Mated to Four Disdainful Alphas

Chapter 1

“You lucky little bitch! Your mom actually married our city's billionaire! You're finally escaping this dump for good, right?”

My best friend, Seren, shot me a glare that held a mix of jealousy and bitterness. We grew up together in the ghettos, watching our dreams wilt like the weeds growing in our yards until my wealthy new dad whisked me away to a fancy new school.

“Don't be jealous, Seren. You know my mom’s a total knockout,” I replied, blinking back tears. “I’m transferring to SilverCreek, so you better write to me all the time.”

Seren wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug, even though she pretended to resist. With a sly look, she slipped something discreetly into my palm.

“A gift for the fresh start at your fancy school,” she said, her tone serious. “Keep it under wraps. Stay safe.”

I opened my hand to reveal a dagger wrapped in soft cloth?!

A smile crept onto my face as I recognized its significance. Only I understood the weight of this gift.

SilverCreek Academy was known to be one of the most exclusive schools in the country—a stepping stone toward my dream. I wanted to become the first female warrior, carving my own path into a world dominated by men.

I craved respect and power. The only thing worth fighting for was the right to define my own fate. No woman had ever passed the warrior training test, but I was determined to change that narrative.

Life in the ghettos was a constant struggle. I remembered the shady guys my mom dragged home, men who left me feeling like I needed to hide away. I loathed them. Those early experiences forced me to pick up self-defense fast, sparking a passion for warrior training that only grew stronger. That's why I received a dagger as a transfer present—it symbolized my resilience and determination.

But even now, standing on the edge of opportunity, uncertainty loomed. Who knows how long my stepfather would let me stay at SilverCreek? I had to seize this chance.

I glanced back at the car, spotting my stepbrother, Ethan, leaning against the vehicle with an impatient look.

“You ready?” he asked, his tone casual. I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. I guess I was as ready as I’d ever be. He nodded once, then sauntered to the other side of the car.

I tugged at the handle, but it didn’t budge. Puzzled, I waved my hand around in confusion.

As if on cue, I slammed the heel of my boot against the door. A sigh escaped the driver’s lips behind me, and with a pop, the door swung open like magic. Laughter floated from inside the car, and I could hear Ethan’s teasing.

“It’s automatic,” he drawled, grinning as he patted my knee. “Off we go to SilverCreek!”


“You’ll find your student orientation handbook in the center over there,” Ethan informed me, his eyebrows lifting into a playful arch. The corners of his mouth curved into a mischievous grin. “Good luck with all this.”

I rolled my eyes, sarcasm dripping from my tone. “Yeah, thanks a lot.”

I slammed the car door shut with enough force to make a statement, then marched into the grand structure that awaited me. Standing right in the middle of the hallway was a tall, impeccably groomed woman with striking blonde hair. Her gaze swept across me, starting from my mud-caked boots, lingering on my vintage band tee. I could see her eyes widen slightly, a tremor flickered in her lip.

“Miss, are you sure you’re in the right place?” she asked, a false note of concern layered in her tone.

Taking a deep breath, I scanned my surroundings and raised my palms. “My stepbrother said this is the student center.”

The woman’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly. She extended a perfectly manicured hand. “Abby,” she stated with an air of insincerity. “And you are?”

I met her hand with my own, my nails a chipped mess of black polish, a stark contrast to her polished exterior.

“Zoey,” I replied, injecting all the syrupy sweetness I could muster into my voice.

“Zoey,” she echoed, like maple syrup mixed with something foul. “You’re from Brookfield, right? I didn’t realize fashion was so…—” her gaze skimmed over the holes in my tee—“fascinating there.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks, each pulse of anger flaring beneath my skin. I let go of her hand, feeling a surge of defiance bubble up.

“So, how’d you end up at SilverCreek?” Abby continued, undeterred.

“My stepfather just enrolled me. Figured it would help me escape Brookfield,” I replied, tilting my head slightly. “Eli Carter?”

Abby’s eyebrow shot up as her smirk twisted into something much more sinister. Oh great, this wasn’t going like I imagined.

“Oh, so you’re Camila’s daughter?” she sneered. “Camila Harmon, the lowly caretaker to the rich kids? Did your mom drug Eli? Is that why he left his wife?”

She mimicked my earlier head tilt in a mocking gesture. “I heard he lost most of his fortune in the divorce. Surprised he can even send two kids here.”

“He didn’t,” I snapped, teeth clenching. “And my mom didn’t give Eli anything. He chased her down after he and his ex-wife split. Their relationship was all genuine.”

“Interesting,” Abby drawled, amusement dancing in her eyes. I was two seconds away from smashing her perfect veneers into the wall. She waved a hand dismissively. “Well, I’m sure you’re the talk of the town with your father. Everyone loves gossip about the billionaire and his gold-digging wife.”

She brushed past me, her heels clicking against the polished floor as she made her exit. My anger flared. The dagger in my pocket felt like a heated brand, resting there with purpose.

But this was SilverCreek—a whole new world with its own rules and boundaries to navigate. Taking a deep breath, I plastered on the fake smile I could conjure. Abby was waiting for me near the exit, and I steeled myself to follow.

She led me around the campus, rattling off information I could barely process. I was on the verge of interrupting her to demand she spare me the fluff when we passed a stunning structure that looked utterly out of place.

It was a massive pyramid, as if it had been transported from Egypt and smack-dab dropped in the middle of this secluded forest. The obsidian surface gleamed, reflecting the sunlight in a mesmerizing dance.

“What’s that?” I asked, intrigued.

“Oh,” she laughed, an edge of pride in her voice. “That’s the Benton Tower. Home of the Benton brothers.”

“The Benton brothers?” I echoed, curiosity piquing.

Abby rolled her eyes in that exaggerated manner all the popular girls mastered. “Theo Benton runs the school,” she elaborated. “He’s in the running to be the next Lord Lord. The Benton brothers are his sons—four of them, to be exact. All wickedly attractive, intelligent, and charming.”

“Sounds like a bunch of winners,” I said deadpan, fighting to keep my tone indifferent.

“The only winners,” Abby corrected cheerfully. She tilted her head toward the pyramid. “Are whoever gets chosen as their mates.”

I glanced around the area and saw a cluster of girls frolicking about, each one trying to shine brighter than the next. Some were giggling, some sparring, and one girl was theatrically slipping and sliding on the grass as if she were right out of a raunchy movie.

Suddenly, a cry pierced the air, snapping my attention back. All the women around—including me and Abby—turned in unison. A girl stumbled out from behind the pyramid, teary-eyed and flanked by other girls rushing to console her. Abby feigned concern in a tone dripping with sarcasm.

“Poor girl,” she cooed. “Another reject for Mother.”

“Mother?” I shot back incredulously, wide-eyed. “Aren’t we all under twenty?”

“Sure,” Abby said, her tone bored. “But sometimes strange things happen.” She leaned in conspiratorially. “A baby was left at the front door of the tower yesterday. A girl. No one knows where she came from. The Benton brothers, in their infinite charity, took her in, but now they’re looking for someone to help raise her.”

“Raise her?!” I gasped, feeling my heart race. “We’re all students juggling full-time class schedules! Nobody has the time or energy for a baby!”

Realization struck me like a lightning bolt. SilverCreek was going to be much more complicated than I ever imagined.

Chapter 2

“So, who’s the mom?”

“What?” Abby calls back, glancing over her shoulder with an eyebrow raised.

“Of the baby the Benton brothers have,” I clarify, my voice laced with sarcasm. “Looks like someone’s bitter and just dropped it here out of spite.”

Abby halts, spinning around to shoot me a look meant to cut. “She,” Abby presses, making a point to emphasize the word. I stifle a roll of my eyes. “Has unknown parentage. No one knows where she came from or why. All we know is she’s been snatched up by the biggest, most powerful family on campus. Even the inner circle of the Benton brothers is clueless about it.”

I can’t help but snort. “They can’t take care of her themselves?” 

“They can,” Abby replies with a lazy drawl. “But that seemed ‘inappropriate,’ so they expanded their search to the whole school.” She pauses, tilting her head, her blonde hair sweeping across her face. “You know, with your mom's track record in childcare, you’d make a perfect fit.”

“Eli didn’t pay tuition for me to babysit,” I snap back, irritation flaring.

“Suit yourself,” Abby shrugs. “It’s been fun showing you around, but I’ve got my own interview for caretaker coming up. Catch you later!”

Without giving me another glance, she turns and strides back toward the looming Benton Tower, flanked by a gaggle of squealing girls. I stand there, mouth agape. This place is full of lunatics! I can’t imagine doing anything here besides hitting the books, training, and fighting to become a top warrior. And speaking of warrior development, I need to check out the training facilities. I head toward a building marked “Warrior Arena.”

I reach for the doors but freeze. They’re locked behind a card reader. Ugh! I frown and pivot, making my way back to the student center. As I turn around, I bump into something solid and wide, feeling a soft “oof” escape my lips as my face meets it.

“Sorry,” I mumble, rubbing my face.

“No worries,” a deep voice chuckles, sending an unexpected spark racing through me. I snap my eyes open.

Standing in front of me is a mountain of a man. Seriously, he’s gorgeous—wavy brown hair and piercing golden eyes that scan me from head to toe. Instantly, I feel self-conscious in the ratty T-shirt I threw on this morning. 

“I haven’t seen you around,” he continues, a casual grin revealing an irresistible charm. “Freshman?”

“Yeah,” I manage to say, my voice tight in my throat. I gesture over my shoulder. “Just trying to check out the combat facilities, but my guide forgot my ID. Any chance you could help me out?”

His gaze travels again, lingering a little too long. I feel a shiver run down my spine as I cross my arms, trying to create some space between us. He chuckles again, and I can almost feel the heat radiating off him.

“You want to hit the combat facilities?” he asks, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Shouldn’t someone like you be more interested in chasing after boys and finding a place to settle down?”

“I’m not interested in flirting,” I retort, my patience wearing thin with his smarmy attitude. “I’m here to become a warrior.”

He stares at me, surprised, blinking as if my words just hit him like a ton of bricks. Then, he leans in a little closer, speaking softly. “You want to be a warrior?”

“Yes, like I just said,” I insist, beginning to feel my anger bubble.

He smirks, glancing over my shoulder and then back at me again, taking another slow, deliberate sweep of my figure, his gaze igniting every nerve in my body. After what feels like an eternity of scrutiny, he pushes past me and taps his wrist against the card reader, granting us entry.

“Thanks,” I mumble, still reeling from his intensity.

As we walk inside, he extends his hand toward me. 

“Hunter,” he offers, a playful glint in his eye.

“Zoey,” I respond hesitantly, ignoring his outstretched hand.

“Zoey,” he repeats, pulling back slightly and clearing his throat. “That name rings a bell.”

I freeze, dread pooling in my stomach. Here we go again. “Yeah, my stepbrother Ethan goes here. I’m Eli Carter’s stepdaughter.”

Hunter’s eyebrow shoots up, his expression hardening slightly. “So, I just let the most infamous transfer stroll into my gym?”

Awesome. Just great.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about our campus's new little darling,” he continues, a mocking edge to his tone. “Maybe you should consider applying for the mother role yourself. Those nanny skills from your mother might come in handy. It could be far more productive than wasting time trying to train to be a warrior you’ll never be.”

Rage floods my veins, hot and pulsing.

How dare he?!

“Fuck you!” I spit, jabbing my finger into his chest. “Who do you think you are?!”

He raises his hands in mock surrender, a laugh rumbling from him. “Ooh, what’re you gonna do, warrior girl? Poke me to death?” 

I put my palm against his chest, trying to push him back, but it’s like shoving a wall. He barely moves, looking more surprised that I even dared.

“Everyone here is obsessed with this stupid baby!” I shove him again, frustration boiling over. “Just because my mom was a nanny doesn’t mean I’m one! Nor should I be the one stuck taking care of the brat!” I shove him one last time, and this time, he takes a half-step back, the astonishment flickering across his face.

Nose to nose now, I’m breathing heavily, each breath pressing my chest against his. The heat flaring between us sends jolts of confusion rippling through me. He tilts his chin and wraps one hand around my biceps.

In an instant, he spins me around and slams my back against the wall. His leg slots between mine, pinning me in place while his hips press against me. Panic surges through me as I try to fight him off, but it’s like battling a brick wall.

“Let me—” I wriggle again. “Go!”

“No,” he barks, his tone commanding. “Listen to me, little girl.”

He pulls me off the wall and slams me back into it, my head buzzing from the impact. My vision blurs for a heartbeat before I focus on his furious expression, his nostrils flaring and a fire igniting in his once warm eyes.

“You’re new, I get it,” he snaps, practically seething. “But you have no idea who you’re fucking with. You’ve picked the wrong guy to challenge. I take what I want in this school, and I do what I please. People like you don’t do that, so it’s best you realize your place now.”

I push with all my strength, but he barely flinches. He grips my wrist like a vice, the skin-to-skin contact igniting a burn that shoots through me.

“This school isn’t for little girls like you, looking to cash in on someone’s money,” Hunter spits. “I don’t care how your mom seduced Eli, but I won’t let you sink your claws into anyone here. Consider this a warning. If I see you in my gym again, I will tear you apart.”

He releases my wrist and steps back, leaving me momentarily stunned and staggering to regain my balance. Every cell in my body pulsates with pain. Hunter glares down at me, his expression like thunderclouds ready to unleash a storm.

“Got it?” he demands.

I nod, heart racing, trying not to wince as I rub my sore wrist. I watch as he storms away into the gym, fists clenched tightly at his sides, back with an arrogant poise. With Hunter gone, I stand there in the entryway, feeling bewildered and sore, my ego bruised but my spirit still aflame. I rest my head against the wall, eyes closed, wondering if stepping into SilverCreek Academy was truly my best idea. Sure, the Ghettos were rough, but at least rich assholes weren't making my life a complete hell every single day.

Chapter 3

After getting my ass handed to me by that jerk Hunter Benton, I bolt from the gym, desperation sending me scrambling for a safe haven. I stumble into the dining hall and, to my surprise, I’m greeted by something fancy named “ceviche.” It hits my taste buds like vinegar mixed with raw chicken, which makes me hesitate. I manage to choke down a few bites when a notification pings on my phone. It's a message from Ethan.

Ethan (1:45 PM): Meet me at 450 E Peak Hwy @ 2:00 PM. Don’t b l8.

Great. Just great. It's as ominous as it gets, but that’s classic Ethan. He always manages to keep things short and snappy. I can’t decide if it's 'cause he hates my mom and me for shattering his dad's perfect life or if that’s just how he rolls. Still, I remember Eli’s promise—Ethan would keep an eye on me here at SilverCreek. Make sure I blend in. So far, it feels like I’ve done the opposite. Of course, Ethan and I parted ways the moment I stepped foot in this hellhole. Who’s to say he’ll really look out for me?

Or worse, maybe I’ve just fallen into some kind of trap.

With thoughts spinning, I ditch my ceviche and stride across campus. My phone’s GPS says it’s a ten-minute walk. If I hustle, I might just make it on time, provided I don’t get lost.

The campus is stunning, no denying that. It’s like nature decided to show off, painting the world bright green in bloom. Grand willows lean over the paths, stretching their long branches like protective arms. The halls and dorms are Gothic masterpieces, dark stone emblazoned with ominous gargoyles, watching over everything like silent sentinels.

My phone leads me to a smaller, pristine building on the outskirts of campus. It's way nicer compared to the others—black marble that makes it look less like a misplaced Egyptian pyramid and more like a church. I glance around, noticing the eerie emptiness. Where is everyone?

I inch closer to the door, half-heartedly calling out for Ethan, but the silence swallows my voice. I step inside and try again.

“Ethan? Hello?”

Bam! The door slams shut behind me. A chill runs down my spine as a series of clicks echo in the air. Panic surges as I yank at the handle, but it's locked. Fantastic. I take a tentative step further into the dim interior, the space almost cloaked in mystery. Muffled noises lead me around a corner, and I can’t resist peeking.

I freeze, heart racing. A young couple is tangled up against the wall, lost in their world of passion. The girl's head is tossed back in ecstasy, her long, brown hair cascading like a waterfall over her shoulders. Her shirt rides up, bunched under her chin. The guy’s hands are all over her, caressing with determination while his lips explore her exposed neck. His shirt lies discarded, revealing chiseled muscles glistening in the low candlelight.

Embarrassment crashes over me like a tidal wave, pinning me to the spot. I can’t tear my gaze away as heat floods my cheeks. I catch the moment his hand dips lower, and the girl gasps, a wanton sound that makes my jaw drop. I slap a hand over my mouth, completely frozen. Then the guy spins her around, their lips never parting, and that's when our eyes lock.

“What the fuck?” he hisses.

“Keep going,” the girl moans, grinding against him. “Please, baby.”

“Who the hell are you?” the man snaps, glaring at me. “This is a private space!”

The woman finally turns to me, her eyes wide. She shrieks and bolts away, yanking her shirt down as she makes a mad dash for the other side of the room. The man, now glaring at me while still shirtless, advances.

“I’m sorry – my – I – my brother—”

“Say that again,” he growls. “Who. The fuck. Are you?”

He looks hauntingly familiar. Honey-gold eyes, wavy brown hair—my heart sinks. He’s got to be one of the Benton brothers, unmistakably like Hunter. I step back, hands raised in defense.

“I-I’m really sorry— I didn’t mean to intrude—”

“New here, huh?” he snaps, scanning me with disdain. “This space is exclusive to the Benton brothers. No one else gets in.”

“Crap,” I breathe. “I was told to come here. The door was open—”

“By who? A brother?” His gaze burns into me, disbelief dripping from his tone. “Which one of my brothers would ever stoop so low as to mess with someone like you?”

“No, no!” I shout, realizing the gravity of my mistake. This guy's a Benton brother—an alpha in the making. And here I am, barging into his private lair and ruining his moment. He glares at me, and I backpedal until I hit the wall.

“Ethan!” I shout, desperation clawing at my throat. “My stepbrother Ethan told me to come here!”

He stops, brow furrowing. “Ethan? Ethan Carter?”

“Y-yes!” I stammer, the knot in my stomach tightening. “He’s my stepbrother. I’m Zoey Carter!”

“Carter!” he barks, drawing Ethan out from the shadows. He looks genuinely perplexed.


“Ethan!” I yell again, my voice panicked. “Tell him you told me to come here! I didn’t— I didn’t know I’d barged in!”

“What are you on about?” Ethan says slowly, bewildered. He turns to the other man. “This is the Benton temple. I’d never ask you to come here.”

Panic crashes over me, and my heart sinks. It’s a setup. I should’ve known.

“Beck, I’m really sorry,” Ethan says, shaking his head. He glances back at me, eyes laced with contempt. “She’s not used to this level of luxury. Wandering in here because it looked nice, I guess. My bad.”

“Classic gold-digger, huh?” Beck chuckles darkly. “Just like her mother.”

“Just like her mother,” Ethan echoes, an edge to his voice. My hands clench into fists, fury bubbling up within me. “I told my dad sending her here was a bad idea. She’d just stir up trouble.”

I whirl around, catching Beck as he steps closer. I'm speechless, caught off guard when he grips my chin gently, almost tenderly. Something about him feels dangerously magnetic. He angles my face toward the flickering candlelight and then back to meet his gaze—those honey-drenched eyes twinkling like dangerous fire.

“Now, now,” he coos, delight dancing on his lips. “I love a little trouble. It usually tastes the sweetest.”

His tongue darts out to wet his lip, and, against my will, a whimper escapes my throat. The Cheshire grin on his face sends another wave of heat rushing through me. I glance at Ethan, who stands there with a smug smirk. Rage and embarrassment collide, leaving me paralyzed. Beck runs his thumb across my lips, and my eyes snap back to him.

“Boys!” he calls out, his voice echoing with excitement. “Come see the little rabbit I’ve caught for us to play with.”

Three dark figures emerge in the doorway, and I realize with creeping dread that I’m not in a good spot at all.

Chapter 4

The four hulking figures stand in front of me, and I instantly recognize them as the Benton brothers—living, breathing Gods with muscles that could make Hercules jealous. With sharp jawlines and eyes that seem to glow with a men's lead rebellion, they exude an aura of intimidation that’s impossible to ignore.

But while they share that otherworldly quality, each of them has a distinct vibe. Two of them are identical twins, yet their expressions are the exact opposite. Beck Benton stands there, grinning like he’s just won the lottery as he grips my chin like I’m some kind of trophy. Then there’s Hunter Benton, the brooding one, still fixated on the anger I left him with, eyes smoldering like a stormy sky.

The third brother, who stands shyly behind Hunter Benton, is gnawing on his lip nervously. His gaze darts between the twins like a rabbit caught in a predator's sight. He’s just as stunning as his brothers, with a different nose and striking, glowing grey eyes that seem to pierce right through me.

The fourth one, leaning casually next to Hunter Benton, wears the same cocky smirk as Beck Benton, but he’s slimmer, and his long hair curls around his ears like it owns the place. He’s got these adorable freckles that stand out against his sharp features, making him look almost mischievous.

Beck Benton drops his hand, motioning towards me like I'm some bizarre spectacle. In an instant, Hunter Benton springs forward. He moves like lightning, a blur I can barely register before his arms are locked around me, pinning me in place. I squirm, trying to escape, but it's like trying to wriggle out of a straightjacket. There’s no chance I’m getting away.

With a flourish, Hunter Benton pulls out a pile of photographs. He flips through them, raising an eyebrow before tossing them to the long-haired brother. “That conniving witch,” Beck Benton remarks, shaking his head with hands on his hips. “She really thought this through, huh? Marry Carter, get her kid into SilverCreek Academy, and then repeat the whole freakin’ thing.”

The lanky brother pauses, his gaze lingering on me as if I’m some art piece he’s waiting to critique. It gives me the same skin-crawling sensation Abby shot me back on the first day. His eyes flit back down to the photos. “At least her mother had looks,” he sneers before passing the images off to the next brother. “This girl looks like she crawled out of a sewer.”

“Oh, please!” My voice returns with a snap, anger surging through me. “You rich jerk-offs think money’s the only thing that matters!”

Hunter Benton snickers, his breath hot against the shell of my ear, igniting a fire that travels across my skin. “What’s the matter?” he drawls, amusement dancing in his voice. “Mad we caught you before you could snag a golden boy just like Mommy?”

“Don’t you dare talk about my mother!” I shoot back, fury boiling over. “She and Eli actually love each other!”

“Maybe she’s onto something,” the timid one chimes in, now holding the photos. “Maybe Eli really fell in love with the local caretaker.”

Beck Benton scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Please. Eli isn’t dumb enough to fall for that. You honestly think he can’t sniff out a gold-digging harlot?”

That last word ignites a firestorm within me. “Screw you!” I shout again, my heart racing. “You think you can use your money to bully me into submission?”

With every ounce of my frustration, I wriggle one more time. Hunter Benton's arms barely shift, so I decide to resort to other tactics. I sink my teeth into the arm draped around my chest. The taste of iron fills my mouth, and I hear a shocked yelp from behind me. The hold loosens, and I drop down with a gasp, scrambling back while keeping my eyes on my captors.

The brothers look back at me, surprise etched across their handsome faces. The long-haired brother smirks. “Careful, Archie. She might’ve infected you with her nasty scavenger disease.”

Hunter Benton shakes his arm, a fresh anger bubbling up as he eyes the imprint of my teeth now decorating his skin. “To think I was going to let this lunatic babysit the kid,” he growls, glowering down at me. My heart hammers in my chest. Despite all the jerks I’ve dealt with, he’s their king, the most menacing of them all.

“Boys,” he finally declares. “It seems we’ve got ourselves yet another Untouchable.”

Laughter erupts among the brothers, and I feel a wave of disgust wash over me. “What the hell is an Untouchable?” I sneer.

“The lowest of the food chain at SilverCreek,” Beck Benton replies, savoring every word. “Nobody of consequence will even acknowledge you. Hope you like the basement, by the way.” His lips curl into a wicked smile. “Enjoy the cold.”

“Oh, come on,” I retort, trying to keep my cool. “You really think I’d just roll over because your daddy runs the place? Not a chance!”

“We don’t think,” Hunter Benton corrects, confidence radiating off him. “We know.”

Shaking my head, I scoff at the absurdity of this whole situation. I’m beyond fed up with the male ego. Bullies have forgotten my name since I slashed that guy’s arm open back in Brookfield. My dagger…

My hand flies to my pocket, feeling the reassuring weight of the iron dagger resting under my palm. I rise slowly, pretending to stagger, masking the fire inside me. Then, like a cobra striking, I spring forward.

I whip the dagger from my pocket, lunging at Hunter Benton in a flash of steel. He sidesteps with cat-like reflexes, and the other brothers begin growling in the background. I flip the blade expertly in my hand, gearing up for my next move, ready to pounce again. Hunter Benton stumbles backward, dangerously close to the wall. I've got him cornered.

When I prepare for the final blow, my wrist is suddenly caught, and before I can comprehend what's happening, I'm thrown through the air. My back slams against the ground, pain shooting up my spine. Hunter Benton's weight pins me down, and I feel the cold metal of my dagger pressed against my throat. It dawns on me: he’s got my weapon.

Hot breath warms my ear, re-igniting that wild spark racing across my skin. My instincts scream at me—this isn’t just humiliation; I’m now afraid he’s turned me into a target. “You’re so young,” he coos mockingly, and a shiver skitters down my spine, mixing dread with humiliation. “You haven’t learned yet that it’s not the weapon that makes the hunter. It’s skill. Something you clearly lack.”

As his weight releases from my chest, I gasp for air, feeling crushed under an unexpected wave of inadequacy. For the first time, I grapple with the nagging fear that my power is insufficient against the sheer strength of the Benton bloodline.

“Oh sweetheart,” Beck Benton croons, sidling up to me with a malicious grin. “We’ve barely introduced you to the delights of our campus, and you already look like a wreck. You’re finished.”

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, but I channel that into my anger and spit defiantly at his feet. His laughter rings in the air, cruel and harsh. The other brothers drag me to my feet, tossing a grey vest at me, all while howling with laughter.

Hunter Benton positions me against the wall, pulling out his phone. He snaps a picture of me, hair a mess and clothes muddy. The brothers cackle like a pack of hyenas behind him. He turns his phone to show me the result—my face a portrait of utter disarray. Below, the caption reads “SAVAGE WOMAN. BEWARE OF THIS UNTOUCHABLE!!!!” Hunter Benton smirks as he uploads the picture to Instagram.

"Welcome to the world of the Untouchables," he announces, a malicious grin carved into his face.

My gaze wanders to Ethan, who’s been watching this whole disgrace unfold. He shakes his head, then breaks into a smile so wicked it sends chills dancing down my spine.

Chapter 5

Hunter and Beck literally flung me out of their temple. I hit the dirt with a loud thump and immediately flipped onto my back to unleash a stream of curses on my assailants. Thankfully, they’d already slammed the door shut, escaping my furious gaze.

I scrambled to my feet, brushing off the dust. I was fed up with this bizarre new school for the day and just wanted to crash and forget it all. I trudged back towards the student center. One of the guards handed me my ID and pointed me to the dorm I was meant to be in. I thanked him, receiving a wary nod in return before he buried himself back in his paperwork.


This whole place was beyond weird.

I trekked across the sprawling campus to my dorm. Apparently, my luggage had already been handled by some of the other guides. A knot of anxiety twisted in my stomach, sinking deeper with every step. Something about this situation felt entirely off.

Opal Hall was one of the smaller dorms on campus. Still, its beauty rivaled that of the grander buildings. Clutching my ID, I pushed open the entrance, my heartbeat quickening. A small turnstile awaited me. I pressed my ID into it, holding my breath in anticipation.


Of course.

I tried again, disbelief washing over me. No way was this happening.


Frantically, I tried once more, my frustration boiling over. Each attempt was met with bright red letters blaring "DENIED" and an irritating buzzing sound that made me want to smash the key card reader into pieces.




“It’s not going to change,” a voice chimed in.

I whipped around to see a guard lounging behind a desk I missed upon entering. His feet were propped up on the surface, and he looked like he just rolled out of bed. A bit on the plump side, his disheveled appearance matched the chaotic vibe of the school.

“What?” I snapped, irritation bubbling.

He tapped his finger against the desk, his gaze locked on me. “Zoey Harmon, right? Just spotted your name on the latest Untouchables list.”

“Oh for the love of—” I grumbled under my breath. I inhaled deeply, forcing calm. “Listen, my stuff is upstairs in the dorm assigned to me. If you’re not going to let me up, do you mind retrieving it for me?”

Just then, I heard a commotion outside the dorm. I peered out the window and was met with a barrage of clothes flopping around in the wind. In sheer horror, I watched as a suitcase hurtled down from the sky, landing with a smack against the ground. My heart sank when I recognized the bright green luggage tag with my initials dangling on it. I glanced back at the guard, utterly aghast. He smirked, lazily pointing outside.

“That yours?”

I bolted from the dorm into the chaos. My belongings were strewn everywhere, stained with some blotchy gray ink. Even my brand-new Chanel suit that Eli had gifted me was ruined. I crumbled onto the ground, sifting through the mess in a desperate search for something, anything, that wasn’t discolored. I found nothing but disappointment.

This was the first time since my arrival on campus that I felt utterly lost. Despair wrapped around me like a heavy shroud. I clutched a tattered piece of my favorite tee, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Instinct kicked in, and I spun around into a defensive posture.

To my surprise, the girl standing before me was small and posed no threat. Her large eyes were hidden behind oversized glasses, and her ears seemed disproportionately huge, giving her the look of a startled mouse.

“Excuse me?” she squeaked, her voice quivering slightly.

“Yes?” I replied warily, still on guard.

“I’m here to take you to your new room,” she said, her voice shaking more with every word.

“Oh.” I relaxed my stance, glancing around at the wreckage of my suitcase. “Let me just—” I began collecting the remnants of my belongings, cramming them into the suitcase, which now sported a busted wheel. It was going to be a nuisance to drag this thing wherever she was leading me. Once I gathered everything up, I turned back to the girl. She nodded once and took off with quick steps.

She guided me through the school, navigating us to the far side of the property. A flicker of hope ignited within me as we approached a larger building than Opal Hall. That hope was quickly extinguished when she led me around to the side, stopping at a grimy cellar door. She pulled it open and descended into a dimly-lit stairway.

Stepping inside felt like walking into a prison camp. The room was a barren dirt shell cluttered with a few rickety cots, the atmosphere drenched in gloom. Everyone inside was clad in gray, their faces etched with misery. It was a sickening sight that made my stomach turn.

“Well,” the small girl said, pushing her glasses back up her nose. “Welcome to the Grotto.”

I glanced around once more, astonished. “Are you all—”

“Untouchables, yes,” she confirmed, her finger gesturing to an empty cot. We both flopped down onto it. I dropped my suitcase on the floor, feeling it was out of place in a setting like this.

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