CEO's Unexpected Baby

Chapter 1

"Congratulations, you're pregnant," the doctor said with a hint of a smile, but Violet Bennett felt as if she had just heard the biggest joke of the century. How could she possibly be pregnant when she was single? She wasn't a starfish, capable of asexual reproduction.

"Doctor, you must be mistaken. There's no way I could be pregnant."

"Didn't you have artificial insemination last month?"

Violet nearly fell off her chair. When did she ever have artificial insemination? "I'm single. Why would I have artificial insemination? I just had a regular check-up last month."

The doctor looked at her in surprise. "The medical records do indicate that, but the doctor who performed the procedure has already left. I'm not really sure about the details. If you don't want the child, I can help you schedule an abortion."

Violet felt as if she had been struck by lightning. What was going on? Was she really pregnant? Just yesterday, she had used all her money to pay for her brother's medical bills. She was even borrowing money to eat. Where would she get the money for an abortion?

She stumbled out of the hospital, her mind buzzing. As she stepped outside, a woman pulled her aside. "Are you Violet?"

She turned around and was taken aback. Wasn't that Imogen Cook, the fiancée of the big boss of the company?

"What can I do for you?"

Imogen handed her a business card. "You can ask for anything you want. Have the baby and give it to me."

What? This was shocking. "How did you know I'm pregnant?"

Imogen glared at her. "Just do as I say."

Violet wasn't a pushover. She wasn't going to be manipulated without knowing what was going on. "If you don't explain, I won't agree to it."

Imogen frowned, clearly frustrated. Her gaze swept over Violet's stomach, her expression ominous. "The truth is, the child should be mine. I registered under a fake name that happened to be the same as yours. The damn doctor mixed it up and performed the artificial insemination on you."

Violet was dumbfounded and shocked. So, the father of the child was the big boss? How did she get involved in such a mix-up?

"I... I need to think about it." This was a big decision. How could she make it instantly?

"I'll wait for your answer tomorrow. If you dare to leak a word about this, you're done," Imogen said before leaving.

On the way back to the office, Violet was a mess. Imogen's offer was tempting. Her brother was sick, and medical bills were piling up. She really needed the money. But could she live a normal life after having a baby?

She walked into the elevator with a worried look on her face. Just as the doors were closing, a tall figure walked in. Seeing the man, Violet's heart pounded in her chest. It was Lawrence Price, the big boss, and the biological father of the child in her belly. Was this what they called "enemies on a narrow road"?

Since she started working at the company, she had always found Lawrence handsome and outstanding. He greeted her with a polite nod, not recognizing her. Out of politeness, he nodded slightly.

Violet was certain that he didn't know about their unexpected connection. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so calm. Subconsciously, she touched her belly, thinking about how she was mysteriously pregnant with his child. She felt both fear and fascination.

The elevator became somewhat suffocating. She stared at the floor indicator, hoping to get out quickly. Just as they reached the fiftieth floor, the elevator suddenly shook violently, the lights went out, and it was pitch black.

Caught off guard, Violet lost her balance and fell to the floor. "What's happening? Is the elevator malfunctioning?"

"Stay still," Lawrence said calmly, pressing himself against the inner wall of the elevator. He took out his phone to turn on the light, but before he could, the elevator shook violently again.

Violet was already scared witless, her legs weak. Her body lurched forward in the shaking, crashing into the wall in front of her. She felt dizzy and tried to get up but found that she couldn't move. Her head was stuck between two "big pillars"!

She panicked, her mind a blank. Her little hands scrambled around the "pillar," left and right, up and down. Her head shook violently, trying to pull free, but it was stuck.

"I'm stuck," Violet whimpered, her voice trembling with fear.

Lawrence's face turned pale and then red. This was the first time a woman had touched him so intimately. Was she trying to seduce him? A spark of anger flashed in his deep eyes, and he grabbed the woman's wandering hand.

"If you dare to move again, these hands won't be yours anymore."

Violet whimpered, "Mr. Lawrence, I really am stuck. If today is my last day, I have a secret I want to tell you."

Chapter 2

: Unexpected Revelations

Tears cascaded down Violet's cheeks, falling one by one onto Lawrence's pant leg. He could faintly feel the moisture seeping through, leaving him questioning whether this woman was truly naive or merely playing dumb.

"Don't play games with me. If you do, I'll have you out the door in a heartbeat!" Lawrence's frustration echoed through the room.

He turned on the flashlight from his iPhone, its beam illuminating the dark elevator shaft. Violet caught her reflection in the glossy metal wall as she knelt on the floor, her head wedged between Lawrence's long legs. It was an incredibly awkward position.

Flushed crimson, her face resembled a ripe tomato as she awkwardly wriggled and squirmed, finally freeing herself. "Mr. Lawrence, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... I couldn't see anything, I really thought I was stuck..." Her voice flowed with continuous contrition, bent over in deep apology.

They say pregnancy brain can make you do strange things. Was she already experiencing it? Lawrence loosened his tie, feeling uncharacteristically flustered by the woman's antics. "Do you have a secret you want to share with me?"

Violet didn't dare utter a word. She feared he had misunderstood, believing she was making a pass at him. If he discovered that his seed had been mistakenly implanted in her, wouldn't he be furious enough to wring her neck?

"I... I just wanted to say that even though you've just taken over the company, everyone looks up to you a lot." Violet's words trembled out, her lips quivering.

Lawrence's lips curled in a mocking smirk. He had heard plenty of such flattery before. There was nothing original about it. "Don't be a sycophant. Focus more on your work."

"Yes, you're absolutely right. I will remember that," Violet murmured, retreating to the corner of the elevator as if being punished.

Finally, the elevator jolted back to life, and like a scared mouse, Violet scuttled out, disappearing down the corridor. Life was full of surprises, but today, she had encountered far too many.

As soon as Lawrence stepped into his office, he received a call from his subordinate. The Price family gene bank had been robbed. His sperm had been stolen! A spark of fury flared in his eyes, and he immediately rushed back to the Price mansion.

Meanwhile, at the mansion, Imogen was sharing the news with Lawrence's mother, Ellie Price. Ellie's face beamed with joy. Two years ago, her son had survived a venomous snake attack in the Amazon rainforest, but the venom had affected the quality of his sperm. There was no telling when he would fully recover. Thankfully, he had stored his sperm prior to the trip. Ellie had always worried about not having a grandchild, but now she could finally rest easy.

Lawrence's face turned frosty and dark as he confronted Ellie. "How dare you go behind my back and do something like this?"

Ellie grabbed his hand, desperation evident in her eyes. "I did all of this for you. Your dad had four sons, but you are my only son. You may be the head of the Price Group now, but your three brothers are always lurking in the shadows. Only when you have a legitimate heir will they give up."

She placed her other hand on Imogen's belly. "The operation was a success. Imogen is pregnant. Take her to the city hall to register for marriage tomorrow. Keep the pregnancy a secret to protect the child from any harm. We can announce it when it's almost time for the delivery."

Imogen put on a coy expression, but inside, she was scheming. She had always planned to take Aurelia's baby as her own once it was born. No one would ever know the child wasn't hers.

Lawrence shot her a cold glance and turned to his subordinate. "Take her upstairs for a pregnancy test."

Imogen nearly fell off the couch in shock. If they tested her now, wouldn't her deceit be exposed?

"Lawrence, there's no need for another test. The hospital can't be wrong," Imogen pleaded.

"I want to see for myself." Lawrence's eyes pierced through Imogen, as if he could see through all her secrets.

Fear washed over her, causing her to turn pale. "T... I suddenly feel a bit queasy. I think I need to go home and rest."

She tried to escape, but Lawrence caught her arm and ordered his men to take her upstairs for the test.

The result was negative. Imogen started crying. "I'm sorry, the operation failed. I didn't want to worry you, so I lied."

She would never admit that another woman was carrying his child. If Lawrence married that woman, what would become of her?

"I lose my grandchild?" Lawrence's voice was filled with anguish. That was his only healthy genetic legacy.

Overwhelmed by the shock, Ellie fainted. Lawrence quickly brought her into her room to rest and ordered his men to investigate the matter at the hospital.

He knew Imogen's words couldn't be trusted. His men soon uncovered the truth. "Mr. Lawrence, the operation wasn't a failure, but due to a mistake by the doctor, your sperm was implanted in another woman. She is currently one month pregnant."

He handed Lawrence the woman's file. Upon seeing the innocent face in the photo, Lawrence was taken aback. It was her!

Violet spent the entire afternoon in a daze. The boss would definitely find out the truth, wouldn't he? Was he already planning what to do with her and the baby?

She didn't have to work overtime that day. As she was leaving the office and about to enter the subway station, a bald thug approached her, pressing a knife to her back. "Stay quiet and come with me, or else..."

Chapter 3

Aurelay's nerves jolted to life, her senses on high alert. She couldn't believe what was happening—a mugging. How could these criminals be so blind? She certainly didn't look like a wealthy person in her cheap clothes, each piece under twenty bucks.

"Si, I'm broke. Not a single dime in my account and drowning in debt. Show some mercy, will you?" she pleaded, hoping for a shred of humanity.

"Enough chatter," the thug with a face like a storm cloud snapped, urging her forward towards a parked black Honda.

Just as he was about to force her into the vehicle, a sharp blade was pressed against his throat. A voice, dripping with danger, spoke, "Want to play a game? Who dies first?"

The thug trembled, frozen with fear. Before he could react, his knife-holding hand was seized, and with a forceful tug, excruciating pain shot through his arm, making him scream like a wounded animal.

Terrified and bewildered, Aurelay was handed over to a man dressed in black, who escorted her into a sleek silver Rolls-Royce. Inside the car sat a man whose tall and commanding presence, along with his handsome face, left no doubt—it was Lawrence.

"Mr... Mr. Lawrence!" Aurelay stammered, her nerves tightening even further. Besides being someone who didn't mug people, the big boss was probably just as dangerous as any bandit.

His face was as cold as ice, his cool gaze sweeping over her still-flat belly. "I hear you're carrying my child?" he stated bluntly, catching Aurelay off guard.

"It was... a medical accident. I'm a victim too," she explained, curling up in the corner, avoiding his piercing stare that seemed capable of shattering her.

A mocking smile tugged at the corners of Lawrence's lips. Where was the audacity she had shown in the elevator?

"I've arranged a doctor's appointment for you tomorrow to terminate the pregnancy," he declared, leaving Aurelay stunned. He wanted to abort the baby? Wasn't his fiancée eager for her to give birth? Hadn't they reached a consensus?

Violet was taken aback, unable to process Lawrence's sudden decision. She had anticipated some compensation or demands from him, but not this. However, since he had made up his mind, there was no need for her to struggle anymore. It was almost a relief.

Lawrence squinted slightly, his deep eyes revealing a hint of surprise. "Do you have any requests?" he asked, expecting her to seize this opportunity to make demands, given her reputation for treating money like her lifeblood.

Violet pursed her lips, refusing to make demands of the big boss. Besides, he was a victim too, and if she wanted compensation, she should go to the hospital. "You won't fire me over this, will you?" she cautiously inquired.

Lawrence paused for a moment, his voice firm, "I always keep my personal life separate from work."

"That's good. As long as I can keep my job, I have no other requests," Violet replied, sticking out her tongue, a small act of defiance against the circumstances that had brought them together.


"Stay right here. Tomorrow morning, someone will be escorting you to the hospital."

"Okay," Violet obediently followed the housemaid upstairs.

She speculated that the big boss was concerned about her absconding with his baby, hence why he had her confined here.

Was she really that naive?

Lawrence settled onto the sofa and leisurely sipped his coffee. Colson, his subordinate, entered the room.

"Mr. Lawrence, the man who kidnapped Ms. Violet has confessed. He was instructed by Ms. Imogen to bring Ms. Violet here!"

Lawrence had suspected as much.

As Imogen walked in, she immediately began crying, her performance worthy of an Oscar winner. She had planned to act preemptively, to eliminate that woman before Lawrence uncovered the truth, but he had outsmarted her.

"Lawrence, I didn’t mean to deceive you. I was worried that women would use the child to blackmail you. That's why I placed the tracking device and then decided to tell you the truth."

Lawrence stirred his coffee, his words as icy as his expression. "You don’t need to worry. Tomorrow, I will take her for an abortion."

Imogen was taken aback. "You're aborting the baby?"

"What else?" Lawrence raised an eyebrow, his expression extremely frigid.

Imogen couldn’t believe it, fearing Lawrence might be bluffing.

"That might be your only healthy child."

Lawrence’s eyes narrowed, a chilling aura emanating from him.

"Not every woman is qualified to bear my child."

His gaze shifted to Imogen, a cold light passing over her face, sharp as a knife.

Imogen shivered. "That’s a good thing. It saves you from being entangled by that woman."

Of course, this was good news for her. Otherwise, she would have had to find a way to eliminate that woman.

While they conversed, Violet eavesdropped from the staircase.

In the eyes of the big boss, she was just a low-level employee, insignificant. How could he permit her to give birth to his child?

She knew her place. Since it was a mistake, it needed to be corrected.

Early the next morning, she was taken to the hospital.

Initially calm, once on the operating table and confronted with the sharp surgical knife, she started to panic.

The doctor picked up the knife. "Are you ready?"

Her heart skipped a beat.

Chapter 4

: A Twist of Fate

Violet swallowed hard, stealing a glance at Lawrence who sat nearby. He had followed her into the operating room, perhaps to ensure she wouldn't have second thoughts about the surgery.

"Mr. Lawrence, could you please step out? Don't worry, I'll go through with the surgery," she requested, hoping for a moment of privacy.

But Lawrence, as cold as ice, didn't respond to her plea. "Proceed with the scan," he curtly ordered.

Confused, Violet wondered what scan he was referring to. Before she could ask, the doctor had already placed the ultrasound probe on her abdomen.

"There are two gestational sacs, it's twins! They're a month and a half old," the doctor announced.

Twins? Violet's heart tightened, and she instinctively shut her eyes, unable to face the reality displayed on the ultrasound screen. The thought of extinguishing two small lives was distressing.

Lawrence, however, kept his eyes fixed on the screen, a flicker of something indiscernible in his gaze.

"The operation is over. Change your clothes and come with me," Lawrence abruptly declared.

Startled, Violet opened her eyes and looked at him, fearing she may have misheard. "The operation... hasn't begun yet," she stammered, seeking an explanation.

Without offering any clarification, Lawrence glanced at his watch. "Five minutes. No dawdling," he stated firmly.

Utterly confused by his intentions, Violet questioned if the big boss had changed his mind because of the twins.

As they sat in the car, a sense of unease washed over Violet. She curled up next to the window, stealing occasional glances at Lawrence beside her. His handsome face remained emotionless, like a mask of ice.

Reading Lawrence was like searching for a needle in a haystack - utterly inscrutable.

The driver in the front turned back to give Lawrence an update. "Ms. Imogen was lingering outside the maternity ward, but we managed to distract her," he informed.

Lawrence nodded slightly. "Drive," he instructed.

How could he possibly go through with the abortion? It all felt like a smoke and mirrors act. Violet had no clue what was truly going on in his head. Her mind whirled with questions as she finally mustered the courage to ask, "Where are we going?"

Lawrence pulled out a stack of papers from his briefcase and handed them to her. "Sign here, put your thumbprint there," he said, offering no explanation.

Violet quickly scanned the papers, almost dropping them in shock. It was a prenuptial agreement!

What did this mean?

According to the document, the big boss intended to marry her, let her give birth to the children, and then divorce her.

"But... I can give birth to the baby, but do I have to get married?" Violet questioned, unsure of her own feelings about this unexpected proposal.

If she agreed, she would be labeled as a divorcee when she eventually remarried. It seemed quite awkward.

Lawrence didn't want to marry her either, but the Price family prioritized legitimate children. 

Chapter 5

She was a small, pitiable woman, seemingly helpless in the face of the corporate titan. The mere thought of crossing him sent shivers down her spine, knowing that it could result in her being jobless and homeless in an instant. But there was a stubborn streak within her that refused to bow to authority, urging her to stand firm in her convictions.

Just as she mustered the courage to voice her opposition, her cellphone interrupted her thoughts. It was her mother, delivering devastating news. Enzo's condition had worsened, and he had been moved to the ICU. They needed ten thousand dollars immediately, with no end in sight to the mounting medical expenses. The weight of the situation crushed her spirit, leaving her with no choice but to consider desperate measures.

Her voice trembled as she addressed Mr. Lawrence, "Mr. Lawrence... I can agree to your terms, but could you possibly lend me ten thousand dollars? I promise to pay you back in installments."

Contempt and disgust filled Lawrence's eyes, viewing her request as an attempt to raise the stakes and secure the money upfront. He saw her as a greedy, manipulative woman. Without a word, he pulled out a credit card and tossed it to her, "Consider this card your support. It has a monthly limit of twenty thousand dollars."

As Violet clutched the card tightly, it felt both feather-light and heavy in her hand, symbolizing the weight of her circumstances. She had never intended on accepting any support. This was a loan, and she was determined to repay it. With her head bowed in silence, she accepted the reality of her situation.

Within minutes, the marriage was registered and Violet found herself in an unfamiliar car. Lawrence had arranged an apartment for her, with Selene overseeing her daily needs and monitoring her every move. "Remember, the baby is gone. Don't let anyone find out," Lawrence warned.

Concerned about her pregnancy showing, Violet questioned him, "What if my belly starts to show?"

"I'll take care of that," he assured her.

Obediently nodding, Violet dared not question his motives. Despite not fully comprehending his intentions, she knew she had no choice but to obey him. Lawrence made it clear that their marriage was temporary and that she was not his wife.

Violet shrugged, never having considered him her husband in the first place. Her compromises were solely for the sake of saving her brother. If it weren't for Enzo's deteriorating condition and the urgent need for money, she would have never given in, regardless of the pressure.

After giving Selene a few instructions, Lawrence left, leaving Violet to navigate her new reality. The following week, she returned to the office. Eleanor, the Director of the Design Department, handed her the new quarter's design proposal, instructing her to deliver it to Mr. Lawrence.

Violet hesitated, feeling reluctant about the task at hand. She and Lawrence were now in a secret marriage with a hidden pregnancy, which meant they were to avoid each other and maintain their usual routines. She didn't want to stir up any trouble.

"I'm just an assistant designer. It doesn't seem appropriate for me to take it, does it?" Violet voiced her concerns.

Eleanor smirked knowingly, well aware of the rumors circulating within the company about the elevator incident. She wanted to test whether Violet had crossed Lawrence and was on the verge of being fired or if Lawrence was impressed and planning to promote her.

With no other choice, Violet reluctantly made her way to the CEO's office. As she entered, Lawrence raised his head, his expression as cold as ever.

"Put it there," he commanded, his tone devoid of warmth.

Understanding his desire to avoid interaction, Violet placed the file on the table and turned to leave. But as she reached the door, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her. Her vision blurred, and in a moment of instinct, she reached out to grab the doorframe. However, her hand slipped, and her body plummeted backward into darkness.

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