The Billionaire’s faked wife

Chapter 1

Today, Cecily Gonzalez found herself standing in the Civil Affairs Bureau, ready to sign her name and officially become a married woman. As she prepared to write the name of her husband on the form, she glanced up at the man beside her.

This man was undeniably handsome, so much so that even the Civil Affairs Bureau staff couldn't help but steal glances at him. Cecily couldn't believe her luck in marrying such a remarkable man.

"What's your name again? Sorry, it slipped my mind," Cecily hesitated, her words hanging in the air.

Garrett Gray's handsome face darkened. Did this woman truly not know his name? Or was she pretending to be oblivious?

Could there possibly be a woman in Khebury who wasn't familiar with the name Garrett? With his stunning looks and commanding presence as the head of R&S Group, a powerhouse in finance, e-commerce, real estate, and entertainment, he was the epitome of success and desire for every woman in Khebury.

Snatching the form from Cecily's hand, Garrett scribbled his name boldly and assertively, reflecting his dominant personality with every stroke of the pen.

With that, the stamp was placed, and their marriage was official.

Cecily neatly packed her belongings, ready to leave.

Garrett opened his mouth to speak, but Cecily interrupted him, her voice filled with urgency, "When can we get a divorce?"

"The doctor says Grandma may not make it through the month," he retorted coldly.

Her words weighed heavily on him. Why was she in such a hurry for a divorce? Shouldn't he be the one feeling anxious? What was her rush?

Cecily furrowed her brow. Three months ago, she had come across an elderly lady on the roadside who was in critical condition, suffering from pneumothorax and serious airway occlusion. Luckily, Cecily had been able to perform a life-saving pericardiocentesis on the woman just in time.

An ambulance arrived shortly after, and the elderly lady was eventually saved.

Little did Cecily know that the old lady was a terminal lung cancer patient who had insisted on her grandson marrying Cecily before her time ran out.

"Why can't we just use a fake certificate?" Cecily pondered. It would save them all the trouble.

Garrett gave her a blank stare. "We can't do that. Grandma will send someone to check."

"I have a request," Cecily said, her tone serious.

"Hmm?" Garrett raised an eyebrow, curious about what kind of scheme she was about to propose.

"While I hope Grandma lives a long and fulfilling life, there will come a time when this fake marriage must end. When that time comes, I hope you will use your influence to erase any trace of our marriage license," Cecily stated firmly.


Considering his immense power and nearly perfect appearance, shouldn't he be the one worrying about it instead?

This woman seemed oddly eager to end their marriage, and it left him feeling unhappy.

"No problem," he muttered through gritted teeth, barely able to force the words out.

"Okay," Cecily shrugged. "Goodbye, and don't forget the promised 500,000. Here's the card number."

She handed Garrett a note, beautifully inscribed with her name and bank card number.

Garrett sneered. It always came down to money in the end.

Raised by his grandmother since childhood, their bond was extraordinary. As she grew older and fell ill, he only wanted her to live without regrets.

But his grandmother had been deceived by this woman. When he proposed a fake marriage to make his grandmother happy, she had demanded $500,000 on the spot.

"So, you saved Grandma on purpose?" His voice was as icy as the bitter winter wind as she turned to leave.

Cecily glanced back, a slight smile playing on her red lips. "If that's what you believe."

Her smile was breathtakingly beautiful.

With those parting words, she left without a trace of hesitation.

In all honesty, she didn't even know him, let alone his grandmother.

This man was delusional beyond repair.

If she had truly acted with ill intentions, she would have demanded at least 5 million, not a mere 500,000, which wouldn't even cover the cost of his tailored suit.

Garrett stood there, stunned for a moment before regaining his composure.

Damn, he had actually been captivated by that woman's smile just now.

Looking down, he traced his fingers over the marriage certificate in his hand, a mischievous smirk forming on his lips.

The photo captured them together, but she seemed distant and unfamiliar, her delicate features highlighted. Her almond-shaped eyes were sharp, her arched eyebrows perfectly angled, and her lips exuded a seductive allure. There was an enigmatic quality to her beauty, something he could barely comprehend.

His cold lips curled into a smirk. This gold-digging woman would eventually reveal her true colors.

As he exited the Civil Affairs Bureau, he cursed under his breath. Damn it, he had forgotten to ask for her phone number.

Surprisingly, she hadn't asked for his either.

Chapter 2

The night enveloped the city, casting a dark shroud over its inhabitants. The biting wind cut through the air, chilling the bones of those unfortunate enough to be outside. A sense of melancholy lingered in the atmosphere, weighing heavily on the hearts of the people.

Garrett's heart pounded in his chest as he realized he had fallen into a trap. His complacency had blinded him to the impending danger that now surrounded him. Three men, armed with guns, pursued him relentlessly, their footsteps echoing ominously in the empty streets.

Gunshots pierced the silence, the sound reverberating through the night. Garrett fought back, using every ounce of strength he had left. But against three opponents, he was outnumbered and outmatched. A bullet grazed his leg, leaving a painful wound that sapped his energy.

Desperation took hold of him as he realized there was only one option left for survival. With a leap of faith, he hurled himself into the frigid depths of the Han River, hoping it would provide him with an escape route.

Meanwhile, Cecily made her way through the city, unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. Oblivious to the world around her, she was preoccupied with a task assigned to her by Dean Emma Hill. She was to return to the orphanage, her mind consumed with thoughts of the children awaiting her arrival.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the night shattered as a series of loud bangs echoed through the air. Cecily's instincts kicked in, recognizing the sound of gunfire. She knew this was no ordinary situation, as the distinct sound of an AK47 filled the night.

Drawn towards the commotion, Cecily's eyes fell upon a chaotic scene unfolding before her. Several figures engaged in a violent struggle, one of them clearly injured and cornered. Without hesitation, Cecily swiftly retrieved her trusty darts and launched them with precision, slicing across the necks of the assailants.

The darts soared through the air, their silver arcs a testament to Cecily's skill. The attackers cried out in pain, clutching their bleeding wounds as they fled from the scene. Though the darts hadn't severed their carotid arteries, the injuries were severe enough to pose a threat to their lives.

Cecily, a talented student at Khebury University of Conard's Manufacturing and Design school, was far more than just a beautiful face. Her past accomplishments in marksmanship and shooting competitions showcased her immense talent. Throwing darts had become second nature to her, a skill honed over years of practice.

With the gang dispersed, Cecily's attention turned to the injured man who had jumped into the river. She knew he was in dire need of help, his chances of survival diminishing with each passing moment. Without a second thought, she propelled herself over the railing and into the murky water.

Struggling against the weight of the man, Cecily fought to bring him to safety. The darkness of the night, coupled with the absence of any light sources, made it nearly impossible to discern their faces. All she could focus on was saving a life.

Drawing from her training in the First Aid Volunteer Program, Cecily performed chest compressions on the man, desperately trying to expel the water he had ingested. When her efforts proved futile, she reluctantly resorted to artificial respiration, pressing her lips against his and blowing air into his lungs.

To her surprise, the man's lips were not cold as expected, but rather scorching hot. It was a sensation that sent a shiver down her spine, a peculiar warmth that seemed to ignite a fire within her. Ignoring the strange feeling, she persisted, determined to save his life.

After several attempts, the man finally expelled the water from his lungs, coughing violently as he regained consciousness. But something was different about him. His body radiated an intense heat, his eyes filled with an insatiable desire. In a moment of madness, he seized Cecily, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Cecily's instincts screamed at her to resist, but it was too late. The man's embrace tightened, his uncontrollable lust overpowering any semblance of reason. She fought against his grip, but her efforts proved futile.

In the depths of her heart, she knew what this meant. As his sanity slipped away, he spoke words that sealed their fates. "I'll take the responsibility," he uttered, before succumbing entirely to his primal desires.

Chapter 3

What followed was a frenzied kiss, their lips locked in a desperate struggle. Cecily's attempts to push the man away were futile, as if he were rooted to the spot. Regret flooded her, realizing she should have never gotten involved with him in the first place.

She knew what was about to happen - the loss of her virginity. But it wasn't to the right person, not the one she had hoped to save. Each painful moment intensified her regret, no matter how much she fought against it.

Finally, he released his grip, freeing her from his grasp. Time seemed to blur as Cecily tried to comprehend what had just occurred. And then, it was over.

With the last flicker of consciousness, he wiped away her tears with a gentle kiss and whispered, "I'm sorry, I'll marry you…"

He buried his face in the curve of her neck, as if trying to hold onto her essence before it slipped away.

"F*ck off," Cecily spat, pushing him away.

Satisfied but weakened by his injuries, he rolled onto his back and succumbed to deep slumber.

Cecily trembled as she rose, fumbling with her clothes in a daze. Her hands shook uncontrollably, causing the buttons to slip through her fingers repeatedly. It took several attempts before she managed to dress herself.

Her mind was blank, the weight of losing her virginity to a stranger heavy upon her. The lingering scent of the man clung to her every breath.

Biting her lip, anger blazed in Cecily's wide eyes.

In the darkness, a glint of silver caught her attention. She grabbed the dart and aimed it at his throat.

Damn him!

But she couldn't follow through. She couldn't take his life after he had taken her body.

She compared it to being bitten by a dog - an unfortunate, unavoidable incident.

Still weak and reeling from the encounter, Cecily stood up defiantly, barely able to find her footing.

With unsteady steps, she hurriedly left the scene, her destination uncertain.

Tonight, she couldn't face the orphanage. Her emotions were too raw, forcing her to turn back towards school instead.

Unbeknownst to Cecily, Odette Campbell had witnessed the entire scene.

Odette, a fellow senior at the University of Conard, had grown up alongside Cecily in the same orphanage.

Both girls had received a call from Emma, the orphanage director, asking them to return.

Cecily had left before Odette, leading to the unexpected encounter that resulted in her losing her virginity.

Once Cecily was out of sight, Odette cautiously approached the man on the ground.

The darkness made it impossible to discern his identity.

She retrieved her phone and illuminated the area.

The white light revealed the man's striking features - a chiseled face, sharp brows, closed eyes, and cold lips.

God, he was handsome. Incredibly handsome.

A flicker of recognition passed through Odette's mind. She had seen this face before, somewhere.

And then it clicked - the man lying before her was none other than Garrett.

She had seen him on the cover of Financial People magazine, his handsome face plastered on every major headline.

Odette's thoughts raced.

Originally, she had only intended to watch Cecily lose her virginity, but fate had presented her with an unexpected opportunity.

Cecily had left in anger, which meant she likely didn't recognize Garrett.

In the solitude of the night, Odette pondered her next move.

Chapter 4

Evil thoughts swirled in her mind, a twisted concoction of ambition and resentment. The idea of saving a man like him, of seducing him, it ignited a fire within her. She saw it as her ticket to climb the ladder of success, to finally leave behind her past and forge a new path. After all, she had long lost her virginity, had indulged in relationships and trysts that society would frown upon.

How could she let such a golden opportunity slip through her fingers?

Oh, Cecily, they had grown up together in the orphanage, but the jealousy that simmered within her heart was undeniable. Cecily always stole the spotlight, the center of attention, even the dean favored her above all others.

But then Cecily left, pursuing shooting training, leaving her alone in the orphanage. And she, she managed to find her way into the bed of her college mentor, securing a place at Khebury's prestigious Cunard University.

To her surprise, Cecily abandoned her pursuit of shooting and enrolled in the very same university. With her exceptional grades and stunning looks, she quickly became a sensation on campus.

Damn it! Cecily managed to skip a grade, effortlessly sliding into Cunard near the end of her sophomore year. The jealousy burned within her, an unquenchable flame.

It seemed as though she could never escape Cecily's shadow, forever living in her brilliance.

She couldn't bear it any longer.

Cecily would never have imagined that her chance to enter high society would be snatched away.

So she ran to the riverside, immersing herself in water, bandaging his wounded leg. Deliberately tearing and wrinkling her clothes, she bit her lip and pinched her legs until tears filled her eyes.

After making all the necessary preparations and disguises, she called for an ambulance and stayed by his side until he woke up.

She knew the blaring sound of the ambulance would jolt him awake, and the flashing lights would illuminate her presence.

Everything was perfectly orchestrated, flawlessly executed.

After what felt like an eternity, the deafening noise of the ambulance pierced the night sky, its bright red lights illuminating the darkness.

Garrett stirred from his slumber, his head spinning. The heat that had consumed him was replaced by a sense of calm. With great effort, he opened his eyes.

A soft sobbing sound reached his ears.

"You're awake? I called an ambulance, it's here now."


In his mind, the images of their passionate encounter flashed before him. He knew what he had done.

The sensation was intoxicating, addicting. He didn't want it to end so soon. He wanted to savor the aftertaste.

Garrett narrowed his eyes, the ambulance's dazzling lights revealing the figure in front of him.

A lovely girl stood before him, delicate eyebrows framing her bright almond-shaped eyes. Her long black hair was drenched, water droplets cascading from it. The morning sunlight kissed her shoulders, making her appear pure and ethereal, like a saint.

Her disheveled clothes, red and swollen eyes, and the blood stains on her lips were all evidence of her sacrifice.

"Did you save me?" Garrett managed to sit up, his voice strained.

Odette nodded gently, tears glistening in her eyes. She nervously fiddled with her coat, her actions betraying her helplessness.

In that moment, there was no doubt about what had transpired.

Garrett's heart sank, disappointment washing over him.

It was nothing like what he had imagined, a stark contrast. He vividly remembered the woman beneath him, fierce and resistant, fighting back with every ounce of strength she possessed.

And yet, the woman before him seemed soft and fragile.

His thoughts were muddled, unable to make sense of it all.

"What's your name? How old are you?"

"Odette Campbell. Twenty-two. I study Marketing at Cunard University."

Garrett fell into deep contemplation. This night, he had been lured into a trap, attacked. And if not for her, he might have met his demise.

She saved him, and he violated her in return.

He had to take responsibility, there was no question about it.

He was a man who valued duty above all else.

He remembered the promise he made to marry her.

But as he looked at the pitiful figure before him, he couldn't help but feel detached.

After a moment of hesitation, he spoke, his gaze unwavering. "I will take responsibility. But I need time."

He handed her a business card, his name engraved on it. "My name is Garrett Gray, Miss Campbell. I won't forget you. I'll contact you once I've dealt with this matter."

After all, he had just obtained his marriage license with Cecily that morning. He needed time to sort everything out.

"You don't have to worry about that..." Odette lowered her head, feigning a soft sob. "I understand... you didn't mean it..."

She glanced at the business card in her hand, the title of Chief Executive Director at R&S. A victorious smile played at the corners of her lips, hidden from view.

Chapter 5

As twilight descended, the streetlights flickered to life, casting a warm glow on the bustling city. But Cecily was far from being in sync with the lively atmosphere. A cloud of gloom hung over her, a result of the regret that consumed her since last night. She had made a choice she shouldn't have, saving a man and losing more than just her innocence in the process. The remnants of his scent clung to her skin, a constant reminder of her impulsive actions.

Desperate to wash away the physical and emotional marks, Cecily took a long shower upon returning to her room. But no matter how hard she scrubbed, the wildness of the man and the painful memories were etched into her very being, impossible to erase.

Her irritation grew with each passing moment, a storm brewing inside her. Seeking solace, she headed to the supermarket to buy some vegetables. However, the prices seemed exorbitant, far beyond what she could afford.

Little did anyone know that Cecily had rented another house, a secret sanctuary where she sought refuge from her troubled thoughts.

Approaching the door, an unusual sound caught her attention, causing her brows to furrow in confusion. Ignoring the unease, she turned the key and pushed the door open, revealing an unwelcome sight.

A man groaned, his head thrown back, while a sultry woman with fiery red hair knelt on the floor. Cecily's expression remained impassive as she entered the kitchen, determined not to let the scene affect her.

Shutting the kitchen door behind her, Cecily focused on the task at hand. Within half an hour, she prepared a meal fit for a king - baked cod with lime cheese sauce, macaroni and cheese with beef sauce, and corn chowder.

Once the two outside had finished their illicit encounter, Cecily opened the kitchen door, serving the food without a word. The enchanting woman glanced at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes, teasingly remarking, "Handsome, ask me out again next time. You were amazing!" Her gaze lingered on his legs.

Jeffery Morris, his good looks marred by a slight smirk, replied, "Next time, I'll let you have all the fun."

Their flirtatious banter continued, oblivious to Cecily's presence. It was only after the woman left that Cecily finally spoke, her voice tinged with a mix of weariness and determination. "Jeffery, dinner is ready."

Jeffery's face darkened, his tone laced with bitterness. "Then why don't you come and push me over?"

Cecily took a deep breath, instinctively recoiling from the vile scent that permeated the air. She stood before him, taking in his once-handsome face, now veiled with pain and resentment. But it was the wheelchair beneath him that captured her attention.

Jeffery, the privileged son of JAXAH Corporation Bank, had been born into a life of luxury. And now...

As he noticed her gaze, a flash of anguish crossed his eyes. "What are you looking at? Disgusted?"

"No," Cecily replied softly, her head hanging low. With a silent resolve, she pushed him towards the table. "Let's eat. I made your favorite fish today."

Jeffery took a few bites before abruptly setting his chopsticks down, his voice filled with frustration. "When are you going to get married?!"

Cecily froze, caught off guard by the sudden question. "I haven't graduated yet..."

Behind his back, she had pretended to be married to someone else, a decision that had led to the loss of her virginity. But deep down, she couldn't deny her feelings for Jeffery, a responsibility she couldn't let go of.

He sneered, his words sharp with accusation. "Cecily, when will you tell me? Why don't you just admit that you despise me for being disabled!"

"I never meant that," Cecily replied helplessly.

She couldn't bear to hurt him, knowing how fragile and sensitive he was. She would never dare to reject his feelings or provoke him. That one word would remain unspoken.

"Cecily, I sacrificed everything for you, even my own family. And because of you, I'm confined to this wheelchair. Why don't you experience what it's like to sit in this broken contraption every day! I see you flirting with other men, and you don't care. Don't think I'm oblivious to your desire to be rid of me!"

With those words, Jeffery swept everything off the table, shattering the fragile peace that had momentarily settled between them.

Cecily stared blankly at the wreckage, her heart gradually hollowing out. Did she truly not care?

She was a person driven by duty, valuing responsibilities over her own desires.

For whom had she given up her dreams?

Why had she abandoned her pursuit of a gold medal, disappearing from the competitive scene?

How had she managed to survive these past two years?

Every day, she toiled tirelessly, working herself to the bone, all for what?

Yes, she was the one responsible for his current predicament.

She refused to shift the blame onto others.

If not for that fateful encounter, Jeffery, a man destined for a life of privilege, would never have fallen so far.

He should still be surrounded by the opulence of high society, a sought-after bachelor adored by countless young women.

But now, her sole purpose was to heal him, to restore the once-gentle Jeffery to his former glory, both physically and emotionally.

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