The billionaire’s Nanny

Chapter 1

: Kassandra

The address lay just a short stroll away from the Knightsbridge tube station. With the sun casting its warm glow, I followed the path that led me to the private square known as Little Sion. Before long, I found myself facing a grand pair of wrought iron electric gates, adorned by stone lions perched atop tall pillars. As I reached for the intercom button, a voice with a distinct foreign accent abruptly instructed me to enter through the smaller side gate.

Without hesitation, I complied.

As I approached the gate, it swung open with a click. I pushed it gently and stepped through, finding myself standing on the smooth asphalt driveway. My eyes were immediately drawn upward, where the mansion stood in all its glory. Painted a brilliant white, it shimmered under the sun's rays, as if it were a palace made of ice straight out of a fairy tale. Who would have imagined such a colossal estate nestled in the heart of Knightsbridge?

A towering figure caught my attention. A massive, bald man donning an earpiece and a black suit that seemed a size too small was making his way towards me. His sheer size made me feel dwarfed, my head barely reaching his tree-trunk biceps. In accordance with basic social graces, I offered him a polite smile.

However, he did not return the gesture, instead casting a suspicious gaze over me.

Fine then. "I'm here about the job. I have an appointment with Mr. Campbell," I stated, my tone steady.

He grunted in response. "I know. Follow me." With that, he turned on his heel.

I quickened my pace to keep up with him, though it felt more like a jog or even a sprint. Curse him. "My name is Kassandra Anderson, what's yours?" I managed to gasp between breaths, attempting to maintain an air of civility despite the breakneck speed.

Another grunt escaped his lips, and his gaze shifted downward to meet mine. The expression on his face remained unchanged. "Brain," he replied.

I could have reacted with confusion or burst into laughter, or perhaps continued my polite charade with a "pardon me," but deep down, I knew I had heard him correctly. Somehow, the name suited him perfectly. Of course, he would be called Brain.

At that moment, any facade of politeness crumbled within me, and I silently trailed behind him as we made our way up to the house.

Two more "brains" dressed in black suits stood guard at the entrance, their expressions brimming with distrust.

For the first time, doubt crept into my mind. What had I gotten myself into?

Who was this mysterious employer of mine?

Naturally, the first thing I did upon learning of this opportunity was to Google Everett Campbell. Yet, all I found were images of an exceptionally handsome businessman accompanying beautiful women to high society events. There was no mention of a palace in Knightsbridge or henchmen straight out of a B-grade Mafia movie.

Come to think of it, in every photograph I stumbled upon, he wore a stern, unsmiling expression, giving off an aura of cold aloofness. But not every wealthy, unsmiling Russian could be labeled a mobster or a money launderer. None of it bothered me, though.

If I secured the job, my sole responsibility would be overseeing his niece and reporting her progress. That was all. With my exceptional skills, I was confident I wouldn't have to tolerate any nonsense from Mr. Campbell.

Yet, there was one particular picture that caught my attention. It depicted him playing polo in Windsor, his eyes filled with determination as he leaned down to swing his mallet. Here was a man who knew how to obtain what he desired. An unwavering force of nature.He was a man who had entered my life without any provocation on my part. A man who had managed to infiltrate the deepest recesses of my being. The mere thought of it sent a shiver down my spine, but I quickly dismissed it. I prided myself on being a professional, and I had no intention of straying from that path. I would not sacrifice my hard-earned reputation for any man, no matter how irresistible he may seem. Especially not a man like him, surrounded by a swarm of beautiful women who were drawn to him like moths to a flame. I knew better than to entertain any illusions of catching his attention.

And that was undoubtedly for the best.

The last thing I needed in my life was temptation.

Not that I was tempted, mind you.

As the grand doors swung open, revealing the opulent interior of Mr. Campbell's residence, my jaw dropped in awe. This man must be an incredibly successful businessman, I thought to myself. The sight before me resembled something out of a television show about the secret lives of billionaires. The foyer boasted a magnificent spiral staircase, and from the glass ceiling four floors above, hung a chandelier so breathtakingly grand that it seemed as though it could set the entire place ablaze with its brilliance.

Our footsteps echoed on the polished marble floors, a testament to the meticulous care that had been taken in preparing this space. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety, worried that my every movement was being scrutinized. Fortunately, Mr. Campbell kept his gaze fixed forward as we made our way into what could only be described as a music room, complete with a gleaming grand piano.

"Please wait here until you are called," Brain instructed me.

Two women were already seated in the room, one of whom I recognized as Calista Murphy from Caring Nannies. She exuded an air of smugness as she glanced at me. The other woman, a stranger to me, held a file with Sarah Bright's agency logo on it. She acknowledged me with a formal nod.

Returning their greetings with a warm smile, I took a seat in one of the luxurious armchairs. Its sunshine yellow upholstery enveloped me in comfort, yet an unexpected wave of nerves washed over me. I reached into my handbag and retrieved a mint, hoping to calm my racing thoughts.

A middle-aged woman in a stern navy-blue suit entered the room. "Ms. Murphy, please come with me," she announced.

Calista rose from her seat, exuding confidence as she followed the woman out of the room. The door closed behind them, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My gaze drifted towards the French windows, revealing a view of stone steps leading to an expansive formal garden. A fountain stood proudly in the center, its waters dancing in the sunlight. I found myself staring blankly, lost in my own musings.

Ten minutes later, the woman in the navy-blue suit returned, surprising me with her promptness. Perhaps Calista hadn't secured the job after all.

"Miss Anderson," she said with a friendly smile.

Returning her smile, I stood up and smoothed down my skirt. I approached her as she introduced herself as Mrs. Misha Gorev, one of Mr. Campbell's personal assistants.

If this job wasn't Calista's, I felt confident that it would be mine.

I excelled in my profession. They called me the child whisperer back at the agency, and for good reason. I had successfully tamed the most unruly of children, from spoiled rich kids to those with behavioral issues or illnesses. None had been able to best me thus far. With a renewed sense of determination, I adjusted my posture as Mrs. Gorev's hand gripped the intricately carved, golden door handle. The door swung open, and in that moment, the breath was stolen from my lungs.

My goodness! It felt as though the devil himself was seated behind that desk, for only the devil could possess such dark, captivating handsomeness.

Chapter 2

- Everett

As the door swung open wider, I glanced up from the stack of papers before me. Standing there was the next candidate, and my brain momentarily froze as our eyes locked.

Three things immediately struck me:

First: she looked nothing like the photograph in her file.

Second: she didn't fit the mold of the typical women I usually pursued.

Third: a surge of pure, unadulterated lust coursed through my veins.

God, I wanted her!

A smile graced her lips, and it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. She could have been plucked straight out of a Renaissance painting with her fiery red hair, emerald green eyes, and flawless porcelain skin.

My gaze trailed down her figure. Even in her modest attire - a buttoned-up shirt and loose gray suit - she exuded an irresistible sex appeal. Leaning back in my chair, I couldn't help but tip it slightly. "Please, come in and take a seat, Miss Anderson."

With a graceful, cat-like stride, she made her way towards one of the chairs positioned in front of my desk. As she settled into it, she spoke in a soft and enigmatic voice. "Thank you."

"Tell me about yourself," I prompted, doing my best to keep my eyes from wandering.

"Well, there isn't much to tell. I used to be a teacher, but I discovered my passion for working with young children, so I became a nanny."

"Why?" I inquired.

Her enormous eyes met mine steadily. "What do you mean?"

"Why do you prefer working with small children?"

She shrugged, a hint of uncertainty in her movements. "I'm not entirely sure. No one has ever asked me that before. I suppose it's because I find their innocence captivating. They're honest and straightforward, which makes them easier to connect with."

"Do you dislike working with adults?" I probed further.

She shifted in her seat, a subtle sign of discomfort. "Not particularly."

"Why not?"

"As I mentioned earlier, people often have hidden motives and aren't always honest. I prefer dealing with honesty."

A direct and sincere gaze met mine. "Always."

"That will be all, Miss Anderson," I declared, standing up. "Thank you for your time."

To my surprise, she remained seated. "Is that it?"

"Yes, Misha will contact you on Monday to let you know the outcome of the interview."

Her eyes widened, and they were absolutely mesmerizing. My cock twitched, a clear indication that I had made the right decision. This woman was far too distracting to work in this house. I couldn't afford such temptation.

Suddenly, she rose from her chair, her eyes flashing with determination. "Why do I have to wait for Mrs. Gorev to inform me? Just be honest and tell me I didn't get the job. That way, I won't have to stress about it over the weekend."

I nodded, considering her request. "Very well. You didn't get the job."

"Why?" she demanded, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and curiosity.

It had been a while since anyone had questioned me so aggressively. It unsettled my sense of absolute authority and control, but it also intrigued me. "Do you truly want me to be honest, Miss Anderson?"

"Of course," she replied firmly.

Without hesitation, I circled around the desk, causing her to take a step back instinctively. The lust I felt wasn't one-sided; she desired me as well. We faced each other, and in that moment, I knew we were destined to be natural-born adversaries. We would clash like cats and dogs at every turn. Even if I wanted to hire her, I couldn't.

"Because..." I began, extending my hand towards her in a swift and unexpected motion. I pulled her towards me, and the impact of her luscious curves against my body made her gasp, her mouth falling open with astonishment...and excitement. There was no mistaking it.

"This," I murmured as our mouths collided.

For a brief moment, she remained frozen in shock, but then she began to respond, her desire for me igniting like a volcano. We devoured each other, my hands finding their way to her firm ass and squeezing it possessively. It was a sight to behold. I could already envision her bare, with my palm-print imprinted on her skin. She was completely and utterly lost in the heat of the moment. I could have taken her right then and there on my desk.

And I would have.

If not for the pressing issue of finding a nanny for little Dahlia. No, I would save this intoxicating flower for later. I broke the kiss, lifting my head to meet her lust-filled eyes. Yes, she was undeniably ensnared by me.

She blinked, trying to regain her composure. Once, twice, thrice.

Then she took matters into her own hands. Stepping back, she swung her arm forward, slapping my cheek with a resounding force.

It pleased me to know that I could have stopped her at any moment, but I allowed her to unleash the violence she had been provoked to display. It felt exhilarating to witness the shock on her face as she realized what she had done. No one had ever pushed her to lose control in such a way before. The kiss had been one thing, but the slap...she had never imagined herself capable of such raw aggression. A pulse fluttered in her throat, resembling a bird taking flight.

I couldn't help but smile.

She stared at me in disbelief for a few more seconds before turning on her heel and briskly walking out. She didn't bother to close the door, allowing me to watch as she moved with determination across the music room. Halfway through, I caught sight of a small figure emerging from behind the heavy curtains and approaching her.

My niece.

Incredibly, she reached out and grasped Kassandra Winter's finger, looking up at her with innocent eyes.

Oh, fuck!

Chapter 3

: Kassandra

My blood surged through my veins like a raging river, its thunderous roar echoing in my ears. I stood there, utterly amazed, as I looked down at the little child gazing up at me. In an instant, I recognized her. She was the niece, the girl I was tasked to care for. Her eyes were deep pools of raw emotion, yet she mustered the courage to slip her tiny, cold hand into mine.

In that moment, all my previous anger dissipated. This poor little thing was suffering, and I had to be as gentle with her as I would be with a frightened deer. "Hello," I greeted her softly.

From a pocket in her dress, she retrieved a small notepad. A pencil dangled from it by a delicate ribbon, and she began to write on it with utmost solemnity. She tore off the page and handed it to me.

"Don't Go."

I shook my head, looking at her with sorrowful eyes. There was something about her that tugged at my heart, intensifying my hatred for her uncle. "I'm sorry, but I have to go."

Her chin quivered, and tears welled up in her eyes. Sniffling, she wrote even more fervently on her pad before tearing off another page and offering it to me.

I accepted it and read the words written upon it.

"Don't leave me."

I crouched down, meeting her gaze. "It's not that I want to leave you, but I didn't receive the--"

"Miss Anderson," a deep voice called from behind me.

The child jumped, casting me one last imploring look before scurrying away.

I straightened, feeling my anger return as swiftly as it had vanished when the child approached me. I turned around, facing Everett Campbell's imposing figure filling the doorway to his office. His handsome face remained expressionless. "Will you come into my study, please?"

I didn't want to go, truly, but it seemed as though my feet were controlled by invisible strings. I had no choice. As I reached the door to his study, made of dark wood paneling, he stepped back to allow me entry.

I walked past him, feeling a peculiar sensation, like an electric crackle, course through my body. Striving to maintain my composure, I turned to face him. It felt as though he could see right through me, even though I knew better.

"May I see the notes my niece gave you?" he inquired.

He both intimidated and intrigued me. Wordlessly, I held out the crumpled papers in my palm.

He took them without allowing our skin to touch and glanced at them. His other hand rose to stroke his chin.

I stared at him, captivated.

When he looked up, his sensuous lips curled into a smile. Everett Campbell's smile was an entirely different matter. It held a certain beauty, akin to that of a growling panther. "I've had a change of heart. Perhaps I was too quick to dismiss your services," he said, his voice smooth and controlled. No one would have believed that just minutes ago, his tongue was in my mouth and I was mindlessly sucking on it.

"I'm afraid I have as well," I replied, savoring the newfound power I held in my hands.

A flicker of annoyance crossed his expression, swiftly concealed. It was evident he rarely faced insubordination. In fact, he likely never encountered it.

"I'll double your salary," he offered.

"Thanks, but I think I'll pass," I retorted.

"Name your own price, then."

I wanted to remain unaffected by all his offers, but my eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Are you serious?"

"Of course."

I didn't need to ponder it. "No. It's not about the money," I spat.

"Then what would make you deny a child in need?" he questioned.

"It's you," I stated simply. "I couldn't possibly work for a man like you."

"Why not? You were perfectly willing just a few minutes ago.""That was before you violated my boundaries," I retorted, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and vulnerability.

He remained composed, defending his actions with a calm demeanor. "I kissed you because you pushed me to a breaking point. You demanded to know why I didn't want to hire you, so I showed you the reasons," he explained.

His words stung, fueling my frustration. "Well then, it seems nothing has changed since a few minutes ago," I shot back, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

But he surprised me with his response, his tone shifting to one of sincerity. "A lot has changed. I take my responsibility for my niece very seriously. Nothing is more important. Dahlia's needs always come first. Yes, I am attracted to you, but finding another woman is not a challenge for me. She chose you, and her need for your presence outweighs my desires."

His statement about easily finding another woman struck a chord within me, slicing through my emotions. 

"As you already know from the job description," he continued, "my niece hasn't spoken a word in six months. Nobody, not even her psychiatrist, knows why she refuses to communicate. She hasn't shown any interest in connecting with anyone until now. You're the first person she's shown a connection to, and I believe you hold the key to helping her break out of her shell and find her voice again."

I could sense the truth in his words, and I found myself believing him when he said he prioritized his niece's needs above all else. Yet, a part of me hesitated as I stared at him.

Conflicting emotions ravaged me. On one hand, I felt compelled to stay. I could still see the fear in Dahlia's eyes, and it had taken immense courage for her to approach me. It seemed crucial to her that I remain by her side. Why she had chosen me remained a mystery, but I yearned to uncover the truth. Helping her was what drew me to this job in the first place.

On the other hand, a voice of self-preservation urged me to escape this situation. This man had the potential to be dangerous to my sanity. Within minutes of being in his presence, he had pushed me to lose control and act in ways I had never imagined before. I never thought I could be driven to harm another human being.

"You can be certain that if you take the job, there will be no unwelcome advances from me," he reassured, as though he could read my mind.

I anxiously bit my lip, torn between my instincts.

"Please, Miss Anderson," he implored softly, his persuasion seeping into my thoughts.

The intensity of his desire for me to help his niece was palpable.

Witnessing this powerful man plead was a sight to behold. It became clear that he genuinely loved his niece. "Can you promise me that you'll never pull another stunt like that?" I cautiously asked.

"You have my word," he replied earnestly.

I nodded slowly, my mind racing with doubts. "Alright, Mr. Campbell. I'll stay and see how it goes, but if you ever—"

"I gave you my word. If anything happens between us, it will be because you initiated it," he interjected firmly.

A defiant smile tugged at my lips. "Well, I highly doubt that will ever happen."

"Then you have nothing to worry about. Can you start tomorrow?" he inquired.

"I suppose so," I replied hesitantly.

"I'll arrange for my secretary to assist you with the necessary paperwork," he informed me.

"Fine," I conceded.

"Thank you, Miss Anderson." He nodded with formal distance, as if a door had closed between us. A part of me mourned the loss. Before this agreement, he was a man and I was a woman. Now, he was my employer and I was his employee.

I walked away from him, unable to shake the feeling that something precious had slipped through my fingers. I scolded myself, dismissing the ache within me. I should be happy. I had secured the job I wanted. But deep down, I knew I had discarded something important too hastily.

Chapter 4


"What? He did what?" Katherine, my roommate, emerged from the bathroom with a green sheet mask on her face, looking utterly bewildered.

Katherine and I were friends from our school days who ended up becoming teachers, only to realize how much we disliked it. That's when we ventured into the nanny business together. Between the two of us, we had changed more diapers than we could count, been peed on by countless infants, dealt with misbehaving toddlers, and even navigated complicated situations involving jealous wives and flirtatious husbands.

But despite our shared experiences, our personalities couldn't be more different. I was the calm, cautious, and thoughtful redhead, while Katherine was the risk-taker, the energetic and fiery blonde. Her temper was infamous, capable of intimidating even the boys back in school. But what many didn't know was that beneath that fierce exterior, she had a heart of gold. She was the most loyal, kind, and supportive friend one could hope for.

"You heard me right," I replied, kicking off my sensible pumps and making my way to the fridge.

"No, that can't be true," she said, her voice muffled by the mask. "I thought I heard you say Everett Campbell kissed you."

I opened the fridge door and turned to face her. "Yes, that's exactly what happened."

Her mouth dropped open in astonishment, causing the mask to slip slightly.

Even with my nerves on edge, I couldn't help but find the sight comical. I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" she demanded, readjusting the mask to cover her eyes, nose, and lips as she made her way over to the living room. She took the beer I held out to her and flopped onto the couch beside me. "Explain this to me. You went for a nanny job interview, and he just kissed you?"

"Uh-huh," I confirmed.

Katherine raised her bottle in a toast. "Wait, when you say 'kissed', do you mean a cheek peck like the French and Italians, a forehead kiss like fussy grandmothers, or..."

I cut her off by saying, "No, it was on the mouth."

"Whoa!" she exclaimed.

I took a sip of my cold beer, relishing the sensation as it slid down my parched throat.

"Alright, spill the details. What exactly happened?" she asked, grabbing a half-eaten container of Pringles from the coffee table and popping one into her mouth.

I looked up at the ceiling, gathering my thoughts. "It was a scorching summer day—"

She threw a Pringle at me. "Quit stalling!"

I picked up the fluffy chip from the couch and absentmindedly munched on it. "Honestly, it's all a bit blurry right now. One moment, we were having a conversation in his fancy study, and the next, he just... came over and—"

"Oh my God," she interrupted, her voice filled with anger. "What a jerk! You should report him to the police. That's sexual harassment right there."

"It wasn't that bad, Katherine," I reassured her.

She waited for me to explain further, but when I didn't, she furrowed her brow. "What do you mean it wasn't that bad? Are you saying it's not harassment when a complete stranger, who is supposed to be interviewing you for a job taking care of his niece, jumps on you like that?"

"I'm not entirely sure what to make of it," I admitted.

Her dumbfounded expression caused a mad giggle to escape my lips. I was still in shock myself. Nothing in my twenty-six years of life had prepared me for the way my body reacted to Everett Campbell. I didn't even like the man. Sure, he was physically beautiful, but he was too cold and distant for my taste. I preferred men who were warm and caring. This was my first encounter with pure lust.

Katherine set the Pringles tub down and crossed her arms over her chest, clearly concerned."I have a mere ten minutes before I must discard this facade. Therefore, it is imperative that you elucidate the events that unfolded. Failure to do so will result in my relentless pursuit of justice, leaving no stone unturned. And you, my dear, may find yourself in the confines of a psychiatric institution."

"What on earth did he do?" I exclaimed, struggling to contain my laughter at her growing anger.

She glared at me, her eyes piercing through my facade. "You may laugh and pretend, but your eyes betray you. You appear haunted, my dear. I will not partake in this charade any longer. Tell me what that monster did to you. Speak up."

"Alright, alright. Calm down. Firstly, he is not a monster. It was not as sinister as you perceive."

"Then enlighten me before I explode."

"Okay, I arrived at his residence. Well, calling it a residence would be an understatement. It was a grand mansion, reminiscent of nouveau riche opulence. There was even a behemoth of a bodyguard named Brain—"

"Are you attempting to be humorous?" Katherine interrupted, rising from her seat in anger.

Katherine's fury made me feel remorseful. It wasn't her fault, she simply couldn't stand the thought of anyone taking advantage of me. In an attempt to make amends, I gently pulled her back down. "Please, relax. There truly was a bodyguard named Brain, and I am getting to the important parts. My mind is just a bit overwhelmed, so I'm trying to recall the details—"

"Why is your mind overwhelmed?"

"Everett Campbell kissed me," I reminded her with a flat tone.

Her eyes narrowed, a remarkable feat considering their size. "I thought you weren't bothered by it."

"It depends—" I began.

"On what?" she erupted, hands placed firmly on her hips.

"On your definition of bothered. Anyway, can I continue my story without constant interruptions?" I glanced at my watch. "I believe I have seven minutes remaining."

"Fine. Proceed," she acquiesced, reaching for her Pringles.

"Where was I?"

"A bodyguard named Brain. I assume he possessed the intellectual capacity of two short planks," she said sarcastically.

I grinned. "He certainly gave off the impression that intellectual pursuits were not his forte."

She smiled, easing up a bit. "Before you continue, did you meet the child?"

I nodded, furrowing my brow as I recalled Dahlia's silent plea, filled with desperation.

"Did you discover why she refuses to speak?"

I shook my head. "No. Apparently, even her psychiatrist is unaware. It seems she communicates by writing on her notepad."

For a moment, my thoughts wandered back to the room adorned with ivory marble, intricate Persian carpets, golden side tables, and colossal vases brimming with exotic flowers. Never before had my heart raced so fervently as I strode through that space. And then the moment when shock, arousal, horror, and confusion collided, leading me to gaze into the deeply troubled eyes of a sorrowful princess. She didn't smile. She didn't speak. But she didn't need to. Her eyes conveyed everything.

Katherine took a deep breath, nudging me. "Earth to Kassandra..."

I lifted my gaze to meet hers. "Apologies. Her name is Dahlia. It was the strangest thing, really. After I left Mr. Campbell's study, she ran up to me and placed her hand in mine. Then she wrote on her notepad, 'Don't go,' and handed it to me."

Katherine's eyes widened, surpassing their usual size. "Goodness gracious, it's like something out of a Disney movie. What on earth did you do?"

I took a sip of my beer, contemplating that peculiar and surreal moment. "At first, I did nothing. I was too stunned. I didn't think I could work for her uncle, not after slapping him."

Katherine gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "You slapped him? Okay, let's backtrack. Let's go back to the uncle and the kiss."

Chapter 5

: Kassandra

Katherine downed her beer, fixated on me as I recounted the shortest and most peculiar interview I'd ever experienced with a man of unparalleled mystery.

"He sounds creepy," she concluded.

"Believe me, creepy is the last word that comes to mind when describing him."

"What word would you use?"

"I'm not sure I can sum him up in just one word. He was enigmatic, nearly impossible to decipher. It was like trying to unravel the secrets of the Mona Lisa or the Sphinx." I shook my head. "No, that's not quite it either. The entire encounter felt straight out of 'Interview With A Vampire,' with an underlying current of dark, sexual tension."

Katherine leaned in, intrigued. "Really?"

"Well, at least for the five minutes I was there. Then he abruptly ended the interview, saying his assistant would contact me with the outcome." I scrunched my face. "In other words, don't call us, we'll call you."

"Why? He didn't even give you a chance."

"That's exactly what I thought, and it made me furious at his arrogant dismissal. So, I made him confirm that I didn't get the job."

Katherine's eyes widened as she popped a Pringle into her mouth. "Good for you! And then what happened?"

"The next thing I knew, he had left his seat, come over to my side, and grabbed me. His arms were like bands of steel."

"I'm sure they were," she murmured, her gaze fixed on me.

"Before I could process what was happening, he said, 'because of this,' and kissed me. I was too stunned to react."

As I spoke, the memory of his icy eyes and the scorching heat of desire filled the air. I recalled his lips on mine, the firmness of his body pressed against me, and the intoxicating whirlwind of passion. And I couldn't forget the glimmer of triumph in his eyes when my hand connected with his cheek, as if he had wanted me to slap him. It was all madness.

"You're kidding?" Katherine breathed.

"I wish I were."

"That's...out there. But hold on a moment," she said, jumping up. "I need another beer. I'll be right back." Katherine darted into the kitchen and returned with two beers, handing one to me. She settled back into her chair, tucking her feet under her. "Go on," she urged. "Tell me more about Everett's kiss. This is the good part, so don't spare any details. Give me everything you can."

I stared at her eager face and realized I couldn't share that moment with her. She already thought he was a creep, and she'd consider my response deserving of a spot in a psychiatric ward. How could I make her understand that I had no control over my own actions? That a complete stranger could have had me right there on the floor of his study. I couldn't even blame it on being drunk. Shame flushed through me. "There isn't much to tell. It just felt wrong."

Katherine's gaze turned penetrating. I could never hide anything from her. "Just wrong? That's it? You didn't feel anything? A kiss always does something. Even if you kiss a frog, there's some sort of reaction."

"Well, he got slapped."

"Hmm...yes, you mentioned. So that's it then. You didn't get the job."

"No, I actually got the job."

She looked incredulous. "He offered you the job after you slapped him?"

"Well, after I slapped him, I stormed out of his office. But that's when I encountered his niece. She ran up to me and handed me some notes. He witnessed the exchange and called me back into his office. He said he had reconsidered and wanted to give me the job because he prioritized Dahlia's needs over his own."

"How generous of him," Katherine replied sarcastically. "And you're okay with this?" She seemed to be holding her breath, waiting for my answer.

I sighed. "Yes."

"Why? He sounds incredibly misogynistic and manipulative."

"I don't know how to explain it, but I'm genuinely concerned about a little girl who refuses to speak. A little girl who believes I, a complete stranger, might be the answer to her prayers. I'm also curious to know why she chose me. Maybe I was just a face she preferred among the other applicants, or perhaps there's a mystery I can help unravel. Either way, she touched something deep within me."

Katherine chewed her lip. "I still haven't made up my mind about the lecherous uncle, but I think the child made an excellent choice in picking you. You'll be good for her."

"Do you really think so?"

"Absolutely. They don't call you the child whisperer at the agency for nothing. You'll make a difference. I'm sure of it."

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"What does he look like in person...the uncle?" she asked softly.

My breath rushed out of me. "Sexy. Dark hair, piercing blue eyes that are cold yet captivating. Full lips, a chiseled jawline, clean-shaven, straight nose, and those piercing blue eyes..." 

"You already mentioned that," Katherine giggled.

"He's also incredibly tall...six feet three, maybe even taller. I only reached his chest."

"Does he have a dangerous air about him?"

"Undoubtedly. I was trembling when he approached me." I shifted uncomfortably. Since that kiss, my clit had been strangely swollen. Even the mere thought of him made it throb.Katherine's eyes widened with astonishment and confusion, as if the truth had shattered her perception of who I was. I met her gaze, my heart heavy with guilt for even considering keeping this secret from her. Everett Campbell had unknowingly come between us, a man who had never before threatened our bond. But I couldn't hide the depth of my feelings any longer. Katherine wasn't just my best friend and roommate; she was the sister I had always yearned for.

"I wasn't completely honest before," I confessed, my voice laced with vulnerability. "When I said I felt nothing when he kissed me, it wasn't true. The truth is, I've never felt such an intense attraction to anyone in my entire life."

Katherine's thoughtful expression mirrored her surprise. "I've never seen you like this," she mused.

"I've never felt like this before," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "Oh, Katherine, I wanted him right then and there."

Her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes widening in shock. "Oh, my God!"

"The goosebumps on my neck and arms were undeniable," I continued, lost in the memory. "I didn't think he would notice, but his eyes traced them... he knew. It was surreal. I could sense his desire—"

Katherine's laughter snapped me back to reality. "You could sense his desire? Are you some kind of she-wolf?"

A weak smile tugged at my lips. "It's hard to explain, but I swear I could..."

"I understand," she interrupted, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You had to be there."

"Yes, it felt like I was on fire. I can't even comprehend how it happened, but when his lips met mine, I felt like I was melting. My legs turned to jelly, and there was an inferno in the pit of my stomach... I genuinely thought I might pass out. All I wanted was to be with him, just once. Anything more would ruin me."

"And I want to watch," she blurted out, her eyes widening in surprise at her own words. Our gazes locked before she could collect herself.

Without hesitation, I kicked out my feet and pushed her off the couch. "Get out, you creep. Your ten minutes are up."

She laughed, removing the mask from her face and quickly retreating from my playful attack. "I won't take it back. Based on what you've said, assuming you weren't exaggerating, I'd pay good money to witness him ravishing you... to see you hold onto his powerful muscles for dear life..."

"Get out!" I yelled, hurling a cushion at her.

She effortlessly evaded it, continuing to tease me. "Your tight walls gripping his hard, thick cock..."

"You're sick," I interjected, throwing another cushion her way.

Dodging the cushion, she chuckled. "Now that would be quite the ending to our little story."

"It's already over. We agreed he wouldn't pursue me. He gave me his word, and I believed him."

"No, no, no," she protested dramatically. "We need a proper ending to this tale. Does he have a big cock or not?"

"I'm going to be the nanny of a troubled little girl, not your informant on his anatomy," I replied, growing exasperated.

Her smile turned devilish. "You clearly haven't heard of multitasking."

"I've never even heard the word," I retorted, unable to suppress my amusement.

Her expression turned serious. "On a serious note, I hope you know I was only joking. I don't expect you to sleep with your boss. In fact, while you were at your interview, I did a little digging and—"

"In the tabloids? Are you kidding me?" I interrupted, incredulous.

"They're not entirely wrong about everything," she defended. "And word has it that Everett Campbell is somehow connected to the Russian Mafia."

"I did my research too, and I never found any mention of that. Are these the same tabloids that claim the Queen is a reptilian?"

"Firstly, you were probably too distracted by his looks to dig deeper. Secondly, the reptilian stuff came from the History channel. If you look closely at the Queen—"

I burst into laughter, interrupting her ramblings. "Enough, enough! I have to pack."

Katherine followed me, her concern evident in her voice. "You know the Mafia doesn't mess around. They don't spare their victims."

For a moment, I recalled the dark amusement on Everett Campbell's face as I stood before him, trembling with horror at my own violent act. But I pushed the thought aside and turned to Katherine. "You really need to stop reading those tabloids."

"I told you, I didn't get that from the tabloids. I watched all The Godfather movies," she insisted.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm serious, Kassandra. I may have been joking earlier about his anatomy, but sleeping with your boss is a terrible idea. Promise me you'll stay cautious."

A gentle smile graced my lips. "I promise, and thank you for looking out for me."

She didn't return the smile. "Are you sure you trust his word?"

"Have you ever met a man who made you feel safe? As if no one would dare lay a finger on you because you were by his side?"

She shook her head silently.

"Here's something strange," I began, her attention fully focused on me. "When I was with Everett, I felt safe—absolutely, completely safe. In that moment, I was his woman, and no other man would dare approach his possession."

"I wasn't worried about others touching you. I was worried about him and what he could do to you," she said solemnly.

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