Behind the Mask of Desire

Chapter 1

**Synopsis:** This chapter follows the struggle of Seraphina Lark as she navigates the challenging landscape of the entertainment industry in the Enchanted Realm of Entertainment. From an inexperienced newcomer to a household name, she longs for the freedom to express herself without constraints.


The Royal Broadcasting Station buzzed with anticipation as the latest directive from the Guild of Cinema plastered the walls. The rules were clear: all personnel were obligated to promote lucrative entertainment that stimulated the public’s desires. “Only production that adheres to societal moral standards will make it past the scrutiny of the authorities,” read the notices, a constant reminder of the pressures facing artists.

Seraphina Lark, an aspiring actress with dreams of making it big, found herself at the center of this reforming tide. With each passing day, she fought to keep her artistic identity intact amidst the relentless push for commercial success. If her journey towards that elusive freedom meant adapting her approach or playing roles that made her uneasy, then so be it. In this industry, the stakes were high.

Her fighting spirit had attracted attention. Big names, including the renowned Director Edgar, often crossed paths with her in the grand halls of the Studio where dreams turned into reality—or often nightmares. One evening, while rehearsing dramatic dialogue under the flickering studio lights, Seraphina overheard a heated conversation between Ian Hawthorne, the head of the popular Troupe, and Lady Elara, the executive director of the Guild.

“It’s time we push the envelope! We need more... provocative content. The audiences crave depth, but they also crave thrills,” Ian insisted, his expression animated.

“And risk bending the rules further? The Cinema Bureau won’t tolerate anything too scandalous. Not now,” Lady Elara replied, her voice steady, but tight with concern.

Seraphina felt a knot tighten in her stomach. She understood the balance they sought to achieve between art and profitability, yet she yearned to create original, heartfelt performances that did not succumb to superficiality.

Meanwhile, whispers dripped through the corridors of the Film Grounds, predicting that the next big project would either flourish in riches or sink in controversy. The controversial piece, “Two Fathers and Three Mothers,” set to challenge traditional narratives, had divided the creative community.

Whenever Seraphina caught sight of Dorian Blackwood, the charismatic lead actor, her heart raced. He embodied the libertine spirit that the new project dared to explore fully. However, he was often surrounded by the what-ifs and concerns that plagued her thoughts.

“Seraphina, you must join us! This is our chance to shine—and we need every voice!” Dorian enthused, his confidence contagious.

The studio lights flickered around her, illuminating her contemplative face. “What if we aren’t ready?” she retorted, a frown knitting her brows.

“Greatness doesn’t come from comfort. You must risk being uncomfortable to test your limits. Besides, the audience isn’t looking for perfection; they want passion to reflect their own struggles. Stand up for your art!” he urged, his eyes shimmering with fervor.

Just then, Sir Alaric, the stoic combat instructor turned actor, stepped into the conversation. “Your bravery may ignite fires—they may respect you for it, or they may tear you down. You need to be ready for both outcomes.” His words were clear as a bell, their weight sinking into Seraphina’s psyche.

That night, in her modest apartment, Seraphina reflected. This pursuit of fame was daunting; with every layer of societal expectation peeled away, she discovered more of herself—but at what cost?

Resolved, Seraphina made a promise to herself: if she were to step onto that stage, she would not only embrace the commercial aspects but also intertwine her authenticity within the lines. As Director Edgar planned an audacious audition, Seraphina knew she needed to prepare not just for the performance, but for the inevitable storm of fame and scrutiny.

Thus began her unfolding tale—a quest that would test her resolve and artistry like never before, where love, ambition, and the essence of freedom intertwined against the backdrop of the Enchanted Realm of Entertainment.


Chapter 2

"The doors are now closing. Please remain clear," announced the calm yet mechanical voice of the train's PA system as the last of the passengers stepped inside. With a gentle lurch, the train began to move, whisking its passengers away to their respective destinations.

Seated in a quieter compartment, Seraphina Lark tried hard to ignore the disturbing sounds emanating from the adjacent car. Muffled moans and crude voices filtered through to her side, causing her to grit her teeth in embarrassment.

"Oh, oh... yes... just like that..." a woman's voice sounded, followed by a man's reply, "Why didn't you come to this car yesterday? I missed you..."

"I can't take it anymore... I'm about to... aaah..."

"Don't shoot it on my face, you idiot! How am I supposed to go to work after this?"

The explicit nature of the conversation made Seraphina's cheeks flush a deep red. She stole a glance around the compartment at the other girls who appeared unbothered by the lewd noises. They all wore form-fitting high school uniforms, some so tight that it seemed like their very essence was bound within the fabric. Their short skirts barely covered anything, revealing too much to anyone who happened to look. Yet, no one seemed to mind, as if this open display had become the norm.

Seraphina heaved a sigh of relief. At least, for now, she was still legally a student. Born into a world where boosting the population was the ultimate goal, every societal development revolved around this single aim. Despite technological advances, low fertility rates forced the government to establish a series of extreme regulations.

Public transportation, for example, mandated sexual activities for every passenger except the underaged. Explicit acts that didn't promote procreation—such as bestiality, incest, anal sex, and homosexuality—were forbidden. Women over 20 had to give birth to at least two children before turning 45. Even speeches by national leaders ended with a rallying cry, "Open yourselves, be free, and make babies!"

All seemed to revolve around one goal: ensuring successful pregnancies.

Seraphina was grateful for the stringent youth protection laws. Since adolescent bodies weren't fully developed for procreation, any sexual activity before adulthood was strictly forbidden. Boys and girls attended separate schools, using different transportation to prevent their raging hormones from leading to any "accidents." However, as her 18th birthday approached next month, Seraphina's heart sank—there was no way she could adjust to a world where the answer to every problem seemed to be rampant promiscuity.


"Here, spread your legs a bit more," instructed a middle-aged nurse, Dr. Beatrice Wells, who used an odd mix of kindness and roughness. "Stay still while I examine you," she continued as she pried apart Seraphina's delicate folds.

"Ugh, ah…" Seraphina couldn't help but moan at the unfamiliar sensation.

Dr. Wells, undeterred, scrutinized her, looking efficiently for any abnormalities. Though the procedure was uncomfortable, Seraphina knew it was an essential checkup, a necessary evil in this world so singularly focused.

She closed her eyes, trying to suppress her growing anxiety. The thought of losing her innocence in such a chaotic and overtly sexual world frightened her. What would happen after her birthday? Would she be able to cope with expectations so foreign to the way she’d been raised?

The distant rumble of the train over the tracks mirrored the turmoil within her. As Seraphina faced an uncertain future, she couldn’t shake the feeling that her life was about to change drastically—and not necessarily for the better.

Chapter 3

Lady Elara smirked, teasing Sorceress Celine as she raised her palm, causing the middle-aged healer beside her, Seraphina Lark, to let out a brief, involuntary gasp. Seraphina quickly bit her lips, preventing any further sounds from escaping.

"Quite the vocal range you have there," Lady Elara remarked, giving Sorceress Celine a playful slap on the backside, prompting her to close her legs and step off the examination bed.

Seraphina Lark felt warmth flood her cheeks. Should she thank Lady Elara for what felt like more teasing than an actual check-up? Her heart raced with embarrassment, and she struggled to maintain her composure.

Lady Elara read the values from the diagnostic wand, still stained with Seraphina's essence, then peeled off her gloves. With a flourish, she marked a tick next to Seraphina's name on the medical report.

"Well, everything looks healthy down there. Keep your purity intact, and by next month, you’ll be ready to frolic without a care!" Lady Elara handed the report over, playfully squeezing her ample bosom. "You young ladies must be careful not to lose your virtue too soon. If your secret gets out, it’s community service for you. Trust me, endless nights of hard work will only ruin what you've got going on!"

"I’d do anything to avoid losing it forever…" Seraphina muttered under her breath.

"What was that ridiculous little comment?" Lady Elara shot back, her fingers playfully twisting a sensitive bud as she ordered, "Now, when you leave, send that novice in here."

Clutching the pristine medical report, Seraphina hurried out of the clinic, feeling flustered. She stepped into the bustling hallway, glancing through a window at Rowan Ashford leading the students in a lively warm-up on the athletic field. The movements seemed utterly foreign compared to the rhythmic exercises from her previous life.

Nearby, a dance instructor shouted, "Hey you, can you wiggle those hips or what?" and "Seriously, shake it better—didn’t anyone ever take you to dance class?" followed by, "Touch your chest—are you massaging dough or what?"

Seraphina sighed deeply, still overwhelmed by her transition into this bizarre new world.


With a mix of dread and anticipation, Seraphina Lark stood in Mistress Vivienne's office, nervously handing over both her medical report and academic transcript.

Word had spread among the students that this was part of job placement assessments post-graduation, and Seraphina couldn't help but pray she wouldn’t get sent off to some ludicrous position.

Mistress Vivienne, wearing sleek glasses, flipped through the transcript, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized Seraphina's face—those captivating deep-set eyes paired with her youthful features and softly curvaceous form. The essence of innocence and allure radiated from her, leaving an undeniable impression.

With a satisfied smile, Mistress Vivienne motioned for her to sit. "I imagine you know why you’re here."

"Um, I know it's regarding the job placement assessment; beyond that, I'm a bit lost…" Seraphina replied, feeling out of her depth even though she had been here for a little over two months. The memories from her original life still flickered uncomfortably within her mind, creating an endless pit of anxiety over what lay ahead.

Chapter 4

“Take a look at this,” Mistress Vivienne said, tossing a folder onto Seraphina Lark's desk. “Since you’re in the top ten of your class, you can get a school recommendation to participate in the auditions for The Show. There’s a chance you could become a White Goldstar and avoid other job assessments.”

Seraphina frowned, flipping the folder open. “The auditions?” She scanned the titles, her brows knitting tighter. “What the heck is ‘Boob Bounce Competition,’ ‘Gusher Competition,’ and ‘Oral Talent Contest’?”

With a sharp snap, Seraphina closed the folder. “Ugh! What even are these?!”

Mistress Vivienne frowned, snatching the folder from her hands. “What’s with the reaction? So many others would kill for this opportunity.”

The teacher continued, “The school has a duty to guide promising students into the Entertainment Guild to cater to the public's desires with better entertainment. Your grades in related courses are excellent. Isn’t this why you’ve been working so hard?”

“I… I…” Seraphina faltered. It wasn’t her passion—it was the legacy of her past life! Who wants to be the subject of people’s fantasies? Before this, her world was so decent; why’s it all turned upside down?

Seeing Seraphina’s reluctance, Mistress Vivienne adjusted her glasses. “So, are you going to go?”

“Can I opt out?”

“Sure, but if you don’t join, you’ll be stuck with mandatory community service when you graduate.” Mistress Vivienne smirked. “So, it seems like you’re still quite the little tease. Tough break when it comes to being a Young.”

“…Fine, I’ll go.” Seraphina surrendered in a resigned huff, recalling Lady James’ earlier words.

“Great! Now pick one.” Mistress Vivienne tossed the folder back onto Seraphina’s desk.

Holding back her embarrassment, Seraphina began to sift through again.

“Boob Bounce Competition? Gusher Competition? Right out!” she muttered.

“Oral Talent Contest… what’s this about?” Seraphina tentatively ventured.

“Open your mouth, let me see.” Mistress Vivienne grasped Seraphina’s chin and gestured. “Hmm, you can’t participate in this if you don’t have… special dimensions. Just no way unless you meet the requirements.”

“What are you talking about?” Seraphina felt a sinking feeling in her stomach.

“Come on, is it really that unclear?” Mistress Vivienne laughed, sounding slightly derisive. “This contest is all about who can handle the… equipment… and swallow it expertly.”

“What?!” Seraphina gasped, her future suddenly feeling very bleak.

“I think you should just pick ‘Masked Minstrels.’ You can manage a couple of cheeky noises, can’t you?”

Seraphina gazed at Mistress Vivienne, hope flickering in her eyes. “Is it really just calling out twice?”

“Yeah, what else would it be? You Youngs can only be on shows touching on such subjects, at least without crossing the line.”

“Well, I guess I’ll go with this one.”

Mistress Vivienne nodded in satisfaction. “Good choice; sounds like you’ll manage just fine.”

Chapter 5

**Audition Venue: Audience Invited Onstage for a Closer Look at Contestants**

It was the day of the Masked Minstrels, and across the nation, graduates from top ten high schools were gathered anxiously to participate in this year’s talent competition. Out of all applicants, only thirty-six would make it onto the stage.

Seraphina Lark stepped into the bustling television studio with a mix of excitement and nerves. After she submitted her paperwork, a staff member handed her a glamorous Lady Archer mask, urging her to put it on. Zachary, a serious-looking enforcer, warned her repeatedly, “From now until the show ends, don’t take off that mask. If you do, you’ll be sent off to the Montgomery Camp for community service.”

Seraphina couldn't help but shudder at the thought. Montgomery Camp was notorious for its grueling workouts led by the burly Strongman Moreau. Resolutely, she secured the mask’s straps tightly against her head.

“Once your mask is on, you can head to the dressing room. There, you’ll pick out your outfit, and once you're ready, someone will call you to the stage,” the staff member informed her.


Dorian Blackwood, freshly turned eighteen, was full of youthful energy. He had yet to inject the gene-enhancing makeup serum, which made him cautious about being reckless at this point. He was making an effort to conserve his energy for when the time came to choose his ideal enhancement direction. He was still undecided between the three options he had heard buzzing around: the muscular option, the elongated one, or the robust variation. Everyone claimed the well-rounded option had the appeal among the girls, especially the younger ladies who had not had a chance for surgical enhancements.

Just as he was lost in thought, a notification flashed across the screen in front of him: “Contestant 18 has entered the dressing room. Would you like to watch?”

Pressing yes, the screen adjusted to show the area where Contestant 18 was preparing, while the other thirty-five boxes around flickered with shadows of contestants already getting ready or engaged in chatter.

Dorian watched intently for a moment; this wasn’t just about sneaking a peek at the contestants changing their clothes—he found it quite dull.

However, Contestant 18 had a great figure. Even though she wore a simple outfit that left much to the imagination, her curves were definitely something to behold. Dorian felt an involuntary attraction to well-endowed women, particularly the unaltered breast shapes of the young ladies like her—untouched by any surgeries, which made them all the more appealing.

He pressed a button again, drawing the camera closer to the contestant on screen.

At the same time, Seraphina Lark rummaged through the racks in the dressing room, struck with frustration.

“What are these outfits?" she muttered to herself.

There was a maid’s uniform, with strategic cut-outs that left little to the imagination.

Another was a revealing guard’s outfit, with well-placed gaps.

Then there was a detective's attire—once again, with cuts that left her exposed.

Each one was more embarrassing than the last; she wasn’t finding anything suitable.

After searching through the rails for what felt like an eternity, she finally spotted something a bit more conservative: a bright-colored swimsuit. It didn’t leave any embarrassing openings but still had an eye-catching design. Relief washed over her as she reached for it, hoping it would fit. “This should stretch enough to work,” she mumbled, pulling it out for a better look.

Meanwhile, Dorian watched intently as the chosen outfit revealed her silhouette. As she lifted her arms, the snug fabric hugged her curves, causing her ample bosom to jiggle enticingly as if it were tremulous jelly set on display.


Seraphina Lark didn’t realize her every move was being scrutinized by a crowd of eager participants outside. As she stood, uncertain about her outfit choice, the weight of the competition loomed heavily, bringing forth both thrilling anticipation and a whirlwind of anxiety.

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