The Hidden Heir

Chapter 1

The opulent Adams family estate was aglow with dazzling lights and radiant illuminants as they celebrated the 70th birthday of their matriarch, Odette Adams. Her grandchildren and their partners gathered around her, presenting her with exquisite gifts.

"Grandmother, I heard that you have a fondness for Chinese tea. I searched high and low for a century-old pu'er tea worth half a million dollars to present to you," one grandchild exclaimed.

"GrandKing, as a devoted Buddhist, I have chosen a Buddha sculpture carved from precious hetian jade. It is valued at seven hundred thousand dollars," another chimed in.

Odette Adams chuckled heartily as she admired the beautifully wrapped presents before her. The atmosphere was filled with harmony and joy.

Suddenly, Ronin Clark Clark, Odette Adams' eldest grandson-in-law, spoke up. "Granny, could you perhaps lend me a million dollars? Mrs. Lewis from the welfare home has been diagnosed with uremia, and I need the money for her treatment..."

The entire Adams family was struck with disbelief. Not only had Ronin Clark failed to prepare a gift for Odette Adams on her special day, but he audaciously asked her for one million dollars!

Three years prior, Lord Adams, who was still alive at the time, had brought Ronin Clark home and demanded that he marry their granddaughter, Naomi Adams. Back then, Ronin Clark was destitute and downtrodden, akin to a beggar.

After Lord Adams' passing, the rest of the Adams family had tried relentlessly to drive Ronin Clark out of their lives. Yet, he remained unfazed, detached, like a statue, enduring insults and ridicule. He silently continued living in the Adams household as their son-in-law.

Now, Ronin Clark found himself at his wit's end, compelled to ask for money from WoKingn Adams.Mrs. Lewis, the woman who had taken him in and saved his life, was suffering from uremia. She needed at least a million dollars for dialysis and a kidney transplant. Ronin Clark had no other ideas except to ask for WoKingn Adams's help.

He believed that since it was her birthday today, she might be happy to show some kindness and offer her assistance. However, Odette Adams was still laughing gleefully when suddenly her lips curled down and her eyes furrowed in indignation.

With anger, she hurled the teacup in her hand to the floor and ground, "Bastard! Are you here to celebrate my birthday or ask for money?"

Naomi Adams quickly rushed forward and said, "GrandKing, Ronin Clark isn't thinking clearly, please forgive him." She then pulled her husband aside urgently.

At that moment, Juliette, Naomi Adams's cousin, sneered in disdain. "Naomi Adams, look at the piece of trash you're married to! Gerold is only my future husband and we haven't even gotten Kingrried yet, but he gifted Grandmother the Jade Buddha. And look at your good-for-nothing husband, not only did he come empty-handed, but he also has the audacity to ask Granny for money!"

"You're right! Ronin Clark, we're both grandsons-in-law of the Adams family, but you're such a disgrace!"

The one speaking was Callum Ross, Juliette's boyfriend and also the son of a wealthy family in the area. Although he would marry Juliette, in his eyes, Naomi Adams was much more beautiful, elegant, and his true love. Naomi Adams was the renowned goddess of beauty in Aurouss Hilll, but Callum was deeply disappointed and frustrated when such a beauty got married to a loser.

"It's best for this worthless loser to leave the Adams family now!"

"Yes! He is such a disgrace to our family!"Ronin Clark's fists clenched tightly as the entire Adams household continued to humiliate and ridicule them. If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, he would have gladly left this wretched place.

But his father's words echoed in his mind, reminding him to be grateful for the help they received and to repay it generously. With that, he suppressed the anger and embarrassment bubbling within him and addressed GrandKing WoKingn Adams, "GrandKing, it is said that whoever saves one life saves the world entire. I implore you, please show mercy."

"Mr. Clark, stop force-feeding chicken soup to Granny. If you want to save someone, find a way to do it yourself," sneered Dillon Adams, Juliette's brother.

The sinister siblings had always harbored a bias against Naomi Adams Adams, who surpassed them in every aspect. They would seize any opportunity to attack Ronin Clark.

Naomi Adams Adams, wearing a slightly pained expression, began, "Granny, Ronin Clark's father passed away when he was just eight years old. It was Mrs. Lewis at the welfare home who raised him. He is truly grateful for her kindness, which is why he yearns to repay it. Could you please help him..."

Odette Adams interrupted with a disdainful smirk, "You want me to help him? Fine, divorce him and marry Mr. Bailey! If you do as I say, I'll give him one million dollars right now!"

The Mr. Bailey Odette Adams referred to was Harrison Bailey, a prominent figure who relentlessly pursued Naomi Adams, despite her married status. The Bailey family held significant influence in the upper echelons of Aurouss Hilll's social circle, far surpassing the Adams family. WoKingn Adams had always sought to gain their favor.

Chapter 1 (2)

A wide grin spread across WoKingn Adams' face as he eagerly responded, "Bring it to me! I must see it!"

Without delay, the butler presented the emerald green Buddha amulet, causing a collective gasp to fill the room. The talisman was a masterpiece, its vibrant hues and flawless clarity a testament to its impeccable craftsmanship. It was the epitome of jade perfection.

Callum, the one who had gifted the Buddha statue, scowled in irritation. He never expected Harrison Bailey, who had no connection to the Adams family, to be so generous and extravagant!

With a joyful touch, Girl Adams admired the amulet and remarked, "Mr. Bailey is truly wise! It would be a dream come true if he were to become my grandson-in-law."

She turned her gaze towards Naomi Adams and inquired, "So, what do you say? Are you willing to consider my terms and conditions?"

Naomi Adams shook her head firmly. "No, Grandmother. I will never divorce Ronin Clark."

A dark cloud of anger passed over Odette Adams' eyes. She erupted, "You ungrateful child! What good is that loser? Why waste your time on him? Kick him out of my house! He is not welcome at my birthday celebration! I don't want to see his face!"

Ronin Clark let out a sigh of disappointment and regret. He no longer wished to stay with the Adams family, so he turned to Naomi Adams and said, "Naomi Adams, I'm going to the hospital to visit Mrs. Lewis."

Without hesitation, Naomi Adams replied, "I'll come with you."Odette Adams let out a piercing scream, her voice filled with anger and betrayal. "If you walk out that door, you're no longer a part of this family! Take your sorry excuse for parents and that loser with you!"

Naomi Adams stared at her grandmother in disbelief, never expecting to hear such harsh words coming from her. The weight of the situation settled heavily on her shoulders.

Ronin Clark interjected, his tone defiant. "I don't need any of you. I'm better off without you."

Before Naomi could gather her thoughts, Ronin turned and walked away, leaving her standing there, stunned and hurt.

"Hey, my dear Ronin Clark," Dillon sneered, "if you leave here with an empty stomach, will you resort to begging on the streets? Do you really want to tarnish the Adams family name?"

Dillon pulled a single dollar bill from his pocket and tossed it at Ronin's feet. The entire family erupted into laughter, their mocking echoing through the house. Ronin clenched his fists in anger and walked away, refusing to look back.


When Ronin arrived at the hospital, he wasted no time heading to the cashier department to discuss an extension for his payment.

However, as he approached the nurses' station, he was informed that Mrs. Lewis had been transferred to Fairview Hospital, the top medical facility in Eastcliff, for further treatment.

Ronin gasped in shock, his mind racing. "How much does it cost? I'll find a way to pay!"

"The total cost is three million dollars," the nurse replied calmly. "One million has already been paid, but the remaining two million must be settled within a week."

"Who paid the first million?" Ronin asked, confusion clouding his thoughts.

The nurse shook his head. "I have no idea."

Ronin furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of it all. Just as he turned to leave, a distinguished man in his fifties, dressed in a black suit with grey hair, approached him.

Their eyes met, and the man bowed respectfully. "Young man, we have finally found you. I apologize for the hardships and suffering you've endured all these years."Ronin Clark's brows furrowed, his voice taking on an icy tone as he posed the question. "Are you Nathan Simmons?"

The Kingn gasped in astonishment. "Youthful Kingster, you still remember me."

Ronin Clark's alarm was evident as he murmured, "Of course I do! What do you want from me now?"

Nathan's expression turned sorrowful as he spoke. "Youthful Kingster, Lord Clark was devastated when he learned about your father's death. He never stopped searching for you. Come, let's go home and meet him."

Ronin Clark's voice remained cold. "Just go, I don't want to see him."

Nathan pressed on. "Clark Kingster, are you still angry at your grandfather?"

"Absolutely!" Ronin Clark's words rang out with intensity. "I'll never forgive him for the rest of my life!"

Nathan let out a dejected sigh. "Before I came here, the Kingster did mention that you wouldn't forgive him."

"Good! At least he has some remorse!"

Nathan continued, his tone filled with sadness. "Lord Clark knows that you've endured a difficult life for many years, and he's asking me to make it up to you. If you don't want to go home, he will buy the largest company in Aurouss Hilll and give it to you. Here, take this card. The pin number is your birthday."

With a solemn gesture, Nathan handed over a sleek black card from Citibank.

"Youthful Kingster, there are only five cards like this in the entire country."

Ronin Clark shook his head sternly. "No, I don't want it. Take it away."

"Clark Kingster, Mrs. Lewis still owes two million dollars in medical bills. If she doesn't pay, she could be in danger..."

"Are you trying to threaten me? Is this part of your malicious plan?"

Nathan waved his hands desperately. "Oh no! We would never dare to do such a thing! Keep the card, then you'll have enough money to settle the bill."

Ronin Clark inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity. "How much is on this card?"

"Lord Clark mentioned that he deposited some pocket money for you on this card. It's not much, just ten billion dollars!"

Chapter 2

Ronin Clark was dumbfounded. Ten billion bucks?! His eyes widened, his mouth dropped open in astonishment.

He had always known that his grandpa was wealthy, but as a young Clark, he never truly grasped the concept of money. The Clark family was undoubtedly one of the wealthiest in Eastcliff, and perhaps even the entire country, but Ronin had no idea what their actual net worth was.

But now, it finally hit him. If 10 billion bucks were just pocket change, it meant that the entire Clark family had a net worth of over one trillion dollars.

Honestly, it shook him to his core. A mixture of emotions washed over him. On one hand, he couldn't help but be moved by the sheer magnitude of wealth. On the other hand, he couldn't forget the role his grandpa played in the death of his parents. Forgiving him would never come easy.

Seeing Ronin's distress, Nathan, his trusted companion, spoke up. "Young Kingster, as a member of the Clark family, that fortune is rightfully yours. Technically speaking, it belongs to your father."

"The Kingster said that if you're willing to come back home, he'll let you take over the family's trillion-dollar business empire. But if you're not ready to return just yet, you can use this money for your living expenses."

"Oh, and there's another piece of news. Yesterday, the Clark family completely acquired the Emgrand Group, the largest and most successful company in Aurouss Hilll, with a market value of one hundred billion dollars. All the shares are now under your name. You can exercise your rights at the company starting tomorrow!"

Ronin listened to Nathan's words, still in a daze, unable to believe what he was hearing. Wasn't this an excessive investment from the Clark family just for his sake? A black card with a spending limit of 10 billion dollars, ownership of the Emgrand Group with a net worth of one hundred billion dollars!

In a land filled with talented individuals, the Emgrand Group stood as a constant symbol of power and prestige.The Emgrand Team reigned supreme in the corporate sector of Aurouss Hill. No family, no matter how prestigious or influential, could escape the clutches of their power. Even those who once held their heads high, like the Adams family, the Ross family, and even the Bailey family who still clung to their fading hopes, were reduced to nothing but lowly slaves in the presence of the Emgrand Team. And now, this magnificent empire belonged to him.

Nathan handed him a business card and spoke with a calm authority, "Clark Kingster, you need some time to relax and think it over. I'll take my leave for now. This is my card with my contact information. Feel free to reach out if you need anything."

With that, Nathan turned and exited the room, leaving Ronin Clark lost in a haze of confusion.

He wasn't sure if he should accept the settlement from the weighty family. Memories of years spent in misery and humiliation flooded his mind, especially the shame he endured when he married Naomi Adams.

Gritting his teeth, he clutched the card tightly and made his way back to the cashier department. "Excuse me, I would like to settle the bills."

Just like that, two million dollars were transferred into the hospital's account. Ronin Clark felt like he was floating on clouds.


He arrived home in a daze, only to find the house consumed by anger and fury. Naomi Adams and her parents no longer resided in the grand Adams family villa; instead, they lived in a modest house. Ever since Lord Adams passed away and Naomi Adams married Ronin Clark, they were cast out of the villa.

His mother-in-law's voice echoed through the halls, filled with righteous indignation. "Ronin Clark, that loser! He's such an embarrassment! If you don't divorce him now, your grandmother will kick you out of the Adams group!"

Naomi Adams remained composed as she calmly responded, "If she does, I'll simply find another job.""You...," her mother growled, her voice dripping with disdain. "What's so great about that loser, anyway? Why can't you just divorce him and marry Harrison? If you marry Harrison Bailey, our whole family can hold our heads up high!"

Her father chimed in, his words laced with bitterness. "Your mother's right! If you marry Harrison, our family will become a prized possession. Your grandmother will adore you and spoil you every day!"

Naomi Adams felt a surge of frustration. "Just stop. I won't divorce Ronin Clark."

"You!" Both parents wanted to continue their persuasive arguments when Ronin Clark pushed the door open and walked in.

His in-laws shot him a scathing look as they laid eyes on him. His mother-in-law snorted in disgust. "I thought you had forgotten the way home, loser!"

Ronin Clark sighed inwardly. His mother-in-law had always looked down on him, but what would she do if she knew that he was now the owner of Emgrand Group and had ten billion dollars in cash?

He had distanced himself from the Clark family for a while now. Who knew how they were doing at the moment? What if someone from the family targeted him if he revealed himself?

So, he lowered his head and spoke humbly, "Mom, I deeply regret all the troubles I've caused today."

His mother-in-law bellowed, "Troubles? This is more than troubles, you're putting us in danger! Can't you have the slightest decency and leave our house?"

Naomi Adams quickly interjected, "Mother, how could you say that? Ronin Clark is your son-in-law!"

"Bullshit," her mother roared, her voice filled with venom. "I don't have such a loser as my son-in-law! It's better if he goes as far away as possible!"

Naomi Adams pushed Ronin Clark gently and whispered, "Let's go back to the room."

Ronin Clark nodded gratefully and escaped back to the room.

They had been married for three years, but they had never consummated their marital relationship, not even once. Naomi Adams slept in bed while he slept on the floor by her side.

Tonight, Ronin Clark found it difficult to sleep. The events of the day had been a genuine shock and he was still trying to process it all.

Before going to bed, Naomi Adams said softly, "How is Mrs."What is Lewis doing?" Ronin Clark asked, his voice filled with concern. "I have around a hundred thousand bucks with me right now, you can use it tomorrow."

"It's fine," Ronin reassured him. "Someone paid her expenses and moved her to Eastcliff for treatment."

Naomi Adams looked at him in admiration. "Mrs. Lewis will be fine then?"

"Yes," Ronin replied with a smile. "Mrs. Lewis has done so much good in her life, helping so many people. Now, someone is returning the favor."

"Grateful to hear that," Naomi said, nodding. "You can have peace of mind now."


"I want to sleep now," Naomi said, her voice tired. "There's a lot to deal with in the business recently, I'm exhausted."

"What's happening in the business?" Ronin inquired.

"It's not doing well lately," Naomi confessed. "Granny wants to collaborate with Emgrand, but our team is too weak compared to their scale. They wouldn't even glance our way."

"Oh? Has there never been a partnership between our team and Emgrand before?"

Naomi let out a sardonic laugh. "Of course not! What are we in the eyes of Emgrand? I bet we look like an insignificant speck of dust to them! Even Callum's family, Juliette's future husband's family, can barely handle the story of Emgrand's business empire. That's why Granny is eager for them to get married soon, so the Ross family can help us build some connections with Emgrand."

Ronin nodded knowingly. The Adams family had tried everything to collaborate with Emgrand Group. But little did they know that he already had control over Emgrand Group now...

With this in mind, Ronin decided to take charge of Emgrand Group and lend a hand to Naomi in her business. The Adams family had not treated her fairly and had bullied her too much. As her husband, it was his responsibility to help elevate her status in the family.

In his heart, he made a solemn promise, "Naomi Adams Adams, your husband is different now! I won't let anyone look down on you again! I will make the entire Adams family respect you!"

Chapter 3

The next morning, as the sun began to rise, Ronin Clark hopped on his scooter and made his way to Emgrand Team's office. He parked his mobility scooter in the corner of the vehicle parking lot, surrounded by sleek cars.

Dressed in a sharp suit, Ronin looked dashing and confident. On the other hand, the woman accompanying him had a flamboyant style that caught everyone's attention. Despite her somewhat gaudy appearance, she possessed a magnetic charm. Turns out, her name was Juliette Adams, cousin of Naomi Adams, and the man by her side was her fiancé, Callum Ross. Ronin wasn't sure why they were there, but he knew that staying away from them was the best course of action. The more he tried to hide, the more likely they were to spot him.

Suddenly, Juliette's eyes caught sight of Ronin. She let out a loud exclamation, "Hey, Ronin Clark!"

Juliette called out to him in a friendly manner, but Ronin couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine.

Out of politeness, he stopped in his tracks and waited for them to approach. He smiled and asked, "Juliette, hi there! What brings you here?"

Juliette chuckled. "Oh, Callum is here to meet with Harmony Young, vice-chairwoman of Emgrand Group! I'm just here to keep him company."

She turned to look at Callum with adoration and continued, "The Ross family has a lot of business dealings with Emgrand Group. It not only benefits the Ross family, but also our Adams family in the long run."

Ronin had no idea that the Ross family was one of Emgrand Group's business partners. He had recently taken over the company and hadn't had time to gather all the information.

He didn't let any surprise show on his face. Instead, he simply replied with a polite smile, "Mr. Ross is truly talented and impressive. You two make a great couple!"

Callum glared at Ronin with disdain, feeling a surge of anger building up inside him.This pathetic individual had been publicly humiliated by WoKingn Adams just the other day, yet here he stood, grinning like a fool as if nothing had happened. How could Naomi Adams, such an extraordinary and remarkable woman, be associated with such a loser?

If this loser didn't exist, he would surely pursue Naomi Adams with relentless determination! Who would want to be engaged to Juliette, the Odette who paled in comparison in every aspect?

Callum let out an exasperated sigh and asked in a condescending tone, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to apply for a job," Ronin Clark replied.

"Get a job?" Callum sneered disdainfully. "You? The loser who can't do anything wants to work at Emgrand Group? Are you kidding me?"

Ronin Clark frowned. "What does it matter to you?"

The reason why Juliette had called Ronin Clark in the first place was to belittle him. Now that Callum had joined in, she couldn't resist mocking, "Why bother?

"Trust me, they wouldn't even consider hiring a loser like you, even if you were applying for a janitorial position. Know your place, you'd be better off scavenging the streets for scraps, at least you'd make two or three thousand a month!"

She tossed a water bottle at Ronin Clark's feet and smirked, "there you go, pick it up and sell it for some cash! Don't say I don't care about you."

Callum chuckled sinisterly. "You may be a piece of garbage, but we're still family. I'll have your back. As luck would have it, I personally know the vice-chairKingn of Emgrand Group. Why don't I put in a good word for you and see if she can arrange a job cleaning toilets?"

Ronin Clark sneered and said, "What kind of job I'm applying for is none of your business. You should mind your own affairs. Emgrand Group is a prestigious company, and I doubt they would want to associate with someone as lowly as you."

Callum's face flushed with anger."What are you calling rubbish?" Ronin Clark retorted with a disdainful tone.

"You, garbage!" he added, his words dripping with contempt. Without giving Callum's indignant screams a second thought, he turned and walked away towards the building.

Fueled by anger, Callum quickly strode to catch up with Ronin at the lift hall. He longed to teach him a lesson, to at least slap some sense into his face and make him understand the consequences of provoking him. But they were inside the Emgrand Groups building now, and Callum couldn't risk tarnishing his reputation or upsetting his business partner. Reluctantly, he dismissed the idea.

Gritting his teeth, Callum warned, "I'll let you go today, but you won't be so lucky next time!"

Ronin grunted and stepped into the elevator. Just before the doors closed, he couldn't resist adding, "Callum Ross, do you truly believe you're all-powerful? Trust me, the price you'll pay for your arrogance will soon become clear!"

Callum's face turned an angry shade of red. He wanted to rush into the elevator, but Juliette pulled his arm, stopping him. "Callum, don't take the same lift as that loser. We might suffocate from his stench."

"Hah, you're lucky today. I'll teach you a lesson next time!" Callum muttered under his breath.


Inside the elevator, Ronin headed straight to the top floor where ChairKingn's office was located. Nathan had already made all the arrangements for him at Emgrand. She had been promoted to Vice ChairKingn of Emgrand Group at a young age.

Since the Clark family acquired Emgrand Group, the previous chairKingn had retired, and Harmony stayed back to assist the new chairKingn. Harmony was taken aback when she saw Ronin Clark. She didn't expect him to be as Clark and Lovely as Nathan had described!

Quickly regaining her composure, Harmony greeted him respectfully. "Welcome, Mr. Clark. Please follow me to my office."

Chapter 4

This was Ronin Clark's first encounter with Harmony, and he couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty and allure. She possessed a slender yet curvaceous figure, an intriguing face, and a mature and dignified fashion sense.

As Ronin took a seat in front of Harmony's desk, he began, "I won't be able to come to the office often, so I would like you to continue overseeing the company on my behalf. Additionally, please keep my identity confidential."

Harmony knew that the man sitting before her was none other than Mr. Clark, a member of the prestigious Clark family. For a prominent family like theirs, Emgrand Group was considered an average company, making it understandable that he wouldn't personally manage it.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. An assistant announced, "Miss Young, a Mr. Callum Ross and his fiance are here to see you."

Harmony quickly responded, "I'm currently meeting with a VIP, so ask them to wait."

Curiosity piqued, Ronin asked, "Do you know Callum Ross?"

"Mr. Ross's family is one of our partners, and several of their major projects are connected to our company. They've visited multiple times before," Harmony explained.

In a chilling tone, Ronin declared, "From this moment on, Emgrand Group will no longer engage in any business transactions with the Ross family. Cease all ongoing and future projects. If the Ross family continues to profit from our company, I have no use for you as our vice chairman."

Harmony was taken aback, realizing that someone from the Ross family must have offended the chairman. Reacting swiftly, she exclaimed, "Mr. Clark, please reconsider. Cutting ties with such an influential partner could have serious consequences for our company."Clark, please rest assured that I will immediately instruct my team to sever all ties with the Ross family," Ronin Clark responded confidently. "Inform them that Emgrand Group has no interest in partnering with such lowly individuals. And make sure the guards escort them out."

Outside the office, Callum and Juliette anxiously waited. The Ross family had always dreamed of being the main players in the collaboration with Emgrand Group. Callum hoped that building a strong relationship with Harmony Clark would bring their families closer. However, the unexpected occurred. Ms. Clark's secretary approached them accompanied by several guards.

Confused, Callum asked, "Excuse me, can we meet with Miss Young now?"

The assistant, Laird, replied coldly, "I'm sorry, but our vice chair has stated that Emgrand Group has no interest in working with lowly individuals like you. We will be terminating all projects with your family."

"What did you say?!" Callum's jaw dropped in shock. He couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity with those words. Oh, right! Ronin Clark said the exact same thing in the parking lot. What did Harmony Young mean by this? Did she truly intend to end all collaboration with the Ross family? Blood rushed to Callum's head, making him feel as if it was about to explode.

A significant portion of the Ross family's profits came from their partnership with Emgrand. If Emgrand Group cut ties, it would mean a fifty percent decrease in their net worth. Callum couldn't contain his anger any longer. "I demand to see Miss Young!"

The assistant simply glared at him with icy coldness."I apologize, Miss Youthful is currently unavailable to see you, and you are not permitted to return in the future!"

Callum erupted in frustration, his voice filled with disbelief. "Are you kidding me? We have been long-standing business partners with Emgrand. It's not up to her to abruptly end our projects like this! Don't underestimate us!"

The secretary ignored his outburst and motioned for the guard to remove them. "Escort them out!"

The head of the security team swiftly intervened, grabbing hold of Callum's wrist and twisting it forcefully behind his back.

Callum winced in pain, while Captain Cooper gruffly retorted, "Leave immediately! If you cause a scene at Emgrand Group, I'll break you in half!"

"You're just a security guard, how dare you raise your voice at me? Do you know who I am?" Callum protested.

Captain Cooper responded with a swift slap across his face, his voice booming, "What are you to Emgrand Group?"

As Callum felt the sting on his cheek, his fury grew, but before he could react, his phone rang. It was his father.

Answering the call, a harsh roar echoed from the other end of the line. Emgrand Group wants to terminate all projects with us!

Callum lamented, "No, dad, that's not true. I didn't offend anyone. I came here just to see Miss Youthful, but I haven't even had the chance to speak with her..."

His father shouted again, "The people at Emgrand Group claim they have ended our partnership because of you, you worthless fool! It's all because of you that our family is suffering such a huge loss! Hurry back and explain this to your grandfather yourself!"

Dazed, Callum held the phone tightly as he and Juliette were forcefully escorted out of the grand entrance of Emgrand Group.

Suddenly, Ronin Clark's face flashed in his mind. Turning to Juliette urgently, he asked, "Juliette, is this because of your incompetent cousin-in-law? Does he have any connection to Emgrand Group?"

"Huh?" Juliette was taken aback by Callum's accusation. Considering the circumstances, it did seem possible that the loser had something to do with it, but he was just a loser!

Shaking her head firmly, she replied, "No, it's absolutely impossible for him to have any involvement with Emgrand Group.""He's not even certified to cleanse their toilets!" Callum's frustration boiled over as he voiced his disbelief. The weight of his father's anger loomed heavily over him, causing him to lower his head in defeat. "I need to go back home today..."

Word of the Ross family's expulsion from Emgrand Group quickly spread throughout Aurouss Hill like a wildfire. Speculation ran rampant, with no one knowing the exact reason for their dismissal. All they knew was that the Ross family had done something to offend the powerful organization, and now they were considered outcasts.

Girl Adams seethed with anger when she heard the news. She contemplated canceling Juliette's engagement to Callum, but the Ross family's popularity still outweighed the Adams family's influence. She couldn't afford to sever ties just yet, so she begrudgingly decided to endure the situation for the time being.


Meanwhile, in Harmony's office, Ronin Clark observed her with a mixture of amazement and satisfaction. He was thoroughly impressed by her swift and decisive actions during the ordeal.

"Harmony, excellent work," he praised her, a smile of approval on his face. "Starting today, your salary will be doubled."

Harmony gasped in astonishment, her eyes widening. She rose from her seat and bowed graciously. "Thank you, Mr. Clark!"

Ronin Clark nodded in acknowledgement before continuing, "Furthermore, I want you to release two statements."

"Yes, please proceed," Harmony replied, eager to hear his instructions.

"The first statement will announce the change in ownership of Emgrand Group and the election of the new chairman," Ronin explained. "However, do not reveal my identity. Simply state that the new chairman is a Mr. Clark."

Harmony nodded, taking note of the instruction. "Understood."

"The second statement will reveal that Emgrand Group is investing two billion dollars to build a six-star resort in Aurouss Hill," Ronin continued. "We will also announce the tender bidding process for partners. Construction and interior decorating companies throughout the city are encouraged to bid!"

The significance of winning the bidding with Emgrand Group was not lost on anyone. The victor would become the most sought-after individual in the business world. Now that Ronin Clark possessed Emgrand Group, he could offer his partner some lucrative opportunities.

Harmony couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of these new developments. She was determined to carry out her tasks flawlessly, further solidifying her position within the company.

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