Orange Soda and First Love


"Brother, I seem to have a heat stroke."

"Where are you?"

"The KFC next to the neighborhood," Eva Summers said, and sat down on the steps in front of the KFC, panting, as if she were suffocating.

She only felt dizzy, cold sweat, weakness, as if she was going to faint. At that moment, a cup of cool Orange Soda suddenly appeared in front of her.

Slowly raised her head, Eva saw a boy against the light, the sunlight sprinkled on the side of his face, the hazy atmosphere makes him look gentle and charming. She felt the fresh scent of grass and trees.

Eva's heart was dizzy, but the heartbeat began to speed up, that moment, she felt as if she saw an angel.

"Are you an angel?" Eva looked up, her big eyes were covered with a thin layer of water mist due to the difficulty, which was particularly moving.

The boy was amused by Eva's silly look and laughed softly, handing her the Orange Soda.

"What a heat stroke." He muttered softly.

Eva felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier, gradually losing consciousness, when she opened her eyes again, she was already lying on her bed.

"Mom, where's my Orange Soda?" Eva fiercely climbed up from the bed, her eyes looking around, asking while looking around, with an anxious expression.

"What Orange Soda, child, how can you be so stupid when you have a heat stroke!" Luna Han said, reached out and touched Eva's forehead, and then compared it with her own, whispered: "No fever."

"Mom, I'm not sick." When Eva saw that Luna didn't understand, she hurriedly ran to the hall and shouted, "Brother, brother~"

"What are you doing, calling out to the spirits?" Ethan Summers walked out in his fancy shorts, shirtless.

"Brother, have you seen my Orange Soda?"

"What Orange Soda?"

"The Orange Soda that I'm holding in my hand."

"Oh!" Ethan bristled, impatiently, "I thought it was something, and I drank it."

At that time, he carried Eva all the way home, saw Eva holding a bottle of Orange Soda, and drank it right away.

"Ethan Summers!" said Eva, feeling instantly empowered, swishing up to Ethan and raising her hand to strike him.

"Ethan, you bad man, you stole my Orange Soda!" said Eva, tearfully, and finally sobbing.

Ethan was a bit confused by Eva's slap, when he saw her crying, he panicked, and quickly whispered to comfort her: "My dear, don't cry, if you like that Orange Soda, I'll buy it for you again, okay?"

"Who likes Orange Soda!" Eva sobbed, red-eyed, "That's the soda the angels bought me, and you've ruined it!"

"What angel?"

"That's the boy who was so good looking and bought me Orange Soda." Eva cried, "He's tall, good-looking, and has a soft voice."

"Haha~" Ethan's mouth twitched, took out a Student ID from the sofa, and threw it directly in front of Eva.


Xia Qi Xi picked up her Student ID, opened the cover, and a one-inch photo immediately caught her eye. Clean white skin, high nose, cherry petal-like thin lips pursed, narrow phoenix eyes seem to be looking straight at themselves.

Eva Summers instantly blushed, her fingers gently slid down, and saw the three flying letters.

"Justin Carter!"

Below the Student ID was a small, machine-printed line, "Central High School, Grade 10 Class 1."

"This is? Angel?" Ethan Summers was displeased when he saw Eva's face turn red and her eyes fixated on the picture. His own sister did not look at him like that, Ethan reached out and snatched the student ID from Eva's hand, and said with a smile on his face, "What's so pretty about it."

"Better than you." Eva saw that her angel photo was snatched away, and was immediately dissatisfied, her small mouth opened like a bottle of oil could be hung. She reached out to grab it, but Ethan was tall and long, so she just couldn't grab it. Her little mouth was flattened, and she seemed to be about to cry out.

Ethan usually can't stand it when Eva cries, so he obediently handed her his student ID!

When it was time for dinner, Eva suddenly said, "Dad, I want to go to Central High School, is that okay?"

"Ahem~" Ethan was shocked by Eva's sudden words and choked on his food, his face as red as an apple.

When Eva saw her brother's messy face, she said in disgust, "That's disgusting."

"Baby, what did you say?" John Summers looked up inquiringly.

"Daddy, I'm going to Central High School!" Eva walked to John's side and hugged his arm with her small hands.

"Why do you suddenly want to go to Central High School?"

"I just want to go, didn't you say Marcus is there too? I'm going to be his companion." Eva said sweetly with a twinkle in her eyes.

Ethan managed to swallow the rice in his mouth, and immediately retorted, "Eva Summers you're just bullshitting me."

"I was going to look for Marcus, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll tell the story about your last math test Zero!"


Two lines of sight with chilling intent stabbed straight towards Ethan.

"Zero on the math test?Did you know about this husband thing?"


Ethan looked at Eva's innocent and happy face, and instantly felt like 10,000 sheep were banging around in his heart.

However, after this incident, Eva to Central High School thing is so finalized, Ethan but because of the math test Zero was forced to go to cram school, every day when he saw Eva is a face is not loveable look, see Eva heart is quite guilty.

John's efficiency is extremely high, and in just one week, Eva's transfer to Central High School is completed. Eva was so excited that she gave John a big hug, which was so cute that John wanted to take her into his arms and give her a kiss.

On her first day at Central High School, the weather was warm and pleasant, and Eva stood at the entrance of the school, looking up at the six big golden letters "Central High School" above her head, her heart bursting with excitement. From today onwards, she would be in the same class in the same school as Angel, and it was exciting to think about it.

Suddenly, behind her came a burst of noise, mixed with: "Justin Oppa is so handsome!"

Eva casually pulled a girl asked: "Justin Oppa who?"

"You don't even know, you're new here, right?"


Eva Summers was pulled by the little girl is a little short, while walking, said, tone is very impatient: "Justin Oppa is the school's boy god, tall, handsome, good studies, but also play a good violin, simply no more perfect than Justin Oppa, do not nag me, a moment will not have the front of the seat. There's no room in the front." The small girl said as she pulled Eva Summers forward.

Although she was half a head shorter than Eva Summers, the small girl's short legs flew through the crowd and in no time at all she was at the front of the line.

When Eva Summers breathed a sigh of relief, she saw a black Bentley parked in front of the entrance.

The door opened and a slender figure appeared in front of Eva Summers.

A shout of "Justin Oppa" instantly erupted around the room.

Eva Summers held her breath as if she was infected by the atmosphere. As the figure approached, she felt her heart pounding like a small horse.

It was him, Justin Carter!

Eva Summers took a small, involuntary step forward, and a hint of sweat began to seep from the palm of her hand that held Justin Carter's student ID card.

"Don ......" Eva Summers stammered, unable to speak, when suddenly she felt a shove and her body lurched forward involuntarily.

There was no expected pain, Eva Summers slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a pair of chilling eyes, and her lips were right next to Justin Carter's lips.

Eva Summers' mind exploded with a loud bang, and she blushed like a drunk, her heart pounded even more, as if it was about to jump out of her stomach.

Her heart pounded even more, as if it was going to jump out of her stomach. Looking at the handsome face that was enlarged in front of her, all kinds of chaotic thoughts were running around in her head!

She kissed a god, she kissed an angel, she actually kissed an angel! She was so excited, so happy that she was about to die!

Obviously the two of them had only been in contact with each other for a few seconds, but Eva Summers' mind was filled with continuous sighs.

Justin Carter reacted, and immediately pushed Eva Summers away, a trace of disgust appeared on his face, the corner of his mouth was wiped, and his eyes towards Eva Summers instantly became a little bit colder.

"Oh my god, she actually kissed Justin Oppa!"

"What kind of wild girl is that, how dare she kiss his god!"

"That's too much, that's too much!"

The surroundings instantly clamored.

Eva Summers's face also instantly red through, around the noise she is completely deaf, eyes dazedly looking at Justin Carter, whispering with a hidden shyness: "Not on purpose, he did not mean."

Justin Carter gazed at Eva Summers with a sideways glance, his eyes dark and uncertain, making it difficult to see his emotions.

When the people around saw Justin Carter leaving, they glared angrily at Eva Summers, and all kinds of unpleasant words came to them.

Eva Summers stood still, automatically filtering out the noises, and followed the back of her boyfriend, feeling sweet and sad at the same time.

"Eva, what am I doing there?" A familiar voice interrupted Eva Summers' thoughts.

Eva Summers raised her head and saw her youngest friend, Marcus Reed, standing not far away, looking at her with a psychotic expression.

"It's okay, Marcus, I'm coming." Eva Summers was like seeing a savior, her eyes instantly lit up.

"Uh-huh!" Marcus Reed walked over to Eva Summers, rubbed her head, before saying, "Come on, he's taking me to report."


Maurice Reed took Ava Summers to check in, then sent Ava off with the charming teacher to her senior class.

The charming teacher smiled and said to Ava, "Ava-san, our class is full of the best students from Central High School, and the students are united in love, so when I arrive, I'm sure I'll love this class."

Listening to the teacher's introduction, Ava instantly thought of Justin Carter, her heart was full of expectations for her new class.

But when the teacher pushed open the door of the classroom, a blackboard eraser quickly struck Ava's forehead.

Ava instantly froze.

"Yo, here comes another scared little girl!" A gloomy voice came from the classroom.

This was followed by a burst of laughter, "I like this kind of scared little girl, now we'll have some fun!"



Ava trembled slightly, her mind unable to connect these words with what she had just heard. Just then, Justin's voice suddenly sounded behind her, "Get out of the way, I'm blocking the road!"

"Yo, who's that he's talking about! So it's Justin!" The cool voice was exaggerated, with a hint of mockery at the end.

Immediately, there were bursts of laughter from outside the classroom.

At that moment, a girl's voice called out indignantly, "Axel Knight, if you don't want to go to class, simply go away, and don't disturb the other students' studies."

"Yo, who's that he's talking about, it's Brother Justin's girlfriend, Scarlett Lee." Axel smiled playfully and said, "What, you're not happy that they're kissing Justin tomorrow?"

"Axel." Scarlett turned up the volume and looked at Axel angrily with both eyes, "Axel, if I hear one more word out of your mouth, try it."

"I'll try it if I say so, and he'll lose face if he tries it." Axel responded unconcerned.

"Ahem! Students." The charming teacher coughed twice, walked to the podium with a big smile, and said, "Tomorrow, a new student is coming to our class - Ava Summers, let's welcome her with a big round of applause."

The classroom was sparsely filled with applause, but the teacher seemed unconcerned and continued, "Well, there's an empty seat next to Axel, Ava, and I'd like you to sit next to Axel."

After the teacher finished speaking, Axel showed a bright smile, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Ava instantly felt a chill.

She felt as if she had wandered into a pack of wolves, and Axel was a wolf with sharp teeth.

Helplessly, Ava pulled the teacher's arm and pleaded, "Teacher, can he get a new desk?"

She pointed to the empty seat next to Justin.

But the teacher didn't seem to hear her, Axel had already stood up, his eyes full of intimidation, "Ava-san, do I have a problem with that?"

Ava shook her head, "No!"

"No, right!" Axel smiled brightly, stepped to Ava's side, gently put on her shoulder, and pretended to be intimate, "He'll take care of me in the future, his new classmate."

Laughter erupted around the room.

Axel's smile widened at the sight.

Ava was almost dragged to her seat by Axel.

"Hmph!" Axel sat down on his seat, showing a devil-like smile, "Since I'm your tablemate now, then, I must know your rules!"


"Rules? What rules?" Eva Summers asked in disbelief.

"From now on, you have to stay with him in class, follow him at dinner, and help him with his homework when he gets home!" Axel Knight said as he casually threw his math textbook at Eva.

"Here's fifteen pages of practice problems, and I'll be working you hard, my new deskmate." Axel Knight patted the seat next to his and showed a mischievous smile, flirting, "Come on, new deskmate."

Eva clutched the math textbook Axel had thrown at her, her fingers trembling with anger. She was seething with anger, what did this guy think he was, a tag-along or a homework machine?

However, without waiting for Eva to turn her face, Axel suddenly stood up, pulled her to his seat, and leaned his whole body on her back. The warmth spread to Eva's body through the thin school uniform.

Eva's cheeks instantly turned red, her head spinning, and Axel came up to her ear and whispered, "Listen, that Justin Carter guy loves to get close to people. If he knew you were the one kissing me in front of the school tomorrow, he'd probably think nothing of me."

After saying that, Axel then stood aside, with a look of watching the show.The veins in Eva's stomach of her hand holding the textbook rippled, and after a moment, she gritted her teeth, and took a deep breath, "Fine, he'll do it for me."

"That's right, he likes it when I know what I'm doing." Axel hooked the corner of his mouth, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Once Eva had finished her math textbook, Axel proceeded to throw the other textbooks at her. English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History - a bunch of books piled up in front of her.

Eva's hand shook as she held the pen, wanting to turn into a wolf and kill Axel, what a bully.

"Come on, young man, you're so full of blood." Axel slapped Eva on the shoulder, almost knocking her onto the table, and whispered brazenly in his ear, "Justin Carter, Justin Carter!"

"......," Eva grinds her teeth angrily.

Calm is the angel, oneself endures. Holding back the anger in her heart, Eva lowered her head and continued to write homework for Axel.

But seeing Eva being so well-behaved, Axel didn't feel too comfortable. He had been hanging out in Central High School for so long, and no one had ever been able to make someone behave just by relying on Justin's name.

Thinking about this, Axel pulled over the workbook Eva was writing and threw it into the trash can without any mercy. The smile on his face instantly disappeared, and he said coldly, "If you don't want to write, don't write."

After saying that, he stood up and left in a huff, slamming the door when he left the classroom. The classroom instantly returned to a noisy, everyone looked at Eva with frightened eyes, a moment later, the people in front of and behind their desks have pulled their desks far away, as if there is a deadly virus on Eva's body.

At that moment, Justin Carter suddenly stood up and walked towards the door of the classroom, and the noisy classroom instantly quieted down.

Eva's ears seemed to hear the sound of a heartbeat, I do not know whether it was an illusion, she felt that Justin seemed to have just glanced at her.

But before Eva could think about it, she saw a girl walking towards her angrily. "What are you doing!"

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