, the Naven Star Region, will at last welcome the dawn of civilization..."
Adrian scoffed at the phrase "dawn of civilization," clearly unimpressed. He impatiently clicked on the comments section:
"Great! The Federation is finally complete."
"Naven Star Region will finally be under AI 'Ada's' management; I heard it's both poor and chaotic."
"The last place not taken over by AI is a haven for fugitives—without AI oversight, it's purely human-run, practically a crime paradise! How could it not be a mess?"
"What? Am I transported back to ancient Earth? There are still places without AI governance? How do they even manage to live?"
"If you’re clueless, don’t embarrass yourself—come on, is it really that serious? AI 'Ada' has only been around for ninety years. People lived just fine without it back then."
"But there was AI 'Cocoon' ninety years ago. The two generations of AI management have been in place for over two hundred years, alright? Go back further, and we’re talking ancient times."
"Clearly someone from the capital, since AI 'Cocoon' didn't take over the whole Federation, just Capital Star."
"I also just realized there are still regions under human governance in the Federation… so how do they find jobs and get married?"
"Jobs and marriage—whatever works for them. Anyway, you think that's why Naven Star Region is so backward?"
"The Supreme Council, all just to flaunt AI 'Ada,' has completely lost touch with reality; butterfly wings are not the same as true wings."
"Where does the anti-AI schism come from? Without AI, you wouldn’t even be garbage."
Adrian scrolled down a few more lines of comments, rolling his eyes at the insults.
In the modern Federation, with fifty-three star regions and over a hundred planets inhabited by humans, Capital Star and its nearby developed star regions had been under the management of the second generation super AI 'Ada' for ninety years. Naven Star Region had only recently been incorporated under 'Ada's' jurisdiction thirty-seven years ago. It was simply too distant and fraught with complex historical legacies, which is why it had taken so long.
And now, this last star region was finally about to… succumb?
Adrian clicked a thumbs-up on an especially biting comment and closed the news article.
Thanks to AI, there was hardly any privacy left for humans—everything they did was transparent, whether online or offline. It wouldn’t be long before the media would churn out headlines like: "One of the prestigious Royal University of the Federation's Twin Stars, Adrian Artus, likes a defamatory comment against AI 'Ada.'"
Adrian didn’t care at all. As he neared graduation, one of the two most prominent students set to step into society, his every move drew immense attention—he was used to it. Born as the legitimate heir of the traditional and venerable Artus family, he had frequently stated his opposition to AI since entering school, positioning himself in opposition to both his family and the Supreme Council, making him a notable figure throughout the Federation even before formally entering the job market.
A classroom door opened, and a group of younger students poured out through the archway.
A few girls at the back of the line kept glancing over at Adrian, giggling among themselves as they nudged one another. Moments later, a bubbly girl approached him, asking, "Are you waiting for President John Smith?"
Adrian flashed a friendly smile. "Yeah, I am."

Chapter 3

The whispers of the girls faded into the distance, and Adrian felt a bit better— they were talking about the student body president he was waiting for, John Smith.
John Smith was another legendary figure at Royal University of the Federation, a commoner and an orphan who had risen to unprecedented heights, scoring top marks to gain entry into the prestigious institution. By his second year, he was not only dealing with the chaos of being student body president but also holding the top spot in his major, standing alongside the military division's ace, Adrian Artus, as the school's equivalent of twin stars.
Everyone was speculating about where these two rising stars, the brightest in the top-tier university, would end up after graduation.
“President,” his desk mate gently prodded John Smith with the stylus of his tablet, “your partner's waiting for you outside.”
John glanced toward the professor who was still lecturing and asked softly, “How do you know?”
“I saw it on the school forum. I’ll send it to you—”
John adjusted the transparency of the virtual screen in front of him to reveal his personal tablet and clicked on the link his friend sent him.
“#TwinStars Captured: Adrian waiting for President John outside: photo.jpg”
Instead of scrolling through the comments, John took a moment to scrutinize the image.
Three years ago, when he first met Adrian, they were both only seventeen. Back then, Adrian wore a brand-new uniform, surrounded by several upperclassmen from affluent backgrounds, his polite smile making him seem distant. It wasn't until John appeared that Adrian's eyes lit up, calling out, “John!”
Thanks to the highly developed modern network, when the results came out that year, the image of the top scorer had already circulated through every corner of the Federation, igniting a media frenzy as people discussed this new prodigy's orphan status and striking good looks.
In contrast, the runner-up that year was largely overlooked. This runner-up—Adrian Artus—had become particularly enamored with the new first place holder who had overshadowed him even before entering the school. That's why Adrian had recognized him immediately.
John, at seventeen, wasn’t as polished as he was now, but his steadfast nature kept him composed. Standing before the scrutinizing gaze of the wealthy students, he nodded and said, “Hello, Mr. Adrian.”
“Just call me Adrian,” the formerly elegant young master transformed into a warm and amiable friend. “We’re in the same dorm—I’ll take you up. Let’s go.”
As John followed Adrian, he turned slightly to the group of jealous, scowling faces and said quietly, “Sorry about that.”
For a long time, John thought Adrian had ulterior motives behind his actions, but eventually, he realized it was just the natural attitude of someone from wealth—if he didn’t like someone or had differing views, he wouldn't even bother with pretense and couldn't care less about how that made others feel. As Adrian would put it, “Why should I concern myself with the opinions of those parasites when I’m sharing a dorm with the best-looking, the most talented person in the school?”
Three years had passed. The young man in the photograph had shed the innocent youthfulness of his past, and when he wasn’t smiling, his sharp, defined features had a commanding presence. Yet he often wore a smile, just like in this candid shot: a subtle smile hovered at the corners of his mouth as a single pink petal drifted from a nearby tree onto his dark hair. Completely unaware, he was engrossed in his screen. The emblem of the Artus family—his rare silver eyes—were cast down, revealing no discernible emotion.
This post was in the gossip section; it was easy to guess the nature of the comments that followed. Over the past three years, a significant portion of the forum activity could be attributed to the “TwinStars” tag. John didn't bother to scroll through it, shutting off the screen instead, and whispered to his friend, “Stop browsing the forum; the professor is particularly observant today.”
With reluctance, his desk mate closed the virtual screen, saying, “What they’re saying is starting to get to me.”

Chapter 4

“No.” John Smith replied, catching his breath slightly. “I got held up. The professor went over time with the lecture…”
Adrian Artus grabbed his backpack and slung it over his own shoulder, playfully nudging John. “So what if he did? You didn’t have to run like crazy.”
John smiled back at him, “I didn’t want you to wait.”
The running had put a slight flush on John’s usually pale cheeks, and under the dim lights of the campus, his already handsome features appeared even more youthful. He looked less like a twenty-year-old and more like a fresh-faced seventeen-year-old entering his first year of college. Adrian found himself momentarily taken aback.
“Let’s head back,” John said, tugging at Adrian's sleeve. “The cameras are here.”
Adrian snapped back to reality, noticing the two routine patrol cameras floating toward them, having identified stationary students. They gracefully descended to eye level, keeping a close watch.
Adrian grinned and struck a playful selfie pose at the approaching spherical cameras as they both laughed, shoulder to shoulder, making their way to the dorms.
“Adrian Artus.”
The great hall erupted in cheers, proving just how popular the person called to the stage was. Adrian Artus took a quick stride up to the podium, his demeanor slightly less reverent than the occasion demanded.
But soon, no one cared about his lack of decorum. He bounded to the center of the stage in just a few steps, not bothering to wait for the massive virtual screen behind him to announce the results. He declared, “I reject the AI’s top career recommendation. Please send the fine to my account. Thank you.”
His voice echoed across the auditorium of Supreme Academy through the sound system: “Friends, let’s say goodbye to the Naven Star Region.”
Cheers, whistling, and confusion intertwined in a tidal wave of noise. Adrian, bursting with ambition, leapt off the podium to high-five and hug his classmates from the military department, turning to watch the last student to take the stage.
The legendary student council president, John Smith.
Once John Smith rejected the AI’s recommendation… Adrian smiled as he watched the young man standing at the podium: just turned twenty, with black hair and dark eyes, red lips and white teeth; he looked like a portrait of beauty. Just a few more seconds—
John finally read the AI’s top career suggestion projected on the virtual screen. He didn’t glance at the audience; he didn’t contemplate as most students would.
“I accept.”
A hushed shock rippled through the crowd. Half the audience murmured among themselves while the other half turned to look at Adrian Artus.
Adrian’s grin was replaced by an expression of disbelief. It was only then that he remembered to check the massive virtual screen behind him, which displayed John Smith’s accepted position: Capital Star, Grand Senate, Senator.
The very senate that had, for two hundred years, driven the AI initiative forward. Known as the “Ada Cabinet,” it was the highest council.
In that moment, a fiery rage surged through Adrian.
“Dude… so, does this plan still go into effect?” his best friend, Faye Moore, stammered.
Adrian shot Faye a heated glare, filled with frustration as he stormed out of the graduation ceremony amid the collective murmurs and stares.
He headed straight back to the dorm, grabbing his things without waiting for the ceremony to finish or John to return, leaving the school behind all on his own.
And that was it; over the next long seven years, they would not see each other again.

Chapter 5

Adrian Artus sat up in bed, his head pounding fiercely.
He had dreamt of John Smith again, standing confidently on a grand stage, calmly uttering the words "I accept," shattering the mock hopes that had gathered below him like shadows.
Adrian paused in the dark, trying to steady his emotions before exhaling slowly and pulling up his personal terminal to check the time. Fluorescent numbers hovered just above his wrist—surprisingly, it was only five in the morning.
The source of his nightmares lay scattered on the small platform by his bed: a letter, torn open—not a virtual message, but real paper. It was a rarity in this day and age, perhaps something you might still find in a museum, if not for the Royal University of the Federation’s long-standing reputation for being "ancient and orthodox." This kind of performance art was not new for them.
The envelope, artfully crafted, had been ripped open with no care, revealing half a sheet of letterhead emblazoned with faux ink:
"Dear Commander Artus,
“It has been seven years since we last met, esteemed alumnus of the Royal University of the Federation, and I wish you continued success in all your endeavors after leaving your alma mater.
“Though the stars may change, wisdom remains eternal. For a century now, the Royal University of the Federation has upheld its name, consistently delivering the finest talents to the Federation's various sectors. Today, this oldest comprehensive university within the Federation celebrates its one-hundredth anniversary. We sincerely invite you—an exemplary alumnus—back to visit us at the end of December, to take part in our centennial celebration and the ninety-eighth graduation ceremony.
“Enclosed are the details for contacting us…"
It had indeed been many years since Adrian had engaged with his alma mater. His three years at the prestigious institution could nearly be counted as the happiest of his twenty-seven years. Yet, those joyful years were overshadowed by the painful ending brought on by John Smith on the final day of school.
Adrian and John were inseparable during their time at the university, their relationship a subject of much gossip at their graduation. In the early years after moving to the Naven Star Region, there had always been someone trying to dig into the history of their connection, until those who dared to tease them found themselves in the hospital, making it clear that the young master, who usually wore a smile, harbored deep resentment toward his old school friend.
As Adrian rose through the ranks, it became clear that no one would dare challenge him in front of the Commander at Naven Barracks, fearing the wrath of a man known for blurring the lines between personal and professional.
Dawn was approaching. Feeling miserable and unwilling to lay back down, Adrian decided to get up.
He figured by now, several matters would have accumulated in his personal terminal waiting for his attention. Adrian poured himself a cup of energizing drink and connected his terminal to the large virtual screen on his desk. He nearly choked on his drink at what he saw.
“Breaking News: Congressman John Smith officially confirms attendance at the Royal University of the Federation's century celebration.”
“Extended Reading: The youngest member of the Supreme Council, the legendary Congressman John Smith, and what lies behind him:…"
Adrian stared at the exaggerated headline, his gaze fixating on the name that echoed in his mind. He had long outgrown the days of settling arguments with fists and had grown accustomed to seeing both their names in the news. Still, seeing John Smith's name linked once more with the university churned an old rage within him.
This anger erupted like long-dormant lava, slowly yet steadily drowning his reason.
Setting his cup down with force, Adrian dialed his assistant, Faye Moore.
Faye, evidently still caught in slumber, mumbled, “Who is it?”
“It’s me.”
“Boss.” Faye jolted awake, panic in her voice. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, something’s come up. Contact the university now and let them know I’ll be attending the anniversary celebration.”

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