The Bastard's Plan of Revolt


North of Zhonghai City, the eighth villa of Clearwater Manor, a beautiful woman with skin like gelatin, eyebrows like willow leaves, and a face as delicate as that of a fairy from heaven picked up the cell phone on the table and answered it.

"Hello, are you the family of Andrew Chambers?"

"Yes?" Marissa Quinn's voice was cold and unfeeling, as soon as the word Andrew Chambers was mentioned, she understood that there was absolutely nothing good.

The last time a restaurant called, Andrew ordered a couple bottles of wine and didn't have the money to pay for them, so she had to go pay for him. Another time, he even said he wanted to buy drinks for the whole crowd in a bar, and ended up spending over a million dollars, but he only had a hundred bucks on him, and if she hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid he would have been beaten up.

"You are the only contact in Andrew's cell phone, he called a whore and got caught, come over here!"

Marissa's face turned black, this asshole, who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun in his daily life, but now he even went to call a prostitute? And he got caught? What a disgrace!

"I don't know him!" After saying that, Marissa directly hung up the phone. Letting her bail out this soft eat guy, what a thought!

A few seconds later, the phone rang again, Marissa thought that this guy really does not know how to die, picked up the phone and said coldly: "I said, I don't know him, don't bother me again!"

"Risa, it's me! Who don't you know?" From the other end of the phone came a slightly tired voice.

Marissa looked at the caller ID and hurriedly said, "Dad, what's up?"

"The group is about to collapse, are you and Andrew okay? You talk to him, let the Chambers family help, help us through this crisis!" Jonathan Quinn said.

"I said dad, he is just a bastard, why do you have to let me marry him, will the Chambers family help our group because of him?"

"Yui, I don't care what you use, begging or pampering, he's the only hope for our group to get through this, it's all up to you!" Jonathan's voice became serious.

Marissa wanted to say something, but Jonathan had already hung up the phone, then she remembered that Andrew Chambers was still in the police station, her fingers gently rubbed her forehead, this unmotivated guy was really disappointing.

"For the sake of the group, I put up with it!"

She picked up her cell phone and dialed the number just now, asked Andrew where he was, and then carried her bag out the door.


Half an hour later, Andrew walked into the villa with an unlit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, leisurely following Marissa, who put her bag on the table and sat down on the sofa, her face still cold.

Andrew walked to the sofa beside her, took out a cheap lighter, and easily lit the cigarette. At this time Andrew, the whole person exudes a decadent atmosphere.

Marissa coldly looked at Andrew: "After all, you are the Chambers family, can't you think about your own image? You will only make me despise you more!"

"Chambers? I never admit that I'm a Chambers!" Andrew took a drag on his cigarette, his face was full of care: "Do I need to care about what others think of me?"

"I don't care what people think of you, but I do care what people think of me. You're my Marissa Quinn's fiancé, and you're calling prostitutes!"

"What's wrong with calling a whore?"

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Marissa's face was full of disdain: "You're a high ranking young master, where's your face?"

Andrew flicked off the cigarette ash, which fell into the ashtray accurately, and said, "Face? Do I have any face? In fact, I'm a bastard, mom died, dad disappeared, and no one in the Chambers family cares about me. You look down on me, you don't give a shit about me, what am I going to do if I don't call a whore?"

"Why should I look down on you?" Marissa snorted, "Do you think I want to be with you? You can't do anything other than ask me for money to go out and have fun. If it wasn't for my father and his family being in trouble and wanting to be close to the Chambers family, do you think I would be your fiancée? And you want to touch me? That's ridiculous!"

"Ridiculous as it may be, give me a hundred thousand dollars, I've got a party tomorrow with a bunch of my buddies, maybe I'll get some good ones this time." Andrew changed the subject as if he didn't care.

Marissa said, "You've been back for two weeks now, all you do is eat, drink, play and call prostitutes, can't you do anything better? You said you were doing well abroad, but I think you're just living on welfare!"

"One day, when you and I are in the same position, you won't say that!" Andrew's gaze was deep, looking through the ceiling into the unknown distance.

"I'm in the same position as you? Let me tell you, even if the Qin family falls, my position is still higher than yours!" After Marissa finished speaking, she took out a card from her bag and threw it on the coffee table, "Having a fiancé like you is really disappointing, even desperate!"

"I knew Risa was the best for me."

Disappointed Marissa got up and walked upstairs, almost to the stairway, she turned around and said, "Andrew, the group can't hold out any longer, you hurry up and call the Chambers family, let them help us get through this difficult time, otherwise, your days of eating soft rice will come to an end!"

"Yui, I actually like it when people call me by my last name, it sounds more friendly! If you call me that, I might consider it." Andrew chuckled, exhaling smoke rings from his mouth.

Marissa didn't react for a moment, muttering, "Old ...... Andrew?"

"Well, that's a good wife!" Andrew laughs, picks up his bank card from the coffee table, and walks straight to his room.

"Andrew, you are so shameless!"

Back to his room, Andrew casually threw the bank card on the nightstand, walked into the bathroom, took off his shirt, revealing a strong and muscular body, especially the scars on his body, showing all the trials and tribulations he had experienced.

After the shower, Andrew put on his pajamas and walked out, took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "Dad, didn't you tell me to come back? Now that I'm back, where are you?"

Andrew is Richard Chambers and a woman's illegitimate son, the Chambers family learned of this, no matter how to keep Andrew and his mother into the family, although later in Richard's efforts they finally entered the Chambers family, but not long after, Andrew's mother died of depression.

Eight years ago, Andrew left the Chambers family alone and moved abroad. Richard tried hard to contact him half a year ago, persuading him to say that he would go back to his grandfather's 80th birthday to enter his family tree.

He didn't want to go back, but his father promised to tell him who killed his mother, so he did.

However, where to find his father now?

To whom can he tell his sorrow with a sigh?


When the first rays of the morning sun hit Andrew Chambers' face, he rose from his bed like a carp, rolled over on his back, did 200 push-ups, and stood up without changing his expression. Warming up was a piece of cake for him. After he washed up briefly, he pulled open the door of his room, his originally energetic cheeks showing a little tiredness, with a faint smile, "Marissa, you're up so early today?"

"Uh-huh!" Marissa thought to herself, she thought she might have gotten up a little late, and he was already out the door.

"I've thought about what you said this morning. The company can't hold out much longer, so why don't I give him a call?" Marissa smiled bitterly, her father had just called again, urging her to make sure she asked Andrew for help.

Andrew frowned and asked, "Marissa, am I begging him now?"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter if I can help." Marissa was helpless, she really didn't want Andrew to step in, after all, in her opinion, Andrew was powerless, just a bastard from a rich family.

"Well, doesn't he just want to be able to continue to enjoy this life, and to be with Marissa. If he really wanted to ask for help, of course he'd come to you, but you'd have to make him an offer!" Andrew said as he looked at Marissa, frowning.

Curious, Marissa asked, "What condition?"

"It's very simple, if he helps me, then I'll smile at him, how's that?" Andrew sounded serious, frowning, "I'm sure he won't like it if I'm cold to him all day."

Marissa wondered in her mind, "Andrew's been a loafer all day, just enjoying life, do you really think I'd be willing to smile at him? It was a bit hard to believe! But in the end she couldn't help but say, "Well, if he says yes!"

After all, the company was her responsibility, so forget it, a smile wasn't a big deal, and smiling at her fiancé wasn't too much of a stretch, was it?

"Okay, Marissa, I'll wait for his good news." Andrew said with a smile on his face, "I'm just waiting for him to see me smile."

Andrew walks out of the room and Marissa sits down on the couch, muttering to herself with a bemused look on her face, "Andrew, I wish you'd help me out more, at least give me a little bit of prestige in the world, so that people can look up to me."

Andrew walked out of Clearwater Manor, and first bought two doughnuts, a bag of soymilk and two eggs from a breakfast place three kilometers away from there, and ate them as he walked.

After eating, Andrew picked up his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hi, this is Andrew Chambers, my fiancée's family business is in trouble, I hope I can lend a hand to solve it." He said directly after dialing the number.

On the other end of the line was David Chambers, Andrew's uncle and a key figure in the family.

"Andrew, what kind of attitude is that?" David asked indignantly, taking offense to Andrew's commanding tone.

"I'm not begging, I'm stating a fact. If I want to help, I help, if I don't, it doesn't matter, it's simple!" Andrew's face was bland and unconcerned.

David just wanted to say something, but Andrew had already hung up the phone, muttering to himself, "Anyway, I've already made the call, whether they want to help or not, it's up to them to choose."

The day passed quickly, Andrew was busy outside. Finally, at 6:30 in the morning, he showed up at the Glorious Club, with a few local friends waiting for him at the door.

After exchanging pleasantries, the four of them walked into the clubhouse together. Andrew was here because of the charity auction tomorrow.

"Andrew, why do you want to attend this charity auction so badly? Any special reason?" One of them asked suspiciously.

Andrew smiled and said, "I just want to meet the world, let's go!"

They showed their invitations and entered the clubhouse. The interior was lavish, Andrew looked around, obviously not finding the person he was looking for, it looked like they would have to wait for the charity auction to start.

The four of them wandered around in the lobby of the club, already filled with many people gathered together to talk. Andrew did not recognize unfamiliar faces, but having four friends with him avoided any embarrassment.

This charity auction brought many famous businessmen together, attracting many young people. The scene was almost all young faces.

The four of them drank and chatted while waiting patiently for the others to arrive.

At that moment, Andrew frowned, noticing two people walking in from outside. The man was elegant, had a smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood, but Andrew didn't recognize him at all.

The woman was Andrew's fiancée, Marissa, who was attending the charity auction with him and seemed to be laughing and joking. To Andrew's dismay, the man was poking Marissa's leg with his leg!

Marissa didn't notice Andrew's presence and was chatting with the man, looking very happy.

This scene filled Andrew with rage. He walked over to the cart, picked up a plate of foie gras caviar, and walked straight towards them.

His friends froze and asked, "Andrew, what are you doing?"

"Just having fun!" Andrew responded calmly and continued on his way.

At this point, Marissa finally noticed Andrew and became extremely flustered, her face turning red. She really didn't expect to meet him here!

"I..." Marissa just opened her mouth, but before she could finish her first word, Andrew's caviar had been dumped on the man's head. The oil flowed down his head, staining his shirt and pants.

Andrew was furious. He didn't want to get involved with Marissa because he knew in his heart that Marissa was only with him to save her family's company through his help.

That's why he made trouble on purpose and had the man thrown out! He thought he could stay out of it and not care too much about Marissa, but when he saw her laughing and joking with another man, he was completely enraged.

It was a provocation to his dignity as a man, a slap in the face!

The man who was attacked was so angry that he was trembling.

Just when he was about to retaliate, Andrew suddenly kicked him to the ground: "Do you know that Marissa is my woman? Don't try to mess with me!"

The surrounding people were instantly stunned and dumbfounded!


Qin Yu felt almost devastated, Andrew Chambers was such an impudent guy. She had managed to build up a relationship with West Family, thinking that she could use their strength to help Quinn Enterprises tide over the difficult times, but in the end, Andrew made such a mess just when she arrived here.

Now, all her plans have gone down the drain, and I'm afraid even Gregory West won't let Andrew go, which is really frustrating.

Gregory used his hand to fix the hair on his head, stood up and stared at Andrew, and said grimly, "Kid, you're going to pay for what you've done."

Gregory didn't say much, he turned around and walked towards the back of the hall, he had to get rid of this outfit before he came after Andrew, after all he cared a lot about his image!

At this moment, Andrew's three friends looked at each other, completely confused, Andrew actually went to mess with Gregory of the West family, isn't this asking for death?

Qin Yu looked at Andrew and asked, "Andrew, do you know what you are doing, the West family is not something you can just mess with the Chambers family, you are asking for trouble!"

"Oh, the West family!" Andrew shook his head, "Who let them plot against you, of course I can't let them go!"

"I just want him to help, what you're doing now, is just digging your own grave. You're just the illegitimate son of the Chambers family, do you think Chambers will come to your rescue at this time?" Qin Yu said helplessly, she really didn't believe that Andrew would fight against Gregory.

Andrew said disdainfully, "Risa, you don't think that I've spent these years abroad for nothing, do you? Let me tell you, if he dares to come looking for trouble, I can guarantee that he will definitely suffer the consequences."

Qin Yu suddenly asked, "Andrew, why are you here? You know you need an invitation here, did you sneak in?"

"Of course I walked in here fair and square, don't you know? I bought the invitation with the hundred thousand dollars you gave me!" Andrew flashed a grin.

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth twitched, this loser, wanting to come to open his eyes just say, I'll bring you in is it, actually want to spend one hundred thousand dollars to buy, really too extravagant. Doesn't he know that his family's company is going into crisis?

"Risa, you know what? I'm angry!" Andrew said in a deep voice.

Qin Yu responded with a sneer, "Andrew, what do you have to be angry about? You need to think about how you're going to deal with Gregory's anger right now, and I can't help you with that."

Andrew said lightly, "I saw you joking around with another man, and I was upset. As my fiancée, you actually did this with another man, do you think I can be in a good mood?"

"If you called the Chambers family and helped my family through this, do you think I would be like this? Do you think I want to be like this?" Qin Yu was also angry, can't Andrew act a little stronger?

Just at this time, Gregory changed into a brand new suit, followed by two burly men, walking towards this side, his face was chilling.

The people around are talking, Andrew is afraid that this time will be really bad, Gregory will never let him go just like that.

Gregory stared at Andrew, said: "I thought it was someone else, so it's Chambers' illegitimate son, eight years ago you left the Chambers family to return to Zhonghai, and now you're back as a white face?"

"So he is the bastard son of Chambers!" Someone next to him muttered in a low voice.

"Yes, I heard that Qin Yu was engaged to Chambers' illegitimate son, but I didn't realize how his father Richard disappeared!" Another person said.

"In terms of power, the West family is naturally not afraid of Chambers, just now Andrew's move was really excessive, Gregory will never spare him." Others are not optimistic about Andrew's prospects.

Hearing these words, the three friends around them turned pale, Andrew really harmed them, and hurriedly hid to the side, not fearing to be implicated in him!

"Dare to mess with my woman's idea, and you have courage?" Andrew sneered and shouted.

People frowned one by one, not understanding what gave Andrew such great courage, actually dared to call Gregory's bluff, really not afraid of death!

If Andrew is the core member of the Chambers family, then there is something to say, but he is just a bastard, Chambers people do not treat him at all, even the genealogy of the family tree has no place for him, actually dare to fight against Gregory, is simply looking for death.

"Well, boy, I didn't want to make trouble here, but you're just asking for it, so don't blame me for being rude." Gregory waved his hand with a gloomy face, "Give me a hard lesson on this guy."

At this moment, Qin Yu hurriedly blocked in front of Andrew: "Gregory, Andrew didn't do it on purpose, he's just jealous because he saw me and you walking together, so please spare him."

No matter what, Andrew is always her fiancé, in this situation, she can never stand by and watch him being cleaned up by Gregory.

"Not on purpose?Risa, you really take yourself seriously, don't you? I wanted to help you guys out, but now I'm sorry, but the Quinn's are on their own!" Gregory said dismissively.

Qin Yu's face suddenly turned ugly, Gregory the son of a bitch!

"Gregory!" shouted Qin Yu.

Gregory hemmed and hawed, "Actually, it's easy to help your Quinn family, I can do it with a word, but I don't want to do it now."

"Gregory, whatever condition you say, I will try to fulfill it!" In order to get the group through the hard times, Qin Yu had already sacrificed too much.

Gregory said with a smile on his face, "First, Andrew kneeled down and apologized to me, second, you stay with me tonight, tomorrow morning, your group will be fine!"

"Delusional!" Qin Yu coldly returned four words.

Gregory did not change his face and said, "You can choose to refuse, it is not a loss to me, but next, I have to teach Andrew a good lesson, just now he dealt with me like that, if I don't give him a lesson, he really don't know the consequences."

Andrew gently patted Qin Yu's shoulder, and faintly said, "Risa, don't worry, I'll be fine, step aside."

Qin Yu shook her head without hesitation, "With me here, no one can hurt you, at least for this moment."

A woman stood firmly in front of him, shielding him from the wind and rain.

Although Qin Yu was usually cold to herself, at this moment, Andrew was still deeply touched!

"Teach him a hard lesson!" Gregory shouted coldly.

The man standing beside Gregory wore a fierce smile and gradually walked towards Andrew!


Seeing this, people around the room were thinking, "It's over, Andrew Chambers is definitely over."

"Yes, a bastard, still so arrogant, really do not know what they are doing ah!"

"He really doesn't know what he's doing!"

At this moment, no one would look favorably on Andrew, even Marissa was equally disappointed. She stood in the same place with a bit of disillusionment, secretly hating Andrew, hating why he had to come here to stir up trouble, especially to provoke Gregory West, even if Gregory had intended to make her pay a price to get help from the very beginning, she was able to refuse. Unfortunately, it was Andrew, her fiancé, who Gregory was going to have to deal with.

How can Andrew be a match for Gregory, and will the Chambers family go after Gregory for a bastard?

Andrew, however, stood calmly in his place and said lightly, "I'm not here to fight, if you want to make a fool of yourselves, don't blame me for being rude."

"Haha!" Gregory laughed his head off.

Marissa's face was red, she hated to find a hole in the ground, what kind of weirdo was her fiancé? What kind of weirdo is her fiancé? He eats, drinks and has fun all day long, not to mention, but now he even said that Gregory is making a fool of himself? Gregory didn't bring a bodyguard just now, but now it's completely different.

"Andrew, stop talking, you hurry up and apologize to West, West surely won't give you a hard time." Marissa took a deep breath, looked at Gregory and said, "West, I'll let Andrew apologize to you, you won't give him a hard time."

"I just lost my ass here, and you're telling me not to embarrass him?" Gregory ran his hand through his hair, and found that it was still greasy, then he laughed out coldly, "The condition just now, if you agree, I can not make things difficult for him, otherwise he will definitely have to lie down and go out from here."

Andrew said lightly, "Risa, since he wants to go out lying down, then I will definitely fulfill him."

Marissa's head got big, "Can't you lower your head a little?" She had clearly given someone an overreaction just now, and now she was still this cocky, could Gregory let him go?

The surrounding people thought that Andrew must be crazy, obviously in trouble, but still arrogant, really think that he is the illegitimate son of the Chambers family is very great? He didn't even look at who he was up against!

Gregory also sneered, "Good, then I'd like to see how capable you are, let me go out lying down, Tommy, go!"

After Tommy got Gregory's order, his right foot violently stepped on the ground, his shoes and the floor made an ear-splitting sound, his strength exploded, and his whole body instantly appeared in front of Andrew, and he threw a punch at Andrew's stomach.

In Tommy's opinion, a bastard like Andrew was enough for him to deal with with one hand, but for the sake of deterrent effect, he decided to strike a little heavier, and blasted Andrew out with one punch.

"Andrew, look out!" Marissa exclaimed.

Seeing this scene, Gregory said, "Let you know what happens when you offend me, a bastard!"

With a bang, everyone only felt a blur before their eyes, a figure flew out! No one thought it would be Tommy, because in their opinion, Andrew could never be Tommy's opponent, Marissa was even ready to help Andrew up.

But when everyone saw the situation in the field, all of them were dumbfounded, their mouths were wide open, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

Marissa's right foot was hanging in the air, she couldn't decide whether to step out or retract it, she never thought that the one who flew out was not Andrew, but Tommy who took the initiative.

Andrew just stood in the same place, his face still had the same relaxed look, not caring. He even took out a cheap cigarette from his pants pocket, lightly lit it, and began to swallow the smoke.

The people around him felt that all this seemed unreal, how could it be like this? They didn't even see Andrew make a move.

Marissa's eyes flashed with disbelief, as if it was the first time she knew Andrew, he was actually this powerful? How could he be so powerful?

Gregory's mouth twitched, how could Andrew be so powerful? Isn't he just a bastard?

"Do you remember what I just said?" Andrew looked at Gregory, walking over to him slowly and methodically.

Gregory's whole body shivered in fear, and he took two steps back! Another one of his men rushed to stop Gregory, shouting, "Kid, do you know what you're doing? Do you know who West is?"

Andrew frowned, "I told you, I'll let him walk out of here lying down, and if you want to lie down with him, I'll let you!"

The man's face was full of embarrassment, and his steps were heavy.

Andrew stepped forward, while saying, "Either lay down, or get the hell out of here, I'll give you one second to think about it!"

The man hesitated, he was responsible for protecting Gregory, how could he back away? But if he didn't back away, he would have to be cleaned up, what should he do?

When he was hesitating, one second had already passed, Andrew took a step, bullied his way up, and smacked that man's face with his backhand. Everyone could not take their eyes off of him, and with a loud smack, the man was knocked to the ground!

"I gave you a chance to fuck off and you didn't appreciate it!"

The surrounding people felt as if this slap was on their faces, just now they all looked down on Andrew, thinking that he was just a bastard, when he saw Gregory, he should grovel and whisper, who knew that the situation had taken a drastic turn for the worse!

Gregory looked at Andrew who continued to walk towards him, his face was extremely ugly, he coldly said: "Andrew, what exactly do you want to do?"

Andrew did not care, continue to walk forward, Gregory just wanted to retreat, Andrew fingertip flick, the cigarette in his hand directly smashed in Gregory's face, the sparks splashed, hot Gregory screamed miserably.

In this instant, Andrew had already arrived in front of Gregory, grabbed Gregory's collar with his left hand, and slapped him with his right hand. Splat! This slap, loud and clear, as if the dignity of Gregory's heart was shattered.

"You seemed to be very arrogant just now, and wanted my girlfriend to accompany you for a night, what kind of character do you think you are?" Andrew backhanded another slap, the tone was harsh.

The surrounding people were suddenly silent, this guy is too crazy, not afraid of Gregory family retaliation?

"Now, it's time for you to lie down!" Andrew threw Gregory to the ground with a cold look on his face.

"Stop!" Just when Andrew was about to make a move, a group of people finally appeared, the leader was a middle-aged man, he shouted.

When Gregory saw the people, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, he was finally saved!

Unfortunately, Andrew didn't even turn around, and slowly said, "I, Andrew, will honor my word!"

He raised his right foot high, aiming at Gregory's leg and chopped down!


The harsh screams of a killing pig came out of Gregory West's mouth!

"My leg is broken!" His voice was filled with despair and pain.

The face of the woman over there who called out to him became very ugly. To have such a thing happen at one's own charity auction, and for the injured person to be someone from West Family, this was simply a resounding slap in the face. "What's going on here?" She asked the person beside her in a low voice.

"It's not good." A man approached her and explained in a low voice what had happened. Her face clouded over, not realizing that Andrew Chambers was Richard Chambers' illegitimate son.

"Uncle Lin, I beg you to do something for me!" Gregory yelled in pain.

Quentin Woods, the chairman of Sky Forest Group, had always been keen on helping the community in this charity event, and often gathered rich businessmen together to raise money for the poor areas in his spare time. He was also an influential figure in Cascadia's North District.

"Take him to the hospital first!" Quentin said seriously.

Gregory, however, shouted angrily, "Uncle Lin, he's the bastard who broke my leg, I beg you to take him with you to the hospital, I'll have someone break his leg!"

"What did you say?" Quentin frowned, thinking that this guy was too arrogant to give me orders.

Gregory quickly realized that he said it wrong, so he busily changed his words, "Uncle Lin, what I mean is that he can't just beat up anyone at my charity auction, I can't just let it go."

"Greg, I want to say, his behavior doesn't seem to need me to control it." Quentin's tone was cold. "If I don't want to go to the hospital, are you going to make me?"

Gregory was suddenly overwhelmed, suddenly realizing that Quentin didn't want to help him at all! After all, in a situation like this, helping anyone would be a pain in the ass, after all, the West Family and the Chambers Family were involved, and it wouldn't be good for Quentin to offend either one of them.

Quentin looked at Andrew, and said faintly, "Little Andrew, beating up someone at your charity auction today, is this not a good idea?"

"I'd like to get out of the way," Andrew asked nonchalantly.

"How could he possibly stand up for anything, it's better for young people to sort things out for themselves, after all you'd expect us to consider the consequences." Quentin's attitude shocked everyone, it both made sense and seemed surprising.

Gregory's face immediately turned ugly, he didn't realize that in Quentin's eyes, he was equal to Andrew, which was a great shame!

Gregory's two accompanying legmen had risen to their feet and approached him in a state of disarray.

"What are you waiting for? Get him out of here! Do you want to continue to make a fool of yourselves?" Gregory shouted.

The two of them immediately scrambled, and as Andrew said, they carried Gregory out.

Gregory angrily turned his head towards Andrew, and shouted, "Andrew, I will remember this debt!"

"If I think my life is worth it, I'm always welcome to come and settle the score!" Andrew responded arrogantly, the surrounding people couldn't help but freeze, this was a completely arrogant attitude!

Marissa looked at Andrew's dominant appearance, she really could not understand, how could this usually spend his time drinking and drinking have such a change, is this his real side?

After Gregory and his entourage left, Quentin led his entourage into the inner hall. He stood on the stage, made a few speeches, and then organized everyone into a nearby meeting room to prepare for tomorrow morning's auction.

"Andrew, I know how much trouble I've gotten myself into." Marissa walks over to Andrew and whispers.

"Risa, I made the call a long time ago. As for whether or not the Chambers people will help me, that's not for me to decide, not that I'm too worried." Andrew looked at Marissa, with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, but a lazy air flowed between his eyebrows, not caring about the domineering attitude he had just shown.

"He's too lazy to care about himself!" Marissa said, and turned to walk away.

Normally, Marissa couldn't have said such words, but at this moment, it came from her heart, as if there was some meaning of pampering.

Andrew's wolf friends, by now completely stunned, came up to him and whispered that they had to leave first.

It was clear that they were drawing a line in the sand with Andrew, after all, they didn't have the strength to offend Gregory.

Watching them leave, Andrew sighed, and realized in his heart, there are some distances that can never be crossed, and some people are not destined to become friends.

Andrew followed them into the conference room, which was set up like an auction. He stood next to Marissa, knowing that he was her fiancé.

If no one in the room knew anything about it, soon the entire Cascadia social scene would hear about their relationship, and Marissa's suitors would be looking for Andrew to settle their scores.

"Andrew, I'm really not worried about Gregory getting back at me at all? I know that the West Family is no less powerful than the Chambers Family, and besides, the Chambers Family doesn't treat me very well." Marissa whispered.

"He doesn't pay much attention to men who hit on me, and besides, he's never counted on the Chambers Family to do anything for him. They're good enough to leave me alone!" Andrew's mouth turned to contempt, as if the West Family and the Chambers Family had no weight in his eyes.

Marissa felt confused, and felt that she couldn't understand Andrew at all, and her previous impression of him seemed to have been completely reversed, and that the Andrew she once knew was probably just an act he was pretending to do.

The auction kicks off with a variety of items being sold, and Marissa even pays 300,000 dollars for an exquisite brooch.

When the last item was sold by a businessman for a whopping two million dollars, the charity auction came to an end, Quentin exclaimed, "Thank you all for your support, the proceeds of this auction will be sent to those in need by me, and every penny will be recorded and sent to your mailboxes. All the details will be sent to your mailboxes. "

With Quentin's words, the charity auction was officially over, Marissa turned to Andrew and said, "I'm going home now."

Andrew replied lightly, "I'll go first, I have some things to take care of."

Marissa didn't really know what he needed to take care of, but she didn't ask any questions, turned around and walked a few steps, then suddenly turned back, "I'll be back early."

Looking at Marissa's delicate figure, the corner of Andrew's mouth floated up a smile, that woman, when did she become so understanding of feelings? Could it be that she was subdued by his dominance?

At this moment, a girl of about twenty years old lightly walked to Andrew's side: "Boss wants to see you!"

"She can come!" Andrew responded coldly.

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