The Secrets Between Us

Chapter 1

**Story Synopsis:**

Evelyn Hawthorne, an ambitious graduate, finds herself thrust into a series of task worlds where the ultimate challenge for her graduation exam involves seducing each target in these unique realms.

Thus begins a whirlwind of romantic encounters that seem never-ending...

**Targets for Seduction:**

- **Master Gregory** - The Ascetic Healer

- **Damon Blackwood** - The Coldhearted Noble

- **Emperor Leopold** - The Ruler of the Ancient Lands

- **Sir Roland Bright** - The Young Hero of the Martial World

- **Wizard Thaddeus** - The Bookish Sorcerer

- **General Marcus** - The Strategist of the Sci-Fi Military

- **Cassandra the Cursed** - The Ill Fated Sorceress

- **Doctor Felix** - The Rebel Leader

- **Cleric Anton** - The Reluctant Priest

- **Young Squire Benjamin** - The Future Knight

- **Captain Reginald** - The Loyal Bodyguard

- **Saint Benedict** - The Legendary Mentor


**The Contemporary Chapter:**

Evelyn sat on the edge of her bed, the moonlight spilling through the window of her cramped apartment in a city that was a million dreams waiting to unfold. The weight of impending graduation bore down on her, but it wasn’t about the degree; it was the exam—an unorthodox activity given by the Academy of Transcendence.

“Complete the mission, and your diploma is yours,” Professor Emeritus Alistair had stated, his penetrating gaze boring into her. It was simple yet daunting: each mission required her to engage with a different target in an alternate reality. Each world came with its own rules, beings, and—no surprise—much romance.

Evelyn exhaled sharply, brushing back her hair. “What kind of graduation exam is this?” she muttered to herself, bewildered and nervous. Today, she would start with someone like Master Gregory, the Ascetic Healer. Tales of his wisdom and allure had roamed the Academy dorms long before she’d ever enrolled. In the Realm of Mystics, he was a figure shrouded in both reverence and intrigue—the healer who was said to have taken a vow of celibacy.

But she’d heard that once a heart was ignited, the flames could be hard to extinguish. And who knows? Maybe beneath his austere exterior lay a soul yearning to break free.

So she gathered her strength, donning magical attire meant to blaze in all her glory. Evelyn focused on the shimmering portal before her and, with a deep breath, stepped through.


Arriving in the Realm of Mystics felt like plunging into a dream. The air vibrated with energy, and shimmering lights danced around her like fireflies. In the distance, she spotted the marble temple of the Ascetic Healer rising above the lush greenery, mystical creatures flitting about as if they were part of a magically woven tapestry.

Evelyn hesitated, her heart pounding. This was it. Her first encounter.

Approaching the temple with cautious steps, she felt the eyes of the universe upon her—a fusion of fate and determination. Before she could knock, the heavy temple doors swung open, revealing Master Gregory. Clad in robes that flowed like waves of silk and with eyes that seemed to hold centuries of wisdom, he regarded her with an unexpected smile.

“Welcome, seeker,” he said, his voice deep and calming. “What brings you to my sanctuary?”

“Master Gregory,” she began, steeling herself not to falter. “I am Evelyn, on a journey for knowledge and... experiences I may have never anticipated.”

His expression remained composed, yet Evelyn could sense the spark of intrigue ignited within him.

“Experience is but a teacher. Not all learn what they need,” he replied cryptically, stepping aside to let her enter the grand hall. As Eveyln walked in, she couldn’t shake the feeling that every step she took echoed a greater purpose—one that led her deeper into the realms of self-discovery and desire.


With each challenge she faced, each target she pursued, Evelyn began to unravel the intricacies of each of these worlds. From the cold winters in the Ancient Lands with Emperor Leopold to the high stakes in the World of Wonders with General Marcus, she navigated through romance and self-growth, all leading her—ultimately—toward a greater understanding of her own heart and intentions.

Evelyn was determined to conquer the trials set before her, but little did she know that the strongest force she’d face would not be from her tasks but the tumult of emotions that each interaction would rouse within her.

This journey was only beginning, but unlike any traditional tale, this wasn’t merely about achieving a goal—for Evelyn, it would become a journey of the heart, where love danced with duty, and passion collided with the intricacies of fate. Each encounter would shape her, define her, and perhaps, ultimately transport her into a world shrouded in possibilities she had never imagined.

And thus, with the flicker of excitement igniting in her heart, Evelyn stepped boldly into her tempestuous reality, ready to brave the obstacles ahead.

Chapter 2

**Realm of Mystics: The Chosen Student - Chapter 1**

Evelyn Hawthorne was a promising student at the prestigious Academy of Transcendence, preparing to graduate soon and facing the daunting final exams ahead. The Academy's tests were notorious for their difficulty, and while Evelyn had initially aimed for the more appealing Master of Enchantment program, she was regrettably redirected to the Master of the Unknown. As graduation drew closer, her carefree attitude began to wane, replaced with anxious concern.

In the Academy's online forums, she had stumbled upon alarming posts about the finals. Many warned that students would find themselves battling sinister spirits in terrifying realms, and trying to navigate a survival test that left many feeling hopeless. With this reality weighing on her, Evelyn couldn’t shake the feeling that she had made a grave misstep in her educational path.

Had she known how grueling the Master of the Unknown track would be, she would have chosen to retake her exams! However, if she failed her final tests, there was no option for a do-over; it would mean an automatic remand to re-study a year of the program. Panic rose within her – how would she succeed when she'd never taken the classes seriously enough to grasp the content? Desperate, she decided to seek a favor from her mentor, who might help her navigate this crisis.

Being the sole princess of the Master of the Unknown, Evelyn was a beloved figure among her peers, especially due to her gentle demeanor. Her mentor, Professor Gareth Winterbourne, definitely had a soft spot for her.

When she knocked on his office door, she found Gareth, a scholarly man with silver-rimmed glasses, intensely focused on his work. Evelyn flopped into a chair, looking at him with big, pleading eyes. “Professor Gareth, the exams are next week, and I’m feeling frantic! You’ve got to help me!”

Gareth looked up with a smirk, “Oh really? Where’s the enthusiasm I saw in class? Decided it was time to care?”

“I know I didn’t take it seriously before,” Evelyn admitted sheepishly, flushing a bit. “But please – you wouldn’t want me to graduate without a degree, would you?”

“I have confidence that you’ll manage the challenges thrown at you," Gareth adjusted his glasses and continued, "But we’ve recently developed a new testing system. If you’re prepared to face the horrors of that esteemed exam, I could arrange for you to take it using this system, designed just for you.”

“Seriously?” Evelyn’s eyes widened. “But isn’t that system rated at ‘General’ risk?”

“Ah yes, but allow me to clarify…” Gareth held up a finger. “The level of risk may fluctuate.”

“Could you define that for me in numbers?” she pressed, of course anxious but intrigued.

“A fraction, to be exact… roughly point-one percent.”

“Fine! I’ll take my chances!” she declared, slapping her hands decisively together. “Let’s use this new system for my test.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear,” Gareth replied with a nod and a pleased smile. “I’ll make the call to the department heads.”

As he initiated the arrangements, Evelyn couldn’t shake off the feeling that the way his glasses sparkled possessed an unsettling quality – perhaps it was just her nerves, she thought.

Not long after that, the plan was set. Evelyn found herself standing in front of an odd machine, its technological design worlds apart from what she anticipated. Kyle, her mentor, instructed her to lie down in the connection pod while she felt a mixture of excitement and dread fill her.

As she was about to close her eyes, she suddenly remembered to ask, “Professor, what’s the culminating question on this new exam?”

In the past, the finals had always included a standard question – a choice from various worlds; this new system aimed even higher. Surely, the risk factor would dictate something mundane this time, perhaps a classic test of knowledge related to campus life?

“Oh, the final question…” Gareth hesitated before grinning mischievously.

Chapter 3

As Professor Gareth Winterbourne secured the hatch of the module with a knowing smile, he said, "You’ll never guess what comes next."

“What is it?” Evelyn asked, curiosity piqued.

“It’s... an adult narrative.”

“Wait, what did you say? What’s the subject?”

“An adult narrative.”

The hatch clicked shut with a definitive sound, sealing Evelyn Hawthorne inside. A wave of blue light shimmered around her as she felt herself slipping into a deeper stupor, grasping at the shocking revelation Gareth had just shared.

Before she could fully process his astounding news, a voice drifted from outside the chamber. A man chuckled darkly, “Oh, I almost forgot to mention: if you complete every phase of the task, you’re stuck in that narrative forever. So make sure you give it your all, Young Hawthorne~”

“Good grief,” she thought, anger rising. “Gareth Winterbourne, just you wait.”


On Eastern Isle, within the Azure Wave Order, Evelyn Hawthorne slowly came to her senses.

Upon opening her eyes, she immediately surveyed her surroundings. The space was expansive, a cavern illuminated in shades of shadow, devoid of gaudy decorations yet furnished with a white jade table and glass chairs. Every element, while appearing simple at first glance, hinted at an understated elegance and opulence.

Evelyn looked down at herself, noticing that this body belonged to a young empress. Dressed in a pale blue gown, her dark hair was loosely tied up in a playful bun, adorned with a charming hairpiece. Though slender in frame, she possessed a captivating beauty that promised to bloom further with time.

She pieced together the situation in her mind. Clearly, Gareth Winterbourne had set her up for something unexpected.

This realm was her very first challenge, the inaugural stage of her examination. The task assigned by the system was straightforward: immerse herself in the adult narrative, assume the role of the empress, and fulfill the desires of that character to proceed.

Typically, this desire involved being intimate with the person the empress most yearned for. The number of encounters required to fulfill her wish depended on the character’s personal preferences.

As she scanned the task overview on the panel before her, Evelyn nearly gasped in disbelief. Although she had often stumbled across racy content on social media, she was still a young lady, a virgin empress at that. How had the task devolved into something so ludicrous?

Yet failing to complete her mission meant being trapped in this narrative world forever. There was no way she could accept that fate.

Steeling herself resolve, she thought, “Okay, let’s just treat this like a holographic adult game. It’s not me in this body, anyway.”

With a sigh of determination, Evelyn continued browsing the task overview.

Her first world was a Realm of Mystics. The character she embodied also bore her name, Evelyn Hawthorne, the most devoted disciple of the profound sect known as the Azure Wave Order. Discovered and raised by her master Gregory as a mere infant at the sect’s gate, she had been nurtured in this mystical lifestyle ever since.

Her target for this mission was the master who had taught her everything, Duke Ferdinand, revered at the Hall of True Devotion.

Evelyn exhaled sharply, bemused by the thought that she, a young girl, had developed forbidden feelings for the very man who was like a father to her. It was hardly surprising, though; this esteemed master had shown her affection more than once, despite her tender age of ten.

But good heavens, it was a bit much to expect a man to respond seriously to a child who was practically his own daughter.

Chapter 4

In the world of the Azure Wave Order, time flowed as swiftly as in the real world, where deadlines were merely illusions. Evelyn Hawthorne had to navigate this fantastical realm, taking on the role of a sorceress. With excitement bubbling within her, she decided to study her target—a certain Duke Ferdinand—since, after all, they would soon share a bed, and getting to know him better seemed only prudent.

As she stepped outside, Evelyn felt a rush of exhilaration. The Cavern of Shadows was perched atop a sheer cliff, and below, a thick mist swirled, occasionally revealing elegant cranes gliding through the clouds. Above, the sun shone brightly, illuminating distant palatial towers and jade halls that resembled something out of a dream.

Suddenly, a flash of light shot through the azure skies, and a Green Robed Acolyte landed gracefully before her. Upon noticing Evelyn, he smiled respectfully. "Evelyn, you’ve awakened. Master Gregory is looking for you."

"Ah," Evelyn replied, nodding absentmindedly. Master Gregory, a prestigious figure within the Azure Wave Order, was respected not only for his wisdom but also for his connection to Evelyn, who, at just ten years old, had already garnered significant attention from others around her.

As fate would have it, if Evelyn were to meet Master Gregory, she needed someone to accompany her. From her sleeve, she produced a delicate paper crane and blew gently on it, transforming it into a real, slender white crane that obediently bowed its head before her.

Through her unique inheritance, Evelyn had not only gained the Original's memories but also all the skills the Original once possessed. Thus, despite this being her first encounter with the Duke, she felt no trepidation. Mounted upon the crane, she followed the Acolyte as they soared through a tapestry of breathtaking architecture, finally stopping at a towering palace.

The palatial structure stood under the words 'Hall of True Devotion,' one of Duke Ferdinand's strongholds.

Evelyn waved her hand, dismissing the Acolyte with a smile; she needed a moment alone. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, anticipation welled up inside her as she stepped through the threshold. After all, Duke Ferdinand had been a mentor to the Original, and they had spent many hours together—she couldn't risk raising any suspicions, especially in this realm rife with treachery.

Lost in her thoughts, she was interrupted by a rich, deep voice echoing from within. "You've arrived, yet linger at the entrance; why?"

The voice was soothing and rich, resonating like chimes in the gentle breeze, sending a shiver down her spine.

Evelyn's heart raced as she recognized the alluring quality of his tone and felt an irresistible pull towards it. Daringly, she lowered her gaze and stepped into the Hall of True Devotion.

Inside, the hall was vast and serene, empty save for a few attendants standing guard. Evelyn followed the path laid out in the Original's recollections—a winding corridor through the Great Hall and past several artificial rocks—until she faced a striking silhouette at the edge of a sheer cliff.

Master Gregory, draped in flowing azure robes, faced away from her, gazing at the serene landscape of billowing clouds. He stood with his long hands clasped behind him, their grace irrefutably strong.

Evelyn swallowed hard, caught between anxiety and admiration, unsure if it was the nervousness or the beauty of his form that left her breathless.

"Master Gregory," she called softly. "Your apprentice has arrived."

"Mm," came his brief acknowledgment as he turned to face her.

A gentle breeze swept through the hall, causing his robes to flutter dramatically, playing on the atmospheric magic surrounding them. Yet, his countenance remained perfectly calm, devoid of any visible emotion.

“Thelina,” he addressed her, his voice cutting through her reverie.

A ringing echoed in her ears, and in that moment, all coherent thoughts slipped away, replaced by a singular, undeniable urge—an overwhelming love for Master Gregory. "I must have you," her heart screamed, craving both him and his affection, fully determined to possess every ounce of him.

Desperate to keep her composure, Evelyn fought against the impulse to leap into his arms; her palms felt slick with perspiration. This was disastrous—Evelyn realized that she hadn’t merely inherited memories and skills from the Original but also the deep, unbreakable feelings towards her target.

Without a single plan to properly navigate the complexities of this world, she felt the ground underneath her hopes crumbling as she secretly acknowledged that her mission was already at peril. Her intention to form a connection with Duke Ferdinand seemed frailer than ever, as the magnetic force of her emotions drew her closer to the edge of chaos.

Chapter 5

**Master of the Ancients: The Reluctant Apprentice (Chapter Two)**

ReedMaster pushed aside his High-minded yet steadfastly composed counterpart, GentleDamon, effortlessly brushing aside the polite facade of an Empress. This was a delicate situation.

Hiding in her room, the ArcherSorceress, Evelyn Hawthorne, took a deep breath, resolved to step out and face the day. No matter how unlikely her plan might succeed, she knew she had to give it a shot—there was an Emperor to consider.

Today marked a pivotal moment as Duke Ferdinand was set to give a talk at the Hall of True Devotion. By the time Evelyn arrived, the hall was filled to capacity with followers of the Azure Wave Order. Duke Ferdinand, known as Sir to his disciples, was renowned for his exceptional skills within the Order. Rumor had it that young Richard had once wiped out entire squads from the Dark Therts just on his own. It was no surprise that the event had attracted such a massive crowd.

Evelyn managed to find a spot in a corner, though it was away from the action, it allowed her an unobstructed view of Duke Ferdinand's profile. For her, this vantage point was actually better.

The sound of a resonating bell signaled the commencement of the talk.

Sitting on a cushion, Evelyn feigned seriousness as she focused, her gaze irresistibly drawn to Duke Ferdinand. Truly, the Original had impressive taste; dismissing everything else, just looking at her Master Gregory's features was enough to make her heart race.

The man—his grace looked almost regal on the Jadepeace stage, his dark hair cascading like a raven's wing. With his side profile so noble, he resembled a serene figure carved from jade. The gentle emptiness of his expression felt like a distant ethereal whisper, one that stirred the yearning within her to cross boundaries she’d never considered.

As this thought crossed her mind, a rush of heat flooded Evelyn. "It must be his will," she chastised herself inwardly, dismissing her own attraction as purely that of the Original’s doing.

Despite her efforts to regain her composure, the more she focused on Duke Ferdinand, the faster her heart raced. She felt restless in her seat as if something inside her was ready to burst. Duke Ferdinand’s brow furrowed in response, casting a fleeting glance at her, making her freeze like a deer caught in headlights. Her gaze fell instantly.

Secretly amused, Duke Ferdinand couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at how the young apprentice had tucked herself away in the corner, resembling a timid woodland creature.

Once he had completed his talk, Evelyn was eager to follow him. She felt bold and emboldened, battling against the fears that had kept her quiet for so long.

As Duke Ferdinand walked ahead, he suddenly felt a tug on his sleeve. Turning, he found Evelyn with her head down, her demeanor shy. “Master Gregory,” she said, her voice barely audible.

Twitching his eyebrows in curiosity, Duke Ferdinand remained silent, prompting her to continue. Evelyn straightened up and bit her lip nervously, her foot absently tracing circles on the ground. “Master Gregory, are you... are you upset with me?”

“Surprisingly, you managed to stay until the end today. Perhaps I should commend you for taking the talk seriously,” Duke Ferdinand replied, his tone teasing.

“I-I didn’t mean that,” Evelyn stammered, her cheeks flushing. She slowly lifted her gaze to meet his, only to see him standing impassively. Flustered, she looked down again, mumbling, “I’m talking about the other day… you know, the bathing incident…”

Duke Ferdinand's eyes widened as the realization struck him. It dawned on him that she had intentionally allowed him to witness her bathing a few days ago, probably in an attempt to draw his attention.

However, still unfazed, he calmly draped his cloak over her shoulders. The next day, he promptly arranged for her belongings from the Hall of True Devotion to be moved to Duke Ferdinand's Cavern in the Shadows, where Evelyn now resided.

Once back, the ArcherSorceress sunk into despair and questioned whether Master Gregory was genuinely repulsed by her, leaving her regretting the whole ordeal, and her feelings began to spiral further into confusion.

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