Behind Closed Doors of Desire

Chapter 1

**Title: Temptations of the Heart**

Margaret Pinedale stood at the window of her lavish Pinedale Manor, gazing out at the cityscape of Bramble Town. The sun dipped low, casting a golden hue over the Market Square, where vendors began to pack away their wares. It was a typical evening, yet Margaret felt an unrest swirling within her.

“Do you think it’s too late for a second chance?” she pondered aloud, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her thoughts wandered to Robert Stone, her husband of five years. The charm that had first captivated her seemed distant now, overshadowed by the mundanity of their daily routines. He was always caught up in work, buried under reports and meetings, while she was left to navigate the vibrant social circles of their affluent friends alone.

As she turned from the window, her mind drifted back to a conversation she’d had with Sister Agnes, her confidante. “There are moments,” Agnes had warned, “when the heart strays while the mind remains loyal.”

Margaret’s heart raced at the thought. It was not that she sought betrayal, yet she felt increasingly the pull of temptation. The connections she shared with William Bright had grown deeper, charged with a tantalizing energy that both excited and terrified her. William, with his easy laughter and ardent gaze, represented everything Robert no longer did.

At that moment, her phone buzzed. It was a message from Eleanor Swift, her friend and co-conspirator in navigating the trials of marriage.

“Meet me tonight?” the text read. “I have something special planned!”

Margaret hesitated. The thought of stepping out into the unknown sent a thrill through her. Perhaps she could escape the burdens of her life, if only for a little while.


Later that evening, Margaret found herself at The Crescent Tavern, the ambient chatter and clinking glasses creating an intoxicating atmosphere. The dim lighting flickered as she made her way to a secluded corner where Eleanor awaited her.

“Margaret! You look radiant!” Eleanor exclaimed, a mischievous smile dancing across her lips. “Tonight is about more than just drinks. I want to introduce you to someone.”

Before she could respond, Eleanor beckoned over a tall figure—Thomas West, the enigmatic heir of the West estate. His presence commanded attention, and as his emerald eyes met Margaret’s, the world around them seemed to fade.

“Shall we celebrate freedom tonight?” Thomas suggested, his tone both inviting and daring.

Margaret’s heart fluttered. This was the thrill she had been craving. “What do you have in mind?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

“A challenge. Let’s explore our limits, step beyond the ordinary,” Thomas grinned, leaning closer. The distance between them crackled with unspoken promises.

Eleanor raised her glass, her laughter filling the small space. “To new beginnings!” she declared, and they all joined in, their glasses clinking in solidarity.

As the night unfolded, laughter and lighthearted banter gave way to deeper conversations. The trio shared secrets, dreams, and the burdens of their lives. In these moments, Margaret started to feel an undeniable pull toward Thomas that was both exhilarating and alarming.

But in the back of her mind, a voice reminded her of Robert—the man she once promised to love unconditionally. Torn, she felt the weight of her loyalty pressing down, the line between fidelity and freedom becoming increasingly blurred.

Just when she thought she could navigate her feelings, another familiar face entered the tavern, one that sent shivers down her spine.

It was William, his presence filling the room with an undeniable heat. The air thickened at his arrival, and Margaret felt an instinctive tension rise.

“Margaret,” William said, his voice smooth and enticing as it wrapped around her.

“William,” she replied, her heart racing. How could she handle this tangled web of emotions without losing herself—without betraying the vows she had made?


As the evening continued, Margaret found herself at a crossroads. The allure of passion and the sanctity of loyalty fought within her. Could she maintain the delicate balance, or was destiny reshaping her path without her consent?

Margaret’s journey had just begun, but was she ready to face the consequences of her choices? The answer loomed in the darkness, waiting for her to take the next step.

Chapter 2

001 A Sexless Marriage

At two in the morning, Margaret Pinedale sat alone in her living room.

Regret. Frustration.

Looking up at the ceiling, Margaret couldn't understand why they’d chosen such bright lights during the renovation. Outside, the world was cloaked in darkness, while the brightness of the room illuminated every detail, making even loneliness starkly visible.

At 24, most girls her age were enjoying the best years of their lives. Yet, while her classmates relished their freedom, she found herself in the confines of marriage, becoming someone’s wife during what should have been her prime.

Her husband, Robert Stone, was a remarkable man—five years her senior, handsome, well-mannered, and financially stable. Everything about their life together seemed perfect. Since the day they met, he had treated her with genuine care, never rushing into intimacy like so many young men would. His gentlemanly demeanor captivated her, leading her to become his wife shortly after graduation.

Everyone around her, friends and family alike, showered her with envy and well-wishes. But deep down, she alone knew that their marriage wasn’t quite right.

Today marked their one-year wedding anniversary. One full year of being his wife, and she was still a virgin.

Robert Stone wasn’t completely lacking in desire; he would hold her, his long fingers gliding softly over her skin, tracing her shoulders, teasing her curves, finally resting in the most intimate of places. Yet, just as heat started to build within her, he would pull away, retreating like a man fighting urges he wouldn’t dare act upon.

Margaret Pinedale couldn’t make sense of it.


Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she slowly began to undress, scrutinizing her body.

It was hard to admit, but she felt a little overweight, soft and rounded. Was this the reason her husband wouldn’t get close? But she had always looked like this since day one; if Robert couldn’t accept her now, then why marry her?

Staring into the mirror, she ran her hands over her soft curves. Her breasts were smooth and full, and the chill in the air had made her nipples stand erect. She felt a wave of warmth pass over her, her very fingertips awakening a long-buried desire. The moment she touched herself was electric, an undeniable thrill that coursed through her. For just a moment, Margaret felt her body responding, her womb tightening with a familiar warmth.

Using just her hands, she was already wet.

As a healthy woman, desire was natural for her. But why, why was Robert so determined to resist touching her?

Was it her fault? Had she done something wrong? Or was he simply uninterested in her body?

In this past year, Margaret had lost count of sleepless nights filled with such thoughts. The void of their sexless marriage brought her not only physical emptiness but also psychological torment. Robert Stone’s detached demeanor left her questioning the very essence of her existence—was there any real purpose for a wife who felt truly unwanted?

She felt as if the walls were closing in on her, and it wasn’t just an expression; she genuinely felt like she was slipping into madness.

Chapter 3

Robert Stone grew up in a single-parent household. His father had passed away when he was young, and his grandmother was more focused on her son than anything else. Since their marriage, she had incessantly asked whether they were expecting, and even his own parents would occasionally chime in with, “Any news on a baby? When are you planning to start a family?”

Unsurprisingly, each time she was left speechless, wondering what else could she possibly say.

Should she tell them that her husband wasn’t even touching her?

Sadly, that was something she could never bring herself to utter. Robert assured her gently, “Don't mention it to them; we wouldn't want to worry the old folks. We’ll have kids eventually—just give it some time. We can plan for it.”

She didn’t understand why they had to plan for such a thing, but out of her deep aversion to the idea of divorce, she ultimately chose to comply. Yet here she was, still waiting for that day to come.

Doubts about her own worth, pressure from both sets of parents, and her husband's cool indifference all weighed heavily on her, like massive stones crushing her spirit. The relentless self-doubt led her to start losing her grip; she began experiencing insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue that dragged her through each day in a fog. After numerous mistakes, she lost her job.

On that particularly disheartening day, she stumbled home, lost in her thoughts. Robert, noticing her distress, wrapped her in a warm embrace, saying softly, “Take it easy. Don’t worry about work right now; even if you're not working, it's okay. I’ll take care of you.”

Tears welled in her eyes as she buried her face in his chest, releasing all the pent-up frustrations into his arms.

He treated her so kindly; he must still love her, didn’t he?

For the first time in her life, she took the initiative, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. Robert responded to her advances with an eager passion, and they found themselves tangled up as they made their way to the bedroom, shedding their clothes along the way. Wrapped in intimacy, Robert eagerly drew her closer, enveloping her breast in his mouth, while Margaret Pinedale gasped softly, surrendering herself beneath him. She lay compliant, letting him explore her body, kneading and kissing every inch of her.

Fingers threaded into his short hair, Margaret was lost in desire; she wrapped her legs around his waist, offering her most sensitive self to him. “Darling, love me—please,” she whispered softly.

Chapter 4

002 A Life of Frustration

In Margaret Pinedale's eyes, the journey from love to intimacy between a husband and wife should be as natural as the flow of water, seamless and inevitable. Her husband, Robert Stone, rarely showed such passion. Although she felt shy, her desire to surrender herself to him and to become a true couple overwhelmed her.

Unfortunately, Robert didn't share her sentiment. Instead of being ignited by her soft sigh, he reacted as if struck by a chilling spell, extinguishing the flames of desire and pushing her away.

"You didn’t seem in a good mood today. I wouldn’t dare take advantage of you. Get some rest; it will all feel better tomorrow."

Margaret lay there, staring blankly at her husband, unable to hold back her tears any longer. "What is it that I’m doing wrong? We’ve been married for so long, and you won’t even touch me. Are you even a man?"

Robert eyed her with visible irritation, surveying her from head to toe as if repulsed by her presence. "As a woman, can't you be a little more reserved?"

With that, he turned and left, leaving Margaret to weep alone in their bed.

Never before had she felt such humiliation. Wasn’t intimacy between a husband and wife the most normal thing in the world? All she wanted was to be a loving wife, to be cherished by him. Was that too much to ask? Maybe their marriage itself was a mistake. Why couldn’t they just live happily together? She didn’t want to choose divorce, as that would mean more pain and sorrow.

In the silence of the long night, her only companion was her own tears.

The next morning, she was awakened by a kiss.

Robert's kiss was soft and filled with genuine affection. Seeing her wake up, he sincerely apologized, "Last night was my fault. I knew you were feeling vulnerable and shouldn’t have lost my temper. I didn’t mean to. But you said something that really hurt me. Honey, I promise I won’t make that mistake again. Can you forgive me?"

As he spoke, his long fingers slipped between her legs, finding their way to her most intimate spot, gently stroking her with expert precision. Pleasure shot through her like electricity, and instinctively, Margaret clamped her thighs together. She wanted to say something but found her mind completely blank.

"Margaret, I’ve barely touched you, and you’re already reacting like this. Is this what you want?"

"Do you love me?" she blurted out, desperately trying to grasp at the last shred of sanity in the face of overwhelming desire.

Robert chuckled softly at her response. "You silly girl! If I didn’t love you, why would I have married you? I’ve wanted to marry you from the very first moment I saw you."

His fingers resumed their exploration, gliding expertly over her, teasing her until she trembled and reached her peak. Watching her delightfully dazed expression, he smiled, pinching one of her hardened nipples, saying, "Darling, I really have to get to work now. You behave yourself at home and wait patiently for my return."

Margaret nodded, still lost in the afterglow of her first climax, helplessly intoxicated by the wave of pleasure washing over her. Gradually, she drifted back into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 5

From that day forward, the relationship between Robert Stone and Margaret Pinedale began to thaw. The laughter returned, and every night before bed, Robert would prepare a warm cup of milk for her. Although he still hadn't fulfilled his duties as a husband, Margaret felt cared for, perhaps he was simply too shy to express his affection openly.

Feeling down, Margaret wasn't inclined to look for a job anytime soon. Instead, she focused on household chores, read books, and prepared lavish dinners for her husband. Life had settled into a quiet routine. If it weren't for the lack of intimacy, their marriage would seem quite happy. If Rosalind were to go through with her divorce, Margaret knew it would break her heart.

Her parents had once been a loving couple, but some men just aren't cut out for commitment. Her father had affairs, visited brothels, and even brought other women home to their marital bed, engaging in those vile acts until Pinedale discovered the truth, leading to their divorce.

Perhaps these painful memories were what convinced Margaret to preserve her chastity until marriage and fostered her aversion to divorce. In her mind, the word "divorce" was forever shrouded in darkness.

After her parents’ split, her father behaved like a wild stallion, constantly surrounded by different women. Rumor had it that several women had divorced their husbands just for him. Meanwhile, her mother often cried in secret and was advised by others to find a new man, but she never remarried. Margaret spent her childhood in this oppressive atmosphere, making her sensitive and timid. Apart from a neighbor’s young boy, she had no other friends.

That boy was full of life and energy, a handful that made parents sigh in exasperation. He was a troublemaker, but he unknowingly became the king of the playground at The Great Hall. He was fiercely protective of Margaret, always rushing to her side whenever someone picked on her. Gradually, a smile would spread across her face every time she saw him, even if he was two years younger.

Years passed, and The Great Hall was undergoing changes due to town regulations. As they prepared to leave, he took her hand and said, "Margaret, I’ll find you. Just wait for me."

Sadly, they lost touch after that encounter, and she never learned what had happened.

Margaret gazed thoughtfully at the crescent-shaped scar on her wrist, letting a soft smile escape her lips. After all these years, she wondered what he was like now. At 22, he must have turned into a handsome young man.

Regardless of Rosalind's choices, life had to go on. Margaret shook her head, pushing away thoughts about the past, and decided to tidy up the house. As she hummed a tune while cleaning, she noticed that the computer was still turned on. Curious, she moved the mouse and caught sight of a strange folder labeled "Experiment."

Experiment. What kind of experiment?

Intrigued, she opened the folder only to be confronted with a multitude of video files. Selecting one at random, her eyes widened in shock.

What is this… How could there be something like this?

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