Rejected by my contract mate

Chapter 1

It’s dark. I cannot see Hudson's free hand, but I hear the clinking of his belt buckle.

He’s my father. He whips the leather implement from his trousers and throws it away, snapping the end against my bare belly in the process.

The pain brings forth a hoarse yelp from my lips, but my words fall on deaf ears. "No...! What are you doing? You're drunk! Get out!" I plead desperately, hoping to break through his intoxicated haze.

His claws sink into the delicate flesh of my neck, and the sound of a zipper fills the air as he unfastens his pants. Panic surges through me, overpowering any other emotion. He tries to force my legs apart, the thunderstorm outside mirroring his heavy breaths, a symphony of agony.

Tears cascade down my cheeks as I fight against him, kicking and thrashing in a futile attempt to escape his grasp. But nothing breaks the hold he has over me. Ever since my mother's death eight years ago, my deranged father has held me captive, poisoning me with wolfsbane day after day.

Each night, I go to bed, certain that I won't live to see the sunrise. But it was Luna, my wolf, who died first. She was my only friend, my only hope, and now she's gone. I've had no food or water since yesterday, and yet I cling to life without knowing why. What's the point of surviving if I'm destined to be alone in this wretched cell?

As I catch sight of the hardened flesh between my father's legs, terror floods my veins. There's no way that thing will fit inside of me without causing excruciating pain. He continues to wrench my legs apart, no matter how loud I scream or how hard I kick. But in a surge of anger, I refuse to be a passive victim any longer. I won't let him take everything from me.

With desperation fueling my actions, I reach for his face, clawing at his glowing eyes. But with a violent jerk, Hudson smashes my head against the floor, momentarily dazing me. It's in this momentary release that he seizes the opportunity to grope at my underdeveloped breasts with both hands.His razor-sharp claws tear into the tender flesh of my skin, tracing a path of pain across my chest and down my stomach. I desperately try to let out a scream, but my voice fails me, leaving only a feeble whisper. Hudson's twisted laughter fills the room as he invades my most intimate boundaries, forcing his fingers inside me.

"No!" I manage to choke out, my voice barely audible. "You can't do this, I'm your daughter! Don't you care about what my mom would think?"

Hudson's drunken haze momentarily clears, surprise flickering in his eyes. He blinks, trying to process my words. With a dismissive shake of his head, he scoffs, "You foolish girl, I am not your father."

"What?" I gasp, stunned by his revelation.

Though he continues to hold me captive, his attention wavers for a moment. "Your father was nothing more than a mongrel from a different pack," he sneers. "Your mother got herself involved with a married man and had to flee in shame."

"I found her in neutral territory, destitute and broken," he continues, his voice dripping with bitterness. "I saved her pathetic life and brought her here. I married her, adopted her illegitimate child, and gave her a home. She owed me everything! And what did I receive in return?" Spittle flies from his fangs as he rages.

"Nothing. She never allowed me to touch her, not even once!" His voice cracks with anguish. "I did everything to prove my love, but she could never see past the fact that I am an Omega." He glares at me, his gaze filled with madness. "You're just like her. A Volana – but unlike her, you belong to me." His transformation into complete insanity seems imminent. "And you don't have the right to refuse!"

He lunges towards me, his massive body overpowering mine. Adrenaline surges through my veins, and my hand instinctively wraps around the neck of the whiskey bottle beside me.

"Go to hell! You're sick!" I shout, my voice laced with a mixture of anger and fear.

With a resounding thud, I bring the heavy bottle crashing down upon his head, closing my eyes tightly to shield them from the shards of glass and blood that rain down upon us. Hudson crumples onto me, his weight crushing the breath from my lungs.

Summoning every ounce of strength within me, I manage to roll his hulking form off my trembling body.My feet stumble, a desperate attempt to escape the clutches of danger. The need to distance myself from Hudson consumes my mind, leaving no room for hesitation or orientation. I press on, an unsteady figure in the darkness, causing cars to screech to a halt as I dart across the road.

The commotion does not go unnoticed. Startled gazes and worried expressions follow me, like echoes of my own fear. And then, like a mirage materializing from the depths of a dream, I spot a familiar face approaching under the glow of a lamppost.

Quinton Scott. His name has danced through my dreams countless times over the past eight years. He appears older now, the passage of time etched upon his rugged features. But there is no mistaking that chiseled jawline, that dark blond hair. As a child, I had woven fantasies of love around him, for he was the Alpha's son and heir. And now, in this moment, he strides toward me with a look of genuine concern etched upon his face.

His silver eyes glimmer in the shadows, his hands extended in a gesture of peace as he closes the distance between us. A bolt of lightning splits the sky with a resounding crack, casting an eerie glow upon his handsome visage. In that moment, Quinton's allure takes on a sinister hue. His men fan out around me, shattering the illusions of my girlish dreams.

Before me stands an Alpha wolf, a man who poses just as much threat as Hudson. As he nears, his deep voice sends a shiver down my spine, his soothing words falling upon deaf ears. "Easy, little wolf," he murmurs.

But I am not so easily swayed. Just as his fingers graze my skin, I strike out defensively. He blocks my initial blow, his grip firm around my arms, yet there is a hesitance in his actions, a reluctance to employ true force. It is this hesitation that grants me a fleeting chance at escape. With a surge of strength, I break free from his grasp, delivering blows and kicks until I am liberated, my legs propelling me forward in a desperate sprint.

For a brief, glorious moment, hope flutters within my chest. But then his voice booms, as commanding as any thunderstorm. "Capture her," Quinton orders. "Now."

Chapter 2

I sprint through the wilderness, pushing my body to its limits until I reach the outskirts of one of Elysium's serene nature parks. The vast expanse of the forest lies before me, and although seeking solace here seems improbable, at least I know I won't encounter any people.

Without hesitation, I plunge into the dense woodland, my feet bearing the brunt of the unforgiving terrain as I trample over rocks, fallen branches, and foliage. The distant howls of the pursuing wolves fade away, but I refuse to halt my escape. Deeper and deeper I venture into the heart of the forest, until the city's existence becomes inconceivable.

Complete darkness engulfs me, providing solace after the overwhelming assault of city lights and clamor. I scramble up the sturdy branches of a towering fir tree, the rough bark scraping against my battered body. Nestling myself against the tree's rugged trunk, exhaustion threatens to consume me. Despite the urgency to strategize and plan my next move, weariness prevails. I struggle to keep my eyes open, but the battle is futile. Within moments, I surrender to sleep, and the world fades into oblivion.


Ever since I can remember, I've been an outsider. Perhaps my peers sensed that I didn't quite fit within the confines of the Nova Pack. Being a Volana wolf provided enough reason for them to torment me. In Elysium, my mother and I were the only ones of our kind, but children are oblivious to the complexities of bloodlines. All they knew was that I was different.

When I was just five years old, the school bully chased me deep into the labyrinthine tunnels beneath Elysium's mountains. Naively, I believed I could find my way back out, unaware of the intricate pathways that lay ahead.

Lost in the subterranean maze, I roamed aimlessly for two agonizing days until Quinton discovered me. At the time, he was a young teenager, but unlike his peers, he exuded confidence and certainty.

The title of Alpha's heir is never guaranteed. Another wolf can always emerge, bigger, stronger, and more ferocious. Ultimately, primal instincts will determine who reigns supreme. Yet, with Quinton, there was never any doubt.From the very beginning, it was evident that no wolf in the pack could challenge his dominance or intelligence once he reached maturity.

He saved me all those years ago, carrying me to safety. And now, in my darkest hour, he stands before me again, offering salvation. But this time, I can't bring myself to believe him.

Once upon a time, Hudson showed me kindness too. He showered me with love for a decade before revealing his true colors. I won't make the mistake of trusting so easily again.

"Will you come down to me, little wolf?" Quinton's deep voice sends a shiver down my spine.

I shake my head, clinging tightly to the branch. "Go away," I plead softly, my voice barely a whisper. Yet, I know his wolf ears can hear me.

His lips, full and soft amidst sharp lines and angles, form a rigid line. "I can't do that," he replies sternly. "You're injured."

Desperately, I search for an explanation that will send him on his way. "I just scraped myself climbing up here, that's all."

From the look in his steely silver eyes, I know he sees through my lie. "And why are you up there?"

Speaking to someone other than Luna or Hudson feels surreal. I scramble for a logical answer. "The storm frightened me." As if on cue, thunder rolls overhead. I flinch, memories of Hudson's aggression flashing through my mind.

"If you come down, I can take you indoors where it'll be safe and warm," Quinton coaxes.

The image of my basement cell replaces thoughts of Hudson's assault. No, I despise being indoors. "I'm fine right here," I insist.

I can feel his gaze on me, dark and assessing. Squirming under its weight, I bury my face in the tree trunk. If I can't see him, maybe he can't see me.

"If it's so pleasant up there, maybe I'll join you," Quinton suggests.

"No!" I all but shriek, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. I need to escape from him, find a better hiding spot. I glance at the tree to my left, considering its sturdy branches and wondering if I could navigate through the treetops.

"Don't even think about it."The commanding authority in his voice freezes me to the spot, my body trembling with fear. It's ingrained in our very DNA to never defy an order from the pack Alpha. Tears stream down my face as I whimper, seeking solace by hugging the tree trunk tighter.

“There's no need to be afraid," he says, but the harsh rumble in his voice contradicts his words. "Tell me your name."

My heart sinks as I realize that he has no memory of saving me from the treacherous tunnels. I don't know why it hurts so much, but it does. His act of rescue had meant everything to me. Those days in the tunnels were the most traumatic of my life, and yet they held no significance for him.

His forgetfulness only strengthens my distrust. "I'm no one," I whisper, my voice barely audible.

“I'm beginning to lose my patience." His deep voice carries up to me, a warning laced within his words. "Either you can come down, or I can come up."

I shake my head, tears blurring my vision. It isn't fair. I had only just escaped.

In a matter of seconds, he effortlessly climbs up the tree, his silver eyes scanning over me. I huddle against the sturdy trunk, my body curled into a tight ball, anticipating an attack.

A growl escapes Quinton's chest, and my heart races in response. Every muscle tenses, readying for the imminent danger. I clench my eyes shut, bracing myself for the end.

But then, his hands, large and calloused, gently touch me. Surprisingly gentle. "Shhh," he murmurs, his voice a low purr in my ear. "You're alright." A warmth envelops me as Quinton cradles me in his arms, and though I can't comprehend it or even begin to understand it, I feel a sense of calm wash over me.

In one swift leap, we're on the ground. My instincts tell me to fight now that we're on solid footing, but my limbs refuse to cooperate. Exhaustion weighs down my eyelids, and all I want is to nestle into the safety of his strong embrace.

As if he can read my thoughts, Quinton tucks his coat around my frail body, providing an extra layer of comfort. His rumble reverberates against my cheek, soothing me. "Sleep, little wolf. You're safe."


I jolt awake, my body jerking into a sitting position. The bed beneath me is unfamiliar, sending a wave of confusion through my groggy mind. It takes a moment for my nerves to catch up with my head, and when they do, they send waves of protest and pain throughout my entire body. Every inch of me aches, a reminder of the ordeal I've endured.My left eye is swollen shut, but the other one blinks rapidly against the harsh light flooding the room. It's a large bedroom suite, adorned with muted colors, yet still far too bright for my sensitive state.

The softness of the silken fabric of my nightgown is marred by the scratching sensation against my oversensitive skin. How long has it been since I've worn any clothing at all?

As I take in my surroundings, I notice that someone has taken the time to wash and braid my hair. Bandages are tightly wrapped around my feet and arms. Muffled voices reach my ears, drawing my attention to a closed door on my left. The fine hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I glide from the bed with as much grace as I can muster.

I make my way across the small space, settling my back against the door and pressing my ear to its cool wooden surface.

"Persephone Martin." The voice speaks my name, but it's unfamiliar to me. "She's supposed to be dead."

"Well, clearly she isn't." Another voice responds. "Has anyone found Hudson yet?"

A low growl drowns out the last word, followed by a deep bass. "Larry is leading the hunt, he has strict instructions to report the moment they catch his trail." There's a heavy pause, and then Quinton's voice fills the air. "I can't fathom how we didn't know."

"Hudson put on quite a show." The first speaker remarks. "No one ever suspected he was capable of something like this."

"We all failed." The second man's tone is grave. "We should have asked more questions. Volana wolves aren't easy to kill, and having two of them together should have raised a red flag."

"We couldn't have known." The first man tries to placate.

"No, we should have known." This has to be the Alpha speaking. As the heir, Quinton is second in command in the pack, and no one else would dare speak to him in such a way. "Instead, an innocent pup was left to suffer for nearly a decade."

Lost in my thoughts, I fail to notice the approaching footsteps. The door knob turns just half a second before the door itself presses into my spine, sliding me toward the wall.

Suddenly, Quinton's face appears above me, a hint of amusement in his handsome features. "Eavesdropping, little wolf?"

Chapter 3

Persephone's POV

I clamber to my feet, leaning on the wall and ignoring the pain shooting up my legs. He holds out one arm to block his companions from entering, and I take the opportunity to dart past him into the main part of the suite. 

Darren Scott, a spitting image of Quinton with a few more lines etched on his face, stepped forward. "Hello, Persephone."

Instinctively, I sought shelter behind Quinton's towering figure, using his bulk to shield myself from view. It was an inexplicable impulse. I didn't want any of them in the same room with me, especially not Quinton, who had forcibly brought me here against my will. Seeking protection from him felt like a betrayal.

Quinton extended his arm, encircling my body and preventing any chance of escape. "Come here, you." Gently, he settled me back onto the plush bedding, taking a seat beside me. His imposing presence formed a barrier between me and the strangers. "We need to talk."

Third person’s Pov

Quinton watches Persephone closely as his father explains everything that has happened since she escaped Hudson. She's huddled among the pillows, leaning as far away from the Alpha as possible. Quinton’s wolf Axel is clawing at the surface, demanding Quinton moves closer. 

There is a disturbing vacancy in Persephone’s expression, and Quinton’s hatred for the man who imprisoned her spikes. He promised his Father that his men would return Hudson to the pack house to stand trial once he's found, but in truth he has no intention of letting the bastard back into the city. Outside of Nova jurisdiction Quinton can do with him as he pleases. 

“Your mother was very dear to me," His father was saying, prompting Persephone to meet his gaze for the first time. She hasn't been able to look at any of them directly, not even Darren’s Beta, Donovan. 

“Yes I knew her." Darren continues, smiling sadly, "She helped me at a time when I could not help myself. I feel I owe it to Corrine to do the same for you now. You have my word that Hudson will be caught; he will account for his crimes." 

“And in the meantime?" Her voice is stronger than it had been in the forest. "What do you intend to do with me?"

Claim you. Axel suggests, triggering Quinton’s instinct to scent mark the sweet creature in front of him. He leashes in the desire, gritting his teeth against the pain denying it creates.

Darren says reasonably. "The doctor is quite concerned that your injuries have not healed yet." He glancesf at Quinton reluctantly. "There was an inordinate amount of Wolfsbane in your system when Quinton brought you in."

Persephone just blinks. "He's been dosing me with it every day for 8 years." Her statement is met with horrified silence, and she turns her eyes to Quinton. He  falls into bottomless pools of sapphire and violet, sensing a profound hopelessness he does not understand until she speaks again. "My wolf didn't survive it."

Fury consumes Quinton in a conflagration so sudden and violent that he knows he needs to get out of the room before Axel forces his way out of his body. He stands as the wolf roars in his head, trembling with the effort of restraining him. Quinton storms from the room without another word, heading for the forest. 

Persephone's POV

Quinton's sudden exit startles me, and for some inexplicable reason I feel tears well in my eyes. I don't know why I told him about Luna. I certainly hadn't planned on doing so, but when I looked at him some force deep inside pushed the words to the surface.

Perhaps I expected to find some comfort in sharing the secret; instead I found rejection. 

“Donovan, could you leave us for a moment." Darren's gravelly voice pulls my attention to the present.

“It seems I've failed your mother even more hideously than I knew." He says once we're alone.

“I don't understand." I murmur softly.

“I promised your mother I would care for you if anything ever happened to her. She saved my life and I've repaid her by letting her only daughter suffer unspeakable abuse." Disgust laces every word. Before I can ask the questions waiting on my tongue, the Alpha pins me with a fierce stare. "I know the Volana secret. I know why Corinne brought you here." He admits, "If I'd known you survived the car crash I would have made arrangements long before now, but I can't undo the past."

“Arrangements?" I repeat dumbly.

“To keep you safe." Darren clarifies. 

I still don't understand. "But Hudson–"

“Hudson isn't the one you need protection from, Persephone." The Alpha informs me gently. "He is an insect, the Calypso Alpha is a dragon, and he's been out for your blood from the day you were born." 


“What are you talking about?" I sputter, staring wide-eyed at Darren and trying desperately to make sense of his words. "What does the Calypso pack have to do with me?"

The Alpha sighs. "What do you know about your mother, Persephone?" 

“Hudson told me she belonged to another pack and she became pregnant after an affair with a married man. She fled in disgrace and he took her in." The story is still fresh in my mind; Hudson's leering face flashes across my vision but I force it away, focusing on Darren.

The Alpha shook his head sadly, "Your parents were both members of the Calypso pack, until their Alpha – Blaise – learned the secret of your bloodline." He explains, "I have no idea how he discovered that Volana blood can grant eternal life, but he did, and he's been hunting it ever since." 

“Your father sacrificed himself so you and your mother could escape." Darren jaw twitches with anger, "Corinne was so heartbroken over her mate's death that she'd all but given up when Hudson found her."

 "Their marriage was always a sham." His brow furrows deeply, "Hudson was hopelessly in love with her, so much so he agreed to adopt you. For a woman in her position… well it was the best of a lot of bad options." 

“How do you know all this?" 

“She told me." Darren answers, "You're probably too young to remember the uprising. My brother wanted to be Pack Alpha our entire lives, and though he was an alpha by nature, he wasn't strong enough to challenge me." 

“Instead he mounted an uprising, hiring mercenaries without pack allegiances to help stage a coup. He planned to kill me, Quinton and my mate. Your mother was out for a run when she came across the mercenaries gathering at the border. She overheard their plans and ran straight to the pack house." 

“Her warning saved us all." The Alpha's countenance became painfully haunted, "I killed my brother, and when it was all over, Corinne told me the truth. She knew if anything ever happened to her, Hudson would not be able to protect you." 

A dull pain sets in behind my temples as my brain tries to process the information overload, "So now that you know I'm alive, you plan on protecting me?"

“Of course." The Alpha vows. 

I frown, trying to piece the puzzle together. "How?"

The Alpha considers me for a long moment. "Quinton." 

“Quinton?" I repeat in utter bafflement. 

Darren's eyes, the same silver as his son's, slice through me. "He's going to be your husband."

“What are you talking about," I'm out of the bed, edging toward the door. "You want me to marry Quinton?"

Chapter 4

Persephone's POV

If someone had told me as a child that Quinton would one day be my husband, I would have burst with happiness. Now I don't know what to think. The future terrifies me, but of all the possibilities, Quinton frightens me least.

I avert my gaze from Darren's piercing eyes, surrendering to his authority. "Okay."


Third person’s pov

Quinton's father paces his office like a caged tiger, his glares shooting daggers at Quinton. "You killed Hudson?!"

"On neutral territory," Quinton retorts, crossing his arms defensively. "It was within my rights, and it brings us peace knowing he's permanently out of the picture."

Darren hisses in disapproval. "The rule of law exists for a reason. Trials set an example for the pack, showing that we take violations seriously and value justice."

Quinton remains steadfast, his arms locked protectively across his chest. "He got what he deserved."

"Being a leader doesn't grant you immunity to do as you please," Darren barks.

Quinton strikes a nerve, unapologetic for defending his mate. "What if it had been mom? What if someone did to her what Hudson did to Persephone?"

Darren dismisses the question with a wave of his hand. "That's different. Your mother and I are fated mates."

"Exactly," Quinton asserts, locking eyes with the Alpha.

Understanding flickers in Darren's gaze, and he slowly deflates, the tension dissipating bit by bit. "But she--"

"She lost her wolf," Quinton interrupts, remembering the revelation that explained Persephone's inability to feel the mating bond. How could she, when she had lost her very essence?

"Oh, son," Darren says, gripping Quinton's shoulder with genuine pain in his voice. "I'm sorry." Quinton nods in acknowledgement, unable to meet his father's gaze."What are you going to do?" I ask Quinton, my voice filled with uncertainty.

He lets out a heavy sigh before answering, "I'm going to offer her an out. We'll support her through the transition, and when she's ready, she can decide if she wants to stay." Quinton runs a hand through his hair, clearly troubled. "I haven't talked to her yet, but I think three years should be enough."

Darren, always the cautious one, speaks softly, "Are you sure about this?"

Quinton nods firmly, determination in his eyes.

Darren's face contorts into a grimace. "If that's the case, you need to keep a tight leash on your wolf. Don't fully claim her until you know if there will be a rejection ceremony." He offers his advice, concern evident. "Once he marks her, you won't be able to let her go."


Persephone's POV

A stranger stares back at me from the mirror. Her eyes, lips, and hair resemble mine, but I cannot recognize myself in her reflection.

It has been a month since I escaped, and while I am still too thin and fragile, the hollowness in my bones is slowly filling. My skin is no longer marred by the sickly grayness and bruises – though it remains pale – and although I still ache for Luna, the taste of freedom has brought a glimmer of light back to my eyes.

Quinton stands behind me, his presence towering over my small frame as we both examine my reflection. I haven't allowed anyone else close to me, so he's the one who helped me put on my wedding dress for the final fitting. The gown drapes perfectly, but I feel more like a little girl playing pretend than a bride.

I don't think Quinton is happy to be marrying me. He's never said so and, though he's been there for me through every breakdown and panic attack without question or complaint, he's undeniably distant when we're alone together. 

Unfortunately I've come to rely on him so completely that his reserve is becoming truly distressing.

I don't like feeling this way. Getting attached to him – to anyone – is dangerous. 

I'm slowly learning about the pack and everything I missed over the last eight years through a combination of formal lessons and eavesdropping. I spend a lot of time with my ear pressed up to walls and doors, though my stealth skills are lacking. Quinton has caught me at it a number of times but thankfully he seems to find it more amusing than annoying.

It was through one of these eavesdropping sessions that I learned about Evelyn. Apparently before I came along, Quinton had been planning on taking a she-wolf named Evelyn Foster as his mate. It seems Darren's edict forced them to end their engagement, and I can't deny it makes sense. 

Quinton's emotional distance could easily be attributed to his lingering love for someone else.

Just as my thoughts begin to wander, warm hands encircle my waist, pulling me back into the present. "What occupies your mind?" 

Quinton's silver gaze meets mine in the reflection of the mirror as I lean against his chest.

"Nothing of consequence," I reply, allowing his rumbling hum to resonate against my spine. 

"Then why don't you tell me?" 

“I was thinking about marriage." I admit. "Our marriage." 

He furrows his brow, lowering his head in contemplation. After a moment, he raises it again and nods curtly. "I have been meaning to discuss something with you."

A knot forms in my stomach. "What is it?"

"Our marriage contract," he clarifies, distancing himself from me. "Do you know what a rejection ceremony entails?"

Uncertainty fills me as I shake my head.

"It is a ritual performed by mates who wish to dissolve their marriage," Quinton explains, producing a sheaf of papers from the pocket of his discarded jacket. "Considering our... unique circumstances, I thought it appropriate to include a rejection provision."

He hands me the document—the very contract that binds us in matrimony. As I peruse its contents, stumbling over unfamiliar terms, I attempt to summarize. "So, we will be married for three years, and then decide whether or not to reject one another?"

Chapter 5

Persephone's POV

"Three years should give you enough time to adjust to freedom, and your status as an Alpha's spouse will guarantee you lifelong protection even if we don't stay together. You would be free to choose another mate." Quinton confirms.

In that moment, something inside me flips, and the overwhelming surge of emotions that threatened to consume me suddenly shuts off. I'm left feeling blissfully numb. "If that's what you want," I find myself saying, my voice detached.

"I believe it's for the best," Quinton replies, his voice distant. I turn back to the mirror, staring at the stranger reflected back at me. The light that once danced in her eyes is gone now, and I wonder how it ever appeared in the first place.

My future is crystal clear now. The ray of hope I painstakingly nurtured over the past few weeks is starting to flicker; if I can't win Quinton over before our contract ends, I will lose my newfound lifeline.

Three Years Later

The rhythmic woosh woosh of the ultrasound machine fills the small examination room. The alien sounds of the equipment are accompanied by a faint thumping noise, and the doctor, positioned between my legs, grins up at me. "And there's the heartbeat."

"That, without a doubt, is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard," I whisper, my heart swelling with disbelief.

"I'm going to be a mother," I breathe in awe and joy.

I can't wait to share this news with Quinton.

It didn't take long for me to fall deeply in love with Quinton. I adore him for his kindness and gentleness, qualities he possesses even when it's not required. He would give up anything for his pack members. I love him because he's incredibly intelligent and funny, as much as he is protective and brave. Being with him makes me feel like no one else ever has or ever will.

But I have to remind myself that when we met, Quinton had already found love with a woman who didn't need constant reassurance or pampering—a woman who was his equal. It's no wonder he's always kept me at arm's length, never fully opening up, never letting me in.

I haven't succeeded in making him love me the way I love him.We've been basking in happiness lately, so much so that I made the decision to propose extending our contract on our anniversary.

I don't want to be selfish. I don't want Quinton to settle for me if I'm not truly what he desires. But if there's even a slight chance that he could want me, I have to take it.

On my way home, I make a quick stop to buy groceries, planning a special dinner for my announcement. I go all out, buying a bottle of good wine even though I can't partake in it, along with the finest cuts of meat and the most decadent dessert I can find.

As I drive home, I keep an eye on the clock, hoping to beat Quinton there and discreetly bring everything upstairs. While the Alpha's family and their Betas reside in the pack house with a number of enforcers, official pack matters take place in the government building next door. Some smaller packs might be able to handle everything from their main house, but the Novas outgrew that space centuries ago.

Quinton and I live in a private apartment on the top floor, giving us the freedom to either join the rest of the house or retreat into our own sanctuary. Tonight definitely calls for seclusion.

Ever since leaving the doctor's office, I've been grinning like a fool. I can't remember ever feeling this light. During the drive, I rehearsed how to share the news, going through various strategies before ultimately deciding to simply tell Quinton without any games or pretense.

Butterflies dance rapidly in my belly as I ascend the stairs, my body buzzing with anticipation. I struggle to balance the bags in my arms in order to reach the doorknob, but I eventually manage.

The ecstatic smile instantly fades from my face the moment I step inside.

Quinton is already there, waiting for me in the dimly lit living room. He sits alone, a tumbler filled with amber liquid clutched in his large hand, and a stern frown etched across his handsome face.

I come to a halt, cautiously studying him. His eyes shimmer with silver, an unmistakable sign that his wolf is fighting for control. I place my bags down and approach my husband with trepidation.

"Quinton?" I inquire carefully. "Is everything alright?"

"Have a seat, Persephone," he responds, his voice deep and devoid of emotion.I obey his command, perching on the edge of the couch with a spine as straight as a steel rod. I can sense it, deep within my bones, what is about to unfold. My hopes and dreams, once vibrant and tangible, now crumble around me like shattered glass. Love letters and wedding rings, ultrasound photos and baby carriages, children's toys and tiny shoes, they all lay scattered at my feet, a cruel reminder of what could have been.

Fear grips me tightly, constricting my throat, rendering me unable to speak. I know Quinton, once his mind is set, there is no changing it. Yet, a delusional part of my mind clings to the hope that maybe, just maybe, if I say or do the right thing, the inevitable outcome will shift.

His eyes, dark and bottomless, hold me captive, piercing through me with their intensity. The silence stretches on, an eternity of unspoken words. I fight the urge to squirm in my seat, to break free from his gaze. Normally, Quinton relishes in making me uncomfortable, but this is different. This is not a predator playing with its prey, but an apex predator closing in for the kill.

At last, he breaks the silence, his voice heavy with gravity. "I know our anniversary is not until tomorrow," he begins, his words hanging in the air, "but I can no longer delay what needs to be done."

Just as Hudson had taught me the art of concealing my emotions for self-preservation, I must now summon that skill. Quinton would never wield my feelings as a weapon like Hudson did, but I refuse to let him see the extent of my pain, especially when I already feel foolish and naive. I cannot believe how blind I have been, how easily I fell into this trap.

"Tomorrow, my father will initiate the process for our rejection ceremony."

His phone interrupts, a shrill ringing piercing the heavy atmosphere. Without hesitation, he answers the call and lifts the device to his ear. "Hey Evelyn," he greets warmly, rising from the sofa as if I am but a ghost in the room. The distant sound of feminine laughter reaches my ears, and he chuckles in response, not bothering to wait for my reaction to his devastating revelation.

The coldness of his actions slices through me like a blade. I had braced myself for bad news, but I never anticipated the heartlessness of my own husband. The truth becomes crystal clear now – Quinton is leaving me for Evelyn, and the last thing he wants, apart from me, is a child born from a pathetic half-breed.

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